AC_CONFIG_HEADER(include/config.h:buildlib/ include/apti18n.h:buildlib/
-bin/libapt-inst*.so.* usr/lib/
+++ /dev/null libapt-inst1.2
-| apt-utils #MINVER#
-* Build-Depends-Package: libapt-pkg-dev
- (c++)"ExtractTar::Done(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ExtractTar::Go(pkgDirStream&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ExtractTar::StartGzip()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ExtractTar::ExtractTar(FileFd&, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ExtractTar::~ExtractTar()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDebFile::GotoMember(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDebFile::CheckMember(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDebFile::MergeControl(pkgDataBase&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDebFile::ControlExtract::DoItem(pkgDirStream::Item&, int&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDebFile::ControlExtract::~ControlExtract()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDebFile::ExtractArchive(pkgDirStream&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDebFile::ExtractControl(pkgDataBase&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDebFile::MemControlExtract::TakeControl(void const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDebFile::MemControlExtract::Read(debDebFile&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDebFile::MemControlExtract::DoItem(pkgDirStream::Item&, int&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDebFile::MemControlExtract::Process(pkgDirStream::Item&, unsigned char const*, unsigned long, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDebFile::MemControlExtract::~MemControlExtract()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDebFile::debDebFile(FileFd&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgExtract::FinishedFile(pkgDirStream::Item&, int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgExtract::CheckDirReplace(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgExtract::HandleOverwrites(pkgFLCache::NodeIterator, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgExtract::Fail(pkgDirStream::Item&, int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgExtract::DoItem(pkgDirStream::Item&, int&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgExtract::Aborted()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgExtract::Finished()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgExtract::pkgExtract(pkgFLCache&, pkgCache::VerIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgExtract::~pkgExtract()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgFLCache::TreeLookup(unsigned int*, char const*, char const*, unsigned long, unsigned int*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgFLCache::AddConfFile(char const*, char const*, pkgFLCache::PkgIterator const&, unsigned char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgFLCache::AddDiversion(pkgFLCache::PkgIterator const&, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgFLCache::BeginDiverLoad()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgFLCache::FinishDiverLoad()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgFLCache::GetPkg(char const*, char const*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgFLCache::Header::Header()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgFLCache::GetNode(char const*, char const*, unsigned int, bool, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgFLCache::DropNode(unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgFLCache::HashNode(pkgFLCache::NodeIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgFLCache::PrintTree(unsigned int, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgFLCache::pkgFLCache(DynamicMMap&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDataBase::GetMetaTmp(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDataBase::~pkgDataBase()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDirStream::FinishedFile(pkgDirStream::Item&, int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDirStream::Fail(pkgDirStream::Item&, int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDirStream::DoItem(pkgDirStream::Item&, int&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDirStream::Process(pkgDirStream::Item&, unsigned char const*, unsigned long, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDirStream::~pkgDirStream()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"debListParser::~debListParser()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser::CollectFileProvides(pkgCache&, pkgCache::VerIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser::~ListParser()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"pkgCache::DepIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"pkgCache::DepIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"pkgCache::VerIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"pkgCache::VerIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ARArchive::LoadHeaders()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ARArchive::ARArchive(FileFd&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ARArchive::~ARArchive()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDpkgDB::InitMetaTmp(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDpkgDB::LoadChanges()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDpkgDB::ReadConfFiles()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDpkgDB::ReadyFileList(OpProgress&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDpkgDB::ReadyPkgCache(OpProgress&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDpkgDB::ReadDiversions()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDpkgDB::ReadFList(OpProgress&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDpkgDB::debDpkgDB()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debDpkgDB::~debDpkgDB()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgFLCache::NodeIterator::RealPackage() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgFLCache::Header::CheckSizes(pkgFLCache::Header&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"pkgCache::DepIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"pkgCache::VerIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ARArchive::FindMember(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for ExtractTar@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgExtract@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgDataBase@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgDirStream@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debDpkgDB@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debDebFile::ControlExtract@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debDebFile::MemControlExtract@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"typeinfo for pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"typeinfo for pkgCache::DepIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"typeinfo for pkgCache::VerIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Dependency, pkgCache::DepIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Package, pkgCache::PkgIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Version, pkgCache::VerIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for ExtractTar@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgExtract@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgDataBase@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgDirStream@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debDpkgDB@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debDebFile::ControlExtract@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debDebFile::MemControlExtract@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"typeinfo name for pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::DepIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::VerIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Dependency, pkgCache::DepIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Package, pkgCache::PkgIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Version, pkgCache::VerIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for ExtractTar@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgExtract@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgDataBase@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgDirStream@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debDpkgDB@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debDebFile::ControlExtract@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debDebFile::MemControlExtract@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"vtable for pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"vtable for pkgCache::DepIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"vtable for pkgCache::VerIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Dependency, pkgCache::DepIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Package, pkgCache::PkgIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Version, pkgCache::VerIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
-### gcc-4.4 specific
-# (c++|regex|optional=std)"^char\* std::[^ ]+<.+ >::_.+@Base$" 0.8.0
-# (c++|optional=std)"std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >& std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::append<unsigned char*>(unsigned char*, unsigned char*)@Base" 0.8.0
-### gcc-4.6 specific
- (c++|optional=std)"std::vector<APT::Configuration::Compressor, std::allocator<APT::Configuration::Compressor> >::~vector()@Base" 0.8.12 1
- (c++|optional=std)"std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >& std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_M_replace_dispatch<unsigned char*>(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, std::__false_type)@Base" 0.8.0
-### try to ignore std:: template instances
- (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::basic_string<.+ >\(.+\)@Base$" 0.8.0
- (c++|regex|optional=std)"^typeinfo name for std::iterator<.*>@Base$" 0.8.0
- (c++|regex|optional=std)"^typeinfo for std::iterator<.*>@Base$" 0.8.0
+++ /dev/null libapt-pkg4.10
-| apt #MINVER#
-* Build-Depends-Package: libapt-pkg-dev
- TFRewritePackageOrder@Base 0.8.0
- TFRewriteSourceOrder@Base 0.8.0
- (c++)"FileExists(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"IdentCdrom(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ListUpdate(pkgAcquireStatus&, pkgSourceList&, int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MountCdrom(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ParseCWord(char const*&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ReadPinDir(pkgPolicy&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"RunScripts(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SafeGetCWD()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"parsenetrc(char*, char*, char*, char*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"QuoteString(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ReadPinFile(pkgPolicy&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"RegexChoice(RxChoiceList*, char const**, char const**)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SetNonBlock(int, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"TimeRFC1123(long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"flExtension(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Base64Encode(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ReadMessages(int, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SetCloseExec(int, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"StringToBool(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"UnmountCdrom(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"_GetErrorObj()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgFixBroken(pkgDepCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"DeQuoteString(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > const&, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"DeQuoteString(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"OutputInDepth(unsigned long, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ReadConfigDir(Configuration&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool const&, unsigned int const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"URItoFileName(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"UTF8ToCodeset(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAllUpgrade(pkgDepCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgInitConfig(Configuration&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgInitSystem(Configuration&, pkgSystem*&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"safe_snprintf(char*, char*, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"stringcasecmp(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"stringcasecmp(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"stringcasecmp(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"tolower_ascii(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ParseQuoteWord(char const*&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ReadConfigFile(Configuration&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool const&, unsigned int const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"TokSplitString(char, char*, char**, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"maybe_add_auth(URI&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgApplyStatus(pkgDepCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDistUpgrade(pkgDepCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"CheckDomainList(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"CreateDirectory(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"DirectoryExists(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"VectorizeString(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, char const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPrioSortList(pkgCache&, pkgCache::Version**)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"FTPMDTMStrToTime(char const*, long&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"RFC1123StrToTime(char const*, long&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgMakeStatusCache(pkgSourceList&, OpProgress&, MMap**, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgMinimizeUpgrade(pkgDepCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GetListOfFilesInDir(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GetListOfFilesInDir(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgMakeStatusCacheMem(pkgSourceList&, OpProgress&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgMakeOnlyStatusCache(OpProgress&, DynamicMMap**)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"WaitFd(int, bool, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GetLock(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Hex2Num(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned char*, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"AddCRC16(unsigned short, void const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"CopyFile(FileFd&, FileFd&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ExecFork()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ExecWait(int, char const*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"StrToNum(char const*, unsigned long&, unsigned int, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SubstVar(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SubstVar(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, SubstVar const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"flNoLink(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"flNotDir(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"ioprintf(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"IsMounted(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"LookupTag(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SizeToStr(double)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"StrToTime(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, long&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"TFRewrite(_IO_FILE*, pkgTagSection const&, char const**, TFRewriteData*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"TimeToStr(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"_strstrip(char*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"flCombine(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"flNotFile(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"stringcmp(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"stringcmp(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"stringcmp(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"strprintf(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"guard variable for pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::DepIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"guard variable for pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::GrpIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"guard variable for pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::PkgIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"guard variable for pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::PrvIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"guard variable for pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::VerIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"guard variable for pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::DescIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"guard variable for pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::PkgFileIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"HashString::SupportedHashes()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"HashString::_SupportedHashes@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"HashString::HashString(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"HashString::HashString(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"HashString::HashString()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"HashString::~HashString()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"OpProgress::CheckChange(float)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"OpProgress::SubProgress(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"OpProgress::SubProgress(unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"OpProgress::OverallProgress(unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"OpProgress::Done()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"OpProgress::Update()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"OpProgress::Progress(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"OpProgress::OpProgress()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"OpProgress::~OpProgress()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SourceCopy::GetFileName()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SourceCopy::RewriteEntry(_IO_FILE*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SourceCopy::Type()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SourceCopy::GetFile(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, unsigned long&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SourceCopy::~SourceCopy()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqFile::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqFile::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqFile::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqFile::DescURI()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqFile::HashSum()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqFile::pkgAcqFile(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqFile::~pkgAcqFile()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::WorkerStep(pkgAcquire::Worker*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::FetchNeeded()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::TotalNeeded()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::MethodConfig::MethodConfig()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::PartialPresent()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Add(pkgAcquire::Item*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Add(pkgAcquire::Worker*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Run(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Bump()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::ReportMirrorFailure(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::Start(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::Rename(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::HashSum()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::Finished()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::IsTrusted()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::ShortDesc()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::Item(pkgAcquire*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::~Item()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Clean(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::Bump()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::Cycle()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::Dequeue(pkgAcquire::Item*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::Enqueue(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::Startup()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::FindItem(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::Worker*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::ItemDone(pkgAcquire::Queue::QItem*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::Shutdown(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::Queue(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::~Queue()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Setup(pkgAcquireStatus*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Remove(pkgAcquire::Item*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Remove(pkgAcquire::Worker*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::RunFds(fd_set*, fd_set*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::SetFds(int&, fd_set*, fd_set*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::UriEnd()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::OutFdReady()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::MediaChange(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::RunMessages()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::Capabilities(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::ReadMessages()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::MethodFailure()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::SendConfiguration()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::Pulse()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::Start()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::ItemDone()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::Construct()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::InFdReady()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::QueueItem(pkgAcquire::Queue::QItem*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::Worker(pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::Worker(pkgAcquire::Queue*, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*, pkgAcquireStatus*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::~Worker()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Dequeue(pkgAcquire::Item*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Enqueue(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::ItemDesc::~ItemDesc()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::Shutdown()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::UriBegin()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::GetConfig(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::QueueName(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig const*&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::pkgAcquire(pkgAcquireStatus*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::pkgAcquire()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquire::~pkgAcquire()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::Lookup(pkgCache::VerFileIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::Lookup(pkgCache::DescFileIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::Maintainer()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::SHA256Hash()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::Name()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::GetRec(char const*&, char const*&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::MD5Hash()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::FileName()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::Homepage()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::LongDesc()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::SHA1Hash()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::ShortDesc()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::SourcePkg()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::SourceVer()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::~Parser()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::pkgRecords(pkgCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgRecords::~pkgRecords()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgTagFile::Fill()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgTagFile::Jump(pkgTagSection&, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgTagFile::Step(pkgTagSection&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgTagFile::Resize()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgTagFile::pkgTagFile(FileFd*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgTagFile::~pkgTagFile()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"CdromDevice::~CdromDevice()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"CommandLine::DispatchArg(CommandLine::Dispatch*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"CommandLine::SaveInConfig(unsigned int const&, char const* const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"CommandLine::Parse(int, char const**)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"CommandLine::HandleOpt(int&, int, char const**, char const*&, CommandLine::Args*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"CommandLine::CommandLine(CommandLine::Args*, Configuration*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"CommandLine::~CommandLine()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"DynamicMMap::RawAllocate(unsigned long, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"DynamicMMap::WriteString(char const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"DynamicMMap::Grow()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"DynamicMMap::Allocate(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"DynamicMMap::DynamicMMap(FileFd&, unsigned long, unsigned long const&, unsigned long const&, unsigned long const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"DynamicMMap::DynamicMMap(unsigned long, unsigned long const&, unsigned long const&, unsigned long const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"DynamicMMap::~DynamicMMap()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::DumpErrors(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, GlobalError::MsgType const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::PopMessage(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType const&, char const*, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::PushToStack()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::RevertToStack()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::MergeWithStack()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::Debug(char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::Errno(char const*, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::Error(char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::Fatal(char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::DebugE(char const*, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::FatalE(char const*, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType const&, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::Notice(char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::Discard()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::NoticeE(char const*, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::Warning(char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::WarningE(char const*, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::GlobalError()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MD5SumValue::Set(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MD5SumValue::MD5SumValue(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MD5SumValue::MD5SumValue()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"PackageCopy::GetFileName()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"PackageCopy::RewriteEntry(_IO_FILE*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"PackageCopy::Type()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"PackageCopy::GetFile(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, unsigned long&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"PackageCopy::~PackageCopy()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::DescURI()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::HashSum()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::pkgAcqIndex(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, HashString, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::~pkgAcqIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::IsDeleteOk(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, bool, unsigned long, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::MarkDelete(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, bool, unsigned long, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::StateCache::StripEpoch(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::StateCache::Update(pkgCache::PkgIterator, pkgCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::ActionGroup::release()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::ActionGroup::ActionGroup(pkgDepCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::ActionGroup::~ActionGroup()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::IsInstallOk(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, bool, unsigned long, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::MarkInstall(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, bool, unsigned long, bool, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::MarkPackage(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, pkgCache::VerIterator const&, bool const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::MarkRequired(pkgDepCache::InRootSetFunc&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::SetReInstall(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::VersionState(pkgCache::DepIterator, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::BuildGroupOrs(pkgCache::VerIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::InRootSetFunc::InRootSet(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::InRootSetFunc::~InRootSetFunc()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::readStateFile(OpProgress*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::GetRootSetFunc()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::UpdateVerState(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::writeStateFile(OpProgress*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::DependencyState(pkgCache::DepIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::DefaultRootSetFunc::InRootSet(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::DefaultRootSetFunc::~DefaultRootSetFunc()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::MarkFollowsSuggests()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::MarkFollowsRecommends()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::Init(OpProgress*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::Sweep()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::Policy::IsImportantDep(pkgCache::DepIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::Policy::GetCandidateVer(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::Policy::~Policy()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::Update(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::Update(OpProgress*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::Update(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::AddSizes(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::AddSizes(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::CheckDep(pkgCache::DepIterator, int, pkgCache::PkgIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::MarkAuto(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::MarkKeep(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, bool, bool, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::AddStates(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::pkgDepCache(pkgCache*, pkgDepCache::Policy*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::~pkgDepCache()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSimulate::ShortBreaks()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSimulate::Policy::GetCandidateVer(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSimulate::Policy::~Policy()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSimulate::Remove(pkgCache::PkgIterator, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSimulate::Install(pkgCache::PkgIterator, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSimulate::Describe(pkgCache::PkgIterator, std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, bool, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSimulate::Configure(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSimulate::pkgSimulate(pkgDepCache*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSimulate::~pkgSimulate()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MD5Summation::Add(unsigned char const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MD5Summation::AddFD(int, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MD5Summation::Result()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MD5Summation::MD5Summation()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA1SumValue::Set(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA1SumValue::SHA1SumValue(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA1SumValue::SHA1SumValue()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debIFTypePkg::~debIFTypePkg()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debIFTypeSrc::~debIFTypeSrc()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSLTypeDeb::~debSLTypeDeb()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"indexRecords::Load(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"indexRecords::Lookup(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"indexRecords::MetaKeys()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"indexRecords::indexRecords(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"indexRecords::indexRecords()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"indexRecords::~indexRecords()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::FetchResult::TakeHashes(Hashes&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::FetchResult::FetchResult()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Configuration(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Log(char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Run(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Exit()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Fail(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Fail(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Fetch(pkgAcqMethod::FetchItem*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Status(char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::URIDone(pkgAcqMethod::FetchResult&, pkgAcqMethod::FetchResult*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Redirect(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::URIStart(pkgAcqMethod::FetchResult&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::MediaFail(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::pkgAcqMethod(char const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::~pkgAcqMethod()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheFile::BuildCaches(OpProgress*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheFile::BuildPolicy(OpProgress*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheFile::BuildDepCache(OpProgress*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheFile::BuildSourceList(OpProgress*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheFile::Open(OpProgress*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheFile::Close()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheFile::pkgCacheFile()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheFile::~pkgCacheFile()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::LanguageCode()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::CheckLanguageCode(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::TranslationsAvailable()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::Type::GlobalList@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::Type::GlobalListLen@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::Type::GetType(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::Type::Type()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::Type::~Type()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::~pkgIndexFile()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::VisitRDeps(bool (pkgOrderList::*)(pkgCache::DepIterator), pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::OrderUnpack(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::DepConfigure(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::DepUnPackDep(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::DepUnPackPre(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::DepUnPackCrit(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::DepUnPackPreD(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::OrderCompareA(void const*, void const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::OrderCompareB(void const*, void const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::OrderCritical()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::VisitProvides(pkgCache::DepIterator, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::OrderConfigure()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::VisitRProvides(bool (pkgOrderList::*)(pkgCache::DepIterator), pkgCache::VerIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::Me@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::DoRun()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::Score(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::AddLoop(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::FileCmp(pkgCache::PkgIterator, pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::CheckDep(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::DepRemove(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::IsMissing(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::VisitDeps(bool (pkgOrderList::*)(pkgCache::DepIterator), pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::VisitNode(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::WipeFlags(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::pkgOrderList(pkgDepCache*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgOrderList::~pkgOrderList()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::MatchAgainstConfig::MatchAgainstConfig(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::MatchAgainstConfig::~MatchAgainstConfig()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::Set(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::Set(char const*, int const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::Dump(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::Clear(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::Clear(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, int const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::Clear(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::CndSet(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::Lookup(char const*, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::Lookup(Configuration::Item*, char const*, unsigned long const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::Configuration(Configuration::Item const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::Configuration()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::~Configuration()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA1Summation::Add(unsigned char const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA1Summation::AddFD(int, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA1Summation::Result()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA1Summation::SHA1Summation()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"WeakPointable::~WeakPointable()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::NewVersion(pkgCache::VerIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::UsePackage(pkgCache::PkgIterator&, pkgCache::VerIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::Description()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::ParseStatus(pkgCache::PkgIterator&, pkgCache::VerIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::VersionHash()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::Architecture()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::ParseDepends(char const*, char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, unsigned int&, bool const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::ParseDepends(pkgCache::VerIterator&, char const*, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::ParseProvides(pkgCache::VerIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::ArchitectureAll()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::ConvertRelation(char const*, unsigned int&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::Description_md5()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::LoadReleaseInfo(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator&, FileFd&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::UniqFindTagWrite(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::DescriptionLanguage()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::Size()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::Step()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::Offset()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::GetPrio(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::Package()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::Version()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::GrabWord(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, debListParser::WordList*, unsigned char&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::debListParser(FileFd*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debListParser::~debListParser()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::DescURI()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::HashSum()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::Finished()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::IsTrusted()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::QueueNext()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::ShortDesc()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::pkgAcqArchive(pkgAcquire*, pkgSourceList*, pkgRecords*, pkgCache::VerIterator const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::~pkgAcqArchive()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaSig::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaSig::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaSig::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaSig::DescURI()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaSig::~pkgAcqMetaSig()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::ReadAppend(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::ReadMainList()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::ReadSourceDir(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::Read(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::Type::GlobalList@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::Type::GlobalListLen@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::Type::GetType(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::Type::Type()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::Type::~Type()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::Reset()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::pkgSourceList(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::pkgSourceList()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::~pkgSourceList()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSrcRecords::File::~File()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSrcRecords::Find(char const*, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepRec::~BuildDepRec()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepType(unsigned char const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSrcRecords::Parser::~Parser()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSrcRecords::Restart()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSrcRecords::pkgSrcRecords(pkgSourceList&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSrcRecords::~pkgSrcRecords()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgTagSection::TrimRecord(bool, char const*&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgTagSection::Scan(char const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgTagSection::Trim()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVendorList::CreateList(Configuration&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVendorList::FindVendor(std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVendorList::ReadMainList()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVendorList::LookupFingerprint(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVendorList::Read(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVendorList::~pkgVendorList()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"OpTextProgress::Done()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"OpTextProgress::Write(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"OpTextProgress::Update()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"OpTextProgress::OpTextProgress(Configuration&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"OpTextProgress::~OpTextProgress()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA256SumValue::Set(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA256SumValue::SHA256SumValue(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA256SumValue::SHA256SumValue()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debIFTypeTrans::~debIFTypeTrans()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debStatusIndex::debStatusIndex(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debStatusIndex::~debStatusIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA256Summation::Add(unsigned char const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA256Summation::AddFD(int, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA256Summation::Result()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA256Summation::SHA256Summation()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debIFTypeStatus::~debIFTypeStatus()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debRecordParser::Maintainer()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debRecordParser::SHA256Hash()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debRecordParser::Jump(pkgCache::VerFileIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debRecordParser::Jump(pkgCache::DescFileIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debRecordParser::Name()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debRecordParser::GetRec(char const*&, char const*&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debRecordParser::MD5Hash()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debRecordParser::FileName()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debRecordParser::Homepage()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debRecordParser::LongDesc()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debRecordParser::SHA1Hash()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debRecordParser::ShortDesc()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debRecordParser::SourcePkg()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debRecordParser::SourceVer()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debRecordParser::debRecordParser(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debRecordParser::~debRecordParser()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::GetIndexFiles()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::debSectionEntry::debSectionEntry(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::PushSectionEntry(debReleaseIndex::debSectionEntry const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::PushSectionEntry(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, debReleaseIndex::debSectionEntry const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::PushSectionEntry(std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > const&, debReleaseIndex::debSectionEntry const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::debReleaseIndex(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::~debReleaseIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSLTypeDebSrc::~debSLTypeDebSrc()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSLTypeDebian::~debSLTypeDebian()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSourcesIndex::debSourcesIndex(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSourcesIndex::~debSourcesIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqDiffIndex::ParseDiffIndex(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqDiffIndex::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqDiffIndex::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqDiffIndex::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqDiffIndex::DescURI()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqDiffIndex::pkgAcqDiffIndex(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, HashString)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqDiffIndex::~pkgAcqDiffIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::QueueIndexes(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::VerifyVendor(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::RetrievalDone(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::DescURI()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::AuthDone(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::pkgAcqMetaIndex(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<IndexTarget*, std::allocator<IndexTarget*> > const*, indexRecords*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::~pkgAcqMetaIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVersionMatch::ExpressionMatches(char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVersionMatch::ExpressionMatches(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVersionMatch::Find(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVersionMatch::MatchVer(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVersionMatch::FileMatch(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVersionMatch::pkgVersionMatch(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgVersionMatch::MatchType)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVersionMatch::~pkgVersionMatch()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"TranslationsCopy::CopyTranslations(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, pkgCdromStatus*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debPackagesIndex::debPackagesIndex(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debPackagesIndex::~debPackagesIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndexDiffs::QueueNextDiff()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndexDiffs::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndexDiffs::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndexDiffs::Finish(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndexDiffs::DescURI()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndexDiffs::pkgAcqIndexDiffs(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, HashString, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<DiffInfo, std::allocator<DiffInfo> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndexDiffs::~pkgAcqIndexDiffs()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndexTrans::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndexTrans::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndexTrans::pkgAcqIndexTrans(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndexTrans::~pkgAcqIndexTrans()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::Done(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::Fail(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::Stop()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::Fetch(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::Pulse(pkgAcquire*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::Start()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::IMSHit(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::Fetched(unsigned long, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::pkgAcquireStatus()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::~pkgAcquireStatus()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"PreferenceSection::TrimRecord(bool, char const*&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgArchiveCleaner::Go(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser::NewDepends(pkgCache::VerIterator&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned int, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser::NewProvides(pkgCache::VerIterator&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser::CollectFileProvides(pkgCache&, pkgCache::VerIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser::~ListParser()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::NewDepends(pkgCache::PkgIterator&, pkgCache::VerIterator&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned int const&, unsigned int const&, unsigned int*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::NewFileVer(pkgCache::VerIterator&, pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::NewPackage(pkgCache::PkgIterator&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::NewVersion(pkgCache::VerIterator&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::SelectFile(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, pkgIndexFile const&, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::FinishCache(OpProgress*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::NewFileDesc(pkgCache::DescIterator&, pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::AllocateInMap(unsigned long const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::NewDescription(pkgCache::DescIterator&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, MD5SumValue const&, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::MakeStatusCache(pkgSourceList&, OpProgress*, MMap**, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::WriteUniqString(char const*, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::WriteStringInMap(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::WriteStringInMap(char const*, unsigned long const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::CreateDynamicMMap(FileFd*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::MergeFileProvides(pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::MakeOnlyStatusCache(OpProgress*, DynamicMMap**)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::ReMap(void const*, void const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::DepIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::GrpIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::PkgIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::PrvIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::VerIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::DescIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::PkgFileIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::NewGroup(pkgCache::GrpIterator&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::MergeList(pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser&, pkgCache::VerIterator*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::pkgCacheGenerator(DynamicMMap*, OpProgress*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::~pkgCacheGenerator()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::FixMissing()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::EarlyRemove(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::GetArchives(pkgAcquire*, pkgSourceList*, pkgRecords*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::SmartRemove(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::SmartUnPack(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::ConfigureAll()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::ImmediateAdd(pkgCache::PkgIterator, bool, unsigned int const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::OrderInstall()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::DepAlwaysTrue(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::SmartConfigure(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::CheckRConflicts(pkgCache::PkgIterator, pkgCache::DepIterator, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::CreateOrderList()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::DoInstallPostFork(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::Go(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::Reset()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::DepAdd(pkgOrderList&, pkgCache::PkgIterator, int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::Remove(pkgCache::PkgIterator, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::Install(pkgCache::PkgIterator, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::Configure(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::DoInstall(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::pkgPackageManager(pkgDepCache*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPackageManager::~pkgPackageManager()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::BuildDepends(std::vector<pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepRec, std::allocator<pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepRec> >&, bool const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Jump(unsigned long const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Step()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::AsStr()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Files(std::vector<pkgSrcRecords::File, std::allocator<pkgSrcRecords::File> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Offset()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Restart()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Binaries()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::~debSrcRecordParser()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::MakeScores()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::ResolveByKeep()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::InstallProtect()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::This@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::Resolve(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::DoUpgrade(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::ScoreSort(void const*, void const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::pkgProblemResolver(pkgDepCache*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::~pkgProblemResolver()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debVersioningSystem::CmpFragment(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debVersioningSystem::DoCmpVersion(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debVersioningSystem::DoCmpReleaseVer(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debVersioningSystem::UpstreamVersion(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debVersioningSystem::CheckDep(char const*, int, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debVersioningSystem::debVersioningSystem()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debVersioningSystem::~debVersioningSystem()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgUdevCdromDevices::Scan()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgUdevCdromDevices::Dlopen()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgUdevCdromDevices::pkgUdevCdromDevices()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgUdevCdromDevices::~pkgUdevCdromDevices()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVersioningSystem::GlobalList@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVersioningSystem::GlobalListLen@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVersioningSystem::TestCompatibility(pkgVersioningSystem const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVersioningSystem::GetVS(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVersioningSystem::pkgVersioningSystem()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgVersioningSystem::~pkgVersioningSystem()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::debTranslationsIndex(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::~debTranslationsIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::PackageSet::FromString(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::PackageSet::FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile&, char const**, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::PackageSet::GroupedFromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile&, char const**, std::list<APT::PackageSet::Modifier, std::allocator<APT::PackageSet::Modifier> > const&, unsigned short const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::PackageSet::FromName(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::PackageSet::FromTask(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::PackageSet::FromRegEx(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::PackageSet::~PackageSet()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::VersionSet::FromString(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, APT::VersionSet::Version const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::VersionSet::FromPackage(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, APT::VersionSet::Version const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::VersionSet::FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile&, char const**, APT::VersionSet::Version const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::VersionSet::getCandidateVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::VersionSet::getInstalledVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::VersionSet::GroupedFromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile&, char const**, std::list<APT::VersionSet::Modifier, std::allocator<APT::VersionSet::Modifier> > const&, unsigned short const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::VersionSet::~VersionSet()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheFilter::PackageNameMatchesRegEx::PackageNameMatchesRegEx(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheFilter::PackageNameMatchesRegEx::~PackageNameMatchesRegEx()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheFilter::PackageNameMatchesRegEx::operator()(pkgCache::GrpIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheFilter::PackageNameMatchesRegEx::operator()(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::Configuration::getLanguages(bool const&, bool const&, char const**)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::Configuration::getArchitectures(bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::Configuration::checkArchitecture(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::Configuration::getCompressionTypes(bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindTask(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindRegEx(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindAllVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindPackage(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindPkgName(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::showTaskSelection(APT::PackageSet const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::showRegExSelection(APT::PackageSet const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindNewestVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::showSelectedVersion(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, pkgCache::VerIterator, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindCandInstVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindInstCandVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindCandidateVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindInstalledVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::~CacheSetHelper()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"URI::NoUserPassword(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"URI::CopyFrom(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"URI::SiteOnly(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"URI::~URI()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"URI::operator std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MMap::Map(FileFd&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MMap::Sync(unsigned long, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MMap::Sync()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MMap::Close(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MMap::MMap(FileFd&, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MMap::MMap(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MMap::~MMap()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"FileFd::OpenDescriptor(int, FileFd::OpenMode, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"FileFd::Open(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, FileFd::OpenMode, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"FileFd::Read(void*, unsigned long, unsigned long*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"FileFd::Seek(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"FileFd::Size()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"FileFd::Skip(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"FileFd::Sync()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"FileFd::Tell()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"FileFd::Close()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"FileFd::Write(void const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"FileFd::Truncate(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"FileFd::~FileFd()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Hashes::AddFD(int, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Vendor::CheckDist(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Vendor::Vendor(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<Vendor::Fingerprint*, std::allocator<Vendor::Fingerprint*> >*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Vendor::~Vendor()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"DiffInfo::~DiffInfo()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::CompTypeDeb(unsigned char)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::DepIterator::GlobOr(pkgCache::DepIterator&, pkgCache::DepIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::DepIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::DepIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::GrpIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::GrpIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::PkgIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::PkgIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::PrvIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::PrvIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::DescIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::DescIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::PkgFileIterator::IsOk()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::PkgFileIterator::RelStr()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::PkgFileIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::PkgFileIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::VerFileIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::VerFileIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::DescFileIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::DescFileIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::SingleArchFindPkg(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::ReMap(bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::Header::Header()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::DepType(unsigned char)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::FindGrp(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::FindPkg(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::FindPkg(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::CompType(unsigned char)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::Priority(unsigned char)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::pkgCache(MMap*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::~pkgCache()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCdrom::DropRepeats(std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCdrom::FindPackages(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, pkgCdromStatus*, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCdrom::WriteDatabase(Configuration&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCdrom::DropBinaryArch(std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCdrom::WriteSourceList(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCdrom::ReduceSourcelist(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCdrom::Add(pkgCdromStatus*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCdrom::Ident(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, pkgCdromStatus*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCdrom::Score(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"IndexCopy::CopyPackages(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, pkgCdromStatus*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"IndexCopy::ReconstructChop(unsigned long&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"IndexCopy::ReconstructPrefix(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"IndexCopy::ConvertToSourceList(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"IndexCopy::ChopDirs(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"IndexCopy::GrabFirst(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"IndexCopy::~IndexCopy()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SigVerify::CopyAndVerify(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SigVerify::CopyMetaIndex(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SigVerify::Verify(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, indexRecords*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SigVerify::RunGPGV(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, int const&, int*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSystem::Initialize(Configuration&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSystem::CheckUpdates()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSystem::AddStatusFiles(std::vector<pkgIndexFile*, std::allocator<pkgIndexFile*> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSystem::ArchiveSupported(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSystem::Lock()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSystem::Score(Configuration const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSystem::UnLock(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSystem::debSystem()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSystem::~debSystem()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"metaIndex::~metaIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::SendV2Pkgs(_IO_FILE*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::DoTerminalPty(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::DoDpkgStatusFd(int, int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::WriteHistoryTag(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::WriteApportReport(char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::RunScriptsWithPkgs(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::ProcessDpkgStatusLine(int, char*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::handleDisappearAction(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::Go(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::Reset()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::Remove(pkgCache::PkgIterator, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::DoStdin(int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::Install(pkgCache::PkgIterator, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::OpenLog()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::CloseLog()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::Configure(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::pkgDPkgPM(pkgDepCache*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::~pkgDPkgPM()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPolicy::GetPriority(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPolicy::InitDefaults()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPolicy::IsImportantDep(pkgCache::DepIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPolicy::GetCandidateVer(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPolicy::PkgPin::~PkgPin()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPolicy::GetMatch(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPolicy::CreatePin(pkgVersionMatch::MatchType, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, short)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPolicy::pkgPolicy(pkgCache*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgPolicy::~pkgPolicy()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSystem::GlobalList@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSystem::Initialize(Configuration&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSystem::GlobalListLen@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSystem::Score(Configuration const&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSystem::GetSystem(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSystem::pkgSystem()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSystem::~pkgSystem()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"HashString::VerifyFile(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"HashString::empty() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"HashString::toStr() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"CommandLine::FileSize() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"GlobalError::empty(GlobalError::MsgType const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MD5SumValue::Value() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"MD5SumValue::operator==(MD5SumValue const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA1SumValue::Value() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA1SumValue::operator==(SHA1SumValue const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debIFTypePkg::CreatePkgParser(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSLTypeDeb::CreateItem(std::vector<metaIndex*, std::allocator<metaIndex*> >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"indexRecords::GetValidUntil() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"indexRecords::GetExpectedDist() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"indexRecords::Exists(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"indexRecords::GetDist() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"indexRecords::CheckDist(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::ArchiveURI(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::SourceInfo(pkgSrcRecords::Parser const&, pkgSrcRecords::File const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::ArchiveInfo(pkgCache::VerIterator) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::FindInCache(pkgCache&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::CreateSrcParser() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::MergeFileProvides(pkgCacheGenerator&, OpProgress*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::MergeFileProvides(pkgCacheGenerator&, OpProgress&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::Type::CreatePkgParser(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::Merge(pkgCacheGenerator&, OpProgress*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgIndexFile::Merge(pkgCacheGenerator&, OpProgress&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::FindVector(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::MatchAgainstConfig::Match(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::Find(char const*, char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::Item::FullTag(Configuration::Item const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::FindB(char const*, bool const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::FindI(char const*, int const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::Exists(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::FindAny(char const*, char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::FindDir(char const*, char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::FindFile(char const*, char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::ExistsAny(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::GetIndexes(pkgAcquire*, bool) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::Type::FixupURI(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::Type::ParseLine(std::vector<metaIndex*, std::allocator<metaIndex*> >&, char const*, unsigned long const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgSourceList::FindIndex(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator, pkgIndexFile*&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgTagSection::Find(char const*, char const*&, char const*&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgTagSection::Find(char const*, unsigned int&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgTagSection::FindI(char const*, long) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgTagSection::FindS(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgTagSection::FindULL(char const*, unsigned long long const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgTagSection::FindFlag(char const*, unsigned long&, unsigned long) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA256SumValue::Value() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"SHA256SumValue::operator==(SHA256SumValue const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debStatusIndex::FindInCache(pkgCache&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debStatusIndex::HasPackages() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debStatusIndex::Size() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debStatusIndex::Merge(pkgCacheGenerator&, OpProgress*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debStatusIndex::Exists() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debStatusIndex::GetType() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debStatusIndex::Describe(bool) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debIFTypeStatus::CreatePkgParser(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::ArchiveURI(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::GetIndexes(pkgAcquire*, bool const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::MetaIndexURI(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::MetaIndexFile(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::MetaIndexInfo(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::IndexURISuffix(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::SourceIndexURI(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::ComputeIndexTargets() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::SourceIndexURISuffix(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::Info(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::IndexURI(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::IsTrusted() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSLTypeDebSrc::CreateItem(std::vector<metaIndex*, std::allocator<metaIndex*> >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSLTypeDebian::CreateItemInternal(std::vector<metaIndex*, std::allocator<metaIndex*> >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool const&, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSourcesIndex::ArchiveURI(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSourcesIndex::SourceInfo(pkgSrcRecords::Parser const&, pkgSrcRecords::File const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSourcesIndex::HasPackages() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSourcesIndex::CreateSrcParser() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSourcesIndex::Info(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSourcesIndex::Size() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSourcesIndex::Exists() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSourcesIndex::GetType() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSourcesIndex::Describe(bool) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSourcesIndex::IndexURI(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debPackagesIndex::ArchiveURI(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debPackagesIndex::ArchiveInfo(pkgCache::VerIterator) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debPackagesIndex::FindInCache(pkgCache&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debPackagesIndex::HasPackages() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debPackagesIndex::Info(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debPackagesIndex::Size() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debPackagesIndex::Merge(pkgCacheGenerator&, OpProgress*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debPackagesIndex::Exists() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debPackagesIndex::GetType() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debPackagesIndex::Describe(bool) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debPackagesIndex::IndexURI(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Maintainer() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Package() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Section() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Version() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::GetIndexes(pkgAcquire*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::FindInCache(pkgCache&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::HasPackages() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::Info(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::Size() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::Merge(pkgCacheGenerator&, OpProgress*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::Exists() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::GetType() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::Describe(bool) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::IndexURI(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Vendor::GetVendorID() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Vendor::LookupFingerprint(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::DepIterator::AllTargets() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::DepIterator::IsCritical() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::DepIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::DepIterator::SmartTargetPkg(pkgCache::PkgIterator&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::GrpIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::GrpIterator::FindPreferredPkg(bool const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::GrpIterator::FindPkg(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::GrpIterator::NextPkg(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::PkgIterator::CurVersion() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::PkgIterator::CandVersion() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::PkgIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::PkgIterator::State() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::PkgIterator::FullName(bool const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::PrvIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::CompareVer(pkgCache::VerIterator const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::NewestFile() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::Downloadable() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::TranslatedDescription() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::Pseudo() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::RelStr() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::Automatic() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::DescIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::PkgFileIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::VerFileIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::DescFileIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::sHash(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::sHash(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"pkgCache::Header::CheckSizes(pkgCache::Header&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSystem::CreatePM(pkgDepCache*) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"debSystem::FindIndex(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator, pkgIndexFile*&) const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"metaIndex::GetURI() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"metaIndex::GetDist() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"metaIndex::GetType() const@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for OpProgress@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for SourceCopy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqFile@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcquire@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for DynamicMMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for PackageCopy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgDepCache@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgSimulate@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debIFTypePkg@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debIFTypeSrc@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debSLTypeDeb@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for indexRecords@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqMethod@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCacheFile@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgIndexFile@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for WeakPointable@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debListParser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqArchive@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqMetaSig@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgTagSection@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for OpTextProgress@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debIFTypeTrans@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debStatusIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debIFTypeStatus@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debRecordParser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debReleaseIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debSLTypeDebSrc@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debSLTypeDebian@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debSourcesIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqDiffIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqMetaIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debPackagesIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqIndexDiffs@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqIndexTrans@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcquireStatus@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for PreferenceSection@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgPackageManager@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debSrcRecordParser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debVersioningSystem@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgUdevCdromDevices@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgVersioningSystem@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debTranslationsIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for MMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for FileFd@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for Vendor@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for IndexCopy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for debSystem@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for metaIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgDPkgPM@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgPolicy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgSystem@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcquire::Item@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgRecords::Parser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgDepCache::InRootSetFunc@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgDepCache::DefaultRootSetFunc@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgDepCache::Policy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgSimulate::Policy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgIndexFile::Type@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for Configuration::MatchAgainstConfig@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgSourceList::Type@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgSrcRecords::Parser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for APT::CacheSetHelper@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::DepIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::GrpIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::PkgIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::PrvIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::VerIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::DescIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::PkgFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::VerFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::DescFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Dependency, pkgCache::DepIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Description, pkgCache::DescIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::PackageFile, pkgCache::PkgFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Group, pkgCache::GrpIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Package, pkgCache::PkgIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::VerFile, pkgCache::VerFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Version, pkgCache::VerIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::DescFile, pkgCache::DescFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Provides, pkgCache::PrvIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Namespace@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for OpProgress@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for SourceCopy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqFile@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcquire@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for DynamicMMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for PackageCopy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgDepCache@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgSimulate@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debIFTypePkg@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debIFTypeSrc@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debSLTypeDeb@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for indexRecords@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqMethod@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCacheFile@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgIndexFile@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for WeakPointable@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debListParser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqArchive@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqMetaSig@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgTagSection@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for OpTextProgress@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debIFTypeTrans@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debStatusIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debIFTypeStatus@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debRecordParser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debReleaseIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debSLTypeDebSrc@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debSLTypeDebian@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debSourcesIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqDiffIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqMetaIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debPackagesIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqIndexDiffs@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqIndexTrans@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcquireStatus@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for PreferenceSection@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgPackageManager@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debSrcRecordParser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debVersioningSystem@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgUdevCdromDevices@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgVersioningSystem@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debTranslationsIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for MMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for FileFd@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for Vendor@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for IndexCopy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for debSystem@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for metaIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgDPkgPM@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgPolicy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgSystem@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcquire::Item@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgRecords::Parser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgDepCache::InRootSetFunc@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgDepCache::DefaultRootSetFunc@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgDepCache::Policy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgSimulate::Policy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgIndexFile::Type@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for Configuration::MatchAgainstConfig@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgSourceList::Type@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgSrcRecords::Parser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for APT::CacheSetHelper@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::DepIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::GrpIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::PkgIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::PrvIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::VerIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::DescIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::PkgFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::VerFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::DescFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Dependency, pkgCache::DepIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Description, pkgCache::DescIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::PackageFile, pkgCache::PkgFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Group, pkgCache::GrpIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Package, pkgCache::PkgIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::VerFile, pkgCache::VerFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Version, pkgCache::VerIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::DescFile, pkgCache::DescFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Provides, pkgCache::PrvIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Namespace@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for OpProgress@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for SourceCopy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqFile@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgAcquire@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for DynamicMMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for PackageCopy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgDepCache@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgSimulate@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debIFTypePkg@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debIFTypeSrc@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debSLTypeDeb@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for indexRecords@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqMethod@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCacheFile@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgIndexFile@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debListParser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqArchive@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqMetaSig@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgTagSection@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for OpTextProgress@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debIFTypeTrans@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debStatusIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debIFTypeStatus@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debRecordParser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debReleaseIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debSLTypeDebSrc@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debSLTypeDebian@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debSourcesIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqDiffIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqMetaIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debPackagesIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqIndexDiffs@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqIndexTrans@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgAcquireStatus@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for PreferenceSection@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgPackageManager@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debSrcRecordParser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debVersioningSystem@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgUdevCdromDevices@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgVersioningSystem@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debTranslationsIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for MMap@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for FileFd@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for Vendor@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for IndexCopy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for debSystem@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for metaIndex@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgDPkgPM@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgPolicy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgSystem@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgAcquire::Item@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgRecords::Parser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgDepCache::InRootSetFunc@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgDepCache::DefaultRootSetFunc@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgDepCache::Policy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgSimulate::Policy@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgIndexFile::Type@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for Configuration::MatchAgainstConfig@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgSourceList::Type@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgSrcRecords::Parser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for APT::CacheSetHelper@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::DepIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::GrpIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::PkgIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::PrvIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::VerIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::DescIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::PkgFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::VerFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::DescFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Dependency, pkgCache::DepIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Description, pkgCache::DescIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::PackageFile, pkgCache::PkgFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Group, pkgCache::GrpIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Package, pkgCache::PkgIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::VerFile, pkgCache::VerFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Version, pkgCache::VerIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::DescFile, pkgCache::DescFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Provides, pkgCache::PrvIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"non-virtual thunk to pkgDepCache::DefaultRootSetFunc::~DefaultRootSetFunc()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"operator<<(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++)"operator<<(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
- _apt_DebSrcType@Base 0.8.0
- _apt_DebType@Base 0.8.0
- _config@Base 0.8.0
- _system@Base 0.8.0
- debSys@Base 0.8.0
- debVS@Base 0.8.0
- pkgLibVersion@Base 0.8.0
- pkgVersion@Base 0.8.0
-### demangle strangeness - buildd report it as MISSING and as new…
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaSig::pkgAcqMetaSig(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<IndexTarget*, std::allocator<IndexTarget*> > const*, indexRecords*)@Base" 0.8.0
-### gcc-4.4 specific
-# (c++|optional=inherent)"APT::PackageSet::PackageSet(APT::PackageSet const&)@Base" 0.8.0
-# (c++|optional=inline)"stringcasecmp(char const*, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
-# (arch=armel|c++|optional=inline)"stringcasecmp(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
-# (c++|optional=inherent)"APT::VersionSet::insert(pkgCache::VerIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
-# (c++|optional=inline)"APT::VersionSet::insert(APT::VersionSet const&)@Base" 0.8.0
-# (c++|optional=private)"debTranslationsIndex::IndexFile(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
-# (c++|optional=inline)"pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Version, pkgCache::VerIterator>::end() const@Base" 0.8.0
-# (c++|optional=inherent)"HashString::operator=(HashString const&)@Base" 0.8.0
-# (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::less<[^ ]+>::operator\(\)\(.+\) const@Base$" 0.8.0
-# (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::vector<.+ >::(vector|push_back|erase|_[^ ]+)\(.+\)( const|)@Base$" 0.8.0
-# (c++|regex|optional=std)"^pkgCache::(Dep|Pkg|Ver|Grp|Prv|Desc|PkgFile)Iterator\*\* std::_.+@Base$" 0.8.0
-### gcc-4.5 specific
- (c++|regex|optional=std)"^char\* std::[^ ]+<.+ >::_.+@Base$" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional=inline)"FileFd::FileFd(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, FileFd::OpenMode, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|regex|optional=template)"^SPtrArray<[^ ]+>::~SPtrArray\(\)@Base$" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional=template)"SPtrArray<unsigned char>::~SPtrArray()@Base" 0.8.0
-### gcc-4.6 specific
- (c++|optional=template)"SPtrArray<pkgCache::Version*>::~SPtrArray()@Base" 0.8.0
- (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::basic_string<char( const|)\*>\(.+\)@Base$" 0.8.0
- (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::vector<DiffInfo, .+@Base$" 0.8.0
- (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::vector<.+ >::(vector|push_back|erase|_[^ ]+)\(.+\)( const|)@Base$" 0.8.0
- (c++|optional=strange)"pkgCache::VerIterator::VerIterator(pkgCache&, pkgCache::Version*)@Base" 0.8.0
-### architecture specific: va_list & size_t
- (arch=i386 hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char*&, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
- (arch=armel armhf|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, std::__va_list&, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
- (arch=alpha|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, __va_list_tag&, unsigned long&)@Base" 1
- (arch=powerpc powerpcspe|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, __va_list_tag (&) [1], unsigned int&)@Base" 1
- (arch=amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 s390|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, __va_list_tag (&) [1], unsigned long&)@Base" 1
- (arch=hppa mipsel sparc|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, void*&, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
- (arch=ia64 sparc64|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, void*&, unsigned long&)@Base" 1
- (arch=sh4|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, __builtin_va_list&, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
- (arch=i386 hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char const*, char*&, int, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
- (arch=armel armhf|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char const*, std::__va_list&, int, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
- (arch=alpha|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char const*, __va_list_tag&, int, unsigned long&)@Base" 1
- (arch=powerpc powerpcspe|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char const*, __va_list_tag (&) [1], int, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
- (arch=amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 s390|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char const*, __va_list_tag (&) [1], int, unsigned long&)@Base" 1
- (arch=hppa mipsel sparc|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char const*, void*&, int, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
- (arch=ia64 sparc64|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char const*, void*&, int, unsigned long&)@Base" 1
- (arch=sh4|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char const*, __builtin_va_list&, int, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
-### architecture specific: size_t
- (arch=i386 armel armhf hppa hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386 mipsel powerpc powerpcspe sh4 sparc|c++)"_strtabexpand(char*, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
- (arch=alpha amd64 ia64 kfreebsd-amd64 s390 sparc64|c++)"_strtabexpand(char*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
- (arch=i386 armel armhf hppa hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386 mipsel powerpc powerpcspe sh4 sparc|c++)"indexRecords::parseSumData(char const*&, char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, unsigned int&)@Base" 0.8.0
- (arch=alpha amd64 ia64 kfreebsd-amd64 s390 sparc64|c++)"indexRecords::parseSumData(char const*&, char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, unsigned long&)@Base" 0.8.0
-### try to ignore std:: template instances
- (c++|regex|optional=std)"^(void |)std::[^ ]+<.+ >::(_|~).+\(.*\)@Base$" 0.8.0
- (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::[^ ]+<.+ >::(append|insert|reserve|operator[^ ]+)\(.*\)@Base$" 0.8.0
- (c++|regex|optional=std)"^(void |DiffInfo\* |)std::_.*@Base$" 0.8.0
- (c++|regex|optional=std)"^(bool|void) std::(operator|sort_heap|make_heap)[^ ]+<.+ >\(.+\)@Base$" 0.8.0
- (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::reverse_iterator<.+ > std::__.+@Base$" 0.8.0
- (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::basic_string<.+ >\(.+\)@Base$" 0.8.0
- (c++|regex|optional=std)"^__gnu_cxx::__[^ ]+<.*@Base$" 0.8.0
- (c++|regex|optional=std)"^typeinfo name for std::iterator<.*>@Base$" 0.8.0
- (c++|regex|optional=std)"^typeinfo for std::iterator<.*>@Base$" 0.8.0
- (c++)"Configuration::MatchAgainstConfig::clearPatterns()@Base" 0.8.1 1
- (c++)"CreateAPTDirectoryIfNeeded(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.2 1
- (c++)"FileFd::FileSize()@Base" 0.8.8 1
- (c++)"Base256ToNum(char const*, unsigned long&, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::SetCandidateRelease(pkgCache::VerIterator, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::list<std::pair<pkgCache::VerIterator, pkgCache::VerIterator>, std::allocator<std::pair<pkgCache::VerIterator, pkgCache::VerIterator> > >&)@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::SetCandidateRelease(pkgCache::VerIterator, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"RealFileExists(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"StripEpoch(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"IndexTarget::~IndexTarget()@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::Init(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::pkgAcqIndex(pkgAcquire*, IndexTarget const*, HashString const&, indexRecords const*)@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"pkgTagSection::FindFlag(unsigned long&, unsigned long, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"pkgAcqSubIndex::ParseIndex(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"pkgAcqSubIndex::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"pkgAcqSubIndex::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"pkgAcqSubIndex::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"pkgAcqSubIndex::DescURI()@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"pkgAcqSubIndex::pkgAcqSubIndex(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, HashString const&)@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"pkgAcqSubIndex::~pkgAcqSubIndex()@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaClearSig::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaClearSig::pkgAcqMetaClearSig(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::vector<IndexTarget*, std::allocator<IndexTarget*> > const*, indexRecords*)@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaClearSig::~pkgAcqMetaClearSig()@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"pkgAcqIndexTrans::pkgAcqIndexTrans(pkgAcquire*, IndexTarget const*, HashString const&, indexRecords const*)@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"IndexTarget::IsOptional() const@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"IndexTarget::IsSubIndex() const@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::TranslationIndexURI(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"debReleaseIndex::TranslationIndexURISuffix(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqSubIndex@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqMetaClearSig@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqSubIndex@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqMetaClearSig@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqSubIndex@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqMetaClearSig@Base" 0.8.11 1
- (c++)"FindMountPointForDevice(char const*)@Base" 0.8.12 1
- (c++)"pkgUdevCdromDevices::ScanForRemovable(bool)@Base" 0.8.12 1
- (c++)"APT::Configuration::Compressor::Compressor(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*, unsigned short)@Base" 0.8.12 1
- (c++)"APT::Configuration::Compressor::~Compressor()@Base" 0.8.12 1
- (c++)"APT::Configuration::getCompressors(bool)@Base" 0.8.12 1
- (c++)"APT::Configuration::getCompressorExtensions()@Base" 0.8.12 1
- (c++)"APT::Configuration::setDefaultConfigurationForCompressors()@Base" 0.8.12 1
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::SetCandidateVersion(pkgCache::VerIterator, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.12 1
- (c++)"pkgAcqMetaClearSig::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.13 1
- (c++|optional=private)"debListParser::NewProvidesAllArch(pkgCache::VerIterator&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 1
- (c++|optional=private)"PrintMode(char)@Base" 1
- (c++)"pkgDepCache::IsModeChangeOk(pkgDepCache::ModeList, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, unsigned long, bool)@Base" 1
- ignore non http urls in the mirrors
- append the dist (e.g. sid, wheezy) as a query string when
asking for a suitable mirror
+ * debian/control:
+ - add libapt-pkg4.10 and libapt-inst1.2 library packages
-- Michael Vogt <> Mon, 16 May 2011 14:57:52 +0200
Pre-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
Depends: debian-archive-keyring, ${misc:Depends}, gnupg
Replaces: manpages-pl (<< 20060617-3~)
-Provides: ${libapt-pkg:provides}
Conflicts: python-apt (<<
Suggests: aptitude | synaptic | wajig, dpkg-dev, apt-doc, bzip2, lzma, python-apt
Description: Advanced front-end for dpkg
APT features complete installation ordering, multiple source capability
and several other unique features, see the Users Guide in apt-doc.
+Package: libapt-pkg4.10
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
+Replaces: apt (<< 0.8.15)
+Description: Library for apt
+ This package contains the library used by apt.
+Package: libapt-inst1.2
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
+Replaces: apt-utils (<< 0.8.15)
+Description: Install library for apt
+ This package contains the inst library used by apt.
Package: apt-doc
Architecture: all
Priority: optional
--- /dev/null
+bin/libapt-inst*.so.* usr/lib/
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null libapt-inst1.2
+| apt-utils #MINVER#
+* Build-Depends-Package: libapt-pkg-dev
+ (c++)"ExtractTar::Done(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ExtractTar::Go(pkgDirStream&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ExtractTar::StartGzip()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ExtractTar::ExtractTar(FileFd&, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ExtractTar::~ExtractTar()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDebFile::GotoMember(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDebFile::CheckMember(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDebFile::MergeControl(pkgDataBase&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDebFile::ControlExtract::DoItem(pkgDirStream::Item&, int&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDebFile::ControlExtract::~ControlExtract()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDebFile::ExtractArchive(pkgDirStream&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDebFile::ExtractControl(pkgDataBase&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDebFile::MemControlExtract::TakeControl(void const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDebFile::MemControlExtract::Read(debDebFile&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDebFile::MemControlExtract::DoItem(pkgDirStream::Item&, int&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDebFile::MemControlExtract::Process(pkgDirStream::Item&, unsigned char const*, unsigned long, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDebFile::MemControlExtract::~MemControlExtract()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDebFile::debDebFile(FileFd&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgExtract::FinishedFile(pkgDirStream::Item&, int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgExtract::CheckDirReplace(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgExtract::HandleOverwrites(pkgFLCache::NodeIterator, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgExtract::Fail(pkgDirStream::Item&, int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgExtract::DoItem(pkgDirStream::Item&, int&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgExtract::Aborted()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgExtract::Finished()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgExtract::pkgExtract(pkgFLCache&, pkgCache::VerIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgExtract::~pkgExtract()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgFLCache::TreeLookup(unsigned int*, char const*, char const*, unsigned long, unsigned int*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgFLCache::AddConfFile(char const*, char const*, pkgFLCache::PkgIterator const&, unsigned char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgFLCache::AddDiversion(pkgFLCache::PkgIterator const&, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgFLCache::BeginDiverLoad()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgFLCache::FinishDiverLoad()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgFLCache::GetPkg(char const*, char const*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgFLCache::Header::Header()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgFLCache::GetNode(char const*, char const*, unsigned int, bool, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgFLCache::DropNode(unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgFLCache::HashNode(pkgFLCache::NodeIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgFLCache::PrintTree(unsigned int, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgFLCache::pkgFLCache(DynamicMMap&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDataBase::GetMetaTmp(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDataBase::~pkgDataBase()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDirStream::FinishedFile(pkgDirStream::Item&, int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDirStream::Fail(pkgDirStream::Item&, int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDirStream::DoItem(pkgDirStream::Item&, int&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDirStream::Process(pkgDirStream::Item&, unsigned char const*, unsigned long, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDirStream::~pkgDirStream()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"debListParser::~debListParser()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser::CollectFileProvides(pkgCache&, pkgCache::VerIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser::~ListParser()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"pkgCache::DepIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"pkgCache::DepIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"pkgCache::VerIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"pkgCache::VerIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ARArchive::LoadHeaders()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ARArchive::ARArchive(FileFd&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ARArchive::~ARArchive()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDpkgDB::InitMetaTmp(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDpkgDB::LoadChanges()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDpkgDB::ReadConfFiles()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDpkgDB::ReadyFileList(OpProgress&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDpkgDB::ReadyPkgCache(OpProgress&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDpkgDB::ReadDiversions()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDpkgDB::ReadFList(OpProgress&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDpkgDB::debDpkgDB()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debDpkgDB::~debDpkgDB()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgFLCache::NodeIterator::RealPackage() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgFLCache::Header::CheckSizes(pkgFLCache::Header&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"pkgCache::DepIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"pkgCache::VerIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ARArchive::FindMember(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for ExtractTar@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgExtract@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgDataBase@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgDirStream@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debDpkgDB@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debDebFile::ControlExtract@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debDebFile::MemControlExtract@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"typeinfo for pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"typeinfo for pkgCache::DepIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"typeinfo for pkgCache::VerIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Dependency, pkgCache::DepIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Package, pkgCache::PkgIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Version, pkgCache::VerIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for ExtractTar@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgExtract@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgDataBase@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgDirStream@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debDpkgDB@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debDebFile::ControlExtract@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debDebFile::MemControlExtract@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"typeinfo name for pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::DepIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::VerIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Dependency, pkgCache::DepIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Package, pkgCache::PkgIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Version, pkgCache::VerIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for ExtractTar@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgExtract@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgDataBase@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgDirStream@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debDpkgDB@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debDebFile::ControlExtract@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debDebFile::MemControlExtract@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"vtable for pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"vtable for pkgCache::DepIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"vtable for pkgCache::VerIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Dependency, pkgCache::DepIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Package, pkgCache::PkgIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Version, pkgCache::VerIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+### gcc-4.4 specific
+# (c++|regex|optional=std)"^char\* std::[^ ]+<.+ >::_.+@Base$" 0.8.0
+# (c++|optional=std)"std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >& std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::append<unsigned char*>(unsigned char*, unsigned char*)@Base" 0.8.0
+### gcc-4.6 specific
+ (c++|optional=std)"std::vector<APT::Configuration::Compressor, std::allocator<APT::Configuration::Compressor> >::~vector()@Base" 0.8.12 1
+ (c++|optional=std)"std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >& std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_M_replace_dispatch<unsigned char*>(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, std::__false_type)@Base" 0.8.0
+### try to ignore std:: template instances
+ (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::basic_string<.+ >\(.+\)@Base$" 0.8.0
+ (c++|regex|optional=std)"^typeinfo name for std::iterator<.*>@Base$" 0.8.0
+ (c++|regex|optional=std)"^typeinfo for std::iterator<.*>@Base$" 0.8.0
--- /dev/null
+bin/libapt-pkg*.so.* usr/lib/
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null libapt-pkg4.10
+| apt #MINVER#
+* Build-Depends-Package: libapt-pkg-dev
+ TFRewritePackageOrder@Base 0.8.0
+ TFRewriteSourceOrder@Base 0.8.0
+ (c++)"FileExists(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"IdentCdrom(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ListUpdate(pkgAcquireStatus&, pkgSourceList&, int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MountCdrom(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ParseCWord(char const*&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ReadPinDir(pkgPolicy&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"RunScripts(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SafeGetCWD()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"parsenetrc(char*, char*, char*, char*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"QuoteString(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ReadPinFile(pkgPolicy&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"RegexChoice(RxChoiceList*, char const**, char const**)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SetNonBlock(int, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"TimeRFC1123(long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"flExtension(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Base64Encode(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ReadMessages(int, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SetCloseExec(int, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"StringToBool(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"UnmountCdrom(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"_GetErrorObj()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgFixBroken(pkgDepCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"DeQuoteString(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > const&, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"DeQuoteString(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"OutputInDepth(unsigned long, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ReadConfigDir(Configuration&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool const&, unsigned int const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"URItoFileName(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"UTF8ToCodeset(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAllUpgrade(pkgDepCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgInitConfig(Configuration&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgInitSystem(Configuration&, pkgSystem*&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"safe_snprintf(char*, char*, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"stringcasecmp(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"stringcasecmp(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"stringcasecmp(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"tolower_ascii(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ParseQuoteWord(char const*&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ReadConfigFile(Configuration&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool const&, unsigned int const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"TokSplitString(char, char*, char**, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"maybe_add_auth(URI&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgApplyStatus(pkgDepCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDistUpgrade(pkgDepCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"CheckDomainList(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"CreateDirectory(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"DirectoryExists(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"VectorizeString(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, char const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPrioSortList(pkgCache&, pkgCache::Version**)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"FTPMDTMStrToTime(char const*, long&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"RFC1123StrToTime(char const*, long&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgMakeStatusCache(pkgSourceList&, OpProgress&, MMap**, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgMinimizeUpgrade(pkgDepCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GetListOfFilesInDir(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GetListOfFilesInDir(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgMakeStatusCacheMem(pkgSourceList&, OpProgress&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgMakeOnlyStatusCache(OpProgress&, DynamicMMap**)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"WaitFd(int, bool, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GetLock(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Hex2Num(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned char*, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"AddCRC16(unsigned short, void const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"CopyFile(FileFd&, FileFd&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ExecFork()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ExecWait(int, char const*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"StrToNum(char const*, unsigned long&, unsigned int, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SubstVar(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SubstVar(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, SubstVar const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"flNoLink(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"flNotDir(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"ioprintf(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"IsMounted(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"LookupTag(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SizeToStr(double)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"StrToTime(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, long&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"TFRewrite(_IO_FILE*, pkgTagSection const&, char const**, TFRewriteData*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"TimeToStr(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"_strstrip(char*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"flCombine(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"flNotFile(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"stringcmp(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"stringcmp(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"stringcmp(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"strprintf(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"guard variable for pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::DepIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"guard variable for pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::GrpIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"guard variable for pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::PkgIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"guard variable for pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::PrvIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"guard variable for pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::VerIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"guard variable for pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::DescIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"guard variable for pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::PkgFileIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"HashString::SupportedHashes()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"HashString::_SupportedHashes@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"HashString::HashString(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"HashString::HashString(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"HashString::HashString()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"HashString::~HashString()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"OpProgress::CheckChange(float)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"OpProgress::SubProgress(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"OpProgress::SubProgress(unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"OpProgress::OverallProgress(unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"OpProgress::Done()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"OpProgress::Update()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"OpProgress::Progress(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"OpProgress::OpProgress()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"OpProgress::~OpProgress()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SourceCopy::GetFileName()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SourceCopy::RewriteEntry(_IO_FILE*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SourceCopy::Type()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SourceCopy::GetFile(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, unsigned long&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SourceCopy::~SourceCopy()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqFile::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqFile::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqFile::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqFile::DescURI()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqFile::HashSum()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqFile::pkgAcqFile(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqFile::~pkgAcqFile()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::WorkerStep(pkgAcquire::Worker*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::FetchNeeded()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::TotalNeeded()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::MethodConfig::MethodConfig()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::PartialPresent()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Add(pkgAcquire::Item*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Add(pkgAcquire::Worker*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Run(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Bump()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::ReportMirrorFailure(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::Start(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::Rename(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::HashSum()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::Finished()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::IsTrusted()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::ShortDesc()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::Item(pkgAcquire*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Item::~Item()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Clean(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::Bump()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::Cycle()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::Dequeue(pkgAcquire::Item*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::Enqueue(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::Startup()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::FindItem(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::Worker*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::ItemDone(pkgAcquire::Queue::QItem*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::Shutdown(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::Queue(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Queue::~Queue()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Setup(pkgAcquireStatus*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Remove(pkgAcquire::Item*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Remove(pkgAcquire::Worker*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::RunFds(fd_set*, fd_set*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::SetFds(int&, fd_set*, fd_set*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::UriEnd()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::OutFdReady()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::MediaChange(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::RunMessages()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::Capabilities(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::ReadMessages()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::MethodFailure()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::SendConfiguration()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::Pulse()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::Start()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::ItemDone()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::Construct()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::InFdReady()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::QueueItem(pkgAcquire::Queue::QItem*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::Worker(pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::Worker(pkgAcquire::Queue*, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*, pkgAcquireStatus*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Worker::~Worker()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Dequeue(pkgAcquire::Item*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Enqueue(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::ItemDesc::~ItemDesc()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::Shutdown()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::UriBegin()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::GetConfig(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::QueueName(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig const*&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::pkgAcquire(pkgAcquireStatus*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::pkgAcquire()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquire::~pkgAcquire()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::Lookup(pkgCache::VerFileIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::Lookup(pkgCache::DescFileIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::Maintainer()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::SHA256Hash()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::Name()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::GetRec(char const*&, char const*&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::MD5Hash()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::FileName()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::Homepage()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::LongDesc()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::SHA1Hash()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::ShortDesc()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::SourcePkg()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::SourceVer()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::Parser::~Parser()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::pkgRecords(pkgCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgRecords::~pkgRecords()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgTagFile::Fill()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgTagFile::Jump(pkgTagSection&, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgTagFile::Step(pkgTagSection&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgTagFile::Resize()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgTagFile::pkgTagFile(FileFd*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgTagFile::~pkgTagFile()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"CdromDevice::~CdromDevice()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"CommandLine::DispatchArg(CommandLine::Dispatch*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"CommandLine::SaveInConfig(unsigned int const&, char const* const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"CommandLine::Parse(int, char const**)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"CommandLine::HandleOpt(int&, int, char const**, char const*&, CommandLine::Args*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"CommandLine::CommandLine(CommandLine::Args*, Configuration*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"CommandLine::~CommandLine()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"DynamicMMap::RawAllocate(unsigned long, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"DynamicMMap::WriteString(char const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"DynamicMMap::Grow()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"DynamicMMap::Allocate(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"DynamicMMap::DynamicMMap(FileFd&, unsigned long, unsigned long const&, unsigned long const&, unsigned long const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"DynamicMMap::DynamicMMap(unsigned long, unsigned long const&, unsigned long const&, unsigned long const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"DynamicMMap::~DynamicMMap()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::DumpErrors(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, GlobalError::MsgType const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::PopMessage(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType const&, char const*, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::PushToStack()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::RevertToStack()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::MergeWithStack()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::Debug(char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::Errno(char const*, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::Error(char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::Fatal(char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::DebugE(char const*, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::FatalE(char const*, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType const&, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::Notice(char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::Discard()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::NoticeE(char const*, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::Warning(char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::WarningE(char const*, char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::GlobalError()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MD5SumValue::Set(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MD5SumValue::MD5SumValue(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MD5SumValue::MD5SumValue()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"PackageCopy::GetFileName()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"PackageCopy::RewriteEntry(_IO_FILE*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"PackageCopy::Type()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"PackageCopy::GetFile(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, unsigned long&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"PackageCopy::~PackageCopy()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::DescURI()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::HashSum()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::pkgAcqIndex(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, HashString, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::~pkgAcqIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::IsDeleteOk(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, bool, unsigned long, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::MarkDelete(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, bool, unsigned long, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::StateCache::StripEpoch(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::StateCache::Update(pkgCache::PkgIterator, pkgCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::ActionGroup::release()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::ActionGroup::ActionGroup(pkgDepCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::ActionGroup::~ActionGroup()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::IsInstallOk(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, bool, unsigned long, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::MarkInstall(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, bool, unsigned long, bool, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::MarkPackage(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, pkgCache::VerIterator const&, bool const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::MarkRequired(pkgDepCache::InRootSetFunc&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::SetReInstall(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::VersionState(pkgCache::DepIterator, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::BuildGroupOrs(pkgCache::VerIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::InRootSetFunc::InRootSet(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::InRootSetFunc::~InRootSetFunc()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::readStateFile(OpProgress*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::GetRootSetFunc()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::UpdateVerState(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::writeStateFile(OpProgress*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::DependencyState(pkgCache::DepIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::DefaultRootSetFunc::InRootSet(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::DefaultRootSetFunc::~DefaultRootSetFunc()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::MarkFollowsSuggests()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::MarkFollowsRecommends()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::Init(OpProgress*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::Sweep()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::Policy::IsImportantDep(pkgCache::DepIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::Policy::GetCandidateVer(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::Policy::~Policy()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::Update(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::Update(OpProgress*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::Update(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::AddSizes(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::AddSizes(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::CheckDep(pkgCache::DepIterator, int, pkgCache::PkgIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::MarkAuto(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::MarkKeep(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, bool, bool, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::AddStates(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::pkgDepCache(pkgCache*, pkgDepCache::Policy*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::~pkgDepCache()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSimulate::ShortBreaks()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSimulate::Policy::GetCandidateVer(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSimulate::Policy::~Policy()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSimulate::Remove(pkgCache::PkgIterator, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSimulate::Install(pkgCache::PkgIterator, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSimulate::Describe(pkgCache::PkgIterator, std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, bool, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSimulate::Configure(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSimulate::pkgSimulate(pkgDepCache*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSimulate::~pkgSimulate()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MD5Summation::Add(unsigned char const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MD5Summation::AddFD(int, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MD5Summation::Result()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MD5Summation::MD5Summation()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA1SumValue::Set(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA1SumValue::SHA1SumValue(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA1SumValue::SHA1SumValue()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debIFTypePkg::~debIFTypePkg()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debIFTypeSrc::~debIFTypeSrc()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSLTypeDeb::~debSLTypeDeb()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"indexRecords::Load(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"indexRecords::Lookup(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"indexRecords::MetaKeys()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"indexRecords::indexRecords(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"indexRecords::indexRecords()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"indexRecords::~indexRecords()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::FetchResult::TakeHashes(Hashes&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::FetchResult::FetchResult()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Configuration(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Log(char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Run(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Exit()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Fail(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Fail(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Fetch(pkgAcqMethod::FetchItem*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Status(char const*, ...)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::URIDone(pkgAcqMethod::FetchResult&, pkgAcqMethod::FetchResult*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::Redirect(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::URIStart(pkgAcqMethod::FetchResult&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::MediaFail(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::pkgAcqMethod(char const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMethod::~pkgAcqMethod()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheFile::BuildCaches(OpProgress*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheFile::BuildPolicy(OpProgress*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheFile::BuildDepCache(OpProgress*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheFile::BuildSourceList(OpProgress*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheFile::Open(OpProgress*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheFile::Close()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheFile::pkgCacheFile()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheFile::~pkgCacheFile()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::LanguageCode()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::CheckLanguageCode(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::TranslationsAvailable()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::Type::GlobalList@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::Type::GlobalListLen@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::Type::GetType(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::Type::Type()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::Type::~Type()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::~pkgIndexFile()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::VisitRDeps(bool (pkgOrderList::*)(pkgCache::DepIterator), pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::OrderUnpack(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::DepConfigure(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::DepUnPackDep(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::DepUnPackPre(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::DepUnPackCrit(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::DepUnPackPreD(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::OrderCompareA(void const*, void const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::OrderCompareB(void const*, void const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::OrderCritical()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::VisitProvides(pkgCache::DepIterator, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::OrderConfigure()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::VisitRProvides(bool (pkgOrderList::*)(pkgCache::DepIterator), pkgCache::VerIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::Me@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::DoRun()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::Score(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::AddLoop(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::FileCmp(pkgCache::PkgIterator, pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::CheckDep(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::DepRemove(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::IsMissing(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::VisitDeps(bool (pkgOrderList::*)(pkgCache::DepIterator), pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::VisitNode(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::WipeFlags(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::pkgOrderList(pkgDepCache*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgOrderList::~pkgOrderList()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::MatchAgainstConfig::MatchAgainstConfig(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::MatchAgainstConfig::~MatchAgainstConfig()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::Set(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::Set(char const*, int const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::Dump(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::Clear(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::Clear(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, int const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::Clear(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::CndSet(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::Lookup(char const*, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::Lookup(Configuration::Item*, char const*, unsigned long const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::Configuration(Configuration::Item const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::Configuration()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::~Configuration()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA1Summation::Add(unsigned char const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA1Summation::AddFD(int, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA1Summation::Result()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA1Summation::SHA1Summation()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"WeakPointable::~WeakPointable()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::NewVersion(pkgCache::VerIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::UsePackage(pkgCache::PkgIterator&, pkgCache::VerIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::Description()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::ParseStatus(pkgCache::PkgIterator&, pkgCache::VerIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::VersionHash()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::Architecture()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::ParseDepends(char const*, char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, unsigned int&, bool const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::ParseDepends(pkgCache::VerIterator&, char const*, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::ParseProvides(pkgCache::VerIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::ArchitectureAll()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::ConvertRelation(char const*, unsigned int&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::Description_md5()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::LoadReleaseInfo(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator&, FileFd&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::UniqFindTagWrite(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::DescriptionLanguage()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::Size()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::Step()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::Offset()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::GetPrio(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::Package()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::Version()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::GrabWord(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, debListParser::WordList*, unsigned char&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::debListParser(FileFd*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debListParser::~debListParser()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::DescURI()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::HashSum()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::Finished()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::IsTrusted()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::QueueNext()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::ShortDesc()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::pkgAcqArchive(pkgAcquire*, pkgSourceList*, pkgRecords*, pkgCache::VerIterator const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqArchive::~pkgAcqArchive()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaSig::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaSig::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaSig::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaSig::DescURI()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaSig::~pkgAcqMetaSig()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::ReadAppend(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::ReadMainList()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::ReadSourceDir(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::Read(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::Type::GlobalList@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::Type::GlobalListLen@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::Type::GetType(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::Type::Type()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::Type::~Type()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::Reset()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::pkgSourceList(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::pkgSourceList()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::~pkgSourceList()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSrcRecords::File::~File()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSrcRecords::Find(char const*, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepRec::~BuildDepRec()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepType(unsigned char const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSrcRecords::Parser::~Parser()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSrcRecords::Restart()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSrcRecords::pkgSrcRecords(pkgSourceList&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSrcRecords::~pkgSrcRecords()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgTagSection::TrimRecord(bool, char const*&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgTagSection::Scan(char const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgTagSection::Trim()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVendorList::CreateList(Configuration&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVendorList::FindVendor(std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVendorList::ReadMainList()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVendorList::LookupFingerprint(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVendorList::Read(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVendorList::~pkgVendorList()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"OpTextProgress::Done()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"OpTextProgress::Write(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"OpTextProgress::Update()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"OpTextProgress::OpTextProgress(Configuration&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"OpTextProgress::~OpTextProgress()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA256SumValue::Set(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA256SumValue::SHA256SumValue(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA256SumValue::SHA256SumValue()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debIFTypeTrans::~debIFTypeTrans()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debStatusIndex::debStatusIndex(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debStatusIndex::~debStatusIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA256Summation::Add(unsigned char const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA256Summation::AddFD(int, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA256Summation::Result()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA256Summation::SHA256Summation()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debIFTypeStatus::~debIFTypeStatus()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debRecordParser::Maintainer()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debRecordParser::SHA256Hash()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debRecordParser::Jump(pkgCache::VerFileIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debRecordParser::Jump(pkgCache::DescFileIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debRecordParser::Name()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debRecordParser::GetRec(char const*&, char const*&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debRecordParser::MD5Hash()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debRecordParser::FileName()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debRecordParser::Homepage()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debRecordParser::LongDesc()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debRecordParser::SHA1Hash()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debRecordParser::ShortDesc()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debRecordParser::SourcePkg()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debRecordParser::SourceVer()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debRecordParser::debRecordParser(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debRecordParser::~debRecordParser()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::GetIndexFiles()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::debSectionEntry::debSectionEntry(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::PushSectionEntry(debReleaseIndex::debSectionEntry const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::PushSectionEntry(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, debReleaseIndex::debSectionEntry const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::PushSectionEntry(std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > const&, debReleaseIndex::debSectionEntry const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::debReleaseIndex(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::~debReleaseIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSLTypeDebSrc::~debSLTypeDebSrc()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSLTypeDebian::~debSLTypeDebian()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSourcesIndex::debSourcesIndex(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSourcesIndex::~debSourcesIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqDiffIndex::ParseDiffIndex(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqDiffIndex::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqDiffIndex::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqDiffIndex::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqDiffIndex::DescURI()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqDiffIndex::pkgAcqDiffIndex(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, HashString)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqDiffIndex::~pkgAcqDiffIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::QueueIndexes(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::VerifyVendor(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::RetrievalDone(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::DescURI()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::AuthDone(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::pkgAcqMetaIndex(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<IndexTarget*, std::allocator<IndexTarget*> > const*, indexRecords*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaIndex::~pkgAcqMetaIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVersionMatch::ExpressionMatches(char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVersionMatch::ExpressionMatches(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVersionMatch::Find(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVersionMatch::MatchVer(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVersionMatch::FileMatch(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVersionMatch::pkgVersionMatch(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgVersionMatch::MatchType)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVersionMatch::~pkgVersionMatch()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"TranslationsCopy::CopyTranslations(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, pkgCdromStatus*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debPackagesIndex::debPackagesIndex(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debPackagesIndex::~debPackagesIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndexDiffs::QueueNextDiff()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndexDiffs::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndexDiffs::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndexDiffs::Finish(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndexDiffs::DescURI()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndexDiffs::pkgAcqIndexDiffs(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, HashString, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<DiffInfo, std::allocator<DiffInfo> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndexDiffs::~pkgAcqIndexDiffs()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndexTrans::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndexTrans::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndexTrans::pkgAcqIndexTrans(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndexTrans::~pkgAcqIndexTrans()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::Done(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::Fail(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::Stop()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::Fetch(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::Pulse(pkgAcquire*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::Start()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::IMSHit(pkgAcquire::ItemDesc&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::Fetched(unsigned long, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::pkgAcquireStatus()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgAcquireStatus::~pkgAcquireStatus()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"PreferenceSection::TrimRecord(bool, char const*&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgArchiveCleaner::Go(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgCache&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser::NewDepends(pkgCache::VerIterator&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned int, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser::NewProvides(pkgCache::VerIterator&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser::CollectFileProvides(pkgCache&, pkgCache::VerIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser::~ListParser()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::NewDepends(pkgCache::PkgIterator&, pkgCache::VerIterator&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned int const&, unsigned int const&, unsigned int*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::NewFileVer(pkgCache::VerIterator&, pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::NewPackage(pkgCache::PkgIterator&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::NewVersion(pkgCache::VerIterator&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::SelectFile(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, pkgIndexFile const&, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::FinishCache(OpProgress*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::NewFileDesc(pkgCache::DescIterator&, pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::AllocateInMap(unsigned long const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::NewDescription(pkgCache::DescIterator&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, MD5SumValue const&, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::MakeStatusCache(pkgSourceList&, OpProgress*, MMap**, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::WriteUniqString(char const*, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::WriteStringInMap(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::WriteStringInMap(char const*, unsigned long const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::CreateDynamicMMap(FileFd*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::MergeFileProvides(pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::MakeOnlyStatusCache(OpProgress*, DynamicMMap**)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::ReMap(void const*, void const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::DepIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::GrpIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::PkgIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::PrvIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::VerIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::DescIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic<pkgCache::PkgFileIterator>::toReMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::NewGroup(pkgCache::GrpIterator&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::MergeList(pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser&, pkgCache::VerIterator*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::pkgCacheGenerator(DynamicMMap*, OpProgress*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCacheGenerator::~pkgCacheGenerator()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::FixMissing()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::EarlyRemove(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::GetArchives(pkgAcquire*, pkgSourceList*, pkgRecords*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::SmartRemove(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::SmartUnPack(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::ConfigureAll()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::ImmediateAdd(pkgCache::PkgIterator, bool, unsigned int const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::OrderInstall()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::DepAlwaysTrue(pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::SmartConfigure(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::CheckRConflicts(pkgCache::PkgIterator, pkgCache::DepIterator, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::CreateOrderList()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::DoInstallPostFork(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::Go(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::Reset()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::DepAdd(pkgOrderList&, pkgCache::PkgIterator, int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::Remove(pkgCache::PkgIterator, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::Install(pkgCache::PkgIterator, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::Configure(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::DoInstall(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::pkgPackageManager(pkgDepCache*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPackageManager::~pkgPackageManager()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::BuildDepends(std::vector<pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepRec, std::allocator<pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepRec> >&, bool const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Jump(unsigned long const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Step()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::AsStr()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Files(std::vector<pkgSrcRecords::File, std::allocator<pkgSrcRecords::File> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Offset()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Restart()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Binaries()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::~debSrcRecordParser()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::MakeScores()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::ResolveByKeep()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::InstallProtect()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::This@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::Resolve(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::DoUpgrade(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::ScoreSort(void const*, void const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::pkgProblemResolver(pkgDepCache*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgProblemResolver::~pkgProblemResolver()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debVersioningSystem::CmpFragment(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debVersioningSystem::DoCmpVersion(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debVersioningSystem::DoCmpReleaseVer(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debVersioningSystem::UpstreamVersion(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debVersioningSystem::CheckDep(char const*, int, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debVersioningSystem::debVersioningSystem()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debVersioningSystem::~debVersioningSystem()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgUdevCdromDevices::Scan()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgUdevCdromDevices::Dlopen()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgUdevCdromDevices::pkgUdevCdromDevices()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgUdevCdromDevices::~pkgUdevCdromDevices()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVersioningSystem::GlobalList@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVersioningSystem::GlobalListLen@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVersioningSystem::TestCompatibility(pkgVersioningSystem const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVersioningSystem::GetVS(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVersioningSystem::pkgVersioningSystem()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgVersioningSystem::~pkgVersioningSystem()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::debTranslationsIndex(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::~debTranslationsIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::PackageSet::FromString(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::PackageSet::FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile&, char const**, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::PackageSet::GroupedFromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile&, char const**, std::list<APT::PackageSet::Modifier, std::allocator<APT::PackageSet::Modifier> > const&, unsigned short const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::PackageSet::FromName(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::PackageSet::FromTask(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::PackageSet::FromRegEx(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::PackageSet::~PackageSet()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::VersionSet::FromString(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, APT::VersionSet::Version const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::VersionSet::FromPackage(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, APT::VersionSet::Version const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::VersionSet::FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile&, char const**, APT::VersionSet::Version const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::VersionSet::getCandidateVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::VersionSet::getInstalledVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::VersionSet::GroupedFromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile&, char const**, std::list<APT::VersionSet::Modifier, std::allocator<APT::VersionSet::Modifier> > const&, unsigned short const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::VersionSet::~VersionSet()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheFilter::PackageNameMatchesRegEx::PackageNameMatchesRegEx(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheFilter::PackageNameMatchesRegEx::~PackageNameMatchesRegEx()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheFilter::PackageNameMatchesRegEx::operator()(pkgCache::GrpIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheFilter::PackageNameMatchesRegEx::operator()(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::Configuration::getLanguages(bool const&, bool const&, char const**)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::Configuration::getArchitectures(bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::Configuration::checkArchitecture(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::Configuration::getCompressionTypes(bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindTask(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindRegEx(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindAllVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindPackage(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindPkgName(pkgCacheFile&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::showTaskSelection(APT::PackageSet const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::showRegExSelection(APT::PackageSet const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindNewestVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::showSelectedVersion(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, pkgCache::VerIterator, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindCandInstVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindInstCandVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindCandidateVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::canNotFindInstalledVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"APT::CacheSetHelper::~CacheSetHelper()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"URI::NoUserPassword(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"URI::CopyFrom(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"URI::SiteOnly(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"URI::~URI()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"URI::operator std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MMap::Map(FileFd&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MMap::Sync(unsigned long, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MMap::Sync()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MMap::Close(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MMap::MMap(FileFd&, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MMap::MMap(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MMap::~MMap()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"FileFd::OpenDescriptor(int, FileFd::OpenMode, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"FileFd::Open(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, FileFd::OpenMode, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"FileFd::Read(void*, unsigned long, unsigned long*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"FileFd::Seek(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"FileFd::Size()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"FileFd::Skip(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"FileFd::Sync()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"FileFd::Tell()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"FileFd::Close()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"FileFd::Write(void const*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"FileFd::Truncate(unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"FileFd::~FileFd()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Hashes::AddFD(int, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Vendor::CheckDist(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Vendor::Vendor(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<Vendor::Fingerprint*, std::allocator<Vendor::Fingerprint*> >*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Vendor::~Vendor()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"DiffInfo::~DiffInfo()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::CompTypeDeb(unsigned char)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::DepIterator::GlobOr(pkgCache::DepIterator&, pkgCache::DepIterator&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::DepIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::DepIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::GrpIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::GrpIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::PkgIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::PkgIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::PrvIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::PrvIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::DescIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::DescIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::PkgFileIterator::IsOk()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::PkgFileIterator::RelStr()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::PkgFileIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::PkgFileIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::VerFileIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::VerFileIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::DescFileIterator::operator++(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::DescFileIterator::operator++()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::SingleArchFindPkg(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::ReMap(bool const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::Header::Header()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::DepType(unsigned char)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::FindGrp(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::FindPkg(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::FindPkg(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::CompType(unsigned char)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::Priority(unsigned char)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::pkgCache(MMap*, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::~pkgCache()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCdrom::DropRepeats(std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCdrom::FindPackages(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, pkgCdromStatus*, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCdrom::WriteDatabase(Configuration&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCdrom::DropBinaryArch(std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCdrom::WriteSourceList(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCdrom::ReduceSourcelist(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCdrom::Add(pkgCdromStatus*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCdrom::Ident(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, pkgCdromStatus*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCdrom::Score(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"IndexCopy::CopyPackages(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, pkgCdromStatus*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"IndexCopy::ReconstructChop(unsigned long&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"IndexCopy::ReconstructPrefix(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"IndexCopy::ConvertToSourceList(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"IndexCopy::ChopDirs(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"IndexCopy::GrabFirst(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"IndexCopy::~IndexCopy()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SigVerify::CopyAndVerify(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SigVerify::CopyMetaIndex(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SigVerify::Verify(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, indexRecords*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SigVerify::RunGPGV(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, int const&, int*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSystem::Initialize(Configuration&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSystem::CheckUpdates()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSystem::AddStatusFiles(std::vector<pkgIndexFile*, std::allocator<pkgIndexFile*> >&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSystem::ArchiveSupported(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSystem::Lock()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSystem::Score(Configuration const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSystem::UnLock(bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSystem::debSystem()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSystem::~debSystem()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"metaIndex::~metaIndex()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::SendV2Pkgs(_IO_FILE*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::DoTerminalPty(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::DoDpkgStatusFd(int, int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::WriteHistoryTag(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::WriteApportReport(char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::RunScriptsWithPkgs(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::ProcessDpkgStatusLine(int, char*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::handleDisappearAction(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::Go(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::Reset()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::Remove(pkgCache::PkgIterator, bool)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::DoStdin(int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::Install(pkgCache::PkgIterator, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::OpenLog()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::CloseLog()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::Configure(pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::pkgDPkgPM(pkgDepCache*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgDPkgPM::~pkgDPkgPM()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPolicy::GetPriority(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPolicy::InitDefaults()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPolicy::IsImportantDep(pkgCache::DepIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPolicy::GetCandidateVer(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPolicy::PkgPin::~PkgPin()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPolicy::GetMatch(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPolicy::CreatePin(pkgVersionMatch::MatchType, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, short)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPolicy::pkgPolicy(pkgCache*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgPolicy::~pkgPolicy()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSystem::GlobalList@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSystem::Initialize(Configuration&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSystem::GlobalListLen@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSystem::Score(Configuration const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSystem::GetSystem(char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSystem::pkgSystem()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSystem::~pkgSystem()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"HashString::VerifyFile(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"HashString::empty() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"HashString::toStr() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"CommandLine::FileSize() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"GlobalError::empty(GlobalError::MsgType const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MD5SumValue::Value() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"MD5SumValue::operator==(MD5SumValue const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA1SumValue::Value() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA1SumValue::operator==(SHA1SumValue const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debIFTypePkg::CreatePkgParser(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSLTypeDeb::CreateItem(std::vector<metaIndex*, std::allocator<metaIndex*> >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"indexRecords::GetValidUntil() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"indexRecords::GetExpectedDist() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"indexRecords::Exists(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"indexRecords::GetDist() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"indexRecords::CheckDist(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::ArchiveURI(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::SourceInfo(pkgSrcRecords::Parser const&, pkgSrcRecords::File const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::ArchiveInfo(pkgCache::VerIterator) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::FindInCache(pkgCache&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::CreateSrcParser() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::MergeFileProvides(pkgCacheGenerator&, OpProgress*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::MergeFileProvides(pkgCacheGenerator&, OpProgress&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::Type::CreatePkgParser(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::Merge(pkgCacheGenerator&, OpProgress*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgIndexFile::Merge(pkgCacheGenerator&, OpProgress&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::FindVector(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::MatchAgainstConfig::Match(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::Find(char const*, char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::Item::FullTag(Configuration::Item const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::FindB(char const*, bool const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::FindI(char const*, int const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::Exists(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::FindAny(char const*, char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::FindDir(char const*, char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::FindFile(char const*, char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::ExistsAny(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::GetIndexes(pkgAcquire*, bool) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::Type::FixupURI(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::Type::ParseLine(std::vector<metaIndex*, std::allocator<metaIndex*> >&, char const*, unsigned long const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgSourceList::FindIndex(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator, pkgIndexFile*&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgTagSection::Find(char const*, char const*&, char const*&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgTagSection::Find(char const*, unsigned int&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgTagSection::FindI(char const*, long) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgTagSection::FindS(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgTagSection::FindULL(char const*, unsigned long long const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgTagSection::FindFlag(char const*, unsigned long&, unsigned long) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA256SumValue::Value() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"SHA256SumValue::operator==(SHA256SumValue const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debStatusIndex::FindInCache(pkgCache&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debStatusIndex::HasPackages() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debStatusIndex::Size() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debStatusIndex::Merge(pkgCacheGenerator&, OpProgress*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debStatusIndex::Exists() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debStatusIndex::GetType() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debStatusIndex::Describe(bool) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debIFTypeStatus::CreatePkgParser(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::ArchiveURI(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::GetIndexes(pkgAcquire*, bool const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::MetaIndexURI(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::MetaIndexFile(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::MetaIndexInfo(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::IndexURISuffix(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::SourceIndexURI(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::ComputeIndexTargets() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::SourceIndexURISuffix(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::Info(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::IndexURI(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::IsTrusted() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSLTypeDebSrc::CreateItem(std::vector<metaIndex*, std::allocator<metaIndex*> >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSLTypeDebian::CreateItemInternal(std::vector<metaIndex*, std::allocator<metaIndex*> >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool const&, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSourcesIndex::ArchiveURI(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSourcesIndex::SourceInfo(pkgSrcRecords::Parser const&, pkgSrcRecords::File const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSourcesIndex::HasPackages() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSourcesIndex::CreateSrcParser() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSourcesIndex::Info(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSourcesIndex::Size() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSourcesIndex::Exists() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSourcesIndex::GetType() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSourcesIndex::Describe(bool) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSourcesIndex::IndexURI(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debPackagesIndex::ArchiveURI(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debPackagesIndex::ArchiveInfo(pkgCache::VerIterator) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debPackagesIndex::FindInCache(pkgCache&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debPackagesIndex::HasPackages() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debPackagesIndex::Info(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debPackagesIndex::Size() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debPackagesIndex::Merge(pkgCacheGenerator&, OpProgress*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debPackagesIndex::Exists() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debPackagesIndex::GetType() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debPackagesIndex::Describe(bool) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debPackagesIndex::IndexURI(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Maintainer() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Package() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Section() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSrcRecordParser::Version() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::GetIndexes(pkgAcquire*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::FindInCache(pkgCache&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::HasPackages() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::Info(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::Size() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::Merge(pkgCacheGenerator&, OpProgress*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::Exists() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::GetType() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::Describe(bool) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debTranslationsIndex::IndexURI(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Vendor::GetVendorID() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Vendor::LookupFingerprint(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::DepIterator::AllTargets() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::DepIterator::IsCritical() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::DepIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::DepIterator::SmartTargetPkg(pkgCache::PkgIterator&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::GrpIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::GrpIterator::FindPreferredPkg(bool const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::GrpIterator::FindPkg(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::GrpIterator::NextPkg(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::PkgIterator::CurVersion() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::PkgIterator::CandVersion() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::PkgIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::PkgIterator::State() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::PkgIterator::FullName(bool const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::PrvIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::CompareVer(pkgCache::VerIterator const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::NewestFile() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::Downloadable() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::TranslatedDescription() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::Pseudo() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::RelStr() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::VerIterator::Automatic() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::DescIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::PkgFileIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::VerFileIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::DescFileIterator::OwnerPointer() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::sHash(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::sHash(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"pkgCache::Header::CheckSizes(pkgCache::Header&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSystem::CreatePM(pkgDepCache*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"debSystem::FindIndex(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator, pkgIndexFile*&) const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"metaIndex::GetURI() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"metaIndex::GetDist() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"metaIndex::GetType() const@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for OpProgress@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for SourceCopy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqFile@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcquire@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for DynamicMMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for PackageCopy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgDepCache@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgSimulate@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debIFTypePkg@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debIFTypeSrc@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debSLTypeDeb@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for indexRecords@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqMethod@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCacheFile@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgIndexFile@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for WeakPointable@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debListParser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqArchive@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqMetaSig@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgTagSection@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for OpTextProgress@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debIFTypeTrans@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debStatusIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debIFTypeStatus@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debRecordParser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debReleaseIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debSLTypeDebSrc@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debSLTypeDebian@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debSourcesIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqDiffIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqMetaIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debPackagesIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqIndexDiffs@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqIndexTrans@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcquireStatus@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for PreferenceSection@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgPackageManager@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debSrcRecordParser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debVersioningSystem@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgUdevCdromDevices@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgVersioningSystem@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debTranslationsIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for MMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for FileFd@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for Vendor@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for IndexCopy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for debSystem@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for metaIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgDPkgPM@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgPolicy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgSystem@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcquire::Item@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgRecords::Parser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgDepCache::InRootSetFunc@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgDepCache::DefaultRootSetFunc@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgDepCache::Policy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgSimulate::Policy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgIndexFile::Type@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for Configuration::MatchAgainstConfig@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgSourceList::Type@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgSrcRecords::Parser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for APT::CacheSetHelper@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::DepIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::GrpIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::PkgIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::PrvIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::VerIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::DescIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::PkgFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::VerFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::DescFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Dependency, pkgCache::DepIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Description, pkgCache::DescIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::PackageFile, pkgCache::PkgFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Group, pkgCache::GrpIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Package, pkgCache::PkgIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::VerFile, pkgCache::VerFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Version, pkgCache::VerIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::DescFile, pkgCache::DescFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Provides, pkgCache::PrvIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgCache::Namespace@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for OpProgress@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for SourceCopy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqFile@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcquire@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for DynamicMMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for PackageCopy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgDepCache@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgSimulate@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debIFTypePkg@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debIFTypeSrc@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debSLTypeDeb@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for indexRecords@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqMethod@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCacheFile@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgIndexFile@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for WeakPointable@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debListParser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqArchive@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqMetaSig@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgTagSection@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for OpTextProgress@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debIFTypeTrans@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debStatusIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debIFTypeStatus@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debRecordParser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debReleaseIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debSLTypeDebSrc@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debSLTypeDebian@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debSourcesIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqDiffIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqMetaIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debPackagesIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqIndexDiffs@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqIndexTrans@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcquireStatus@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for PreferenceSection@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgPackageManager@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debSrcRecordParser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debVersioningSystem@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgUdevCdromDevices@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgVersioningSystem@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debTranslationsIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for MMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for FileFd@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for Vendor@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for IndexCopy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for debSystem@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for metaIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgDPkgPM@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgPolicy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgSystem@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcquire::Item@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgRecords::Parser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgDepCache::InRootSetFunc@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgDepCache::DefaultRootSetFunc@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgDepCache::Policy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgSimulate::Policy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgIndexFile::Type@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for Configuration::MatchAgainstConfig@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgSourceList::Type@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgSrcRecords::Parser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for APT::CacheSetHelper@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::DepIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::GrpIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::PkgIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::PrvIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::VerIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::DescIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::PkgFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::VerFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::DescFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Dependency, pkgCache::DepIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Description, pkgCache::DescIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::PackageFile, pkgCache::PkgFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Group, pkgCache::GrpIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Package, pkgCache::PkgIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::VerFile, pkgCache::VerFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Version, pkgCache::VerIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::DescFile, pkgCache::DescFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Provides, pkgCache::PrvIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgCache::Namespace@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for OpProgress@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for SourceCopy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqFile@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgAcquire@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for DynamicMMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for PackageCopy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgDepCache@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgSimulate@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debIFTypePkg@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debIFTypeSrc@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debSLTypeDeb@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for indexRecords@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqMethod@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCacheFile@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgIndexFile@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debListParser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqArchive@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqMetaSig@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgTagSection@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for OpTextProgress@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debIFTypeTrans@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debStatusIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debIFTypeStatus@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debRecordParser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debReleaseIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debSLTypeDebSrc@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debSLTypeDebian@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debSourcesIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqDiffIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqMetaIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debPackagesIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqIndexDiffs@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqIndexTrans@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgAcquireStatus@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for PreferenceSection@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgPackageManager@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debSrcRecordParser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debVersioningSystem@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgUdevCdromDevices@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgVersioningSystem@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debTranslationsIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for MMap@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for FileFd@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for Vendor@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for IndexCopy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for debSystem@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for metaIndex@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgDPkgPM@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgPolicy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgSystem@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgAcquire::Item@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgRecords::Parser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgDepCache::InRootSetFunc@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgDepCache::DefaultRootSetFunc@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgDepCache::Policy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgSimulate::Policy@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgIndexFile::Type@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for Configuration::MatchAgainstConfig@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgSourceList::Type@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgSrcRecords::Parser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for APT::CacheSetHelper@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::DepIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::GrpIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::PkgIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::PrvIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::VerIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::DescIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::PkgFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::VerFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::DescFileIterator@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Dependency, pkgCache::DepIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Description, pkgCache::DescIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::PackageFile, pkgCache::PkgFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Group, pkgCache::GrpIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Package, pkgCache::PkgIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::VerFile, pkgCache::VerFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Version, pkgCache::VerIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::DescFile, pkgCache::DescFileIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Provides, pkgCache::PrvIterator>@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"non-virtual thunk to pkgDepCache::DefaultRootSetFunc::~DefaultRootSetFunc()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"operator<<(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, pkgCache::DepIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"operator<<(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, pkgCache::PkgIterator)@Base" 0.8.0
+ _apt_DebSrcType@Base 0.8.0
+ _apt_DebType@Base 0.8.0
+ _config@Base 0.8.0
+ _system@Base 0.8.0
+ debSys@Base 0.8.0
+ debVS@Base 0.8.0
+ pkgLibVersion@Base 0.8.0
+ pkgVersion@Base 0.8.0
+### demangle strangeness - buildd report it as MISSING and as new…
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaSig::pkgAcqMetaSig(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::vector<IndexTarget*, std::allocator<IndexTarget*> > const*, indexRecords*)@Base" 0.8.0
+### gcc-4.4 specific
+# (c++|optional=inherent)"APT::PackageSet::PackageSet(APT::PackageSet const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+# (c++|optional=inline)"stringcasecmp(char const*, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+# (arch=armel|c++|optional=inline)"stringcasecmp(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, char const*)@Base" 0.8.0
+# (c++|optional=inherent)"APT::VersionSet::insert(pkgCache::VerIterator const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+# (c++|optional=inline)"APT::VersionSet::insert(APT::VersionSet const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+# (c++|optional=private)"debTranslationsIndex::IndexFile(char const*) const@Base" 0.8.0
+# (c++|optional=inline)"pkgCache::Iterator<pkgCache::Version, pkgCache::VerIterator>::end() const@Base" 0.8.0
+# (c++|optional=inherent)"HashString::operator=(HashString const&)@Base" 0.8.0
+# (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::less<[^ ]+>::operator\(\)\(.+\) const@Base$" 0.8.0
+# (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::vector<.+ >::(vector|push_back|erase|_[^ ]+)\(.+\)( const|)@Base$" 0.8.0
+# (c++|regex|optional=std)"^pkgCache::(Dep|Pkg|Ver|Grp|Prv|Desc|PkgFile)Iterator\*\* std::_.+@Base$" 0.8.0
+### gcc-4.5 specific
+ (c++|regex|optional=std)"^char\* std::[^ ]+<.+ >::_.+@Base$" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional=inline)"FileFd::FileFd(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, FileFd::OpenMode, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|regex|optional=template)"^SPtrArray<[^ ]+>::~SPtrArray\(\)@Base$" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional=template)"SPtrArray<unsigned char>::~SPtrArray()@Base" 0.8.0
+### gcc-4.6 specific
+ (c++|optional=template)"SPtrArray<pkgCache::Version*>::~SPtrArray()@Base" 0.8.0
+ (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::basic_string<char( const|)\*>\(.+\)@Base$" 0.8.0
+ (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::vector<DiffInfo, .+@Base$" 0.8.0
+ (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::vector<.+ >::(vector|push_back|erase|_[^ ]+)\(.+\)( const|)@Base$" 0.8.0
+ (c++|optional=strange)"pkgCache::VerIterator::VerIterator(pkgCache&, pkgCache::Version*)@Base" 0.8.0
+### architecture specific: va_list & size_t
+ (arch=i386 hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char*&, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
+ (arch=armel armhf|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, std::__va_list&, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
+ (arch=alpha|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, __va_list_tag&, unsigned long&)@Base" 1
+ (arch=powerpc powerpcspe|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, __va_list_tag (&) [1], unsigned int&)@Base" 1
+ (arch=amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 s390|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, __va_list_tag (&) [1], unsigned long&)@Base" 1
+ (arch=hppa mipsel sparc|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, void*&, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
+ (arch=ia64 sparc64|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, void*&, unsigned long&)@Base" 1
+ (arch=sh4|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::Insert(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, __builtin_va_list&, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
+ (arch=i386 hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char const*, char*&, int, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
+ (arch=armel armhf|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char const*, std::__va_list&, int, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
+ (arch=alpha|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char const*, __va_list_tag&, int, unsigned long&)@Base" 1
+ (arch=powerpc powerpcspe|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char const*, __va_list_tag (&) [1], int, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
+ (arch=amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 s390|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char const*, __va_list_tag (&) [1], int, unsigned long&)@Base" 1
+ (arch=hppa mipsel sparc|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char const*, void*&, int, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
+ (arch=ia64 sparc64|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char const*, void*&, int, unsigned long&)@Base" 1
+ (arch=sh4|c++|optional=private)"GlobalError::InsertErrno(GlobalError::MsgType, char const*, char const*, __builtin_va_list&, int, unsigned int&)@Base" 1
+### architecture specific: size_t
+ (arch=i386 armel armhf hppa hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386 mipsel powerpc powerpcspe sh4 sparc|c++)"_strtabexpand(char*, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (arch=alpha amd64 ia64 kfreebsd-amd64 s390 sparc64|c++)"_strtabexpand(char*, unsigned long)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (arch=i386 armel armhf hppa hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386 mipsel powerpc powerpcspe sh4 sparc|c++)"indexRecords::parseSumData(char const*&, char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, unsigned int&)@Base" 0.8.0
+ (arch=alpha amd64 ia64 kfreebsd-amd64 s390 sparc64|c++)"indexRecords::parseSumData(char const*&, char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, unsigned long&)@Base" 0.8.0
+### try to ignore std:: template instances
+ (c++|regex|optional=std)"^(void |)std::[^ ]+<.+ >::(_|~).+\(.*\)@Base$" 0.8.0
+ (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::[^ ]+<.+ >::(append|insert|reserve|operator[^ ]+)\(.*\)@Base$" 0.8.0
+ (c++|regex|optional=std)"^(void |DiffInfo\* |)std::_.*@Base$" 0.8.0
+ (c++|regex|optional=std)"^(bool|void) std::(operator|sort_heap|make_heap)[^ ]+<.+ >\(.+\)@Base$" 0.8.0
+ (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::reverse_iterator<.+ > std::__.+@Base$" 0.8.0
+ (c++|regex|optional=std)"^std::basic_string<.+ >\(.+\)@Base$" 0.8.0
+ (c++|regex|optional=std)"^__gnu_cxx::__[^ ]+<.*@Base$" 0.8.0
+ (c++|regex|optional=std)"^typeinfo name for std::iterator<.*>@Base$" 0.8.0
+ (c++|regex|optional=std)"^typeinfo for std::iterator<.*>@Base$" 0.8.0
+ (c++)"Configuration::MatchAgainstConfig::clearPatterns()@Base" 0.8.1 1
+ (c++)"CreateAPTDirectoryIfNeeded(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.2 1
+ (c++)"FileFd::FileSize()@Base" 0.8.8 1
+ (c++)"Base256ToNum(char const*, unsigned long&, unsigned int)@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::SetCandidateRelease(pkgCache::VerIterator, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::list<std::pair<pkgCache::VerIterator, pkgCache::VerIterator>, std::allocator<std::pair<pkgCache::VerIterator, pkgCache::VerIterator> > >&)@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::SetCandidateRelease(pkgCache::VerIterator, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"RealFileExists(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"StripEpoch(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"IndexTarget::~IndexTarget()@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::Init(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndex::pkgAcqIndex(pkgAcquire*, IndexTarget const*, HashString const&, indexRecords const*)@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"pkgTagSection::FindFlag(unsigned long&, unsigned long, char const*, char const*)@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"pkgAcqSubIndex::ParseIndex(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"pkgAcqSubIndex::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"pkgAcqSubIndex::Done(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"pkgAcqSubIndex::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"pkgAcqSubIndex::DescURI()@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"pkgAcqSubIndex::pkgAcqSubIndex(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, HashString const&)@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"pkgAcqSubIndex::~pkgAcqSubIndex()@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaClearSig::Failed(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig*)@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaClearSig::pkgAcqMetaClearSig(pkgAcquire*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::vector<IndexTarget*, std::allocator<IndexTarget*> > const*, indexRecords*)@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaClearSig::~pkgAcqMetaClearSig()@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"pkgAcqIndexTrans::pkgAcqIndexTrans(pkgAcquire*, IndexTarget const*, HashString const&, indexRecords const*)@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"IndexTarget::IsOptional() const@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"IndexTarget::IsSubIndex() const@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::TranslationIndexURI(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"debReleaseIndex::TranslationIndexURISuffix(char const*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqSubIndex@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"typeinfo for pkgAcqMetaClearSig@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqSubIndex@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"typeinfo name for pkgAcqMetaClearSig@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqSubIndex@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"vtable for pkgAcqMetaClearSig@Base" 0.8.11 1
+ (c++)"FindMountPointForDevice(char const*)@Base" 0.8.12 1
+ (c++)"pkgUdevCdromDevices::ScanForRemovable(bool)@Base" 0.8.12 1
+ (c++)"APT::Configuration::Compressor::Compressor(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*, unsigned short)@Base" 0.8.12 1
+ (c++)"APT::Configuration::Compressor::~Compressor()@Base" 0.8.12 1
+ (c++)"APT::Configuration::getCompressors(bool)@Base" 0.8.12 1
+ (c++)"APT::Configuration::getCompressorExtensions()@Base" 0.8.12 1
+ (c++)"APT::Configuration::setDefaultConfigurationForCompressors()@Base" 0.8.12 1
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::SetCandidateVersion(pkgCache::VerIterator, bool const&)@Base" 0.8.12 1
+ (c++)"pkgAcqMetaClearSig::Custom600Headers()@Base" 0.8.13 1
+ (c++|optional=private)"debListParser::NewProvidesAllArch(pkgCache::VerIterator&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)@Base" 1
+ (c++|optional=private)"PrintMode(char)@Base" 1
+ (c++)"pkgDepCache::IsModeChangeOk(pkgDepCache::ModeList, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, unsigned long, bool)@Base" 1
# Find the libapt-pkg major version for use in other control files
include buildlib/libversion.mak
-# Determine which package we should provide in the control files
# do not fail as we are just experimenting with symbol files for now
dh_compress -p$@
dh_fixperms -p$@
dh_installdeb -p$@
- dh_gencontrol -p$@ -- -Vlibapt-pkg:provides=$(LIBAPTPKG_PROVIDE)
+ dh_gencontrol -p$@
dh_md5sums -p$@
dh_builddeb -p$@
# Build architecture-dependent files here.
-binary-arch: apt libapt-pkg-dev apt-utils apt-transport-https
+binary-arch: libapt-pkg4.10 libapt-inst1.2 apt libapt-pkg-dev apt-utils apt-transport-https
apt_MANPAGES = apt-cache apt-cdrom apt-config apt-get apt-key apt-mark apt-secure apt apt.conf apt_preferences sources.list
apt: build build-doc
dh_testdir -p$@
dh_fixperms -p$@
dh_makeshlibs -p$@
dh_installdeb -p$@
- dh_shlibdeps -p$@ -l$(CURDIR)/debian/apt/usr/lib:$(CURDIR)/debian/$@/usr/lib
- dh_gencontrol -p$@ -- -Vlibapt-pkg:provides=$(LIBAPTPKG_PROVIDE)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$@ -l$(CURDIR)/debian/libapt-inst2.1/usr/lib:$(CURDIR)/debian/libapt-pkg4.10/usr/lib
+ dh_gencontrol -p$@
dh_md5sums -p$@
dh_builddeb -p$@
dh_compress -p$@
dh_fixperms -p$@
dh_installdeb -p$@
- dh_gencontrol -p$@ -- -Vlibapt-pkg:provides=$(LIBAPTPKG_PROVIDE) -Vlibapt-inst:provides=$(LIBAPTINST_PROVIDE)
+ dh_gencontrol -p$@
dh_md5sums -p$@
dh_builddeb -p$@
dh_fixperms -p$@
dh_makeshlibs -p$@
dh_installdeb -p$@
- dh_shlibdeps -p$@ -l$(CURDIR)/debian/apt/usr/lib:$(CURDIR)/debian/$@/usr/lib
- dh_gencontrol -p$@ -- -Vlibapt-inst:provides=$(LIBAPTINST_PROVIDE)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$@ -l$(CURDIR)/debian/libapt-inst2.1/usr/lib:$(CURDIR)/debian/libapt-pkg4.10/usr/lib
+ dh_gencontrol -p$@
+ dh_md5sums -p$@
+ dh_builddeb -p$@
+libapt-pkg4.10: build
+ dh_testdir -p$@
+ dh_testroot -p$@
+ dh_prep -p$@
+ dh_installdirs -p$@
+ dh_install -p$@ --sourcedir=$(BLD)
+ dh_installchangelogs -p$@
+ dh_strip -p$@
+ dh_compress -p$@
+ dh_fixperms -p$@
+ dh_installdeb -p$@
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$@
+ dh_gencontrol -p$@
+ dh_md5sums -p$@
+ dh_builddeb -p$@
+libapt-inst1.2: build
+ dh_testdir -p$@
+ dh_testroot -p$@
+ dh_prep -p$@
+ dh_installdirs -p$@
+ dh_install -p$@ --sourcedir=$(BLD)
+ dh_installchangelogs -p$@
+ dh_strip -p$@
+ dh_compress -p$@
+ dh_fixperms -p$@
+ dh_installdeb -p$@
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$@ -l$(CURDIR)/debian/libapt-pkg4.10/usr/lib
+ dh_gencontrol -p$@
dh_md5sums -p$@
dh_builddeb -p$@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-14 13:42+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114 apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:55 apt-secure.8.xml:43 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36 sources.list.5.xml:36
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114 apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36 sources.list.5.xml:36
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:92 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568 apt-get.8.xml:393 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:608 apt-get.8.xml:570 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570 apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:156 apt-mark.8.xml:125 apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:649
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144 apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:624 apt-get.8.xml:585 apt-key.8.xml:177 apt-mark.8.xml:131 apt-secure.8.xml:185 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:656 sources.list.5.xml:234
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585 apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704 sources.list.5.xml:234
msgid "See Also"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:591 apt-mark.8.xml:135 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591 apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:142
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536 apt-get.8.xml:345
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:625 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
msgid "&apt-conf;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:529
-msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
+msgid "<option>--md5</option>, <option>--sha1</option>, <option>--sha256</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:531
msgid ""
-"Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated index "
-"files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration Item: "
+"Generate the given checksum. These options default to on, when turned off "
+"the generated index files will not have the checksum fields where possible. "
+"Configuration Items: "
+"<literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> and "
+"<literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> "
+"where <literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, "
+"<literal>SHA1</literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:538
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:544
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:550
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:552
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:558
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:560
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:570
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
"command. Configuration Item: "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:576
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:581
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
msgid ""
"Accept in the <literal>packages</literal> and <literal>contents</literal> "
"commands only package files matching <literal>*_arch.deb</literal> or "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:587
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:589
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:601
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
"only be set to <literal>\"false\"</literal> if the Archive generated with "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:613 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:496 sources.list.5.xml:198
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544 sources.list.5.xml:198
msgid "Examples"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:615
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
"from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
+msgid "net-update"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
+msgid ""
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch "
+"from. APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:143
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:146
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:159
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:166
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:169
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-removed-keys.gpg</filename>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:170
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:179
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:16
msgid ""
-"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
-"August 2009</date>"
+"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>21 "
+"April 2011</date>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> "
"<arg><option>-f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group "
"choice=\"plain\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
-"choice=\"plain\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> "
+"choice=\"plain\">auto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">manual</arg> <arg "
+"choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showmanual</arg> "
"</group> <arg choice=\"plain\" "
-"rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</replaceable></arg> </arg> <arg "
-"choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
+"rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</replaceable></arg> </arg> </group>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:56
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:57
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> will change whether a package has been marked as "
"being automatically installed."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:60
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:61
msgid ""
"When you request that a package is installed, and as a result other packages "
"are installed to satisfy its dependencies, the dependencies are marked as "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:68
-msgid "markauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+msgid "auto"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:70
msgid ""
-"<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
+"<literal>auto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
"installed, which will cause the package to be removed when no more manually "
"installed packages depend on this package."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:76
-msgid "unmarkauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+msgid "manual"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:78
msgid ""
-"<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+"<literal>manual</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
"installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically removed "
"if no other packages depend on it."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:84
-msgid "showauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+msgid "hold"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:86
msgid ""
-"<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
-"installed packages with each package on a new line."
+"<literal>hold</literal> is used to mark a package as hold back, which will "
+"prevent the package from being automatically installed, upgraded or "
+"removed. The command is only a wrapper around <command>dpkg "
+"--set-selections</command> and the state is therefore maintained by &dpkg; "
+"and not effected by the <option>--filename</option> option."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:95
+msgid "unhold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:96
-msgid "<option>-f=<filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></filename></option>"
+msgid ""
+"<literal>unhold</literal> is used to cancel a previously set hold on a "
+"package to allow all actions again."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:97
-msgid "<option>--file=<filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></filename></option>"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:101
+msgid "showauto"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:100
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:102
msgid ""
-"Read/Write package stats from "
-"<filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></filename> instead of the "
-"default location, which is <filename>extended_status</filename> in the "
-"directory defined by the Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State</literal>."
+"<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+"installed packages with each package on a new line. All automatically "
+"installed packages will be listed if no package is given. If packages are "
+"given only those which are automatically installed will be shown."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:106
-msgid "<option>-h</option>"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:109
+msgid "showmanual"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:110
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showmanual</literal> can be used in the same way as "
+"<literal>showauto</literal> except that it will print a list of manually "
+"installed packages instead."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:107
-msgid "<option>--help</option>"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
+msgid "showhold"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:108
-msgid "Show a short usage summary."
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:117
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showhold</literal> is used to print a list of packages on hold in "
+"the same way as for the other show commands."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:114
-msgid "<option>-v</option>"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:130
+msgid "<option>-f=<filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></filename></option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:115
-msgid "<option>--version</option>"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:131
+msgid "<option>--file=<filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></filename></option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
-msgid "Show the program version."
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:134
+msgid ""
+"Read/Write package stats from "
+"<filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></filename> instead of the "
+"default location, which is <filename>extended_status</filename> in the "
+"directory defined by the Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:127
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:146
msgid " &file-extended_states;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:132
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:151
msgid "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:136
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:155
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> returns zero on normal operation, non-zero on "
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:107
msgid ""
"to the versions coming from archives which in their "
-"<filename>Release</filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like "
-"the debian experimental archive."
+"<filename>Release</filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" but "
+"<emphasis>not</emphasis> as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"<literal>experimental</literal> archive."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:112
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
msgid "priority 100"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
-msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:114
+msgid ""
+"to the version that is already installed (if any) and to the versions coming "
+"from archives which in their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked "
+"as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" and \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"backports archive since <literal>squeeze-backports</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:117
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:121
msgid "priority 500"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:118
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and do not belong to the target "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:126
msgid "priority 990"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:123
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:127
msgid "to the versions that are not installed and belong to the target release."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:128
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:132
msgid ""
"If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
"priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
-"uninstalled package versions, expect versions coming from archives which in "
+"uninstalled package versions, except versions coming from archives which in "
"their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" "
-"- these versions get the priority 1."
+"- these versions get the priority 1 or priority 100 if it is additionally "
+"marked as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\"."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:134
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:139
msgid ""
"APT then applies the following rules, listed in order of precedence, to "
"determine which version of a package to install."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:137
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:142
msgid ""
"Never downgrade unless the priority of an available version exceeds 1000. "
"(\"Downgrading\" is installing a less recent version of a package in place "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:143
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:148
msgid "Install the highest priority version."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:144
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:149
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority, install the most recent one "
"(that is, the one with the higher version number)."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:147
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:152
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority and version number but either "
"the packages differ in some of their metadata or the "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:153
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:158
msgid ""
"In a typical situation, the installed version of a package (priority 100) "
"is not as recent as one of the versions available from the sources listed in "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:160
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
msgid ""
"More rarely, the installed version of a package is <emphasis>more</emphasis> "
"recent than any of the other available versions. The package will not be "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:170
msgid ""
"Sometimes the installed version of a package is more recent than the version "
"belonging to the target release, but not as recent as a version belonging to "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:174
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:179
msgid "The Effect of APT Preferences"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:176
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:181
msgid ""
"The APT preferences file allows the system administrator to control the "
"assignment of priorities. The file consists of one or more multi-line "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:182
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:187
msgid ""
"The specific form assigns a priority (a \"Pin-Priority\") to one or more "
"specified packages and specified version or version range. For example, the "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:189
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:194
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:195
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:200
msgid ""
"The general form assigns a priority to all of the package versions in a "
"given distribution (that is, to all the versions of packages that are listed "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:201
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
msgid ""
"This general-form entry in the APT preferences file applies only to groups "
"of packages. For example, the following record assigns a high priority to "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:216
msgid ""
"A note of caution: the keyword used here is \"<literal>origin</literal>\" "
"which can be used to match a hostname. The following record will assign a "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:215
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:220
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:219
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
msgid ""
"This should <emphasis>not</emphasis> be confused with the Origin of a "
"distribution as specified in a <filename>Release</filename> file. What "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:229
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a low priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any distribution whose Archive name is "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:228
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:238
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any distribution whose Codename is "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:237
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any release whose Archive name is \"<literal>stable</literal>\" "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:252
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:258
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:262
+msgid "Regular expressions and glob() syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:264
+msgid ""
+"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
+"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
+"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a "
+"glob()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"expression surrounded by slashes)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:273
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: gnome* /kde/\n"
+"Pin: release n=experimental\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
+msgid ""
+"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"packages from a release starting with karmic."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:285
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=karmic*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 990\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+msgid "Package"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:296
+msgid "*"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
msgid "How APT Interprets Priorities"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:266
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:314
msgid "P > 1000"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:267
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:315
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if this constitutes a downgrade of the "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:271
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:319
msgid "990 < P <=1000"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:272
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:320
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if it does not come from the target "
"release, unless the installed version is more recent"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:277
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
msgid "500 < P <=990"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:278
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:326
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"belonging to the target release or the installed version is more recent"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:283
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:331
msgid "100 < P <=500"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:284
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:332
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"belonging to some other distribution or the installed version is more recent"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:289
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:337
msgid "0 < P <=100"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:338
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed only if there is no installed version of "
"the package"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:294
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:342
msgid "P < 0"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:295
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:343
msgid "prevents the version from being installed"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:261
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:309
msgid ""
"Priorities (P) assigned in the APT preferences file must be positive or "
"negative integers. They are interpreted as follows (roughly speaking): "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:300
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:348
msgid ""
"If any specific-form records match an available package version then the "
"first such record determines the priority of the package version. Failing "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:354
msgid ""
"For example, suppose the APT preferences file contains the three records "
"presented earlier:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:310
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:323
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:371
msgid "Then:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:373
msgid ""
"The most recent available version of the <literal>perl</literal> package "
"will be installed, so long as that version's version number begins with "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:330
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:378
msgid ""
"A version of any package other than <literal>perl</literal> that is "
"available from the local system has priority over other versions, even "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:334
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:382
msgid ""
"A version of a package whose origin is not the local system but some other "
"site listed in &sources-list; and which belongs to an "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:344
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:392
msgid "Determination of Package Version and Distribution Properties"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:346
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:394
msgid ""
"The locations listed in the &sources-list; file should provide "
"<filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> files to "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
msgid "the <literal>Package:</literal> line"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:359
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:407
msgid "gives the package name"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:362 apt_preferences.5.xml:412
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:410 apt_preferences.5.xml:460
msgid "the <literal>Version:</literal> line"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:363
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:411
msgid "gives the version number for the named package"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:350
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:398
msgid ""
"The <filename>Packages</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
"<filename>.../dists/<replaceable>dist-name</replaceable>/<replaceable>component</replaceable>/<replaceable>arch</replaceable></filename>: "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:379
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:427
msgid "the <literal>Archive:</literal> or <literal>Suite:</literal> line"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:380
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:428
msgid ""
"names the archive to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"For example, the line \"Archive: stable\" or \"Suite: stable\" specifies "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:390
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:438
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release a=stable\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:396
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:444
msgid "the <literal>Codename:</literal> line"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:397
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:445
msgid ""
"names the codename to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"For example, the line \"Codename: &testing-codename;\" specifies that all of "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release n=&testing-codename;\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:413
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
msgid ""
"names the release version. For example, the packages in the tree might "
"belong to Debian GNU/Linux release version 3.0. Note that there is normally "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:422
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:470
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Pin: release v=3.0\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:431
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:479
msgid "the <literal>Component:</literal> line"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:432
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:480
msgid ""
"names the licensing component associated with the packages in the directory "
"tree of the <filename>Release</filename> file. For example, the line "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:441
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release c=main\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:447
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:495
msgid "the <literal>Origin:</literal> line"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:448
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:496
msgid ""
"names the originator of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:502
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:460
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:508
msgid "the <literal>Label:</literal> line"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:509
msgid ""
"names the label of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:467
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:515
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:368
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:416
msgid ""
"The <filename>Release</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
"<filename>.../dists/<replaceable>dist-name</replaceable></filename>: for "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:474
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:522
msgid ""
"All of the <filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> "
"files retrieved from locations listed in the &sources-list; file are stored "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:487
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
msgid "Optional Lines in an APT Preferences Record"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:537
msgid ""
"Each record in the APT preferences file can optionally begin with one or "
"more lines beginning with the word <literal>Explanation:</literal>. This "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:498
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:546
msgid "Tracking Stable"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:506
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:554
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:500
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:548
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:523 apt_preferences.5.xml:569 apt_preferences.5.xml:627
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:571 apt_preferences.5.xml:617 apt_preferences.5.xml:675
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"apt-get install <replaceable>package-name</replaceable>\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:518
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:566
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:583
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/testing\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:529
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:577
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution; the package "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:541
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:589
msgid "Tracking Testing or Unstable"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:550
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:598
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:543
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a high priority "
"to package versions from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution, a "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:564
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:612
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:584
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:632
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/unstable\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:575
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:623
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>unstable</literal> distribution. "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:639
msgid "Tracking the evolution of a codename release"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:605
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:653
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated package "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:593
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:641
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:622
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:670
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest version(s) in "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:642
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:690
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/sid\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:633
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:681
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>sid</literal> distribution. Thereafter, "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:651
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:699
msgid "&file-preferences;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:657
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:705
msgid "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: apt-doc\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: APT Development Team <>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-14 13:42+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-16 19:04+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Chris Leick <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50
#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114
-#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:55 apt-secure.8.xml:43
+#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36
#: sources.list.5.xml:36
msgid "Description"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:92
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr "Optionen"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568 apt-get.8.xml:393
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr "<option>-s</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr "<option>-q</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr "<option>--quiet</option>"
"Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::Cache::ShowFull</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr "<option>-a</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:608 apt-get.8.xml:570
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr "&apt-commonoptions;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:156 apt-mark.8.xml:125
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:649
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Dateien"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:624 apt-get.8.xml:585
-#: apt-key.8.xml:177 apt-mark.8.xml:131 apt-secure.8.xml:185
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:656
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
#: sources.list.5.xml:234
msgid "See Also"
msgstr "Siehe auch"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:591
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:135 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr "Diagnose"
"<placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:142
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Optionen"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536 apt-get.8.xml:345
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "Nur der Inhalt des Konfigurationsbereichs wird angezeigt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:625
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
msgid "&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-conf;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:529
-msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
+msgid ""
+"<option>--md5</option>, <option>--sha1</option>, <option>--sha256</option>"
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:531
-msgid ""
-"Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated index "
-"files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration Item: "
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Values for the additional metadata fields in the Release file are taken "
+#| "from the corresponding variables under <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release</"
+#| "literal>, e.g. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. The "
+#| "supported fields are: <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, "
+#| "<literal>Codename</literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, <literal>Valid-"
+#| "Until</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, <literal>Components</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Description</literal>."
+msgid ""
+"Generate the given checksum. These options default to on, when turned off "
+"the generated index files will not have the checksum fields where possible. "
+"Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</"
+"replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</"
+"replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> where "
+"<literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+"literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
-"Generiert MD5-Summen. Dies ist standardmäßig an, wenn es ausgeschaltet ist, "
-"haben die generierten Indexdateien keine MD5Sum-Felder, sofern dies möglich "
-"ist. Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::MD5</literal>"
+"Werte für zusätzliche Metadatenfelder in der Release-Datei werden den "
+"entsprechenden Variablen unter <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release</literal> "
+"entnommen, z.B. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. Die "
+"unterstützten Felder sind: <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</"
+"literal>, <literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, "
+"<literal>Codename</literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, <literal>Valid-Until</"
+"literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, <literal>Components</literal>, "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr "<option>--db</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:538
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:544
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
"Konfigurationselement: <literal>quiet</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:550
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr "<option>--delink</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:552
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:558
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr "<option>--contents</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:560
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
"Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Contents</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr "<option>--source-override</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:570
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr "<option>--readonly</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:576
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr "<option>--arch</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:581
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
msgid ""
"Accept in the <literal>packages</literal> and <literal>contents</literal> "
"commands only package files matching <literal>*_arch.deb</literal> or "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:587
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:589
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
"haben sollte und all diese zusätzlichen Prüfungen daher nutzlos sind."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:601
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
"only be set to <literal>\"false\"</literal> if the Archive generated with "
"werden kann."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:613 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:496
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
#: sources.list.5.xml:198
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Beispiele"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
msgstr "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> Pakete <replaceable>Verzeichnis</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Pakete.gz</filename>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:615
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
"aktualisieren und aus dem Schlüsselbund die Archivschlüssel entfernen, die "
"nicht länger gültig sind."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "update"
+msgid "net-update"
+msgstr "update"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
+msgid ""
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch from. "
+"APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:143
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
"Befehlen definiert sein müssen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr "--keyring <replaceable>Dateiname</replaceable>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:146
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
"Schlüssel werden zu diesem hinzugefügt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:159
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr "&file-trustedgpg;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr "Lokale Datenbank vertrauenswürdiger Archivschlüssel."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:166
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr "Schlüsselbund vertrauenswürdiger Schlüssel des Debian-Archivs."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:169
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:170
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr ""
"Schlüsselbund entfernter vertrauenswürdiger Schlüssel des Debian-Archivs."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:179
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
#. The last update date
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:16
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
+#| "August 2009</date>"
msgid ""
-"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
-"August 2009</date>"
+"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>21 "
+"April 2011</date>"
msgstr ""
"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9. "
"August 2009</date>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:39
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| " <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> "
+#| "<arg><option>-f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group "
+#| "choice=\"plain\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
+#| "choice=\"plain\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </"
+#| "group> <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</"
+#| "replaceable></arg> </arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
msgid ""
" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
"f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain"
"\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice=\"plain"
-"\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </group> <arg "
+"\">auto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">manual</arg> <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\">showauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showmanual</arg> </group> <arg "
"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</replaceable></arg> </"
-"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
+"arg> </group>"
msgstr ""
" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
"f=<replaceable>DATEINAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain"
"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:56
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:57
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> will change whether a package has been marked as "
"being automatically installed."
"installiert markiert ist."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:60
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:61
msgid ""
"When you request that a package is installed, and as a result other packages "
"are installed to satisfy its dependencies, the dependencies are marked as "
"<command>aptitude</command> entfernt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:68
-msgid "markauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "markauto"
+msgid "auto"
msgstr "markauto"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:70
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being "
+#| "automatically installed, which will cause the package to be removed when "
+#| "no more manually installed packages depend on this package."
msgid ""
-"<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
+"<literal>auto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
"installed, which will cause the package to be removed when no more manually "
"installed packages depend on this package."
msgstr ""
"keine manuell installierten Pakete von ihm abhängen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:76
-msgid "unmarkauto"
-msgstr "unmarkauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+msgid "manual"
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:78
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+#| "installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically "
+#| "removed if no other packages depend on it."
msgid ""
-"<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+"<literal>manual</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
"installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically removed "
"if no other packages depend on it."
msgstr ""
"entfernt wird, wenn kein anderes Paket von ihm abhängt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:84
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+msgid "hold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:86
+msgid ""
+"<literal>hold</literal> is used to mark a package as hold back, which will "
+"prevent the package from being automatically installed, upgraded or "
+"removed. The command is only a wrapper around <command>dpkg --set-"
+"selections</command> and the state is therefore maintained by &dpkg; and not "
+"effected by the <option>--filename</option> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:95
+msgid "unhold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:96
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
+msgid ""
+"<literal>unhold</literal> is used to cancel a previously set hold on a "
+"package to allow all actions again."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>showauto</literal> wird benutzt, um eine Liste automatisch "
+"installierter Pakete mit einem Paket in jeder neuen Zeile, auszugeben."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:101
msgid "showauto"
msgstr "showauto"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:102
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
msgid ""
"<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
-"installed packages with each package on a new line."
+"installed packages with each package on a new line. All automatically "
+"installed packages will be listed if no package is given. If packages are "
+"given only those which are automatically installed will be shown."
msgstr ""
"<literal>showauto</literal> wird benutzt, um eine Liste automatisch "
"installierter Pakete mit einem Paket in jeder neuen Zeile, auszugeben."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:96
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:109
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "showauto"
+msgid "showmanual"
+msgstr "showauto"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:110
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showmanual</literal> can be used in the same way as "
+"<literal>showauto</literal> except that it will print a list of manually "
+"installed packages instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "showauto"
+msgid "showhold"
+msgstr "showauto"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:117
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showhold</literal> is used to print a list of packages on hold in "
+"the same way as for the other show commands."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>showauto</literal> wird benutzt, um eine Liste automatisch "
+"installierter Pakete mit einem Paket in jeder neuen Zeile, auszugeben."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:130
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:97
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:131
msgid ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:100
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:134
msgid ""
"Read/Write package stats from <filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></"
"filename> instead of the default location, which is "
"filename> im von Konfigurationselement <literal>Dir::State</literal> "
"definierten Verzeichnis, ist."
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:106
-msgid "<option>-h</option>"
-msgstr "<option>-h</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:107
-msgid "<option>--help</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--help</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:108
-msgid "Show a short usage summary."
-msgstr "Eine kurze Zusammenfassung anzeigen."
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:114
-msgid "<option>-v</option>"
-msgstr "<option>-v</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:115
-msgid "<option>--version</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
-msgid "Show the program version."
-msgstr "Die Programmversion anzeigen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:127
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:146
msgid " &file-extended_states;"
msgstr " &file-extended_states;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:132
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:151
msgid "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:136
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:155
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> returns zero on normal operation, non-zero on "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:107
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "to the versions coming from archives which in their <filename>Release</"
+#| "filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like the debian "
+#| "experimental archive."
msgid ""
"to the versions coming from archives which in their <filename>Release</"
-"filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like the debian "
-"experimental archive."
+"filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" but <emphasis>not</"
+"emphasis> as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"<literal>experimental</literal> archive."
msgstr ""
"zu den Versionen, die von Archiven kommen, deren <filename>Release</"
"filename>-Dateien als »NotAutomatic: yes« markiert sind, wie das Debian-"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:112
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
msgid "priority 100"
msgstr "Priorität 100"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
-msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
-msgstr "zu der Version, die bereits installiert ist (wenn vorhanden)."
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:114
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "to the versions coming from archives which in their <filename>Release</"
+#| "filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like the debian "
+#| "experimental archive."
+msgid ""
+"to the version that is already installed (if any) and to the versions coming "
+"from archives which in their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked "
+"as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" and \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"backports archive since <literal>squeeze-backports</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"zu den Versionen, die von Archiven kommen, deren <filename>Release</"
+"filename>-Dateien als »NotAutomatic: yes« markiert sind, wie das Debian-"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:117
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:121
msgid "priority 500"
msgstr "Priorität 500"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:118
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and do not belong to the target "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:126
msgid "priority 990"
msgstr "Priorität 990"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:123
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:127
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and belong to the target release."
msgstr ""
"Zuweisung: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:128
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:132
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
+#| "priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
+#| "uninstalled package versions, expect versions coming from archives which "
+#| "in their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: "
+#| "yes\" - these versions get the priority 1."
msgid ""
"If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
"priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
-"uninstalled package versions, expect versions coming from archives which in "
+"uninstalled package versions, except versions coming from archives which in "
"their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" "
-"- these versions get the priority 1."
+"- these versions get the priority 1 or priority 100 if it is additionally "
+"marked as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\"."
msgstr ""
"Wenn das Ziel-Release nicht angegeben wurde, dann weist APT einfach allen "
"installierten Paketversionen eine Priorität von 100 und allen nicht "
"ist – diese Versionen erhalten die Prirität 1."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:134
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:139
msgid ""
"APT then applies the following rules, listed in order of precedence, to "
"determine which version of a package to install."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:137
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:142
msgid ""
"Never downgrade unless the priority of an available version exceeds 1000. "
"(\"Downgrading\" is installing a less recent version of a package in place "
"Downgrading eines Paketes riskant sein kann.)"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:143
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:148
msgid "Install the highest priority version."
msgstr "Die Version mit der höchsten Priorität installieren."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:144
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:149
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority, install the most recent one "
"(that is, the one with the higher version number)."
"aktuellste installiert (das ist die mit der höheren Versionsnummer)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:147
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:152
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority and version number but either "
"the packages differ in some of their metadata or the <literal>--reinstall</"
"installierte installiert."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:153
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:158
msgid ""
"In a typical situation, the installed version of a package (priority 100) "
"is not as recent as one of the versions available from the sources listed in "
"upgrade</command> ausgeführt wird."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:160
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
msgid ""
"More rarely, the installed version of a package is <emphasis>more</emphasis> "
"recent than any of the other available versions. The package will not be "
"upgrade</command> ausgeführt wird."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:170
msgid ""
"Sometimes the installed version of a package is more recent than the version "
"belonging to the target release, but not as recent as a version belonging to "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:174
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:179
msgid "The Effect of APT Preferences"
msgstr "Die Auswirkungen von APT-Einstellungen"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:176
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:181
msgid ""
"The APT preferences file allows the system administrator to control the "
"assignment of priorities. The file consists of one or more multi-line "
"allgemeine Gestalt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:182
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:187
msgid ""
"The specific form assigns a priority (a \"Pin-Priority\") to one or more "
"specified packages and specified version or version range. For example, the "
"können durch Leerzeichen getrennt werden."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:189
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:194
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:195
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:200
msgid ""
"The general form assigns a priority to all of the package versions in a "
"given distribution (that is, to all the versions of packages that are listed "
"ausgebildeten Domänennamen identifiziert wird, eine Priorität zu."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:201
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
msgid ""
"This general-form entry in the APT preferences file applies only to groups "
"of packages. For example, the following record assigns a high priority to "
"Paketversionen eine hohe Priorität zu, die lokal liegen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:216
msgid ""
"A note of caution: the keyword used here is \"<literal>origin</literal>\" "
"which can be used to match a hostname. The following record will assign a "
"« identifiziert wird."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:215
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:220
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:219
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
msgid ""
"This should <emphasis>not</emphasis> be confused with the Origin of a "
"distribution as specified in a <filename>Release</filename> file. What "
"oder »Ximian«."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:229
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a low priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any distribution whose Archive name is \"<literal>unstable</"
"Priorität zu."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:228
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:238
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any distribution whose Codename is \"<literal>&testing-codename;"
"hohe Priorität zu."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:237
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any release whose Archive name is \"<literal>stable</literal>\" "
"Nummer »<literal>3.0</literal>« ist, eine hohe Priorität zu."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:252
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:258
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:262
+msgid "Regular expressions and glob() syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:264
+msgid ""
+"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
+"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
+"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a glob"
+"()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"expression surrounded by slashes)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:273
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Package: *\n"
+#| "Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+#| "Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgid ""
+"Package: gnome* /kde/\n"
+"Pin: release n=experimental\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
+msgid ""
+"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"packages from a release starting with karmic."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:285
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Package: *\n"
+#| "Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+#| "Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=karmic*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 990\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Packages"
+msgid "Package"
+msgstr "Packages"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:296
+msgid "*"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
msgid "How APT Interprets Priorities"
msgstr "Wie APT Prioritäten interpretiert"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:266
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:314
msgid "P > 1000"
msgstr "P > 1000"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:267
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:315
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if this constitutes a downgrade of the "
"des Pakets durchführt"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:271
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:319
msgid "990 < P <=1000"
msgstr "990 < P <=1000"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:272
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:320
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if it does not come from the target "
"release, unless the installed version is more recent"
"Ziel-Release kommt, außer wenn die installierte Version aktueller ist"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:277
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
msgid "500 < P <=990"
msgstr "500 < P <=990"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:278
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:326
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"belonging to the target release or the installed version is more recent"
"neuer ist"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:283
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:331
msgid "100 < P <=500"
msgstr "100 < P <=500"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:284
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:332
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"belonging to some other distribution or the installed version is more recent"
"installierte Version neuer ist"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:289
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:337
msgid "0 < P <=100"
msgstr "0 < P <=100"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:338
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed only if there is no installed version of "
"the package"
"installierte Version des Pakets gibt"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:294
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:342
msgid "P < 0"
msgstr "P < 0"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:295
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:343
msgid "prevents the version from being installed"
msgstr "verhindert das Installieren der Version"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:261
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:309
msgid ""
"Priorities (P) assigned in the APT preferences file must be positive or "
"negative integers. They are interpreted as follows (roughly speaking): "
"(grob gesagt): <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:300
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:348
msgid ""
"If any specific-form records match an available package version then the "
"first such record determines the priority of the package version. Failing "
"erste dieser Datensätze die Priorität der Paketversion fest."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:354
msgid ""
"For example, suppose the APT preferences file contains the three records "
"presented earlier:"
"bereits gezeigten Datensätze:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:310
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:323
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:371
msgid "Then:"
msgstr "Dann:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:373
msgid ""
"The most recent available version of the <literal>perl</literal> package "
"will be installed, so long as that version's version number begins with "
"dann wird von <literal>perl</literal> ein Downgrade durchgeführt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:330
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:378
msgid ""
"A version of any package other than <literal>perl</literal> that is "
"available from the local system has priority over other versions, even "
"sogar wenn diese Versionen zum Ziel-Release gehören."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:334
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:382
msgid ""
"A version of a package whose origin is not the local system but some other "
"site listed in &sources-list; and which belongs to an <literal>unstable</"
"Pakets installiert ist."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:344
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:392
msgid "Determination of Package Version and Distribution Properties"
msgstr "Festlegung von Paketversion und Distributions-Eigenschaften"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:346
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:394
msgid ""
"The locations listed in the &sources-list; file should provide "
"<filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> files to "
"bereitstellen, um die an diesem Ort verfügbaren Pakete zu beschreiben."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
msgid "the <literal>Package:</literal> line"
msgstr "die <literal>Package:</literal>-Zeile"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:359
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:407
msgid "gives the package name"
msgstr "gibt den Paketnamen an"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:362 apt_preferences.5.xml:412
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:410 apt_preferences.5.xml:460
msgid "the <literal>Version:</literal> line"
msgstr "die <literal>Version:</literal>-Zeile"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:363
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:411
msgid "gives the version number for the named package"
msgstr "gibt die Versionsnummer für das genannte Paket an"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:350
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:398
msgid ""
"The <filename>Packages</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
"Prioritäten relevant: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:379
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:427
msgid "the <literal>Archive:</literal> or <literal>Suite:</literal> line"
msgstr "die <literal>Archive:</literal>- oder <literal>Suite:</literal>-Zeile"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:380
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:428
msgid ""
"names the archive to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"For example, the line \"Archive: stable\" or \"Suite: stable\" specifies "
"die folgende Zeile benötigen:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:390
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:438
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release a=stable\n"
msgstr "Pin: release a=stable\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:396
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:444
msgid "the <literal>Codename:</literal> line"
msgstr "die <literal>Codename:</literal>-Zeile"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:397
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:445
msgid ""
"names the codename to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"For example, the line \"Codename: &testing-codename;\" specifies that all of "
"anzugeben würde die folgende Zeile benötigen:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release n=&testing-codename;\n"
msgstr "Pin: release n=&testing-codename;\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:413
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
msgid ""
"names the release version. For example, the packages in the tree might "
"belong to Debian GNU/Linux release version 3.0. Note that there is normally "
"eine der folgenden Zeilen benötigen:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:422
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:470
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Pin: release v=3.0\n"
"Pin: release 3.0\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:431
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:479
msgid "the <literal>Component:</literal> line"
msgstr "die <literal>Component:</literal>-Zeile"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:432
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:480
msgid ""
"names the licensing component associated with the packages in the directory "
"tree of the <filename>Release</filename> file. For example, the line "
"Zeilen benötigen:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:441
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release c=main\n"
msgstr "Pin: release c=main\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:447
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:495
msgid "the <literal>Origin:</literal> line"
msgstr "die <literal>Origin:</literal>-Zeile"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:448
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:496
msgid ""
"names the originator of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
"in der APT-Einstellungsdatei anzugeben würde die folgende Zeile benötigen:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:502
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
msgstr "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:460
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:508
msgid "the <literal>Label:</literal> line"
msgstr "die <literal>Label:</literal>-Zeile"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:509
msgid ""
"names the label of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
"die folgende Zeile benötigen:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:467
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:515
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
msgstr "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:368
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:416
msgid ""
"The <filename>Release</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
"<filename>.../dists/<replaceable>dist-name</replaceable></filename>: for "
"APT-Prioritäten relevant: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:474
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:522
msgid ""
"All of the <filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> "
"files retrieved from locations listed in the &sources-list; file are stored "
"Distribution heruntergeladen wurde."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:487
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
msgid "Optional Lines in an APT Preferences Record"
msgstr "Optionale Zeilen in einem APT-Einstellungsdatensatz"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:537
msgid ""
"Each record in the APT preferences file can optionally begin with one or "
"more lines beginning with the word <literal>Explanation:</literal>. This "
"anfangen. Dieses stellt einen Platz für Kommentare bereit."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:498
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:546
msgid "Tracking Stable"
msgstr "Stable verfolgen"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:506
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:554
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:500
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:548
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
"Distributionen gehören. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:523 apt_preferences.5.xml:569
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:627
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:571 apt_preferences.5.xml:617
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:675
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"apt-get install <replaceable>package-name</replaceable>\n"
"apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:518
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:566
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:583
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/testing\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>Paket</replaceable>/testing\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:529
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:577
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution; the package "
"\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:541
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:589
msgid "Tracking Testing or Unstable"
msgstr "Testing oder Unstable verfolgen"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:550
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:598
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:543
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a high priority "
"to package versions from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution, a "
"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:564
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:612
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:584
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:632
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/unstable\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>Paket</replaceable>/unstable\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:575
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:623
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>unstable</literal> distribution. "
"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:639
msgid "Tracking the evolution of a codename release"
msgstr "Die Entwicklung eines Codename-Releases verfolgen"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:605
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:653
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated package versions\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:593
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:641
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
"benutzen. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:622
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:670
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest version(s) in "
"literal> durchzuführen. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:642
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:690
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/sid\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>Paket</replaceable>/sid\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:633
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:681
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>sid</literal> distribution. Thereafter, "
"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:651
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:699
msgid "&file-preferences;"
msgstr "&file-preferences;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:657
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:705
msgid "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
msgstr "Es wird die bereits auf die Platte heruntergeladenen Archive benutzen."
+#~ msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated "
+#~ "index files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration "
+#~ "Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::MD5</literal>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Generiert MD5-Summen. Dies ist standardmäßig an, wenn es ausgeschaltet "
+#~ "ist, haben die generierten Indexdateien keine MD5Sum-Felder, sofern dies "
+#~ "möglich ist. Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::MD5</"
+#~ "literal>"
+#~ msgid "unmarkauto"
+#~ msgstr "unmarkauto"
+#~ msgid "<option>-h</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>-h</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--help</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--help</option>"
+#~ msgid "Show a short usage summary."
+#~ msgstr "Eine kurze Zusammenfassung anzeigen."
+#~ msgid "<option>-v</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>-v</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--version</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
+#~ msgid "Show the program version."
+#~ msgstr "Die Programmversion anzeigen."
+#~ msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
+#~ msgstr "zu der Version, die bereits installiert ist (wenn vorhanden)."
#~ msgid "APT package handling utility -- cache manipulator"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "APT-Werkzeug zur Handhabung von Paketen -- Zwischenspeichermanipulierer"
#~ "Benutzt HTTP, um auf das Archiv auf unter dem debian-non-"
#~ "US-Verzeichnis zuzugreifen."
-#~ msgid "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free"
-#~ msgstr "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-"
+#~ "free"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-"
+#~ "free"
#~ msgid "OPTIONS"
#~ msgstr "OPTIONEN"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: apt 0.7.25\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-14 13:42+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-25 03:25+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Omar Campagne <>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian l10n Spanish <>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50
#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114
-#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:55 apt-secure.8.xml:43
+#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36
#: sources.list.5.xml:36
msgid "Description"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:92
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr "Opciones"
"configuración: <literal>Dir::Cache::pkgcache</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568 apt-get.8.xml:393
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr "<option>-s</option>"
"Opción de configuración: <literal>Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr "<option>-q</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr "<option>--quiet</option>"
"Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::Cache::ShowFull</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr "<option>-a</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:608 apt-get.8.xml:570
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr "&apt-commonoptions;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:156 apt-mark.8.xml:125
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:649
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Ficheros"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:624 apt-get.8.xml:585
-#: apt-key.8.xml:177 apt-mark.8.xml:131 apt-secure.8.xml:185
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:656
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
#: sources.list.5.xml:234
msgid "See Also"
msgstr "Véase también"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:591
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:135 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr "Diagnósticos"
"option>. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:142
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opciones"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536 apt-get.8.xml:345
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "Sólo muestra el contenido del espacio de configuración."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:625
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
msgid "&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-conf;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:529
-msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
+msgid ""
+"<option>--md5</option>, <option>--sha1</option>, <option>--sha256</option>"
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:531
-msgid ""
-"Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated index "
-"files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration Item: "
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Values for the additional metadata fields in the Release file are taken "
+#| "from the corresponding variables under <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release</"
+#| "literal>, e.g. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. The "
+#| "supported fields are: <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, "
+#| "<literal>Codename</literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, <literal>Valid-"
+#| "Until</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, <literal>Components</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Description</literal>."
+msgid ""
+"Generate the given checksum. These options default to on, when turned off "
+"the generated index files will not have the checksum fields where possible. "
+"Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</"
+"replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</"
+"replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> where "
+"<literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+"literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
-"Genera una suma de control MD5. Está activado de forma predeterminada, "
-"cuando se desactiva los ficheros de índices generados no tendrán los campos "
-"MD5Sum cuando sea posible. Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::"
+"Los valores para los campos de metadatos adicionales en el fichero «Release» "
+"se toman de las variables correspondientes en <literal>APT::FTPArchive::"
+"Release</literal>, por ejemplo <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</"
+"literal>. Los campos permitidos son: <literal>Origin</literal>, "
+"<literal>Label</literal>, <literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</"
+"literal>, <literal>Codename</literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, "
+"<literal>Valid-Until</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, "
+"<literal>Components</literal> y <literal>Description</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr "<option>--db</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:538
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
"«generate». Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:544
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
"configuración. Opción de configuración: <literal>quiet</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:550
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr "<option>--delink</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:552
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
"Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DeLinkAct</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:558
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr "<option>--contents</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:560
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr "<option>--source-override</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:570
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr "<option>--readonly</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:576
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
"Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::ReadOnlyDB</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr "<option>--arch</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:581
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
msgid ""
"Accept in the <literal>packages</literal> and <literal>contents</literal> "
"commands only package files matching <literal>*_arch.deb</literal> or "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:587
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:589
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
"comprobaciones adicionales son innecesarias."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:601
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
"only be set to <literal>\"false\"</literal> if the Archive generated with "
"con la orden «generate»."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:613 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:496
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
#: sources.list.5.xml:198
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Ejemplos"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
msgstr "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directorio</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:615
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
"paquetes binarios («.deb»): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
"Actualiza el registro de claves local con el registro de claves del archivo "
"Debian, y elimina del registro las claves del archivo que ya no son válidas."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "update"
+msgid "net-update"
+msgstr "update"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
+msgid ""
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch from. "
+"APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:143
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
"descritas en el sección anterior."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr "--keyring <replaceable>nombre-de-fichero</replaceable>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:146
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
"esto es, por ejemplo, que las claves nuevas se añaden a este fichero."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:159
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr "&file-trustedgpg;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr "Base de datos local de las claves de confianza de archivos Debian"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:166
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr "Registro de las claves de confianza del archivo de Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:169
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:170
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr "Registro de las claves de confianza eliminadas del archivo de Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:179
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
#. The last update date
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:16
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
+#| "August 2009</date>"
msgid ""
-"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
-"August 2009</date>"
+"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>21 "
+"April 2011</date>"
msgstr ""
"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 de "
"Agosto de 2009</date>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:39
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| " <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> "
+#| "<arg><option>-f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group "
+#| "choice=\"plain\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
+#| "choice=\"plain\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </"
+#| "group> <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</"
+#| "replaceable></arg> </arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
msgid ""
" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
"f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain"
"\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice=\"plain"
-"\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </group> <arg "
+"\">auto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">manual</arg> <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\">showauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showmanual</arg> </group> <arg "
"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</replaceable></arg> </"
-"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
+"arg> </group>"
msgstr ""
" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
"f=<replaceable>nombre-de-fichero</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice="
"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:56
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:57
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> will change whether a package has been marked as "
"being automatically installed."
"o no."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:60
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:61
msgid ""
"When you request that a package is installed, and as a result other packages "
"are installed to satisfy its dependencies, the dependencies are marked as "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:68
-msgid "markauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "markauto"
+msgid "auto"
msgstr "markauto"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:70
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being "
+#| "automatically installed, which will cause the package to be removed when "
+#| "no more manually installed packages depend on this package."
msgid ""
-"<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
+"<literal>auto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
"installed, which will cause the package to be removed when no more manually "
"installed packages depend on this package."
msgstr ""
"paquete instalado manualmente dependa de este paquete."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:76
-msgid "unmarkauto"
-msgstr "unmarkauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+msgid "manual"
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:78
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+#| "installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically "
+#| "removed if no other packages depend on it."
msgid ""
-"<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+"<literal>manual</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
"installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically removed "
"if no other packages depend on it."
msgstr ""
"ningún otro depende de él."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:84
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+msgid "hold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:86
+msgid ""
+"<literal>hold</literal> is used to mark a package as hold back, which will "
+"prevent the package from being automatically installed, upgraded or "
+"removed. The command is only a wrapper around <command>dpkg --set-"
+"selections</command> and the state is therefore maintained by &dpkg; and not "
+"effected by the <option>--filename</option> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:95
+msgid "unhold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:96
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
+msgid ""
+"<literal>unhold</literal> is used to cancel a previously set hold on a "
+"package to allow all actions again."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>showauto</literal> se usa para mostrar una lista de paquetes "
+"instalados automáticamente, un paquete por línea."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:101
msgid "showauto"
msgstr "showauto"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:102
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
msgid ""
"<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
-"installed packages with each package on a new line."
+"installed packages with each package on a new line. All automatically "
+"installed packages will be listed if no package is given. If packages are "
+"given only those which are automatically installed will be shown."
msgstr ""
"<literal>showauto</literal> se usa para mostrar una lista de paquetes "
"instalados automáticamente, un paquete por línea."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:96
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:109
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "showauto"
+msgid "showmanual"
+msgstr "showauto"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:110
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showmanual</literal> can be used in the same way as "
+"<literal>showauto</literal> except that it will print a list of manually "
+"installed packages instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "showauto"
+msgid "showhold"
+msgstr "showauto"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:117
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showhold</literal> is used to print a list of packages on hold in "
+"the same way as for the other show commands."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>showauto</literal> se usa para mostrar una lista de paquetes "
+"instalados automáticamente, un paquete por línea."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:130
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:97
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:131
msgid ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:100
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:134
msgid ""
"Read/Write package stats from <filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></"
"filename> instead of the default location, which is "
"en el directorio definido en la opción de configuración: <literal>Dir::"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:106
-msgid "<option>-h</option>"
-msgstr "<option>-h</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:107
-msgid "<option>--help</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--help</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:108
-msgid "Show a short usage summary."
-msgstr "Muestra un breve resumen de uso."
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:114
-msgid "<option>-v</option>"
-msgstr "<option>-v</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:115
-msgid "<option>--version</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
-msgid "Show the program version."
-msgstr "Muestra la versión del programa."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:127
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:146
msgid " &file-extended_states;"
msgstr " &file-extended_states;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:132
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:151
msgid "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:136
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:155
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> returns zero on normal operation, non-zero on "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:107
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "to the versions coming from archives which in their <filename>Release</"
+#| "filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like the debian "
+#| "experimental archive."
msgid ""
"to the versions coming from archives which in their <filename>Release</"
-"filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like the debian "
-"experimental archive."
+"filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" but <emphasis>not</"
+"emphasis> as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"<literal>experimental</literal> archive."
msgstr ""
"para las versiones procedentes de archivos que en sus ficheros "
"<filename>Release</filename> están marcados como «NotAutomatic:yes», como en "
"el archivo «experimental» de Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:112
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
msgid "priority 100"
msgstr "prioridad 100"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
-msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
-msgstr "a la versión instalada (de existir)."
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:114
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "to the versions coming from archives which in their <filename>Release</"
+#| "filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like the debian "
+#| "experimental archive."
+msgid ""
+"to the version that is already installed (if any) and to the versions coming "
+"from archives which in their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked "
+"as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" and \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"backports archive since <literal>squeeze-backports</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"para las versiones procedentes de archivos que en sus ficheros "
+"<filename>Release</filename> están marcados como «NotAutomatic:yes», como en "
+"el archivo «experimental» de Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:117
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:121
msgid "priority 500"
msgstr "prioridad 500"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:118
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and do not belong to the target "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:126
msgid "priority 990"
msgstr "prioridad 990"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:123
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:127
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and belong to the target release."
msgstr ""
"Asignar: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:128
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:132
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
+#| "priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
+#| "uninstalled package versions, expect versions coming from archives which "
+#| "in their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: "
+#| "yes\" - these versions get the priority 1."
msgid ""
"If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
"priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
-"uninstalled package versions, expect versions coming from archives which in "
+"uninstalled package versions, except versions coming from archives which in "
"their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" "
-"- these versions get the priority 1."
+"- these versions get the priority 1 or priority 100 if it is additionally "
+"marked as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\"."
msgstr ""
"Si no se especifica ninguna distribución objetivo APT asigna prioridad 100 a "
"todas las versiones de los paquetes instalados y 500 a las versiones no "
"- estas versiones reciben la prioridad 1."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:134
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:139
msgid ""
"APT then applies the following rules, listed in order of precedence, to "
"determine which version of a package to install."
"determinar qué versión del paquete debe instalar."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:137
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:142
msgid ""
"Never downgrade unless the priority of an available version exceeds 1000. "
"(\"Downgrading\" is installing a less recent version of a package in place "
"ser peligroso)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:143
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:148
msgid "Install the highest priority version."
msgstr "Instala la versión de mayor prioridad."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:144
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:149
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority, install the most recent one "
"(that is, the one with the higher version number)."
"(esto es, la que tiene un número de versión mayor)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:147
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:152
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority and version number but either "
"the packages differ in some of their metadata or the <literal>--reinstall</"
"<literal>--reinstall</literal>, se instalará la que no está instalada."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:153
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:158
msgid ""
"In a typical situation, the installed version of a package (priority 100) "
"is not as recent as one of the versions available from the sources listed in "
"command> o <command>apt-get upgrade</command>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:160
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
msgid ""
"More rarely, the installed version of a package is <emphasis>more</emphasis> "
"recent than any of the other available versions. The package will not be "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:170
msgid ""
"Sometimes the installed version of a package is more recent than the version "
"belonging to the target release, but not as recent as a version belonging to "
"versión instalada."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:174
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:179
msgid "The Effect of APT Preferences"
msgstr "El efecto de las preferencias sobre APT"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:176
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:181
msgid ""
"The APT preferences file allows the system administrator to control the "
"assignment of priorities. The file consists of one or more multi-line "
"registros pueden tener una de estos dos formatos: el específico o el general."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:182
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:187
msgid ""
"The specific form assigns a priority (a \"Pin-Priority\") to one or more "
"specified packages and specified version or version range. For example, the "
"separados por espacios."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:189
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:194
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:195
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:200
msgid ""
"The general form assigns a priority to all of the package versions in a "
"given distribution (that is, to all the versions of packages that are listed "
"identificado por su nombre de dominio."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:201
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
msgid ""
"This general-form entry in the APT preferences file applies only to groups "
"of packages. For example, the following record assigns a high priority to "
"prioridad alta a todas las versiones disponibles desde un sitio local."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:216
msgid ""
"A note of caution: the keyword used here is \"<literal>origin</literal>\" "
"which can be used to match a hostname. The following record will assign a "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:215
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:220
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:219
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
msgid ""
"This should <emphasis>not</emphasis> be confused with the Origin of a "
"distribution as specified in a <filename>Release</filename> file. What "
"sino el autor o el nombre del proveedor, tales como «Debian» o «Ximian»."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:229
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a low priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any distribution whose Archive name is \"<literal>unstable</"
"archivo de paquetes «<literal>unstable</literal>» (inestable)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:228
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:238
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any distribution whose Codename is \"<literal>&testing-codename;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:237
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any release whose Archive name is \"<literal>stable</literal>\" "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:252
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:258
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:262
+msgid "Regular expressions and glob() syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:264
+msgid ""
+"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
+"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
+"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a glob"
+"()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"expression surrounded by slashes)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:273
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Package: *\n"
+#| "Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+#| "Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgid ""
+"Package: gnome* /kde/\n"
+"Pin: release n=experimental\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
+msgid ""
+"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"packages from a release starting with karmic."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:285
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Package: *\n"
+#| "Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+#| "Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=karmic*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 990\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Packages"
+msgid "Package"
+msgstr "Packages"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:296
+msgid "*"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
msgid "How APT Interprets Priorities"
msgstr "¿Cómo interpreta APT las prioridades?"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:266
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:314
msgid "P > 1000"
msgstr "P > 1000"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:267
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:315
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if this constitutes a downgrade of the "
"el sistema."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:271
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:319
msgid "990 < P <=1000"
msgstr "990 < P <=1000"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:272
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:320
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if it does not come from the target "
"release, unless the installed version is more recent"
"que la versión instalada sea más reciente."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:277
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
msgid "500 < P <=990"
msgstr "500 < P <=990"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:278
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:326
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"belonging to the target release or the installed version is more recent"
"más reciente."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:283
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:331
msgid "100 < P <=500"
msgstr "100 < P <=500"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:284
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:332
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"belonging to some other distribution or the installed version is more recent"
"perteneciente a otra distribución, o si la versión instalada es más reciente."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:289
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:337
msgid "0 < P <=100"
msgstr "0 < P <=100"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:338
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed only if there is no installed version of "
"the package"
"La versión sólo se instala si no hay ninguna versión del paquete instalada."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:294
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:342
msgid "P < 0"
msgstr "P < 0"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:295
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:343
msgid "prevents the version from being installed"
msgstr "Evita la instalación de la versión."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:261
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:309
msgid ""
"Priorities (P) assigned in the APT preferences file must be positive or "
"negative integers. They are interpreted as follows (roughly speaking): "
"siguiente modo: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:300
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:348
msgid ""
"If any specific-form records match an available package version then the "
"first such record determines the priority of the package version. Failing "
"versión del paquete."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:354
msgid ""
"For example, suppose the APT preferences file contains the three records "
"presented earlier:"
"registros antes mencionados:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:310
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:323
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:371
msgid "Then:"
msgstr "Por ello:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:373
msgid ""
"The most recent available version of the <literal>perl</literal> package "
"will be installed, so long as that version's version number begins with "
"la versión 5.8*, desactualizando el paquete."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:330
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:378
msgid ""
"A version of any package other than <literal>perl</literal> that is "
"available from the local system has priority over other versions, even "
"versiones, incluso sobre los pertenecientes a la distribución objetivo."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:334
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:382
msgid ""
"A version of a package whose origin is not the local system but some other "
"site listed in &sources-list; and which belongs to an <literal>unstable</"
"hay ninguna versión del paquete ya instalado."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:344
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:392
msgid "Determination of Package Version and Distribution Properties"
msgstr "Determinar la versión del paquete y las propiedades de la distribución"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:346
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:394
msgid ""
"The locations listed in the &sources-list; file should provide "
"<filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> files to "
"describen los paquetes disponibles en cada uno de los sitios."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
msgid "the <literal>Package:</literal> line"
msgstr "La línea <literal>Package:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:359
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:407
msgid "gives the package name"
msgstr "indica el nombre del paquete."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:362 apt_preferences.5.xml:412
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:410 apt_preferences.5.xml:460
msgid "the <literal>Version:</literal> line"
msgstr "La línea <literal>Version:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:363
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:411
msgid "gives the version number for the named package"
msgstr "indica el número de versión del paquete."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:350
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:398
msgid ""
"The <filename>Packages</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
"de APT: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:379
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:427
msgid "the <literal>Archive:</literal> or <literal>Suite:</literal> line"
msgstr "Las líneas <literal>Archive:</literal> o <literal>Suite:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:380
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:428
msgid ""
"names the archive to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"For example, the line \"Archive: stable\" or \"Suite: stable\" specifies "
"línea en el fichero de preferencias de APT:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:390
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:438
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release a=stable\n"
msgstr "Pin: release a=stable\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:396
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:444
msgid "the <literal>Codename:</literal> line"
msgstr "La línea <literal>Codename:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:397
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:445
msgid ""
"names the codename to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"For example, the line \"Codename: &testing-codename;\" specifies that all of "
"de APT:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release n=&testing-codename;\n"
msgstr "Pin: release n=&testing-codename;\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:413
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
msgid ""
"names the release version. For example, the packages in the tree might "
"belong to Debian GNU/Linux release version 3.0. Note that there is normally "
"siguientes línea en el fichero de preferencias de APT:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:422
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:470
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Pin: release v=3.0\n"
"Pin: release 3.0\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:431
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:479
msgid "the <literal>Component:</literal> line"
msgstr "La línea <literal>Component:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:432
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:480
msgid ""
"names the licensing component associated with the packages in the directory "
"tree of the <filename>Release</filename> file. For example, the line "
"de APT:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:441
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release c=main\n"
msgstr "Pin: release c=main\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:447
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:495
msgid "the <literal>Origin:</literal> line"
msgstr "La línea <literal>Origin:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:448
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:496
msgid ""
"names the originator of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
"mediante la siguiente línea:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:502
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
msgstr "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:460
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:508
msgid "the <literal>Label:</literal> line"
msgstr "La línea <literal>Label:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:509
msgid ""
"names the label of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
"siguiente línea:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:467
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:515
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
msgstr "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:368
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:416
msgid ""
"The <filename>Release</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
"<filename>.../dists/<replaceable>dist-name</replaceable></filename>: for "
"\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:474
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:522
msgid ""
"All of the <filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> "
"files retrieved from locations listed in the &sources-list; file are stored "
"la distribución «<literal>unstable</literal>» (inestable)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:487
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
msgid "Optional Lines in an APT Preferences Record"
msgstr "Líneas opcionales en el registro de preferencias de APT"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:537
msgid ""
"Each record in the APT preferences file can optionally begin with one or "
"more lines beginning with the word <literal>Explanation:</literal>. This "
"Útil para comentarios."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:498
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:546
msgid "Tracking Stable"
msgstr "Seguir la distribución «stable» (estable)"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:506
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:554
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:500
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:548
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
"<literal>Debian</literal>. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:523 apt_preferences.5.xml:569
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:627
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:571 apt_preferences.5.xml:617
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:675
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"apt-get install <replaceable>package-name</replaceable>\n"
"apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:518
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:566
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:583
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/testing\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>paquete</replaceable>/testing\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:529
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:577
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution; the package "
"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:541
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:589
msgid "Tracking Testing or Unstable"
msgstr "Seguir la distribución «testing» (en pruebas) o «unstable» (inestable)"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:550
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:598
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:543
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a high priority "
"to package versions from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution, a "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:564
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:612
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
"<placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:584
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:632
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/unstable\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>paquete</replaceable>/unstable\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:575
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:623
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>unstable</literal> distribution. "
"instalada. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:639
msgid "Tracking the evolution of a codename release"
msgstr "Seguir la evolución de una publicación por el nombre"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:605
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:653
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated package versions\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:593
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:641
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
"\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:622
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:670
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest version(s) in "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:642
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:690
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/sid\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>paquete</replaceable>/sid\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:633
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:681
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>sid</literal> distribution. Thereafter, "
"instalada. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:651
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:699
msgid "&file-preferences;"
msgstr "&file-preferences;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:657
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:705
msgid "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
msgstr "Ésto usará los archivos del disco previamente obtenidos."
+#~ msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated "
+#~ "index files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration "
+#~ "Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::MD5</literal>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Genera una suma de control MD5. Está activado de forma predeterminada, "
+#~ "cuando se desactiva los ficheros de índices generados no tendrán los "
+#~ "campos MD5Sum cuando sea posible. Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::"
+#~ "FTPArchive::MD5</literal>"
+#~ msgid "unmarkauto"
+#~ msgstr "unmarkauto"
+#~ msgid "<option>-h</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>-h</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--help</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--help</option>"
+#~ msgid "Show a short usage summary."
+#~ msgstr "Muestra un breve resumen de uso."
+#~ msgid "<option>-v</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>-v</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--version</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
+#~ msgid "Show the program version."
+#~ msgstr "Muestra la versión del programa."
+#~ msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
+#~ msgstr "a la versión instalada (de existir)."
#~ msgid "APT package handling utility -- cache manipulator"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Herramienta para la gestión de paquetes APT -- manipulador de la caché"
#~ "Usa HTTP para acceder al archivo de Debian en «», bajo el "
#~ "directorio debian-non-US."
-#~ msgid "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free"
-#~ msgstr "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-"
+#~ "free"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-"
+#~ "free"
#~ msgid "OPTIONS"
#~ msgstr "OPCIONES"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-14 13:42+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-02-17 07:50+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Christian Perrier <>\n"
"Language-Team: French <>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50
#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114
-#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:55 apt-secure.8.xml:43
+#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36
#: sources.list.5.xml:36
msgid "Description"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:92
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr "options"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568 apt-get.8.xml:393
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr "<option>-s</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr "<option>-q</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr "<option>--quiet</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr "<option>-a</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:608 apt-get.8.xml:570
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr "&apt-commonoptions;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:156 apt-mark.8.xml:125
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:649
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Fichiers"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:624 apt-get.8.xml:585
-#: apt-key.8.xml:177 apt-mark.8.xml:131 apt-secure.8.xml:185
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:656
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
#: sources.list.5.xml:234
msgid "See Also"
msgstr "Voir aussi"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:591
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:135 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr "Diagnostics"
"\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:142
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Options"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536 apt-get.8.xml:345
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "Affiche seulement le contenu de l'espace de configuration."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:625
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
msgid "&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-conf;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:529
-msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
+msgid ""
+"<option>--md5</option>, <option>--sha1</option>, <option>--sha256</option>"
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:531
-msgid ""
-"Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated index "
-"files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration Item: "
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Values for the additional metadata fields in the Release file are taken "
+#| "from the corresponding variables under <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release</"
+#| "literal>, e.g. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. The "
+#| "supported fields are: <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, "
+#| "<literal>Codename</literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, <literal>Valid-"
+#| "Until</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, <literal>Components</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Description</literal>."
+msgid ""
+"Generate the given checksum. These options default to on, when turned off "
+"the generated index files will not have the checksum fields where possible. "
+"Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</"
+"replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</"
+"replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> where "
+"<literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+"literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
-"Créer la somme de contrôle MD5. Cette option est activée par défaut. Quand "
-"elle est désactivée, les fichiers d'index n'ont pas les champs MD5Sum là où "
-"c'est possible. Élément de configuration : <literal>APT::FTPArchive::MD5</"
+"La valeur des autres champs de métadonnées du fichier Release sont tirées de "
+"la valeur correspondante dans <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release</literal>, "
+"p. ex. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. Les champs "
+"reconnus sont : <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</literal>, "
+"<literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, <literal>Codename</"
+"literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, <literal>Valid-Until</literal>, "
+"<literal>Architectures</literal>, <literal>Components</literal>, "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr "<option>--db</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:538
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:544
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
"configuration : <literal>quiet</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:550
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr "<option>--delink</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:552
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:558
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr "<option>--contents</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:560
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
"de configuration : <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Contents</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr "<option>--source-override</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:570
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr "<option>--readonly</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:576
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
"configuration : <literal>APT::FTPArchive::ReadOnlyDB</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr "<option>--arch</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:581
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
msgid ""
"Accept in the <literal>packages</literal> and <literal>contents</literal> "
"commands only package files matching <literal>*_arch.deb</literal> or "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:587
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:589
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
"survenir et l'ensemble de ces contrôles devient inutile."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:601
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
"only be set to <literal>\"false\"</literal> if the Archive generated with "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:613 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:496
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
#: sources.list.5.xml:198
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Exemples"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
msgstr "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>répertoire</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:615
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
"des paquets binaires (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
"Mettre à jour le trousseau de clés local avec le trousseau de clés de "
"l'archive Debian et supprimer les clés qui y sont périmées."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "update"
+msgid "net-update"
+msgstr "update"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
+msgid ""
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch from. "
+"APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:143
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
"décrites dans la section suivante."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr "--keyring <replaceable>fichier</replaceable>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:146
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
"les nouvelles clés y seront ajoutées."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:159
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr "&file-trustedgpg;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr "Base de données locale de fiabilité des clés de l'archive."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:166
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr "Trousseau des clés fiables de l'archive Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:169
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:170
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr "Trousseau des clés fiables supprimées de l'archive Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:179
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
#. The last update date
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:16
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
+#| "August 2009</date>"
msgid ""
-"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
-"August 2009</date>"
+"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>21 "
+"April 2011</date>"
msgstr ""
"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
"août 2009</date>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:39
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| " <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> "
+#| "<arg><option>-f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group "
+#| "choice=\"plain\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
+#| "choice=\"plain\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </"
+#| "group> <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</"
+#| "replaceable></arg> </arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
msgid ""
" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
"f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain"
"\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice=\"plain"
-"\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </group> <arg "
+"\">auto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">manual</arg> <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\">showauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showmanual</arg> </group> <arg "
"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</replaceable></arg> </"
-"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
+"arg> </group>"
msgstr ""
" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
"f=<replaceable>FICHIER</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain\"> "
"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:56
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:57
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> will change whether a package has been marked as "
"being automatically installed."
"a été automatiquement installé ou pas."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:60
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:61
msgid ""
"When you request that a package is installed, and as a result other packages "
"are installed to satisfy its dependencies, the dependencies are marked as "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:68
-msgid "markauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "markauto"
+msgid "auto"
msgstr "markauto"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:70
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being "
+#| "automatically installed, which will cause the package to be removed when "
+#| "no more manually installed packages depend on this package."
msgid ""
-"<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
+"<literal>auto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
"installed, which will cause the package to be removed when no more manually "
"installed packages depend on this package."
msgstr ""
"que plus aucun paquet installé manuellement ne dépend de lui."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:76
-msgid "unmarkauto"
-msgstr "unmarkauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+msgid "manual"
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:78
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+#| "installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically "
+#| "removed if no other packages depend on it."
msgid ""
-"<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+"<literal>manual</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
"installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically removed "
"if no other packages depend on it."
msgstr ""
"aucun autre paquet n'en dépend."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:84
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+msgid "hold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:86
+msgid ""
+"<literal>hold</literal> is used to mark a package as hold back, which will "
+"prevent the package from being automatically installed, upgraded or "
+"removed. The command is only a wrapper around <command>dpkg --set-"
+"selections</command> and the state is therefore maintained by &dpkg; and not "
+"effected by the <option>--filename</option> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:95
+msgid "unhold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:96
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
+msgid ""
+"<literal>unhold</literal> is used to cancel a previously set hold on a "
+"package to allow all actions again."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>showauto</literal>, affiche les paquets installés automatiquement, "
+"un paquet par ligne."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:101
msgid "showauto"
msgstr "showauto"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:102
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
msgid ""
"<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
-"installed packages with each package on a new line."
+"installed packages with each package on a new line. All automatically "
+"installed packages will be listed if no package is given. If packages are "
+"given only those which are automatically installed will be shown."
msgstr ""
"<literal>showauto</literal>, affiche les paquets installés automatiquement, "
"un paquet par ligne."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:96
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:109
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "showauto"
+msgid "showmanual"
+msgstr "showauto"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:110
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showmanual</literal> can be used in the same way as "
+"<literal>showauto</literal> except that it will print a list of manually "
+"installed packages instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "showauto"
+msgid "showhold"
+msgstr "showauto"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:117
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showhold</literal> is used to print a list of packages on hold in "
+"the same way as for the other show commands."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>showauto</literal>, affiche les paquets installés automatiquement, "
+"un paquet par ligne."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:130
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:97
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:131
msgid ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:100
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:134
msgid ""
"Read/Write package stats from <filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></"
"filename> instead of the default location, which is "
"par défaut (<filename>extended_status</filename> dans le répertoire défini "
"par l'élément de configuration <literal>Dir::State</literal>)."
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:106
-msgid "<option>-h</option>"
-msgstr "<option>-h</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:107
-msgid "<option>--help</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--help</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:108
-msgid "Show a short usage summary."
-msgstr "Affiche un résumé de l'aide"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:114
-msgid "<option>-v</option>"
-msgstr "<option>-v</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:115
-msgid "<option>--version</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
-msgid "Show the program version."
-msgstr "Affiche la version du programme."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:127
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:146
msgid " &file-extended_states;"
msgstr " &file-extended_states;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:132
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:151
msgid "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:136
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:155
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> returns zero on normal operation, non-zero on "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:107
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "to the versions coming from archives which in their <filename>Release</"
+#| "filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like the debian "
+#| "experimental archive."
msgid ""
"to the versions coming from archives which in their <filename>Release</"
-"filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like the debian "
-"experimental archive."
+"filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" but <emphasis>not</"
+"emphasis> as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"<literal>experimental</literal> archive."
msgstr ""
"pour les versions issues d'archives dont le fichier <filename>Release</"
"filename> comporte la mention « NotAutomatic: yes » comme, par exemple, "
"l'archive « experimental » de Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:112
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
msgid "priority 100"
msgstr "une priorité égale à 100"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
-msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
-msgstr "est affectée à la version déjà installée (si elle existe)."
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:114
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "to the versions coming from archives which in their <filename>Release</"
+#| "filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like the debian "
+#| "experimental archive."
+msgid ""
+"to the version that is already installed (if any) and to the versions coming "
+"from archives which in their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked "
+"as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" and \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"backports archive since <literal>squeeze-backports</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"pour les versions issues d'archives dont le fichier <filename>Release</"
+"filename> comporte la mention « NotAutomatic: yes » comme, par exemple, "
+"l'archive « experimental » de Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:117
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:121
msgid "priority 500"
msgstr "une priorité égale à 500"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:118
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and do not belong to the target "
"pas à la distribution par défaut."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:126
msgid "priority 990"
msgstr "une priorité égale à 990"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:123
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:127
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and belong to the target release."
msgstr ""
"type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:128
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:132
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
+#| "priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
+#| "uninstalled package versions, expect versions coming from archives which "
+#| "in their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: "
+#| "yes\" - these versions get the priority 1."
msgid ""
"If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
"priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
-"uninstalled package versions, expect versions coming from archives which in "
+"uninstalled package versions, except versions coming from archives which in "
"their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" "
-"- these versions get the priority 1."
+"- these versions get the priority 1 or priority 100 if it is additionally "
+"marked as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\"."
msgstr ""
"Quand aucune distribution par défaut n'a été indiquée, APT affecte "
"simplement une priorité égale à 100 à toute version installée d'un paquet et "
"priorité égale à 1."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:134
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:139
msgid ""
"APT then applies the following rules, listed in order of precedence, to "
"determine which version of a package to install."
"qu'il faut installer (par ordre de priorité) :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:137
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:142
msgid ""
"Never downgrade unless the priority of an available version exceeds 1000. "
"(\"Downgrading\" is installing a less recent version of a package in place "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:143
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:148
msgid "Install the highest priority version."
msgstr "Installer la version qui possède la priorité la plus haute."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:144
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:149
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority, install the most recent one "
"(that is, the one with the higher version number)."
"plus récente (c.-à-d. celle dont le numéro de version est le plus grand)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:147
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:152
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority and version number but either "
"the packages differ in some of their metadata or the <literal>--reinstall</"
"qui n'est pas installée."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:153
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:158
msgid ""
"In a typical situation, the installed version of a package (priority 100) "
"is not as recent as one of the versions available from the sources listed in "
"replaceable></command> ou <command>apt-get dist-upgrade</command>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:160
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
msgid ""
"More rarely, the installed version of a package is <emphasis>more</emphasis> "
"recent than any of the other available versions. The package will not be "
"<command>apt-get upgrade</command> ne provoquent pas de retour en arrière."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:170
msgid ""
"Sometimes the installed version of a package is more recent than the version "
"belonging to the target release, but not as recent as a version belonging to "
"priorité que celle de la version installée."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:174
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:179
msgid "The Effect of APT Preferences"
msgstr "Conséquences des préférences"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:176
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:181
msgid ""
"The APT preferences file allows the system administrator to control the "
"assignment of priorities. The file consists of one or more multi-line "
"formes, une forme particulière et une forme générale."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:182
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:187
msgid ""
"The specific form assigns a priority (a \"Pin-Priority\") to one or more "
"specified packages and specified version or version range. For example, the "
"dont le numéro de version commence par <literal>5.8</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:189
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:194
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:195
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:200
msgid ""
"The general form assigns a priority to all of the package versions in a "
"given distribution (that is, to all the versions of packages that are listed "
"un nom complètement qualifié."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:201
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
msgid ""
"This general-form entry in the APT preferences file applies only to groups "
"of packages. For example, the following record assigns a high priority to "
"priorité haute à toutes les versions disponibles dans le site local."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:216
msgid ""
"A note of caution: the keyword used here is \"<literal>origin</literal>\" "
"which can be used to match a hostname. The following record will assign a "
"serveur identifié par l' nom d'hôte « »."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:215
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:220
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:219
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
msgid ""
"This should <emphasis>not</emphasis> be confused with the Origin of a "
"distribution as specified in a <filename>Release</filename> file. What "
"mais le nom d'un auteur ou d'un distributeur, comme « Debian » ou « Ximian »."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:229
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a low priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any distribution whose Archive name is \"<literal>unstable</"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:228
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:238
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any distribution whose Codename is \"<literal>&testing-codename;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:237
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any release whose Archive name is \"<literal>stable</literal>\" "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:252
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:258
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:262
+msgid "Regular expressions and glob() syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:264
+msgid ""
+"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
+"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
+"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a glob"
+"()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"expression surrounded by slashes)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:273
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Package: *\n"
+#| "Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+#| "Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgid ""
+"Package: gnome* /kde/\n"
+"Pin: release n=experimental\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
+msgid ""
+"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"packages from a release starting with karmic."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:285
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Package: *\n"
+#| "Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+#| "Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=karmic*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 990\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Packages"
+msgid "Package"
+msgstr "Packages"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:296
+msgid "*"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
msgid "How APT Interprets Priorities"
msgstr "Méthode d'interprétation des priorités par APT"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:266
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:314
msgid "P > 1000"
msgstr "P > 1000"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:267
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:315
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if this constitutes a downgrade of the "
"retour en arrière."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:271
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:319
msgid "990 < P <=1000"
msgstr "990 < P <=1000"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:272
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:320
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if it does not come from the target "
"release, unless the installed version is more recent"
"plus récente."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:277
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
msgid "500 < P <=990"
msgstr "500 < P <=990"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:278
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:326
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"belonging to the target release or the installed version is more recent"
"distribution par défaut ou si la version installée est plus récente."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:283
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:331
msgid "100 < P <=500"
msgstr "100 < P <=500"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:284
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:332
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"belonging to some other distribution or the installed version is more recent"
"autre distribution ou si la version installée est plus récente."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:289
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:337
msgid "0 < P <=100"
msgstr "0 < P <=100"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:338
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed only if there is no installed version of "
"the package"
msgstr "la version sera installée si aucune version du paquet n'est installée."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:294
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:342
msgid "P < 0"
msgstr "P < 0"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:295
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:343
msgid "prevents the version from being installed"
msgstr "cette priorité empêche l'installation de la version."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:261
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:309
msgid ""
"Priorities (P) assigned in the APT preferences file must be positive or "
"negative integers. They are interpreted as follows (roughly speaking): "
"<placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:300
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:348
msgid ""
"If any specific-form records match an available package version then the "
"first such record determines the priority of the package version. Failing "
"trouvée détermine la priorité."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:354
msgid ""
"For example, suppose the APT preferences file contains the three records "
"presented earlier:"
"entrées décrites ci-dessous :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:310
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:323
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:371
msgid "Then:"
msgstr "Alors :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:373
msgid ""
"The most recent available version of the <literal>perl</literal> package "
"will be installed, so long as that version's version number begins with "
"installée est une version 5.9*, il y aura un retour en arrière."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:330
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:378
msgid ""
"A version of any package other than <literal>perl</literal> that is "
"available from the local system has priority over other versions, even "
"appartenant à la distribution par défaut."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:334
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:382
msgid ""
"A version of a package whose origin is not the local system but some other "
"site listed in &sources-list; and which belongs to an <literal>unstable</"
"paquet n'est déjà installée."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:344
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:392
msgid "Determination of Package Version and Distribution Properties"
msgstr ""
"Détermination de la version des paquets et des propriétés des distributions"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:346
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:394
msgid ""
"The locations listed in the &sources-list; file should provide "
"<filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> files to "
"décrivent les paquets disponibles à cet endroit."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
msgid "the <literal>Package:</literal> line"
msgstr "la ligne <literal>Package:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:359
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:407
msgid "gives the package name"
msgstr "donne le nom du paquet"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:362 apt_preferences.5.xml:412
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:410 apt_preferences.5.xml:460
msgid "the <literal>Version:</literal> line"
msgstr "la ligne <literal>Version:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:363
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:411
msgid "gives the version number for the named package"
msgstr "donne le numéro de version du paquet"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:350
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:398
msgid ""
"The <filename>Packages</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
"\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:379
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:427
msgid "the <literal>Archive:</literal> or <literal>Suite:</literal> line"
msgstr "La ligne <literal>Archive:</literal> ou <literal>Suite:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:380
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:428
msgid ""
"names the archive to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"For example, the line \"Archive: stable\" or \"Suite: stable\" specifies "
"préférences demanderait cette ligne :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:390
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:438
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release a=stable\n"
msgstr "Pin: release a=stable\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:396
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:444
msgid "the <literal>Codename:</literal> line"
msgstr "la ligne <literal>Codename:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:397
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:445
msgid ""
"names the codename to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"For example, the line \"Codename: &testing-codename;\" specifies that all of "
"ligne :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release n=&testing-codename;\n"
msgstr "Pin: release n=&testing-codename;\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:413
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
msgid ""
"names the release version. For example, the packages in the tree might "
"belong to Debian GNU/Linux release version 3.0. Note that there is normally "
"préférences demanderait ces lignes :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:422
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:470
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Pin: release v=3.0\n"
"Pin: release 3.0\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:431
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:479
msgid "the <literal>Component:</literal> line"
msgstr "La ligne <literal>Component:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:432
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:480
msgid ""
"names the licensing component associated with the packages in the directory "
"tree of the <filename>Release</filename> file. For example, the line "
"fichier des préférences demanderait cette ligne :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:441
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release c=main\n"
msgstr "Pin: release c=main\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:447
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:495
msgid "the <literal>Origin:</literal> line"
msgstr "La ligne <literal>Origin:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:448
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:496
msgid ""
"names the originator of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
"ligne :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:502
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
msgstr "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:460
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:508
msgid "the <literal>Label:</literal> line"
msgstr "La ligne <literal>Label:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:509
msgid ""
"names the label of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
"préférences demanderait cette ligne :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:467
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:515
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
msgstr "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:368
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:416
msgid ""
"The <filename>Release</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
"<filename>.../dists/<replaceable>dist-name</replaceable></filename>: for "
"\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:474
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:522
msgid ""
"All of the <filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> "
"files retrieved from locations listed in the &sources-list; file are stored "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:487
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
msgid "Optional Lines in an APT Preferences Record"
msgstr "Lignes facultatives dans le fichier des préférences"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:537
msgid ""
"Each record in the APT preferences file can optionally begin with one or "
"more lines beginning with the word <literal>Explanation:</literal>. This "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:498
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:546
msgid "Tracking Stable"
msgstr "Méthode pour suivre Stable"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:506
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:554
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:500
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:548
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
"literal>. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:523 apt_preferences.5.xml:569
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:627
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:571 apt_preferences.5.xml:617
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:675
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"apt-get install <replaceable>package-name</replaceable>\n"
"apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:518
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:566
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:583
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/testing\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>paquet</replaceable>/testing\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:529
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:577
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution; the package "
"de relancer la commande. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:541
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:589
msgid "Tracking Testing or Unstable"
msgstr "Méthode pour suivre Testing ou Unstable"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:550
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:598
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:543
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a high priority "
"to package versions from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution, a "
"<placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:564
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:612
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
"type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:584
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:632
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/unstable\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>paquet</replaceable>/unstable\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:575
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:623
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>unstable</literal> distribution. "
"installée. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:639
msgid "Tracking the evolution of a codename release"
msgstr "Suivre l'évolution d'une version par son nom de code"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:605
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:653
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated package versions\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:593
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:641
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
"exemples précédents. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:622
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:670
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest version(s) in "
"<placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:642
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:690
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/sid\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>paquet</replaceable>/sid\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:633
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:681
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>sid</literal> distribution. Thereafter, "
"<placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:651
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:699
msgid "&file-preferences;"
msgstr "&file-preferences;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:657
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:705
msgid "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
msgstr "Cette commande utilisera les fichiers récupérés sur le disque."
+#~ msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated "
+#~ "index files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration "
+#~ "Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::MD5</literal>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Créer la somme de contrôle MD5. Cette option est activée par défaut. "
+#~ "Quand elle est désactivée, les fichiers d'index n'ont pas les champs "
+#~ "MD5Sum là où c'est possible. Élément de configuration : <literal>APT::"
+#~ "FTPArchive::MD5</literal>."
+#~ msgid "unmarkauto"
+#~ msgstr "unmarkauto"
+#~ msgid "<option>-h</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>-h</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--help</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--help</option>"
+#~ msgid "Show a short usage summary."
+#~ msgstr "Affiche un résumé de l'aide"
+#~ msgid "<option>-v</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>-v</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--version</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
+#~ msgid "Show the program version."
+#~ msgstr "Affiche la version du programme."
+#~ msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
+#~ msgstr "est affectée à la version déjà installée (si elle existe)."
#~ msgid "APT package handling utility -- cache manipulator"
#~ msgstr "Gestionnaire de paquets APT - manipulation du cache"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-14 13:42+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-04-26 23:26+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Traduzione di Eugenia Franzoni <>\n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50
#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114
-#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:55 apt-secure.8.xml:43
+#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36
#: sources.list.5.xml:36
msgid "Description"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:92
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568 apt-get.8.xml:393
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:608 apt-get.8.xml:570
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:156 apt-mark.8.xml:125
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:649
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:624 apt-get.8.xml:585
-#: apt-key.8.xml:177 apt-mark.8.xml:131 apt-secure.8.xml:185
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:656
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
#: sources.list.5.xml:234
msgid "See Also"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:591
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:135 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:142
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536 apt-get.8.xml:345
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:625
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
msgid "&apt-conf;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:529
-msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
+msgid ""
+"<option>--md5</option>, <option>--sha1</option>, <option>--sha256</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:531
msgid ""
-"Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated index "
-"files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration Item: "
+"Generate the given checksum. These options default to on, when turned off "
+"the generated index files will not have the checksum fields where possible. "
+"Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</"
+"replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</"
+"replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> where "
+"<literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+"literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:538
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:544
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:550
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:552
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:558
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:560
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:570
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:576
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:581
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
msgid ""
"Accept in the <literal>packages</literal> and <literal>contents</literal> "
"commands only package files matching <literal>*_arch.deb</literal> or "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:587
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:589
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:601
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
"only be set to <literal>\"false\"</literal> if the Archive generated with "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:613 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:496
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
#: sources.list.5.xml:198
msgid "Examples"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:615
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
"from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "net-update"
+msgstr "upgrade"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
+msgid ""
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch from. "
+"APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:143
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:146
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:159
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:166
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:169
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:170
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:179
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:16
msgid ""
-"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
-"August 2009</date>"
+"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>21 "
+"April 2011</date>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
"f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain"
"\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice=\"plain"
-"\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </group> <arg "
+"\">auto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">manual</arg> <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\">showauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showmanual</arg> </group> <arg "
"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</replaceable></arg> </"
-"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
+"arg> </group>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:56
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:57
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> will change whether a package has been marked as "
"being automatically installed."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:60
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:61
msgid ""
"When you request that a package is installed, and as a result other packages "
"are installed to satisfy its dependencies, the dependencies are marked as "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:68
-msgid "markauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+msgid "auto"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:70
msgid ""
-"<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
+"<literal>auto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
"installed, which will cause the package to be removed when no more manually "
"installed packages depend on this package."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:76
-msgid "unmarkauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+msgid "manual"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:78
msgid ""
-"<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+"<literal>manual</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
"installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically removed "
"if no other packages depend on it."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:84
-msgid "showauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+msgid "hold"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:86
msgid ""
-"<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
-"installed packages with each package on a new line."
+"<literal>hold</literal> is used to mark a package as hold back, which will "
+"prevent the package from being automatically installed, upgraded or "
+"removed. The command is only a wrapper around <command>dpkg --set-"
+"selections</command> and the state is therefore maintained by &dpkg; and not "
+"effected by the <option>--filename</option> option."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:95
+msgid "unhold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:96
msgid ""
+"<literal>unhold</literal> is used to cancel a previously set hold on a "
+"package to allow all actions again."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:97
-msgid ""
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:101
+msgid "showauto"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:100
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:102
msgid ""
-"Read/Write package stats from <filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></"
-"filename> instead of the default location, which is "
-"<filename>extended_status</filename> in the directory defined by the "
-"Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State</literal>."
+"<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+"installed packages with each package on a new line. All automatically "
+"installed packages will be listed if no package is given. If packages are "
+"given only those which are automatically installed will be shown."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:106
-msgid "<option>-h</option>"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:109
+msgid "showmanual"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:110
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showmanual</literal> can be used in the same way as "
+"<literal>showauto</literal> except that it will print a list of manually "
+"installed packages instead."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:107
-msgid "<option>--help</option>"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
+msgid "showhold"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:108
-msgid "Show a short usage summary."
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:117
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showhold</literal> is used to print a list of packages on hold in "
+"the same way as for the other show commands."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:114
-msgid "<option>-v</option>"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:130
+msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:115
-msgid "<option>--version</option>"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:131
+msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
-msgid "Show the program version."
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:134
+msgid ""
+"Read/Write package stats from <filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></"
+"filename> instead of the default location, which is "
+"<filename>extended_status</filename> in the directory defined by the "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:127
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:146
msgid " &file-extended_states;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:132
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:151
msgid "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:136
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:155
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> returns zero on normal operation, non-zero on "
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:107
msgid ""
"to the versions coming from archives which in their <filename>Release</"
-"filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like the debian "
-"experimental archive."
+"filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" but <emphasis>not</"
+"emphasis> as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"<literal>experimental</literal> archive."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:112
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
msgid "priority 100"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
-msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:114
+msgid ""
+"to the version that is already installed (if any) and to the versions coming "
+"from archives which in their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked "
+"as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" and \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"backports archive since <literal>squeeze-backports</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:117
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:121
msgid "priority 500"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:118
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and do not belong to the target "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:126
msgid "priority 990"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:123
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:127
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and belong to the target release."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:128
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:132
msgid ""
"If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
"priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
-"uninstalled package versions, expect versions coming from archives which in "
+"uninstalled package versions, except versions coming from archives which in "
"their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" "
-"- these versions get the priority 1."
+"- these versions get the priority 1 or priority 100 if it is additionally "
+"marked as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\"."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:134
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:139
msgid ""
"APT then applies the following rules, listed in order of precedence, to "
"determine which version of a package to install."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:137
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:142
msgid ""
"Never downgrade unless the priority of an available version exceeds 1000. "
"(\"Downgrading\" is installing a less recent version of a package in place "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:143
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:148
msgid "Install the highest priority version."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:144
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:149
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority, install the most recent one "
"(that is, the one with the higher version number)."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:147
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:152
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority and version number but either "
"the packages differ in some of their metadata or the <literal>--reinstall</"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:153
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:158
msgid ""
"In a typical situation, the installed version of a package (priority 100) "
"is not as recent as one of the versions available from the sources listed in "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:160
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
msgid ""
"More rarely, the installed version of a package is <emphasis>more</emphasis> "
"recent than any of the other available versions. The package will not be "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:170
msgid ""
"Sometimes the installed version of a package is more recent than the version "
"belonging to the target release, but not as recent as a version belonging to "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:174
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:179
msgid "The Effect of APT Preferences"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:176
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:181
msgid ""
"The APT preferences file allows the system administrator to control the "
"assignment of priorities. The file consists of one or more multi-line "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:182
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:187
msgid ""
"The specific form assigns a priority (a \"Pin-Priority\") to one or more "
"specified packages and specified version or version range. For example, the "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:189
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:194
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:195
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:200
msgid ""
"The general form assigns a priority to all of the package versions in a "
"given distribution (that is, to all the versions of packages that are listed "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:201
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
msgid ""
"This general-form entry in the APT preferences file applies only to groups "
"of packages. For example, the following record assigns a high priority to "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:216
msgid ""
"A note of caution: the keyword used here is \"<literal>origin</literal>\" "
"which can be used to match a hostname. The following record will assign a "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:215
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:220
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:219
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
msgid ""
"This should <emphasis>not</emphasis> be confused with the Origin of a "
"distribution as specified in a <filename>Release</filename> file. What "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:229
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a low priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any distribution whose Archive name is \"<literal>unstable</"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:228
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:238
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any distribution whose Codename is \"<literal>&testing-codename;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:237
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any release whose Archive name is \"<literal>stable</literal>\" "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:252
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:258
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:262
+msgid "Regular expressions and glob() syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:264
+msgid ""
+"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
+"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
+"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a glob"
+"()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"expression surrounded by slashes)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:273
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: gnome* /kde/\n"
+"Pin: release n=experimental\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
+msgid ""
+"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"packages from a release starting with karmic."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:285
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=karmic*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 990\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+msgid "Package"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:296
+msgid "*"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
msgid "How APT Interprets Priorities"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:266
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:314
msgid "P > 1000"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:267
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:315
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if this constitutes a downgrade of the "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:271
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:319
msgid "990 < P <=1000"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:272
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:320
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if it does not come from the target "
"release, unless the installed version is more recent"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:277
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
msgid "500 < P <=990"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:278
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:326
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"belonging to the target release or the installed version is more recent"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:283
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:331
msgid "100 < P <=500"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:284
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:332
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"belonging to some other distribution or the installed version is more recent"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:289
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:337
msgid "0 < P <=100"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:338
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed only if there is no installed version of "
"the package"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:294
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:342
msgid "P < 0"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:295
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:343
msgid "prevents the version from being installed"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:261
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:309
msgid ""
"Priorities (P) assigned in the APT preferences file must be positive or "
"negative integers. They are interpreted as follows (roughly speaking): "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:300
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:348
msgid ""
"If any specific-form records match an available package version then the "
"first such record determines the priority of the package version. Failing "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:354
msgid ""
"For example, suppose the APT preferences file contains the three records "
"presented earlier:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:310
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:323
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:371
msgid "Then:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:373
msgid ""
"The most recent available version of the <literal>perl</literal> package "
"will be installed, so long as that version's version number begins with "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:330
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:378
msgid ""
"A version of any package other than <literal>perl</literal> that is "
"available from the local system has priority over other versions, even "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:334
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:382
msgid ""
"A version of a package whose origin is not the local system but some other "
"site listed in &sources-list; and which belongs to an <literal>unstable</"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:344
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:392
msgid "Determination of Package Version and Distribution Properties"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:346
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:394
msgid ""
"The locations listed in the &sources-list; file should provide "
"<filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> files to "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
msgid "the <literal>Package:</literal> line"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:359
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:407
msgid "gives the package name"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:362 apt_preferences.5.xml:412
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:410 apt_preferences.5.xml:460
msgid "the <literal>Version:</literal> line"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:363
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:411
msgid "gives the version number for the named package"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:350
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:398
msgid ""
"The <filename>Packages</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:379
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:427
msgid "the <literal>Archive:</literal> or <literal>Suite:</literal> line"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:380
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:428
msgid ""
"names the archive to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"For example, the line \"Archive: stable\" or \"Suite: stable\" specifies "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:390
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:438
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release a=stable\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:396
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:444
msgid "the <literal>Codename:</literal> line"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:397
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:445
msgid ""
"names the codename to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"For example, the line \"Codename: &testing-codename;\" specifies that all of "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release n=&testing-codename;\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:413
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
msgid ""
"names the release version. For example, the packages in the tree might "
"belong to Debian GNU/Linux release version 3.0. Note that there is normally "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:422
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:470
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Pin: release v=3.0\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:431
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:479
msgid "the <literal>Component:</literal> line"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:432
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:480
msgid ""
"names the licensing component associated with the packages in the directory "
"tree of the <filename>Release</filename> file. For example, the line "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:441
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release c=main\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:447
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:495
msgid "the <literal>Origin:</literal> line"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:448
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:496
msgid ""
"names the originator of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:502
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:460
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:508
msgid "the <literal>Label:</literal> line"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:509
msgid ""
"names the label of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:467
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:515
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:368
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:416
msgid ""
"The <filename>Release</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
"<filename>.../dists/<replaceable>dist-name</replaceable></filename>: for "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:474
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:522
msgid ""
"All of the <filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> "
"files retrieved from locations listed in the &sources-list; file are stored "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:487
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
msgid "Optional Lines in an APT Preferences Record"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:537
msgid ""
"Each record in the APT preferences file can optionally begin with one or "
"more lines beginning with the word <literal>Explanation:</literal>. This "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:498
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:546
msgid "Tracking Stable"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:506
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:554
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:500
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:548
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:523 apt_preferences.5.xml:569
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:627
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:571 apt_preferences.5.xml:617
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:675
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"apt-get install <replaceable>package-name</replaceable>\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:518
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:566
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:583
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/testing\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:529
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:577
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution; the package "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:541
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:589
msgid "Tracking Testing or Unstable"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:550
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:598
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:543
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a high priority "
"to package versions from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution, a "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:564
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:612
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:584
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:632
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/unstable\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:575
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:623
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>unstable</literal> distribution. "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:639
msgid "Tracking the evolution of a codename release"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:605
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:653
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated package versions\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:593
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:641
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:622
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:670
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest version(s) in "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:642
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:690
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/sid\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:633
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:681
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>sid</literal> distribution. Thereafter, "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:651
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:699
msgid "&file-preferences;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:657
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:705
msgid "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: apt\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-14 13:42+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-07 07:38+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: KURASAWA Nozomu <>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian Japanese List <>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50
#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114
-#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:55 apt-secure.8.xml:43
+#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36
#: sources.list.5.xml:36
msgid "Description"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:92
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr "オプション"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568 apt-get.8.xml:393
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr "<option>-s</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr "<option>-q</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr "<option>--quiet</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr "<option>-a</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:608 apt-get.8.xml:570
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr "&apt-commonoptions;"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:156 apt-mark.8.xml:125
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:649
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr "ファイル"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:624 apt-get.8.xml:585
-#: apt-key.8.xml:177 apt-mark.8.xml:131 apt-secure.8.xml:185
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:656
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
#: sources.list.5.xml:234
msgid "See Also"
msgstr "関連項目"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:591
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:135 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr "診断メッセージ"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:142
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr "オプション"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536 apt-get.8.xml:345
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:625
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
msgid "&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-conf;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:529
-msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
+msgid ""
+"<option>--md5</option>, <option>--sha1</option>, <option>--sha256</option>"
+msgstr ""
-# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:531
-msgid ""
-"Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated index "
-"files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration Item: "
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Values for the additional metadata fields in the Release file are taken "
+#| "from the corresponding variables under <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release</"
+#| "literal>, e.g. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. The "
+#| "supported fields are: <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, "
+#| "<literal>Codename</literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, <literal>Valid-"
+#| "Until</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, <literal>Components</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Description</literal>."
+msgid ""
+"Generate the given checksum. These options default to on, when turned off "
+"the generated index files will not have the checksum fields where possible. "
+"Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</"
+"replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</"
+"replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> where "
+"<literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+"literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
-"MD5 sum を生成します。デフォルトで on になっており、off にすると生成したイン"
-"デックスファイルに MD5Sum フィールドがありません。設定項目 - <literal>APT::"
+"Release ファイルの追加メタデータフィールドの値は、<literal>APT::FTPArchive::"
+"Release</literal> 以下の相当する値 (例: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::"
+"Origin</literal>) をとります。サポートするフィールドは、<literal>Origin</"
+"literal>, <literal>Label</literal>, <literal>Suite</literal>, "
+"<literal>Version</literal>, <literal>Codename</literal>, <literal>Date</"
+"literal>, <literal>Valid-Until</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, "
+"<literal>Components</literal>, <literal>Description</literal> です。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr "<option>--db</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:538
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:544
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:550
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr "<option>--delink</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:552
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:558
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr "<option>--contents</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:560
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr "<option>--source-override</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:570
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
"選択します。設定項目 - <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr "<option>--readonly</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:576
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr "<option>--arch</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:581
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Accept in the <literal>packages</literal> and <literal>contents</literal> "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:587
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:589
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:601
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:613 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:496
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
#: sources.list.5.xml:198
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "サンプル"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:615
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
"Debian アーカイブキーで、ローカルキーリングを更新し、もう有効でないキーをキー"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "update"
+msgid "net-update"
+msgstr "update"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
+msgid ""
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch from. "
+"APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:143
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:146
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:159
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr "&file-trustedgpg;"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr "アーカイブキーのローカル信頼データベースです。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:166
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr "Debian アーカイブ信頼キーのキーリングです。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:169
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid ""
msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:170
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr "削除された Debian アーカイブ信頼キーのキーリングです。"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:179
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
#. The last update date
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:16
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
+#| "August 2009</date>"
msgid ""
-"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
-"August 2009</date>"
+"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>21 "
+"April 2011</date>"
msgstr ""
"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
"August 2009</date>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:39
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| " <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> "
+#| "<arg><option>-f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group "
+#| "choice=\"plain\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
+#| "choice=\"plain\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </"
+#| "group> <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</"
+#| "replaceable></arg> </arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
msgid ""
" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
"f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain"
"\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice=\"plain"
-"\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </group> <arg "
+"\">auto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">manual</arg> <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\">showauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showmanual</arg> </group> <arg "
"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</replaceable></arg> </"
-"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
+"arg> </group>"
msgstr ""
" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
"f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:56
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:57
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> will change whether a package has been marked as "
"being automatically installed."
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:60
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:61
msgid ""
"When you request that a package is installed, and as a result other packages "
"are installed to satisfy its dependencies, the dependencies are marked as "
"command> や <command>aptitude</command> により削除されます。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:68
-msgid "markauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "markauto"
+msgid "auto"
msgstr "markauto"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:70
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being "
+#| "automatically installed, which will cause the package to be removed when "
+#| "no more manually installed packages depend on this package."
msgid ""
-"<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
+"<literal>auto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
"installed, which will cause the package to be removed when no more manually "
"installed packages depend on this package."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:76
-msgid "unmarkauto"
-msgstr "unmarkauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+msgid "manual"
+msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:78
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+#| "installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically "
+#| "removed if no other packages depend on it."
msgid ""
-"<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+"<literal>manual</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
"installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically removed "
"if no other packages depend on it."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:84
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+msgid "hold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:86
+msgid ""
+"<literal>hold</literal> is used to mark a package as hold back, which will "
+"prevent the package from being automatically installed, upgraded or "
+"removed. The command is only a wrapper around <command>dpkg --set-"
+"selections</command> and the state is therefore maintained by &dpkg; and not "
+"effected by the <option>--filename</option> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:95
+msgid "unhold"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:96
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
+msgid ""
+"<literal>unhold</literal> is used to cancel a previously set hold on a "
+"package to allow all actions again."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>showauto</literal> は、自動的にインストールされたパッケージを、パッ"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:101
msgid "showauto"
msgstr "showauto"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:102
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
msgid ""
"<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
-"installed packages with each package on a new line."
+"installed packages with each package on a new line. All automatically "
+"installed packages will be listed if no package is given. If packages are "
+"given only those which are automatically installed will be shown."
msgstr ""
"<literal>showauto</literal> は、自動的にインストールされたパッケージを、パッ"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:96
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:109
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "showauto"
+msgid "showmanual"
+msgstr "showauto"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:110
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showmanual</literal> can be used in the same way as "
+"<literal>showauto</literal> except that it will print a list of manually "
+"installed packages instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "showauto"
+msgid "showhold"
+msgstr "showauto"
+# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:117
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showhold</literal> is used to print a list of packages on hold in "
+"the same way as for the other show commands."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>showauto</literal> は、自動的にインストールされたパッケージを、パッ"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:130
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:97
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:131
msgid ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:100
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:134
msgid ""
"Read/Write package stats from <filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></"
"filename> instead of the default location, which is "
"トリの <filename>extended_status</filename>) に代えて、<filename>FILENAME</"
"filename> からパッケージの統計を読み書きします。"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:106
-msgid "<option>-h</option>"
-msgstr "<option>-h</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:107
-msgid "<option>--help</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--help</option>"
-# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:108
-msgid "Show a short usage summary."
-msgstr "短い使用方法を表示します。"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:114
-msgid "<option>-v</option>"
-msgstr "<option>-v</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:115
-msgid "<option>--version</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
-# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
-msgid "Show the program version."
-msgstr "プログラムのバージョン情報を表示します"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:127
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:146
msgid " &file-extended_states;"
msgstr " &file-extended_states;"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:132
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:151
msgid "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:136
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:155
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> returns zero on normal operation, non-zero on "
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:107
msgid ""
"to the versions coming from archives which in their <filename>Release</"
-"filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like the debian "
-"experimental archive."
+"filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" but <emphasis>not</"
+"emphasis> as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"<literal>experimental</literal> archive."
msgstr ""
# type: <tag></tag>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:112
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
msgid "priority 100"
msgstr "priority 100"
-# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
-msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
-msgstr "(あるならば) 既にインストールされているバージョン。"
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:114
+msgid ""
+"to the version that is already installed (if any) and to the versions coming "
+"from archives which in their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked "
+"as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" and \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"backports archive since <literal>squeeze-backports</literal>."
+msgstr ""
# type: <tag></tag>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:117
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:121
msgid "priority 500"
msgstr "priority 500"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:118
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and do not belong to the target "
# type: <tag></tag>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:126
msgid "priority 990"
msgstr "priority 990"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:123
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:127
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and belong to the target release."
msgstr "インストールされておらず、ターゲットリリースに含まれるバージョン。"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:128
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:132
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
"priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
-"uninstalled package versions, expect versions coming from archives which in "
+"uninstalled package versions, except versions coming from archives which in "
"their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" "
-"- these versions get the priority 1."
+"- these versions get the priority 1 or priority 100 if it is additionally "
+"marked as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\"."
msgstr ""
"ターゲットリリースが指定されていなければ、APT は単純にインストールしている"
"パッケージのバージョンには 100 を、インストールしていないパッケージのバージョ"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:134
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:139
msgid ""
"APT then applies the following rules, listed in order of precedence, to "
"determine which version of a package to install."
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:137
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:142
msgid ""
"Never downgrade unless the priority of an available version exceeds 1000. "
"(\"Downgrading\" is installing a less recent version of a package in place "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:143
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:148
msgid "Install the highest priority version."
msgstr "最も高い優先度のバージョンをインストールします。"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:144
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:149
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority, install the most recent one "
"(that is, the one with the higher version number)."
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:147
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:152
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority and version number but either "
"the packages differ in some of their metadata or the <literal>--reinstall</"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:153
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:158
msgid ""
"In a typical situation, the installed version of a package (priority 100) "
"is not as recent as one of the versions available from the sources listed in "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:160
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
msgid ""
"More rarely, the installed version of a package is <emphasis>more</emphasis> "
"recent than any of the other available versions. The package will not be "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:170
msgid ""
"Sometimes the installed version of a package is more recent than the version "
"belonging to the target release, but not as recent as a version belonging to "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:174
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:179
msgid "The Effect of APT Preferences"
msgstr "APT 設定の効果"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:176
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:181
msgid ""
"The APT preferences file allows the system administrator to control the "
"assignment of priorities. The file consists of one or more multi-line "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:182
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:187
msgid ""
"The specific form assigns a priority (a \"Pin-Priority\") to one or more "
"specified packages and specified version or version range. For example, the "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:189
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:194
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:195
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:200
msgid ""
"The general form assigns a priority to all of the package versions in a "
"given distribution (that is, to all the versions of packages that are listed "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:201
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
msgid ""
"This general-form entry in the APT preferences file applies only to groups "
"of packages. For example, the following record assigns a high priority to "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:216
msgid ""
"A note of caution: the keyword used here is \"<literal>origin</literal>\" "
"which can be used to match a hostname. The following record will assign a "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:215
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:220
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:219
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This should <emphasis>not</emphasis> be confused with the Origin of a "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:229
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a low priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any distribution whose Archive name is \"<literal>unstable</"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:228
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:238
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:237
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any release whose Archive name is \"<literal>stable</literal>\" "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:252
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:262
+msgid "Regular expressions and glob() syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:264
+msgid ""
+"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
+"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
+"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a glob"
+"()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"expression surrounded by slashes)."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:273
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Package: *\n"
+#| "Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+#| "Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgid ""
+"Package: gnome* /kde/\n"
+"Pin: release n=experimental\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
+msgid ""
+"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"packages from a release starting with karmic."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:285
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Package: *\n"
+#| "Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+#| "Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=karmic*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 990\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+# type: <tag></tag>
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Packages"
+msgid "Package"
+msgstr "Packages"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:296
+msgid "*"
+msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:258
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
msgid "How APT Interprets Priorities"
msgstr "APT が優先度に割り込む方法"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:266
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:314
msgid "P > 1000"
msgstr "P > 1000"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:267
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:315
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if this constitutes a downgrade of the "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:271
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:319
msgid "990 < P <=1000"
msgstr "990 < P <=1000"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:272
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:320
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if it does not come from the target "
"release, unless the installed version is more recent"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:277
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
msgid "500 < P <=990"
msgstr "500 < P <=990"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:278
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:326
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"belonging to the target release or the installed version is more recent"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:283
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:331
msgid "100 < P <=500"
msgstr "100 < P <=500"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:284
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:332
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"belonging to some other distribution or the installed version is more recent"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:289
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:337
msgid "0 < P <=100"
msgstr "0 < P <=100"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:338
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed only if there is no installed version of "
"the package"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:294
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:342
msgid "P < 0"
msgstr "P < 0"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:295
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:343
msgid "prevents the version from being installed"
msgstr "このバージョンのインストール禁止"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:261
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:309
msgid ""
"Priorities (P) assigned in the APT preferences file must be positive or "
"negative integers. They are interpreted as follows (roughly speaking): "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:300
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:348
msgid ""
"If any specific-form records match an available package version then the "
"first such record determines the priority of the package version. Failing "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:354
msgid ""
"For example, suppose the APT preferences file contains the three records "
"presented earlier:"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:310
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:323
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:371
msgid "Then:"
msgstr "すると、以下のように動作します。"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:373
msgid ""
"The most recent available version of the <literal>perl</literal> package "
"will be installed, so long as that version's version number begins with "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:330
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:378
msgid ""
"A version of any package other than <literal>perl</literal> that is "
"available from the local system has priority over other versions, even "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:334
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:382
msgid ""
"A version of a package whose origin is not the local system but some other "
"site listed in &sources-list; and which belongs to an <literal>unstable</"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:344
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:392
msgid "Determination of Package Version and Distribution Properties"
msgstr "パッケージのバージョンとディストリビューションプロパティの決定"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:346
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:394
msgid ""
"The locations listed in the &sources-list; file should provide "
"<filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> files to "
"filename> ファイルを提供します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
msgid "the <literal>Package:</literal> line"
msgstr "<literal>Package:</literal> 行"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:359
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:407
msgid "gives the package name"
msgstr "パッケージ名"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:362 apt_preferences.5.xml:412
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:410 apt_preferences.5.xml:460
msgid "the <literal>Version:</literal> line"
msgstr "<literal>Version:</literal> 行"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:363
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:411
msgid "gives the version number for the named package"
msgstr "その名前のパッケージのバージョン番号"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:350
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:398
msgid ""
"The <filename>Packages</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
"type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:379
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:427
msgid "the <literal>Archive:</literal> or <literal>Suite:</literal> line"
msgstr "<literal>Archive:</literal> 行や <literal>Suite:</literal> 行"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:380
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:428
msgid ""
"names the archive to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"For example, the line \"Archive: stable\" or \"Suite: stable\" specifies "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:390
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:438
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release a=stable\n"
msgstr "Pin: release a=stable\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:396
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:444
msgid "the <literal>Codename:</literal> line"
msgstr "<literal>Codename:</literal> 行"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:397
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:445
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"names the codename to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release n=&testing-codename;\n"
msgstr "Pin: release n=&testing-codename;\n"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:413
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
msgid ""
"names the release version. For example, the packages in the tree might "
"belong to Debian GNU/Linux release version 3.0. Note that there is normally "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:422
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:470
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Pin: release v=3.0\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:431
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:479
msgid "the <literal>Component:</literal> line"
msgstr "<literal>Component:</literal> 行"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:432
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:480
msgid ""
"names the licensing component associated with the packages in the directory "
"tree of the <filename>Release</filename> file. For example, the line "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:441
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release c=main\n"
msgstr "Pin: release c=main\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:447
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:495
msgid "the <literal>Origin:</literal> line"
msgstr "<literal>Origin:</literal> 行"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:448
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:496
msgid ""
"names the originator of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:502
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:460
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:508
msgid "the <literal>Label:</literal> line"
msgstr "<literal>Label:</literal> 行"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:509
msgid ""
"names the label of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:467
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:515
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:368
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:416
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The <filename>Release</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:474
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:522
msgid ""
"All of the <filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> "
"files retrieved from locations listed in the &sources-list; file are stored "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:487
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
msgid "Optional Lines in an APT Preferences Record"
msgstr "APT 設定レコードのオプション行"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:537
msgid ""
"Each record in the APT preferences file can optionally begin with one or "
"more lines beginning with the word <literal>Explanation:</literal>. This "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:498
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:546
msgid "Tracking Stable"
msgstr "安定版の追跡"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:506
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:554
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated\n"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:500
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:548
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:523 apt_preferences.5.xml:569
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:627
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:571 apt_preferences.5.xml:617
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:675
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"apt-get install <replaceable>package-name</replaceable>\n"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:518
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:566
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:583
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/testing\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/testing\n"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:529
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:577
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution; the package "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:541
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:589
msgid "Tracking Testing or Unstable"
msgstr "テスト版や不安定版の追跡"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:550
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:598
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:543
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a high priority "
"to package versions from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution, a "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:564
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:612
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:584
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:632
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/unstable\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/unstable\n"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:575
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:623
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>unstable</literal> distribution. "
"\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:639
msgid "Tracking the evolution of a codename release"
msgstr "コード名リリースの進化の追跡"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:605
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:653
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated package versions\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:593
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:641
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:622
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:670
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest version(s) in "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:642
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:690
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/sid\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/sid\n"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:633
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:681
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:651
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:699
msgid "&file-preferences;"
msgstr "&file-preferences;"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:657
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:705
msgid "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
msgstr "これで、disc にある取得済みのアーカイブを使用するようになります。"
+#~ msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
+# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated "
+#~ "index files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration "
+#~ "Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::MD5</literal>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MD5 sum を生成します。デフォルトで on になっており、off にすると生成したイ"
+#~ "ンデックスファイルに MD5Sum フィールドがありません。設定項目 - "
+#~ "<literal>APT::FTPArchive::MD5</literal>"
+#~ msgid "unmarkauto"
+#~ msgstr "unmarkauto"
+#~ msgid "<option>-h</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>-h</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--help</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--help</option>"
+# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#~ msgid "Show a short usage summary."
+#~ msgstr "短い使用方法を表示します。"
+#~ msgid "<option>-v</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>-v</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--version</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
+# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#~ msgid "Show the program version."
+#~ msgstr "プログラムのバージョン情報を表示します"
+# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#~ msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
+#~ msgstr "(あるならば) 既にインストールされているバージョン。"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
#~ msgid "APT package handling utility -- cache manipulator"
#~ msgstr "APT パッケージ操作ユーティリティ -- キャッシュ操作ツール"
#~ " のアーカイブに HTTP アクセスし、debian-non-US ディレクト"
#~ "リ以下を使用します。"
-#~ msgid "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free"
-#~ msgstr "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-"
+#~ "free"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-"
+#~ "free"
# type: SH
#~ msgid "OPTIONS"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: apt\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-14 13:42+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-18 22:00+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Luberda <>\n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50
#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114
-#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:55 apt-secure.8.xml:43
+#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36
#: sources.list.5.xml:36
msgid "Description"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:92
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr "opcje"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568 apt-get.8.xml:393
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr "<option>-s</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr "<option>-q</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr "<option>--quiet</option>"
"konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Cache::ShowFull</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr "<option>-a</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:608 apt-get.8.xml:570
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr "&apt-commonoptions;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:156 apt-mark.8.xml:125
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:649
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Pliki"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:624 apt-get.8.xml:585
-#: apt-key.8.xml:177 apt-mark.8.xml:131 apt-secure.8.xml:185
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:656
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
#: sources.list.5.xml:234
msgid "See Also"
msgstr "Zobacz także"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:591
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:135 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr "Diagnostyka"
"\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:142
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opcje"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536 apt-get.8.xml:345
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "Wyświetla zawartość przestrzeni konfiguracji."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:625
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
msgid "&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-conf;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:529
-msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
+msgid ""
+"<option>--md5</option>, <option>--sha1</option>, <option>--sha256</option>"
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:531
msgid ""
-"Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated index "
-"files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration Item: "
+"Generate the given checksum. These options default to on, when turned off "
+"the generated index files will not have the checksum fields where possible. "
+"Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</"
+"replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</"
+"replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> where "
+"<literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+"literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr "<option>--db</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:538
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:544
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
"pliku konfiguracyjnym: <literal>quiet</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:550
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr "<option>--delink</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:552
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:558
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr "<option>--contents</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:560
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr "<option>--source-override</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:570
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
"konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Cache::Installed</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr "<option>--readonly</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:576
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
"pliku konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Cache::NamesOnly</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr "<option>-a</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:581
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "If the command is either <literal>install</literal> or <literal>remove</"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:587
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
#, fuzzy
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:589
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
#, fuzzy
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:601
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
"only be set to <literal>\"false\"</literal> if the Archive generated with "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:613 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:496
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
#: sources.list.5.xml:198
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Przykłady"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
msgstr "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>katalog</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:615
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
"Aktualizuje lokalną składnicę kluczy używając składnicy kluczy archiwum "
"Debiana i usuwa z lokalnej składnicy nieaktualne już klucze archiwów Debiana."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "update"
+msgid "net-update"
+msgstr "update"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
+msgid ""
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch from. "
+"APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:143
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
"opisanymi w poprzednim rozdziale."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr "--keyring <replaceable>nazwa_pliku</replaceable>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:146
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
"kluczy, co oznacza na przykład to, że nowe klucze będą dodawane właśnie tam."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:159
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr "&file-trustedgpg;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr "Lokalna składnica zaufanych kluczy archiwum."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:166
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr "Składnica zaufanych kluczy archiwum Debiana."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:169
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:170
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr "Składnica usuniętych zaufanych kluczy archiwum Debiana."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:179
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
#. The last update date
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:16
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
+#| "August 2009</date>"
msgid ""
-"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
-"August 2009</date>"
+"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>21 "
+"April 2011</date>"
msgstr ""
"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; "
"<date>9 sierpnia 2009</date>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:39
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| " <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> "
+#| "<arg><option>-f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group "
+#| "choice=\"plain\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
+#| "choice=\"plain\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </"
+#| "group> <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</"
+#| "replaceable></arg> </arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
msgid ""
" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
"f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain"
"\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice=\"plain"
-"\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </group> <arg "
+"\">auto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">manual</arg> <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\">showauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showmanual</arg> </group> <arg "
"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</replaceable></arg> </"
-"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
+"arg> </group>"
msgstr ""
" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
"f=<replaceable>NAZWA_PLIKU</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain"
"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:56
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:57
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> will change whether a package has been marked as "
"being automatically installed."
"zainstalowany automatycznie."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:60
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:61
msgid ""
"When you request that a package is installed, and as a result other packages "
"are installed to satisfy its dependencies, the dependencies are marked as "
"get</command> lub <command>aptitude</command>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:68
-msgid "markauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "markauto"
+msgid "auto"
msgstr "markauto"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:70
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being "
+#| "automatically installed, which will cause the package to be removed when "
+#| "no more manually installed packages depend on this package."
msgid ""
-"<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
+"<literal>auto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
"installed, which will cause the package to be removed when no more manually "
"installed packages depend on this package."
msgstr ""
"żaden inny ręcznie zainstalowany pakiet nie będzie od niego zależał."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:76
-msgid "unmarkauto"
-msgstr "unmarkauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+msgid "manual"
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:78
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+#| "installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically "
+#| "removed if no other packages depend on it."
msgid ""
-"<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+"<literal>manual</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
"installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically removed "
"if no other packages depend on it."
msgstr ""
"sytuacji gdy żaden inny pakiet nie będzie od niego zależał."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:84
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+msgid "hold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:86
+msgid ""
+"<literal>hold</literal> is used to mark a package as hold back, which will "
+"prevent the package from being automatically installed, upgraded or "
+"removed. The command is only a wrapper around <command>dpkg --set-"
+"selections</command> and the state is therefore maintained by &dpkg; and not "
+"effected by the <option>--filename</option> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:95
+msgid "unhold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:96
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
+msgid ""
+"<literal>unhold</literal> is used to cancel a previously set hold on a "
+"package to allow all actions again."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>showauto</literal> jest używane do wypisania listy wszystkich "
+"pakietów zainstalowanych automatycznie. Każdy pakiet jest wypisywany w "
+"osobnej linii."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:101
msgid "showauto"
msgstr "showauto"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:102
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
msgid ""
"<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
-"installed packages with each package on a new line."
+"installed packages with each package on a new line. All automatically "
+"installed packages will be listed if no package is given. If packages are "
+"given only those which are automatically installed will be shown."
msgstr ""
"<literal>showauto</literal> jest używane do wypisania listy wszystkich "
"pakietów zainstalowanych automatycznie. Każdy pakiet jest wypisywany w "
"osobnej linii."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:96
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:109
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "showauto"
+msgid "showmanual"
+msgstr "showauto"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:110
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showmanual</literal> can be used in the same way as "
+"<literal>showauto</literal> except that it will print a list of manually "
+"installed packages instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "showauto"
+msgid "showhold"
+msgstr "showauto"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:117
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showhold</literal> is used to print a list of packages on hold in "
+"the same way as for the other show commands."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>showauto</literal> jest używane do wypisania listy wszystkich "
+"pakietów zainstalowanych automatycznie. Każdy pakiet jest wypisywany w "
+"osobnej linii."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:130
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:97
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:131
msgid ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:100
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:134
msgid ""
"Read/Write package stats from <filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></"
"filename> instead of the default location, which is "
"domyślny plik <filename>extended_status</filename> znajdujący się w katalogu "
"określonym w pliku konfiguracyjnym w pozycji<literal>Dir::State</literal>."
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:106
-msgid "<option>-h</option>"
-msgstr "<option>-h</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:107
-msgid "<option>--help</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--help</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:108
-msgid "Show a short usage summary."
-msgstr "Wyświetla krótkie informacje na temat użytkowania."
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:114
-msgid "<option>-v</option>"
-msgstr "<option>-v</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:115
-msgid "<option>--version</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
-msgid "Show the program version."
-msgstr "Wyświetla wersję programu."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:127
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:146
msgid " &file-extended_states;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:132
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:151
msgid "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:136
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:155
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> returns zero on normal operation, non-zero on "
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:107
msgid ""
"to the versions coming from archives which in their <filename>Release</"
-"filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like the debian "
-"experimental archive."
+"filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" but <emphasis>not</"
+"emphasis> as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"<literal>experimental</literal> archive."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:112
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
msgid "priority 100"
msgstr "priorytet 100"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
-msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:114
+msgid ""
+"to the version that is already installed (if any) and to the versions coming "
+"from archives which in their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked "
+"as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" and \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"backports archive since <literal>squeeze-backports</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:117
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:121
msgid "priority 500"
msgstr "priorytet 500"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:118
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and do not belong to the target "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:126
msgid "priority 990"
msgstr "priorytet 990"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:123
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:127
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and belong to the target release."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:128
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:132
msgid ""
"If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
"priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
-"uninstalled package versions, expect versions coming from archives which in "
+"uninstalled package versions, except versions coming from archives which in "
"their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" "
-"- these versions get the priority 1."
+"- these versions get the priority 1 or priority 100 if it is additionally "
+"marked as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\"."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:134
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:139
msgid ""
"APT then applies the following rules, listed in order of precedence, to "
"determine which version of a package to install."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:137
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:142
msgid ""
"Never downgrade unless the priority of an available version exceeds 1000. "
"(\"Downgrading\" is installing a less recent version of a package in place "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:143
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:148
msgid "Install the highest priority version."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:144
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:149
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority, install the most recent one "
"(that is, the one with the higher version number)."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:147
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:152
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority and version number but either "
"the packages differ in some of their metadata or the <literal>--reinstall</"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:153
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:158
msgid ""
"In a typical situation, the installed version of a package (priority 100) "
"is not as recent as one of the versions available from the sources listed in "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:160
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
msgid ""
"More rarely, the installed version of a package is <emphasis>more</emphasis> "
"recent than any of the other available versions. The package will not be "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:170
msgid ""
"Sometimes the installed version of a package is more recent than the version "
"belonging to the target release, but not as recent as a version belonging to "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:174
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:179
msgid "The Effect of APT Preferences"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:176
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:181
msgid ""
"The APT preferences file allows the system administrator to control the "
"assignment of priorities. The file consists of one or more multi-line "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:182
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:187
msgid ""
"The specific form assigns a priority (a \"Pin-Priority\") to one or more "
"specified packages and specified version or version range. For example, the "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:189
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:194
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:195
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:200
msgid ""
"The general form assigns a priority to all of the package versions in a "
"given distribution (that is, to all the versions of packages that are listed "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:201
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
msgid ""
"This general-form entry in the APT preferences file applies only to groups "
"of packages. For example, the following record assigns a high priority to "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:216
msgid ""
"A note of caution: the keyword used here is \"<literal>origin</literal>\" "
"which can be used to match a hostname. The following record will assign a "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:215
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:220
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:219
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
msgid ""
"This should <emphasis>not</emphasis> be confused with the Origin of a "
"distribution as specified in a <filename>Release</filename> file. What "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:229
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a low priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any distribution whose Archive name is \"<literal>unstable</"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:228
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:238
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any distribution whose Codename is \"<literal>&testing-codename;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:237
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any release whose Archive name is \"<literal>stable</literal>\" "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:252
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:258
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:262
+msgid "Regular expressions and glob() syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:264
+msgid ""
+"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
+"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
+"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a glob"
+"()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"expression surrounded by slashes)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:273
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Package: *\n"
+#| "Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+#| "Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgid ""
+"Package: gnome* /kde/\n"
+"Pin: release n=experimental\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
+msgid ""
+"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"packages from a release starting with karmic."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:285
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Package: *\n"
+#| "Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+#| "Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=karmic*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 990\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+msgid "Package"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:296
+msgid "*"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
msgid "How APT Interprets Priorities"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:266
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:314
msgid "P > 1000"
msgstr "P > 1000"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:267
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:315
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if this constitutes a downgrade of the "
"pakietu nie jest jeszcze zainstalowana"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:271
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:319
msgid "990 < P <=1000"
msgstr "990 < P <=1000"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:272
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:320
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if it does not come from the target "
"pakietu nie jest jeszcze zainstalowana"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:277
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
msgid "500 < P <=990"
msgstr "500 < P <=990"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:278
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:326
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"pakietu nie jest jeszcze zainstalowana"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:283
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:331
msgid "100 < P <=500"
msgstr "100 < P <=500"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:284
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"pakietu nie jest jeszcze zainstalowana"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:289
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:337
msgid "0 < P <=100"
msgstr "0 < P <=100"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:338
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed only if there is no installed version of "
"the package"
"pakietu nie jest jeszcze zainstalowana"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:294
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:342
msgid "P < 0"
msgstr "P < 0"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:295
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:343
msgid "prevents the version from being installed"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:261
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:309
msgid ""
"Priorities (P) assigned in the APT preferences file must be positive or "
"negative integers. They are interpreted as follows (roughly speaking): "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:300
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:348
msgid ""
"If any specific-form records match an available package version then the "
"first such record determines the priority of the package version. Failing "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:354
msgid ""
"For example, suppose the APT preferences file contains the three records "
"presented earlier:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:310
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:323
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:371
msgid "Then:"
msgstr "Wtedy:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:373
msgid ""
"The most recent available version of the <literal>perl</literal> package "
"will be installed, so long as that version's version number begins with "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:330
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:378
msgid ""
"A version of any package other than <literal>perl</literal> that is "
"available from the local system has priority over other versions, even "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:334
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:382
msgid ""
"A version of a package whose origin is not the local system but some other "
"site listed in &sources-list; and which belongs to an <literal>unstable</"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:344
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:392
msgid "Determination of Package Version and Distribution Properties"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:346
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:394
msgid ""
"The locations listed in the &sources-list; file should provide "
"<filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> files to "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
msgid "the <literal>Package:</literal> line"
msgstr "linia <literal>Package:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:359
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:407
msgid "gives the package name"
msgstr "podaje nazwę pakietu"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:362 apt_preferences.5.xml:412
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:410 apt_preferences.5.xml:460
msgid "the <literal>Version:</literal> line"
msgstr "linia <literal>Version:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:363
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:411
msgid "gives the version number for the named package"
msgstr "podaje numer wersji danego pakietu"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:350
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:398
msgid ""
"The <filename>Packages</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:379
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:427
msgid "the <literal>Archive:</literal> or <literal>Suite:</literal> line"
msgstr "linia <literal>Archive:</literal> lub <literal>Suite:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:380
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:428
msgid ""
"names the archive to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"For example, the line \"Archive: stable\" or \"Suite: stable\" specifies "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:390
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:438
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release a=stable\n"
msgstr "Pin: release a=stable\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:396
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:444
msgid "the <literal>Codename:</literal> line"
msgstr "linia <literal>Codename:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:397
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:445
msgid ""
"names the codename to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"For example, the line \"Codename: &testing-codename;\" specifies that all of "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "Pin: release a=stable\n"
msgid "Pin: release n=&testing-codename;\n"
msgstr "Pin: release a=stable\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:413
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
msgid ""
"names the release version. For example, the packages in the tree might "
"belong to Debian GNU/Linux release version 3.0. Note that there is normally "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:422
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:470
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Pin: release v=3.0\n"
"Pin: release 3.0\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:431
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:479
msgid "the <literal>Component:</literal> line"
msgstr "linia <literal>Component:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:432
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:480
msgid ""
"names the licensing component associated with the packages in the directory "
"tree of the <filename>Release</filename> file. For example, the line "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:441
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release c=main\n"
msgstr "Pin: release c=main\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:447
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:495
msgid "the <literal>Origin:</literal> line"
msgstr "linia <literal>Origin:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:448
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:496
msgid ""
"names the originator of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:502
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
msgstr "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:460
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:508
msgid "the <literal>Label:</literal> line"
msgstr "linia <literal>Label:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:509
msgid ""
"names the label of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:467
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:515
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
msgstr "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:368
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:416
msgid ""
"The <filename>Release</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
"<filename>.../dists/<replaceable>dist-name</replaceable></filename>: for "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:474
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:522
msgid ""
"All of the <filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> "
"files retrieved from locations listed in the &sources-list; file are stored "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:487
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
msgid "Optional Lines in an APT Preferences Record"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:537
msgid ""
"Each record in the APT preferences file can optionally begin with one or "
"more lines beginning with the word <literal>Explanation:</literal>. This "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:498
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:546
msgid "Tracking Stable"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:506
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:554
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:500
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:548
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:523 apt_preferences.5.xml:569
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:627
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:571 apt_preferences.5.xml:617
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:675
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"apt-get install <replaceable>package-name</replaceable>\n"
"apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:518
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:566
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:583
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/testing\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>pakiet</replaceable>/testing\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:529
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:577
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution; the package "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:541
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:589
msgid "Tracking Testing or Unstable"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:550
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:598
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:543
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a high priority "
"to package versions from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution, a "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:564
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:612
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:584
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:632
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/unstable\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>pakiet</replaceable>/unstable\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:575
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:623
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>unstable</literal> distribution. "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:639
msgid "Tracking the evolution of a codename release"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:605
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:653
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated package versions\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:593
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:641
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:622
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:670
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest version(s) in "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:642
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:690
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/sid\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>pakiet</replaceable>/sid\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:633
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:681
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>sid</literal> distribution. Thereafter, "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:651
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:699
msgid "&file-preferences;"
msgstr "&file-preferences;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:657
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:705
msgid "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
msgstr "Które użyje pobranych uprzednio archiwów z dysku."
+#~ msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
+#~ msgid "unmarkauto"
+#~ msgstr "unmarkauto"
+#~ msgid "<option>-h</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>-h</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--help</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--help</option>"
+#~ msgid "Show a short usage summary."
+#~ msgstr "Wyświetla krótkie informacje na temat użytkowania."
+#~ msgid "<option>-v</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>-v</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--version</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
+#~ msgid "Show the program version."
+#~ msgstr "Wyświetla wersję programu."
#~ msgid "APT package handling utility -- cache manipulator"
#~ msgstr "Narzędzie zarządzania pakietami APT -- manipulator bufora"
#~ "Użycie HTTP do uzyskania dostępu do archiwum na komputerze nonus.debian."
#~ "org, w katalogu debian-non-US."
-#~ msgid "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free"
-#~ msgstr "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-"
+#~ "free"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-"
+#~ "free"
#~ msgid "OPTIONS"
#~ msgstr "OPCJE"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: apt 0.8.0~pre1\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-14 13:42+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-25 23:07+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Américo Monteiro <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50
#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114
-#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:55 apt-secure.8.xml:43
+#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36
#: sources.list.5.xml:36
msgid "Description"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:92
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr "opções"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568 apt-get.8.xml:393
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr "<option>-s</option>"
"pacote. Item de Configuração: <literal>Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr "<option>-q</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr "<option>--quiet</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr "<option>-a</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:608 apt-get.8.xml:570
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr "&apt-commonoptions;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:156 apt-mark.8.xml:125
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:649
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Ficheiros"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:624 apt-get.8.xml:585
-#: apt-key.8.xml:177 apt-mark.8.xml:131 apt-secure.8.xml:185
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:656
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
#: sources.list.5.xml:234
msgid "See Also"
msgstr "Veja também"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:591
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:135 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr "Diagnóstico"
"\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:142
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opções"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536 apt-get.8.xml:345
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "Apenas mostra o conteúdo do espaço de configuração."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:625
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
msgid "&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-conf;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:529
-msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
+msgid ""
+"<option>--md5</option>, <option>--sha1</option>, <option>--sha256</option>"
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:531
-msgid ""
-"Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated index "
-"files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration Item: "
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Values for the additional metadata fields in the Release file are taken "
+#| "from the corresponding variables under <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release</"
+#| "literal>, e.g. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. The "
+#| "supported fields are: <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, "
+#| "<literal>Codename</literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, <literal>Valid-"
+#| "Until</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, <literal>Components</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Description</literal>."
+msgid ""
+"Generate the given checksum. These options default to on, when turned off "
+"the generated index files will not have the checksum fields where possible. "
+"Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</"
+"replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</"
+"replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> where "
+"<literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+"literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
-"Gera sumários MD5. A predefinição é ligado, quando desligado os ficheiros "
-"índice gerados não terão campos MD5Sum onde possíveis. Item de Configuração: "
+"Valores para os campos de metadados adicionais no ficheiro Release são "
+"tomados a partir das variáveis correspondentes sob <literal>APT::FTPArchive::"
+"Release</literal>, ex. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. "
+"Os campos suportados são: <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</"
+"literal>, <literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, "
+"<literal>Codename</literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, "
+"<literal>Architectures</literal>, <literal>Components</literal>, "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr "<option>--db</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:538
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
"generate. Item de configuração: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:544
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:550
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr "<option>--delink</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:552
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
"option>. Item de Configuração: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DeLinkAct</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:558
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr "<option>--contents</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:560
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
"de Configuração: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Contents</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr "<option>--source-override</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:570
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr "<option>--readonly</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:576
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr "<option>--arch</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:581
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
msgid ""
"Accept in the <literal>packages</literal> and <literal>contents</literal> "
"commands only package files matching <literal>*_arch.deb</literal> or "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:587
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:589
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
"as verificações extras serão desnecessárias."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:601
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
"only be set to <literal>\"false\"</literal> if the Archive generated with "
"<filename>Translation-en</filename> só pode ser criado no comando generate."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:613 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:496
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
#: sources.list.5.xml:198
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Examples"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
msgstr "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> pacotes <replaceable>directório</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:615
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
"pacotes binários (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
"Actualiza o chaveiro local com o chaveiro das chaves de arquivos Debian e "
"remove do chaveiro as chaves de arquivo que já não são válidas."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "update"
+msgid "net-update"
+msgstr "update"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
+msgid ""
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch from. "
+"APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:143
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
"secção prévia."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr "--keyring <replaceable>nome-de-ficheiro</replaceable>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:146
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
"chaves são adicionadas a este."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:159
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr "&file-trustedgpg;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr "Base de dados local de confiança de chaves de arquivos."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:166
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr "Chaveiro das chaves de confiança dos arquivos Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:169
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:170
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr "Chaveiro das chaves de confiança removidas dos arquivos Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:179
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
#. The last update date
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:16
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
+#| "August 2009</date>"
msgid ""
-"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
-"August 2009</date>"
+"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>21 "
+"April 2011</date>"
msgstr ""
"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
"Agosto 2009</date>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:39
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| " <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> "
+#| "<arg><option>-f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group "
+#| "choice=\"plain\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
+#| "choice=\"plain\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </"
+#| "group> <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</"
+#| "replaceable></arg> </arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
msgid ""
" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
"f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain"
"\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice=\"plain"
-"\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </group> <arg "
+"\">auto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">manual</arg> <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\">showauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showmanual</arg> </group> <arg "
"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</replaceable></arg> </"
-"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
+"arg> </group>"
msgstr ""
" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
"f=<replaceable>NOME DE FICHEIRO</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice="
"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:56
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:57
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> will change whether a package has been marked as "
"being automatically installed."
"sendo instalado automaticamente."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:60
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:61
msgid ""
"When you request that a package is installed, and as a result other packages "
"are installed to satisfy its dependencies, the dependencies are marked as "
"command> ou <command>aptitude</command> (exemplos)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:68
-msgid "markauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "markauto"
+msgid "auto"
msgstr "markauto"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:70
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being "
+#| "automatically installed, which will cause the package to be removed when "
+#| "no more manually installed packages depend on this package."
msgid ""
-"<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
+"<literal>auto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
"installed, which will cause the package to be removed when no more manually "
"installed packages depend on this package."
msgstr ""
"nenhum pacote instalado manualmente depender deste pacote."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:76
-msgid "unmarkauto"
-msgstr "unmarkauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+msgid "manual"
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:78
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+#| "installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically "
+#| "removed if no other packages depend on it."
msgid ""
-"<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+"<literal>manual</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
"installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically removed "
"if no other packages depend on it."
msgstr ""
"automaticamente se nenhum outro pacote depender dele."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:84
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+msgid "hold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:86
+msgid ""
+"<literal>hold</literal> is used to mark a package as hold back, which will "
+"prevent the package from being automatically installed, upgraded or "
+"removed. The command is only a wrapper around <command>dpkg --set-"
+"selections</command> and the state is therefore maintained by &dpkg; and not "
+"effected by the <option>--filename</option> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:95
+msgid "unhold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:96
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
+msgid ""
+"<literal>unhold</literal> is used to cancel a previously set hold on a "
+"package to allow all actions again."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>showauto</literal> é usado para escrever uma lista dos pacotes "
+"instalados automaticamente com cada pacote numa linha nova."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:101
msgid "showauto"
msgstr "showauto"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:102
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
msgid ""
"<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
-"installed packages with each package on a new line."
+"installed packages with each package on a new line. All automatically "
+"installed packages will be listed if no package is given. If packages are "
+"given only those which are automatically installed will be shown."
msgstr ""
"<literal>showauto</literal> é usado para escrever uma lista dos pacotes "
"instalados automaticamente com cada pacote numa linha nova."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:96
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:109
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "showauto"
+msgid "showmanual"
+msgstr "showauto"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:110
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showmanual</literal> can be used in the same way as "
+"<literal>showauto</literal> except that it will print a list of manually "
+"installed packages instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "showauto"
+msgid "showhold"
+msgstr "showauto"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:117
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+#| "installed packages with each package on a new line."
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showhold</literal> is used to print a list of packages on hold in "
+"the same way as for the other show commands."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>showauto</literal> é usado para escrever uma lista dos pacotes "
+"instalados automaticamente com cada pacote numa linha nova."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:130
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:97
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:131
msgid ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:100
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:134
msgid ""
"Read/Write package stats from <filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></"
"filename> instead of the default location, which is "
"localização predefinida, a qual é <filename>extended_status</filename> no "
"directório definido pelo Item de Configuração: <literal>Dir::State</literal>."
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:106
-msgid "<option>-h</option>"
-msgstr "<option>-h</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:107
-msgid "<option>--help</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--help</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:108
-msgid "Show a short usage summary."
-msgstr "Mostra um curto sumário de utilização."
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:114
-msgid "<option>-v</option>"
-msgstr "<option>-v</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:115
-msgid "<option>--version</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
-msgid "Show the program version."
-msgstr "Mostra a versão do programa."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:127
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:146
msgid " &file-extended_states;"
msgstr " &file-extended_states;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:132
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:151
msgid "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:136
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:155
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> returns zero on normal operation, non-zero on "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:107
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "to the versions coming from archives which in their <filename>Release</"
+#| "filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like the debian "
+#| "experimental archive."
msgid ""
"to the versions coming from archives which in their <filename>Release</"
-"filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like the debian "
-"experimental archive."
+"filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" but <emphasis>not</"
+"emphasis> as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"<literal>experimental</literal> archive."
msgstr ""
"para as versões vindas de arquivos cujos ficheiros <filename>Release</"
"filename> estejam marcados como \"NotAutomatic: yes\" como o arquivo "
"experimental da debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:112
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
msgid "priority 100"
msgstr "priority 100"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
-msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
-msgstr "para a versão que já está instalada (se alguma)."
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:114
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "to the versions coming from archives which in their <filename>Release</"
+#| "filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like the debian "
+#| "experimental archive."
+msgid ""
+"to the version that is already installed (if any) and to the versions coming "
+"from archives which in their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked "
+"as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" and \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"backports archive since <literal>squeeze-backports</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"para as versões vindas de arquivos cujos ficheiros <filename>Release</"
+"filename> estejam marcados como \"NotAutomatic: yes\" como o arquivo "
+"experimental da debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:117
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:121
msgid "priority 500"
msgstr "priority 500"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:118
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and do not belong to the target "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:126
msgid "priority 990"
msgstr "priority 990"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:123
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:127
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and belong to the target release."
msgstr ""
"<placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:128
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:132
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
+#| "priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
+#| "uninstalled package versions, expect versions coming from archives which "
+#| "in their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: "
+#| "yes\" - these versions get the priority 1."
msgid ""
"If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
"priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
-"uninstalled package versions, expect versions coming from archives which in "
+"uninstalled package versions, except versions coming from archives which in "
"their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" "
-"- these versions get the priority 1."
+"- these versions get the priority 1 or priority 100 if it is additionally "
+"marked as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\"."
msgstr ""
"Se o lançamento de destino não foi especificado, então o APT simplesmente "
"atribui prioridade 100 a todas as versões de pacotes instalados e prioridade "
"marcados como \"NotAutomatic: yes\" - estas versões ficam com prioridade 1."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:134
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:139
msgid ""
"APT then applies the following rules, listed in order of precedence, to "
"determine which version of a package to install."
"para determinar qual versão de um pacote deve instalar."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:137
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:142
msgid ""
"Never downgrade unless the priority of an available version exceeds 1000. "
"(\"Downgrading\" is installing a less recent version of a package in place "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:143
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:148
msgid "Install the highest priority version."
msgstr "Instala a versão de prioridade mais alta."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:144
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:149
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority, install the most recent one "
"(that is, the one with the higher version number)."
"(isto é, aquela com o número de versão mais alto)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:147
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:152
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority and version number but either "
"the packages differ in some of their metadata or the <literal>--reinstall</"
"reinstall</literal> é fornecida, instala a que foi desinstalada."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:153
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:158
msgid ""
"In a typical situation, the installed version of a package (priority 100) "
"is not as recent as one of the versions available from the sources listed in "
"replaceable></command> ou <command>apt-get upgrade</command>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:160
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
msgid ""
"More rarely, the installed version of a package is <emphasis>more</emphasis> "
"recent than any of the other available versions. The package will not be "
"get upgrade</command>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:170
msgid ""
"Sometimes the installed version of a package is more recent than the version "
"belonging to the target release, but not as recent as a version belonging to "
"prioridade mais alta que a versão instalada."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:174
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:179
msgid "The Effect of APT Preferences"
msgstr "O Efeito das Preferências do APT"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:176
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:181
msgid ""
"The APT preferences file allows the system administrator to control the "
"assignment of priorities. The file consists of one or more multi-line "
"um ou dois formatos, um formato específico e um formato geral."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:182
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:187
msgid ""
"The specific form assigns a priority (a \"Pin-Priority\") to one or more "
"specified packages and specified version or version range. For example, the "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:189
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:194
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:195
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:200
msgid ""
"The general form assigns a priority to all of the package versions in a "
"given distribution (that is, to all the versions of packages that are listed "
"nome de domínio totalmente qualificado do site."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:201
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
msgid ""
"This general-form entry in the APT preferences file applies only to groups "
"of packages. For example, the following record assigns a high priority to "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:216
msgid ""
"A note of caution: the keyword used here is \"<literal>origin</literal>\" "
"which can be used to match a hostname. The following record will assign a "
"servidor identificadas pelo nome de máquina \"\""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:215
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:220
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:219
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
msgid ""
"This should <emphasis>not</emphasis> be confused with the Origin of a "
"distribution as specified in a <filename>Release</filename> file. What "
"como \"Debian\" ou \"Ximian\"."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:229
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a low priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any distribution whose Archive name is \"<literal>unstable</"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:228
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:238
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any distribution whose Codename is \"<literal>&testing-codename;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:237
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
"belonging to any release whose Archive name is \"<literal>stable</literal>\" "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:252
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:258
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:262
+msgid "Regular expressions and glob() syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:264
+msgid ""
+"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
+"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
+"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a glob"
+"()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"expression surrounded by slashes)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:273
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Package: *\n"
+#| "Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+#| "Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgid ""
+"Package: gnome* /kde/\n"
+"Pin: release n=experimental\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
+msgid ""
+"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"packages from a release starting with karmic."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:285
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Package: *\n"
+#| "Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+#| "Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=karmic*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 990\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Packages"
+msgid "Package"
+msgstr "Packages"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:296
+msgid "*"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
msgid "How APT Interprets Priorities"
msgstr "Como o APT Interpreta as Prioridades"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:266
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:314
msgid "P > 1000"
msgstr "P > 1000"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:267
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:315
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if this constitutes a downgrade of the "
"na versão do pacote (downgrade)"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:271
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:319
msgid "990 < P <=1000"
msgstr "990 < P <=1000"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:272
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:320
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if it does not come from the target "
"release, unless the installed version is more recent"
"destino, a menos que a versão instalada seja mais recente"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:277
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
msgid "500 < P <=990"
msgstr "500 < P <=990"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:278
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:326
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"belonging to the target release or the installed version is more recent"
"mais recente"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:283
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:331
msgid "100 < P <=500"
msgstr "100 < P <=500"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:284
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:332
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"belonging to some other distribution or the installed version is more recent"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:289
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:337
msgid "0 < P <=100"
msgstr "0 < P <=100"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:338
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed only if there is no installed version of "
"the package"
"instalada do pacote"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:294
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:342
msgid "P < 0"
msgstr "P < 0"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:295
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:343
msgid "prevents the version from being installed"
msgstr "previne a instalação da versão"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:261
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:309
msgid ""
"Priorities (P) assigned in the APT preferences file must be positive or "
"negative integers. They are interpreted as follows (roughly speaking): "
"(falando grosso): <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:300
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:348
msgid ""
"If any specific-form records match an available package version then the "
"first such record determines the priority of the package version. Failing "
"determina a prioridade da versão de pacote."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:354
msgid ""
"For example, suppose the APT preferences file contains the three records "
"presented earlier:"
"registos apresentados atrás:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:310
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:323
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:371
msgid "Then:"
msgstr "Então:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:373
msgid ""
"The most recent available version of the <literal>perl</literal> package "
"will be installed, so long as that version's version number begins with "
"downgrade ao <literal>perl</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:330
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:378
msgid ""
"A version of any package other than <literal>perl</literal> that is "
"available from the local system has priority over other versions, even "
"versões, mesmo versões que pertencem ao lançamento de destino."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:334
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:382
msgid ""
"A version of a package whose origin is not the local system but some other "
"site listed in &sources-list; and which belongs to an <literal>unstable</"
"instalação e se nenhuma versão do pacote já estiver instalada."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:344
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:392
msgid "Determination of Package Version and Distribution Properties"
msgstr "Determinação da Versão do Pacote e Propriedades da Distribuição"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:346
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:394
msgid ""
"The locations listed in the &sources-list; file should provide "
"<filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> files to "
"descrever os pacotes disponíveis nessa localização."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
msgid "the <literal>Package:</literal> line"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Package:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:359
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:407
msgid "gives the package name"
msgstr "fornece o nome do pacote"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:362 apt_preferences.5.xml:412
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:410 apt_preferences.5.xml:460
msgid "the <literal>Version:</literal> line"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Version:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:363
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:411
msgid "gives the version number for the named package"
msgstr "fornece o número de versão do pacote nomeado"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:350
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:398
msgid ""
"The <filename>Packages</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
"definir prioridades do APT: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:379
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:427
msgid "the <literal>Archive:</literal> or <literal>Suite:</literal> line"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal> ou <literal>Suite:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:380
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:428
msgid ""
"names the archive to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"For example, the line \"Archive: stable\" or \"Suite: stable\" specifies "
"requerer a linha:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:390
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:438
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release a=stable\n"
msgstr "Pin: release a=stable\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:396
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:444
msgid "the <literal>Codename:</literal> line"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Codename:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:397
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:445
msgid ""
"names the codename to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"For example, the line \"Codename: &testing-codename;\" specifies that all of "
"preferências do APT requer a linha:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release n=&testing-codename;\n"
msgstr "Pin: release n=&testing-codename;\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:413
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
msgid ""
"names the release version. For example, the packages in the tree might "
"belong to Debian GNU/Linux release version 3.0. Note that there is normally "
"seguintes linhas:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:422
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:470
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Pin: release v=3.0\n"
"Pin: release 3.0\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:431
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:479
msgid "the <literal>Component:</literal> line"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Component:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:432
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:480
msgid ""
"names the licensing component associated with the packages in the directory "
"tree of the <filename>Release</filename> file. For example, the line "
"a linha:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:441
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release c=main\n"
msgstr "Pin: release c=main\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:447
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:495
msgid "the <literal>Origin:</literal> line"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Origin:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:448
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:496
msgid ""
"names the originator of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:502
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
msgstr "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:460
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:508
msgid "the <literal>Label:</literal> line"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Label:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:509
msgid ""
"names the label of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:467
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:515
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
msgstr "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:368
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:416
msgid ""
"The <filename>Release</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
"<filename>.../dists/<replaceable>dist-name</replaceable></filename>: for "
"APT: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:474
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:522
msgid ""
"All of the <filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> "
"files retrieved from locations listed in the &sources-list; file are stored "
"literal> da distribuição <literal>unstable</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:487
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
msgid "Optional Lines in an APT Preferences Record"
msgstr "Linhas Opcionais num Registo de Preferências do APT"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:537
msgid ""
"Each record in the APT preferences file can optionally begin with one or "
"more lines beginning with the word <literal>Explanation:</literal>. This "
"literal>. Isto disponibiliza um espaço para comentários."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:498
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:546
msgid "Tracking Stable"
msgstr "Acompanhando Stable"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:506
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:554
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:500
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:548
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
"\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:523 apt_preferences.5.xml:569
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:627
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:571 apt_preferences.5.xml:617
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:675
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"apt-get install <replaceable>package-name</replaceable>\n"
"apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:518
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:566
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:583
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/testing\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>pacote</replaceable>/testing\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:529
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:577
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution; the package "
"outra vez. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:541
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:589
msgid "Tracking Testing or Unstable"
msgstr "Acompanhando Testing ou Unstable"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:550
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:598
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:543
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a high priority "
"to package versions from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution, a "
"<placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:564
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:612
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:584
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:632
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/unstable\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>pacote</replaceable>/unstable\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:575
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:623
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>unstable</literal> distribution. "
"versão instalada. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:639
msgid "Tracking the evolution of a codename release"
msgstr "Acompanhando a evolução de um nome de código de lançamento"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:605
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:653
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated package versions\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:593
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:641
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
"<placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:622
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:670
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest version(s) in "
"codename;</literal>. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:642
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:690
#, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/sid\n"
msgstr "apt-get install <replaceable>pacote</replaceable>/sid\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:633
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:681
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"latest version from the <literal>sid</literal> distribution. Thereafter, "
"instalada. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:651
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:699
msgid "&file-preferences;"
msgstr "&file-preferences;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:657
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:705
msgid "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
msgstr "O qual irá usar os arquivos já obtidos e que estão no disco."
+#~ msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated "
+#~ "index files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration "
+#~ "Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::MD5</literal>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Gera sumários MD5. A predefinição é ligado, quando desligado os ficheiros "
+#~ "índice gerados não terão campos MD5Sum onde possíveis. Item de "
+#~ "Configuração: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::MD5</literal>"
+#~ msgid "unmarkauto"
+#~ msgstr "unmarkauto"
+#~ msgid "<option>-h</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>-h</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--help</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--help</option>"
+#~ msgid "Show a short usage summary."
+#~ msgstr "Mostra um curto sumário de utilização."
+#~ msgid "<option>-v</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>-v</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--version</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
+#~ msgid "Show the program version."
+#~ msgstr "Mostra a versão do programa."
+#~ msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
+#~ msgstr "para a versão que já está instalada (se alguma)."
#~ msgid "APT package handling utility -- cache manipulator"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Utilitário de manuseamento de pacotes do APT -- manipulador de cache"
#~ "Usa HTTP para aceder ao arquivo em, sob o directório "
#~ "debian-non-US."
-#~ msgid "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free"
-#~ msgstr "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-"
+#~ "free"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-"
+#~ "free"
#~ msgid "OPTIONS"
#~ msgstr "OPÇÕES"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: apt\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-14 13:42+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-20 17:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: André Luís Lopes <>\n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50
#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114
-#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:55 apt-secure.8.xml:43
+#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36
#: sources.list.5.xml:36
#, fuzzy
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:92
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568 apt-get.8.xml:393
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542 apt-get.8.xml:383
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:608 apt-get.8.xml:570
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:156 apt-mark.8.xml:125
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:649
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:624 apt-get.8.xml:585
-#: apt-key.8.xml:177 apt-mark.8.xml:131 apt-secure.8.xml:185
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:656
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
#: sources.list.5.xml:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "See Also"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:591
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:135 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:142
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536 apt-get.8.xml:345
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:625
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
#, fuzzy
msgid "&apt-conf;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:529
-msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
+msgid ""
+"<option>--md5</option>, <option>--sha1</option>, <option>--sha256</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:531
msgid ""
-"Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated index "
-"files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration Item: "
+"Generate the given checksum. These options default to on, when turned off "
+"the generated index files will not have the checksum fields where possible. "
+"Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</"
+"replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</"
+"replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> where "
+"<literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+"literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:536
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:538
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:544
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:550
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:552
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:558
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:560
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:570
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:576
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:581
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
msgid ""
"Accept in the <literal>packages</literal> and <literal>contents</literal> "
"commands only package files matching <literal>*_arch.deb</literal> or "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:587
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:589
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:601
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
"only be set to <literal>\"false\"</literal> if the Archive generated with "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:613 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:496
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
#: sources.list.5.xml:198
#, fuzzy
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Exemplos"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:615
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
"from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
+msgid "net-update"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
+msgid ""
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch from. "
+"APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:143
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
#, fuzzy
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr ""
"apt-get install <replaceable>pacote</replaceable>/testing\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:146
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:159
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt.conf</>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:166
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:169
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:170
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:179
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
#, fuzzy
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:16
msgid ""
-"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
-"August 2009</date>"
+"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>21 "
+"April 2011</date>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
"f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain"
"\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice=\"plain"
-"\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </group> <arg "
+"\">auto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">manual</arg> <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\">showauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showmanual</arg> </group> <arg "
"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</replaceable></arg> </"
-"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
+"arg> </group>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:56
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:57
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> will change whether a package has been marked as "
"being automatically installed."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:60
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:61
msgid ""
"When you request that a package is installed, and as a result other packages "
"are installed to satisfy its dependencies, the dependencies are marked as "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:68
-msgid "markauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+msgid "auto"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:69
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:70
msgid ""
-"<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
+"<literal>auto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
"installed, which will cause the package to be removed when no more manually "
"installed packages depend on this package."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:76
-msgid "unmarkauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+msgid "manual"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:77
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:78
msgid ""
-"<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+"<literal>manual</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
"installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically removed "
"if no other packages depend on it."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:84
-msgid "showauto"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+msgid "hold"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:85
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:86
msgid ""
-"<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
-"installed packages with each package on a new line."
+"<literal>hold</literal> is used to mark a package as hold back, which will "
+"prevent the package from being automatically installed, upgraded or "
+"removed. The command is only a wrapper around <command>dpkg --set-"
+"selections</command> and the state is therefore maintained by &dpkg; and not "
+"effected by the <option>--filename</option> option."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:95
+msgid "unhold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:96
msgid ""
+"<literal>unhold</literal> is used to cancel a previously set hold on a "
+"package to allow all actions again."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:97
-msgid ""
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:101
+msgid "showauto"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:100
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:102
msgid ""
-"Read/Write package stats from <filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></"
-"filename> instead of the default location, which is "
-"<filename>extended_status</filename> in the directory defined by the "
-"Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State</literal>."
+"<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+"installed packages with each package on a new line. All automatically "
+"installed packages will be listed if no package is given. If packages are "
+"given only those which are automatically installed will be shown."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:106
-msgid "<option>-h</option>"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:109
+msgid "showmanual"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:110
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showmanual</literal> can be used in the same way as "
+"<literal>showauto</literal> except that it will print a list of manually "
+"installed packages instead."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:107
-msgid "<option>--help</option>"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
+msgid "showhold"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:108
-msgid "Show a short usage summary."
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:117
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showhold</literal> is used to print a list of packages on hold in "
+"the same way as for the other show commands."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:114
-msgid "<option>-v</option>"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:130
+msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:115
-msgid "<option>--version</option>"
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:131
+msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:116
-msgid "Show the program version."
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:134
+msgid ""
+"Read/Write package stats from <filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></"
+"filename> instead of the default location, which is "
+"<filename>extended_status</filename> in the directory defined by the "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:127
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:146
msgid " &file-extended_states;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:132
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:151
#, fuzzy
msgid "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-mark.8.xml:136
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:155
msgid ""
"<command>apt-mark</command> returns zero on normal operation, non-zero on "
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:107
msgid ""
"to the versions coming from archives which in their <filename>Release</"
-"filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" like the debian "
-"experimental archive."
+"filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" but <emphasis>not</"
+"emphasis> as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"<literal>experimental</literal> archive."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:112
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "priority 100"
msgstr "prioridade 100"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
-msgstr "para a instância que já esteja instalada (caso exista)."
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:114
+msgid ""
+"to the version that is already installed (if any) and to the versions coming "
+"from archives which in their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked "
+"as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" and \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\" like the debian "
+"backports archive since <literal>squeeze-backports</literal>."
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:117
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:121
#, fuzzy
msgid "priority 500"
msgstr "prioridade 500"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:118
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and do not belong to the target "
"para as instâncias que não estã instaladas e que não pertencem a versão alvo."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:126
#, fuzzy
msgid "priority 990"
msgstr "prioridade 990"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:123
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:127
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"to the versions that are not installed and belong to the target release."
"Atribuirá :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:128
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:132
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
"priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
-"uninstalled package versions, expect versions coming from archives which in "
+"uninstalled package versions, except versions coming from archives which in "
"their <filename>Release</filename> files are marked as \"NotAutomatic: yes\" "
-"- these versions get the priority 1."
+"- these versions get the priority 1 or priority 100 if it is additionally "
+"marked as \"ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes\"."
msgstr ""
"Caso nenhuma versão alvo tenha sido especificada, o APT simplesmente irá "
"atribuir a prioridade 100 para todas as instâncias de pacotes instaladas e a "
"prioridade 500 para todas as instâncias de pacotes não instaladas."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:134
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:139
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"APT then applies the following rules, listed in order of precedence, to "
"determinar qual instância de um pacote instalar."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:137
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:142
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Never downgrade unless the priority of an available version exceeds 1000. "
"\"downgrade\" pode ser arriscado.)"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:143
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:148
#, fuzzy
msgid "Install the highest priority version."
msgstr "Instala a instância de prioridade mais alta."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:144
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:149
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority, install the most recent one "
"mais recente (ou seja, aquela com o maior número de versão)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:147
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:152
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If two or more versions have the same priority and version number but either "
"<literal>--reinstall</literal> seja fornecida, instala aquela desinstalada."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:153
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:158
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"In a typical situation, the installed version of a package (priority 100) "
"forem executados."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:160
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"More rarely, the installed version of a package is <emphasis>more</emphasis> "
"upgrade</command> forem executados."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:165
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:170
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Sometimes the installed version of a package is more recent than the version "
"disponíveis possuir uma prioridade maior do que a versão instalada."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:174
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:179
#, fuzzy
msgid "The Effect of APT Preferences"
msgstr "O Efeito das Preferências do APT"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:176
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:181
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The APT preferences file allows the system administrator to control the "
"das duas formas, uma forma específica e uma forma geral."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:182
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:187
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The specific form assigns a priority (a \"Pin-Priority\") to one or more "
"com \"<literal>5.8</literal>\"."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:189
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:194
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:195
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:200
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The general form assigns a priority to all of the package versions in a "
"identificado pelo nome de domínio totalmente qualificado do site Internet."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:201
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This general-form entry in the APT preferences file applies only to groups "
"no site local."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:206
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:211
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:216
msgid ""
"A note of caution: the keyword used here is \"<literal>origin</literal>\" "
"which can be used to match a hostname. The following record will assign a "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:215
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:220
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:219
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This should <emphasis>not</emphasis> be confused with the Origin of a "
"como \"Debian\" ou \"Ximian\"."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:224
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:229
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a low priority to all package versions "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:228
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:238
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:237
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:242
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:247
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:252
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:258
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:262
+msgid "Regular expressions and glob() syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:264
+msgid ""
+"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
+"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
+"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a glob"
+"()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"expression surrounded by slashes)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:273
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: gnome* /kde/\n"
+"Pin: release n=experimental\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
+msgid ""
+"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"packages from a release starting with karmic."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:285
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=karmic*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 990\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+msgid "Package"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><literal>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:296
+msgid "*"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
#, fuzzy
msgid "How APT Interprets Priorities"
msgstr "Como o APT Interpreta Prioridades"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:266
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:314
#, fuzzy
msgid "P > 1000"
msgstr "P > 1000"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:267
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:315
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if this constitutes a downgrade of the "
"dowgrade do pacote"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:271
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:319
#, fuzzy
msgid "990 < P <=1000"
msgstr "990 < P <=1000"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:272
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:320
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed even if it does not come from the target "
"versão alvo, a menos que a versão instalada seja mais recente"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:277
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
#, fuzzy
msgid "500 < P <=990"
msgstr "500 < P <=990"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:278
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:326
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"disponível pertencente a versão alvo ou a versão instalada seja mais recente"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:283
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:331
#, fuzzy
msgid "100 < P <=500"
msgstr "100 < P <=500"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:284
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
"seja mais recente"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:289
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:337
#, fuzzy
msgid "0 < P <=100"
msgstr "0 <= P <=100"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:290
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:338
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"causes a version to be installed only if there is no installed version of "
"instalada do pacote"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:294
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:342
#, fuzzy
msgid "P < 0"
msgstr "P < 0"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:295
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:343
#, fuzzy
msgid "prevents the version from being installed"
msgstr "impede a versão de ser instalada"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:261
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:309
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Priorities (P) assigned in the APT preferences file must be positive or "
"seguir (a grosso modo):"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:300
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:348
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If any specific-form records match an available package version then the "
"determinará a prioridade da versão do pacote."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:354
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"For example, suppose the APT preferences file contains the three records "
"registros apresentados anteriormente :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:310
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: perl\n"
"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:323
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:371
msgid "Then:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:373
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The most recent available version of the <literal>perl</literal> package "
"será feito um downgrade do <literal>perl</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:330
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:378
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"A version of any package other than <literal>perl</literal> that is "
"mesmo versões pertencentes a versão alvo."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:334
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:382
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"A version of a package whose origin is not the local system but some other "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:344
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:392
#, fuzzy
msgid "Determination of Package Version and Distribution Properties"
msgstr "Determinação da Versão do Pacote e Propriedades da Distribuição"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:346
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:394
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The locations listed in the &sources-list; file should provide "
"os pacotes disponíveis nessas localidades."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
#, fuzzy
msgid "the <literal>Package:</literal> line"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Package:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:359
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:407
#, fuzzy
msgid "gives the package name"
msgstr "informa o nome do pacote"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:362 apt_preferences.5.xml:412
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:410 apt_preferences.5.xml:460
#, fuzzy
msgid "the <literal>Version:</literal> line"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Version:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:363
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:411
#, fuzzy
msgid "gives the version number for the named package"
msgstr "informa o número de versão do pacote"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:350
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:398
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The <filename>Packages</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
"do APT :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:379
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:427
#, fuzzy
msgid "the <literal>Archive:</literal> or <literal>Suite:</literal> line"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:380
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:428
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"names the archive to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"requerer a linha :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:390
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:438
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release a=stable\n"
msgstr ""
"Pin: release a=stable\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:396
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:444
#, fuzzy
msgid "the <literal>Codename:</literal> line"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Component:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:397
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:445
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"names the codename to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
"requerer a linha :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:406
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release n=&testing-codename;\n"
msgstr ""
"Pin: release a=stable\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:413
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"names the release version. For example, the packages in the tree might "
"das linhas a seguir."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:422
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:470
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Pin: release v=3.0\n"
"Pin: release 3.0\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:431
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "the <literal>Component:</literal> line"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Component:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:432
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:480
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"names the licensing component associated with the packages in the directory "
"requerer a linha :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:441
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release c=main\n"
msgstr ""
"Pin: release c=main\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:447
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:495
#, fuzzy
msgid "the <literal>Origin:</literal> line"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Origin:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:448
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:496
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"names the originator of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"requerer a linha :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:454
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:502
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
msgstr ""
"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:460
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:508
#, fuzzy
msgid "the <literal>Label:</literal> line"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Label:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:461
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:509
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"names the label of the packages in the directory tree of the "
"arquivo de preferências do APT iria requerer a linha :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:467
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:515
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
msgstr ""
"Pin: release l=Debian\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:368
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:416
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The <filename>Release</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
"do APT :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:474
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:522
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"All of the <filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:487
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
#, fuzzy
msgid "Optional Lines in an APT Preferences Record"
msgstr "Linhas Opcionais em um Registro de Preferências do APT"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:537
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Each record in the APT preferences file can optionally begin with one or "
"</literal>. Isto oferece um local para inserir comentários."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:498
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:546
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tracking Stable"
msgstr "Acompanhando a Stable"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:506
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:554
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:500
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:548
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"outras distribuições <literal>Debian</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:523 apt_preferences.5.xml:569
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:627
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:571 apt_preferences.5.xml:617
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:675
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"apt-get install <replaceable>package-name</replaceable>\n"
"apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:518
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:566
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"ulítma(s) versão(ôes) <literal>stable</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:535
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:583
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/testing\n"
msgstr ""
"apt-get install <replaceable>pacote</replaceable>/testing\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:529
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:577
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"atualizado novamente a menos que esse comando seja executado novamente."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:541
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:589
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tracking Testing or Unstable"
msgstr "Acompanhando a Testing"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:550
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:598
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: *\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:543
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a high priority "
"versões de pacotes de outras distribuições <literal>Debian</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:564
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:612
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"(s) última(s) versão(ões) <literal>testing</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:584
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:632
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/unstable\n"
msgstr ""
"apt-get install <replaceable>pacote</replaceable>/unstable\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:575
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:623
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"recente que a versão instalada."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:591
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:639
msgid "Tracking the evolution of a codename release"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:605
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:653
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated package versions\n"
"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:593
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:641
msgid ""
"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:622
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:670
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
"ulítma(s) versão(ôes) <literal>stable</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:642
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:690
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/sid\n"
msgstr ""
"apt-get install <replaceable>pacote</replaceable>/testing\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:633
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:681
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
"recente que a versão instalada."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:651
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:699
#, fuzzy
msgid "&file-preferences;"
msgstr "apt_preferences"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt_preferences.5.xml:657
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:705
#, fuzzy
msgid "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
+#~ msgstr "para a instância que já esteja instalada (caso exista)."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The <literal>Pin-Priority:</literal> line in each APT preferences record "
+++ /dev/null
-# This file is put in the public domain.
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-12 17:42+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
-"Language: \n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Package %s version %s has an unmet dep:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Total package names: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Total package structures: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid " Normal packages: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid " Pure virtual packages: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid " Single virtual packages: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid " Mixed virtual packages: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid " Missing: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Total distinct versions: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Total distinct descriptions: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Total dependencies: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Total ver/file relations: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Total Desc/File relations: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Total Provides mappings: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Total globbed strings: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Total dependency version space: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Total slack space: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Total space accounted for: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Package file %s is out of sync."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "You must give at least one search pattern"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "No packages found"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to locate package %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Package files:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/
-msgid "Cache is out of sync, can't x-ref a package file"
-msgstr ""
-#. Show any packages have explicit pins
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Pinned packages:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/
-msgid "(not found)"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid " Installed: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid " Candidate: "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/
-msgid "(none)"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid " Package pin: "
-msgstr ""
-#. Show the priority tables
-#: cmdline/
-msgid " Version table:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/ cmdline/
-#: cmdline/ ftparchive/
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s %s for %s compiled on %s %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid ""
-"Usage: apt-cache [options] command\n"
-" apt-cache [options] add file1 [file2 ...]\n"
-" apt-cache [options] showpkg pkg1 [pkg2 ...]\n"
-" apt-cache [options] showsrc pkg1 [pkg2 ...]\n"
-"apt-cache is a low-level tool used to manipulate APT's binary\n"
-"cache files, and query information from them\n"
-" add - Add a package file to the source cache\n"
-" gencaches - Build both the package and source cache\n"
-" showpkg - Show some general information for a single package\n"
-" showsrc - Show source records\n"
-" stats - Show some basic statistics\n"
-" dump - Show the entire file in a terse form\n"
-" dumpavail - Print an available file to stdout\n"
-" unmet - Show unmet dependencies\n"
-" search - Search the package list for a regex pattern\n"
-" show - Show a readable record for the package\n"
-" showauto - Display a list of automatically installed packages\n"
-" depends - Show raw dependency information for a package\n"
-" rdepends - Show reverse dependency information for a package\n"
-" pkgnames - List the names of all packages in the system\n"
-" dotty - Generate package graphs for GraphViz\n"
-" xvcg - Generate package graphs for xvcg\n"
-" policy - Show policy settings\n"
-" -h This help text.\n"
-" -p=? The package cache.\n"
-" -s=? The source cache.\n"
-" -q Disable progress indicator.\n"
-" -i Show only important deps for the unmet command.\n"
-" -c=? Read this configuration file\n"
-" -o=? Set an arbitrary configuration option, eg -o dir::cache=/tmp\n"
-"See the apt-cache(8) and apt.conf(5) manual pages for more information.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Please provide a name for this Disc, such as 'Debian 5.0.3 Disk 1'"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Please insert a Disc in the drive and press enter"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to mount '%s' to '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Repeat this process for the rest of the CDs in your set."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Arguments not in pairs"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid ""
-"Usage: apt-config [options] command\n"
-"apt-config is a simple tool to read the APT config file\n"
-" shell - Shell mode\n"
-" dump - Show the configuration\n"
-" -h This help text.\n"
-" -c=? Read this configuration file\n"
-" -o=? Set an arbitrary configuration option, eg -o dir::cache=/tmp\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s not a valid DEB package."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid ""
-"Usage: apt-extracttemplates file1 [file2 ...]\n"
-"apt-extracttemplates is a tool to extract config and template info\n"
-"from debian packages\n"
-" -h This help text\n"
-" -t Set the temp dir\n"
-" -c=? Read this configuration file\n"
-" -o=? Set an arbitrary configuration option, eg -o dir::cache=/tmp\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to write to %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Cannot get debconf version. Is debconf installed?"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/ ftparchive/
-msgid "Package extension list is too long"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/ ftparchive/
-#: ftparchive/ ftparchive/
-#: ftparchive/ ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error processing directory %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "Source extension list is too long"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "Error writing header to contents file"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error processing contents %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid ""
-"Usage: apt-ftparchive [options] command\n"
-"Commands: packages binarypath [overridefile [pathprefix]]\n"
-" sources srcpath [overridefile [pathprefix]]\n"
-" contents path\n"
-" release path\n"
-" generate config [groups]\n"
-" clean config\n"
-"apt-ftparchive generates index files for Debian archives. It supports\n"
-"many styles of generation from fully automated to functional replacements\n"
-"for dpkg-scanpackages and dpkg-scansources\n"
-"apt-ftparchive generates Package files from a tree of .debs. The\n"
-"Package file contains the contents of all the control fields from\n"
-"each package as well as the MD5 hash and filesize. An override file\n"
-"is supported to force the value of Priority and Section.\n"
-"Similarly apt-ftparchive generates Sources files from a tree of .dscs.\n"
-"The --source-override option can be used to specify a src override file\n"
-"The 'packages' and 'sources' command should be run in the root of the\n"
-"tree. BinaryPath should point to the base of the recursive search and \n"
-"override file should contain the override flags. Pathprefix is\n"
-"appended to the filename fields if present. Example usage from the \n"
-"Debian archive:\n"
-" apt-ftparchive packages dists/potato/main/binary-i386/ > \\\n"
-" dists/potato/main/binary-i386/Packages\n"
-" -h This help text\n"
-" --md5 Control MD5 generation\n"
-" -s=? Source override file\n"
-" -q Quiet\n"
-" -d=? Select the optional caching database\n"
-" --no-delink Enable delinking debug mode\n"
-" --contents Control contents file generation\n"
-" -c=? Read this configuration file\n"
-" -o=? Set an arbitrary configuration option"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "No selections matched"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Some files are missing in the package file group `%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "DB was corrupted, file renamed to %s.old"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "DB is old, attempting to upgrade %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid ""
-"DB format is invalid. If you upgraded from an older version of apt, please "
-"remove and re-create the database."
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to open DB file %s: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/ apt-inst/ apt-inst/
-#: apt-inst/ apt-inst/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to stat %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "Archive has no control record"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "Unable to get a cursor"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "W: Unable to read directory %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "W: Unable to stat %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "E: "
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "W: "
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "E: Errors apply to file "
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/ ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to resolve %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "Tree walking failed"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to open %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid " DeLink %s [%s]\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to readlink %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to unlink %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "*** Failed to link %s to %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid " DeLink limit of %sB hit.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "Archive had no package field"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/ ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid " %s has no override entry\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/ ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid " %s maintainer is %s not %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid " %s has no source override entry\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid " %s has no binary override entry either\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Internal error, could not locate member %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/ ftparchive/
-msgid "realloc - Failed to allocate memory"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/ ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to open %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/ ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Malformed override %s line %lu #1"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/ ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Malformed override %s line %lu #2"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/ ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Malformed override %s line %lu #3"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/ ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to read the override file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown compression algorithm '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Compressed output %s needs a compression set"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/ methods/
-msgid "Failed to create IPC pipe to subprocess"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "Failed to create FILE*"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "Failed to fork"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "Compress child"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Internal error, failed to create %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "Failed to create subprocess IPC"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "Failed to exec compressor "
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "decompressor"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "IO to subprocess/file failed"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-msgid "Failed to read while computing MD5"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Problem unlinking %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: ftparchive/ apt-inst/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to rename %s to %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Y"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Regex compilation error - %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "The following packages have unmet dependencies:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "but %s is installed"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "but %s is to be installed"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "but it is not installable"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "but it is a virtual package"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "but it is not installed"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "but it is not going to be installed"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid " or"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "The following NEW packages will be installed:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "The following packages will be REMOVED:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "The following packages have been kept back:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "The following packages will be upgraded:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "The following held packages will be changed:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s (due to %s) "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: The following essential packages will be removed.\n"
-"This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing!"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%lu upgraded, %lu newly installed, "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%lu reinstalled, "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%lu downgraded, "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%lu to remove and %lu not upgraded.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%lu not fully installed or removed.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Note, selecting '%s' for task '%s'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Note, selecting '%s' for regex '%s'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Package %s is a virtual package provided by:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid " [Installed]"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid " [Not candidate version]"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "You should explicitly select one to install."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Package %s is not available, but is referred to by another package.\n"
-"This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or\n"
-"is only available from another source\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "However the following packages replace it:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Package '%s' has no installation candidate"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Virtual packages like '%s' can't be removed\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Note, selecting '%s' instead of '%s'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Skipping %s, it is already installed and upgrade is not set.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Skipping %s, it is not installed and only upgrades are requested.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Reinstallation of %s is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s is already the newest version.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s set to manually installed.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Selected version '%s' (%s) for '%s'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Selected version '%s' (%s) for '%s' because of '%s'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Package %s is not installed, so not removed\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Correcting dependencies..."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid " failed."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Unable to correct dependencies"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Unable to minimize the upgrade set"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid " Done"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Unmet dependencies. Try using -f."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Authentication warning overridden.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Install these packages without verification [y/N]? "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Some packages could not be authenticated"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/
-msgid "There are problems and -y was used without --force-yes"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Internal error, InstallPackages was called with broken packages!"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Packages need to be removed but remove is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Internal error, Ordering didn't finish"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "How odd.. The sizes didn't match, email"
-msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATOR: The required space between number and unit is already included
-#. in the replacement strings, so %sB will be correctly translate in e.g. 1,5 MB
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Need to get %sB/%sB of archives.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATOR: The required space between number and unit is already included
-#. in the replacement string, so %sB will be correctly translate in e.g. 1,5 MB
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Need to get %sB of archives.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATOR: The required space between number and unit is already included
-#. in the replacement string, so %sB will be correctly translate in e.g. 1,5 MB
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "After this operation, %sB of additional disk space will be used.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATOR: The required space between number and unit is already included
-#. in the replacement string, so %sB will be correctly translate in e.g. 1,5 MB
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "After this operation, %sB disk space will be freed.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/ cmdline/
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Couldn't determine free space in %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "You don't have enough free space in %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/
-msgid "Trivial Only specified but this is not a trivial operation."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Yes, do as I say!"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"You are about to do something potentially harmful.\n"
-"To continue type in the phrase '%s'\n"
-" ?] "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/
-msgid "Abort."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Do you want to continue [Y/n]? "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/ apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to fetch %s %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Some files failed to download"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/
-msgid "Download complete and in download only mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid ""
-"Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "--fix-missing and media swapping is not currently supported"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Unable to correct missing packages."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Aborting install."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid ""
-"The following package disappeared from your system as\n"
-"all files have been overwritten by other packages:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following packages disappeared from your system as\n"
-"all files have been overwritten by other packages:"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Note: This is done automatic and on purpose by dpkg."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Ignore unavailable target release '%s' of package '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Picking '%s' as source package instead of '%s'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. if (VerTag.empty() == false && Last == 0)
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Ignore unavailable version '%s' of package '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "The update command takes no arguments"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "We are not supposed to delete stuff, can't start AutoRemover"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid ""
-"Hmm, seems like the AutoRemover destroyed something which really\n"
-"shouldn't happen. Please file a bug report against apt."
-msgstr ""
-#. if (Packages == 1)
-#. {
-#. c1out << endl;
-#. c1out <<
-#. _("Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that\n"
-#. "the package is simply not installable and a bug report against\n"
-#. "that package should be filed.") << endl;
-#. }
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/
-msgid "The following information may help to resolve the situation:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Internal Error, AutoRemover broke stuff"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid ""
-"The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:"
-msgid_plural ""
-"The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer "
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%lu package was automatically installed and is no longer required.\n"
-msgid_plural ""
-"%lu packages were automatically installed and are no longer required.\n"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Internal error, AllUpgrade broke stuff"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid ""
-"Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid ""
-"Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have\n"
-"requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable\n"
-"distribution that some required packages have not yet been created\n"
-"or been moved out of Incoming."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Broken packages"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "The following extra packages will be installed:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Suggested packages:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Recommended packages:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Couldn't find package %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s set to automatically installed.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Calculating upgrade... "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ methods/ methods/
-msgid "Failed"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Done"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/
-msgid "Internal error, problem resolver broke stuff"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/
-msgid "Unable to lock the download directory"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Must specify at least one package to fetch source for"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/ cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to find a source package for %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"NOTICE: '%s' packaging is maintained in the '%s' version control system at:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Please use:\n"
-"bzr get %s\n"
-"to retrieve the latest (possibly unreleased) updates to the package.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Skipping already downloaded file '%s'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "You don't have enough free space in %s"
-msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATOR: The required space between number and unit is already included
-#. in the replacement strings, so %sB will be correctly translate in e.g. 1,5 MB
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Need to get %sB/%sB of source archives.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATOR: The required space between number and unit is already included
-#. in the replacement string, so %sB will be correctly translate in e.g. 1,5 MB
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Need to get %sB of source archives.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Fetch source %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Failed to fetch some archives."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Skipping unpack of already unpacked source in %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unpack command '%s' failed.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Check if the 'dpkg-dev' package is installed.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Build command '%s' failed.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Child process failed"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Must specify at least one package to check builddeps for"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to get build-dependency information for %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s has no build depends.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"%s dependency for %s cannot be satisfied because the package %s cannot be "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"%s dependency for %s cannot be satisfied because no available versions of "
-"package %s can satisfy version requirements"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to satisfy %s dependency for %s: Installed package %s is too new"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to satisfy %s dependency for %s: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Build-dependencies for %s could not be satisfied."
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Failed to process build dependencies"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Supported modules:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid ""
-"Usage: apt-get [options] command\n"
-" apt-get [options] install|remove pkg1 [pkg2 ...]\n"
-" apt-get [options] source pkg1 [pkg2 ...]\n"
-"apt-get is a simple command line interface for downloading and\n"
-"installing packages. The most frequently used commands are update\n"
-"and install.\n"
-" update - Retrieve new lists of packages\n"
-" upgrade - Perform an upgrade\n"
-" install - Install new packages (pkg is libc6 not libc6.deb)\n"
-" remove - Remove packages\n"
-" autoremove - Remove automatically all unused packages\n"
-" purge - Remove packages and config files\n"
-" source - Download source archives\n"
-" build-dep - Configure build-dependencies for source packages\n"
-" dist-upgrade - Distribution upgrade, see apt-get(8)\n"
-" dselect-upgrade - Follow dselect selections\n"
-" clean - Erase downloaded archive files\n"
-" autoclean - Erase old downloaded archive files\n"
-" check - Verify that there are no broken dependencies\n"
-" markauto - Mark the given packages as automatically installed\n"
-" unmarkauto - Mark the given packages as manually installed\n"
-" -h This help text.\n"
-" -q Loggable output - no progress indicator\n"
-" -qq No output except for errors\n"
-" -d Download only - do NOT install or unpack archives\n"
-" -s No-act. Perform ordering simulation\n"
-" -y Assume Yes to all queries and do not prompt\n"
-" -f Attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place\n"
-" -m Attempt to continue if archives are unlocatable\n"
-" -u Show a list of upgraded packages as well\n"
-" -b Build the source package after fetching it\n"
-" -V Show verbose version numbers\n"
-" -c=? Read this configuration file\n"
-" -o=? Set an arbitrary configuration option, eg -o dir::cache=/tmp\n"
-"See the apt-get(8), sources.list(5) and apt.conf(5) manual\n"
-"pages for more information and options.\n"
-" This APT has Super Cow Powers.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid ""
-"NOTE: This is only a simulation!\n"
-" apt-get needs root privileges for real execution.\n"
-" Keep also in mind that locking is deactivated,\n"
-" so don't depend on the relevance to the real current situation!"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Hit "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Get:"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Ign "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Err "
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Fetched %sB in %s (%sB/s)\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid " [Working]"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Media change: please insert the disc labeled\n"
-" '%s'\n"
-"in the drive '%s' and press enter\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid "Unknown package record!"
-msgstr ""
-#: cmdline/
-msgid ""
-"Usage: apt-sortpkgs [options] file1 [file2 ...]\n"
-"apt-sortpkgs is a simple tool to sort package files. The -s option is used\n"
-"to indicate what kind of file it is.\n"
-" -h This help text\n"
-" -s Use source file sorting\n"
-" -c=? Read this configuration file\n"
-" -o=? Set an arbitrary configuration option, eg -o dir::cache=/tmp\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: dselect/install:32
-msgid "Bad default setting!"
-msgstr ""
-#: dselect/install:51 dselect/install:83 dselect/install:87 dselect/install:94
-#: dselect/install:105 dselect/update:45
-msgid "Press enter to continue."
-msgstr ""
-#: dselect/install:91
-msgid "Do you want to erase any previously downloaded .deb files?"
-msgstr ""
-#: dselect/install:101
-msgid "Some errors occurred while unpacking. Packages that were installed"
-msgstr ""
-#: dselect/install:102
-msgid "will be configured. This may result in duplicate errors"
-msgstr ""
-#: dselect/install:103
-msgid "or errors caused by missing dependencies. This is OK, only the errors"
-msgstr ""
-#: dselect/install:104
-msgid ""
-"above this message are important. Please fix them and run [I]nstall again"
-msgstr ""
-#: dselect/update:30
-msgid "Merging available information"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/contrib/
-msgid "Failed to create pipes"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/contrib/
-msgid "Failed to exec gzip "
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/contrib/ apt-inst/contrib/
-msgid "Corrupted archive"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/contrib/
-msgid "Tar checksum failed, archive corrupted"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown TAR header type %u, member %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/contrib/
-msgid "Invalid archive signature"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/contrib/
-msgid "Error reading archive member header"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid archive member header %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/contrib/
-msgid "Invalid archive member header"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/contrib/
-msgid "Archive is too short"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/contrib/
-msgid "Failed to read the archive headers"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/
-msgid "DropNode called on still linked node"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/
-msgid "Failed to locate the hash element!"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/
-msgid "Failed to allocate diversion"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/
-msgid "Internal error in AddDiversion"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Trying to overwrite a diversion, %s -> %s and %s/%s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Double add of diversion %s -> %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Duplicate conf file %s/%s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/ apt-inst/ apt-inst/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to write file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/ apt-inst/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to close file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/ apt-inst/
-#, c-format
-msgid "The path %s is too long"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unpacking %s more than once"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/
-#, c-format
-msgid "The directory %s is diverted"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/
-#, c-format
-msgid "The package is trying to write to the diversion target %s/%s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/ apt-inst/
-msgid "The diversion path is too long"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/
-#, c-format
-msgid "The directory %s is being replaced by a non-directory"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/
-msgid "Failed to locate node in its hash bucket"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/
-msgid "The path is too long"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Overwrite package match with no version for %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/
-#, c-format
-msgid "File %s/%s overwrites the one in the package %s"
-msgstr ""
-#. Only warn if there are no sources.list.d.
-#. Only warn if there is no sources.list file.
-#: apt-inst/ apt-pkg/contrib/
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/ apt-pkg/
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to read %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to stat %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/ apt-inst/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to remove %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/ apt-inst/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to create %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to stat %sinfo"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-msgid "The info and temp directories need to be on the same filesystem"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/ apt-pkg/
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Reading package lists"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to change to the admin dir %sinfo"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/ apt-inst/deb/
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-msgid "Internal error getting a package name"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/ apt-inst/deb/
-msgid "Reading file listing"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to open the list file '%sinfo/%s'. If you cannot restore this file "
-"then make it empty and immediately re-install the same version of the "
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/ apt-inst/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed reading the list file %sinfo/%s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-msgid "Internal error getting a node"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to open the diversions file %sdiversions"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-msgid "The diversion file is corrupted"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/ apt-inst/deb/
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid line in the diversion file: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-msgid "Internal error adding a diversion"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-msgid "The pkg cache must be initialized first"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to find a Package: header, offset %lu"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Bad ConfFile section in the status file. Offset %lu"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error parsing MD5. Offset %lu"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/ apt-inst/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "This is not a valid DEB archive, missing '%s' member"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "This is not a valid DEB archive, it has no '%s', '%s' or '%s' member"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Couldn't change to %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-msgid "Internal error, could not locate member"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-msgid "Failed to locate a valid control file"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-inst/deb/
-msgid "Unparsable control file"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Couldn't open pipe for %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Read error from %s process"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ methods/ methods/
-#: methods/ methods/ methods/
-#: methods/
-msgid "Failed to stat"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ methods/ methods/
-#: methods/
-msgid "Failed to set modification time"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to read the cdrom database %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid ""
-"Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update "
-"cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Wrong CD-ROM"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to unmount the CD-ROM in %s, it may still be in use."
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Disk not found."
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ methods/ methods/
-msgid "File not found"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Invalid URI, local URIS must not start with //"
-msgstr ""
-#. Login must be before getpeername otherwise dante won't work.
-#: methods/
-msgid "Logging in"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Unable to determine the peer name"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Unable to determine the local name"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "The server refused the connection and said: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "USER failed, server said: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "PASS failed, server said: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid ""
-"A proxy server was specified but no login script, Acquire::ftp::ProxyLogin "
-"is empty."
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Login script command '%s' failed, server said: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "TYPE failed, server said: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ methods/ methods/ methods/
-msgid "Connection timeout"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Server closed the connection"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ apt-pkg/contrib/ methods/
-msgid "Read error"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ methods/
-msgid "A response overflowed the buffer."
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ methods/
-msgid "Protocol corruption"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ apt-pkg/contrib/ methods/
-msgid "Write error"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ methods/ methods/
-msgid "Could not create a socket"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Could not connect data socket, connection timed out"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Could not connect passive socket."
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "getaddrinfo was unable to get a listening socket"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Could not bind a socket"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Could not listen on the socket"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Could not determine the socket's name"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Unable to send PORT command"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown address family %u (AF_*)"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "EPRT failed, server said: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Data socket connect timed out"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Unable to accept connection"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ methods/ methods/
-msgid "Problem hashing file"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to fetch file, server said '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ methods/
-msgid "Data socket timed out"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Data transfer failed, server said '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#. Get the files information
-#: methods/
-msgid "Query"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Unable to invoke "
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Connecting to %s (%s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "[IP: %s %s]"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not create a socket for %s (f=%u t=%u p=%u)"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Cannot initiate the connection to %s:%s (%s)."
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not connect to %s:%s (%s), connection timed out"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not connect to %s:%s (%s)."
-msgstr ""
-#. We say this mainly because the pause here is for the
-#. ssh connection that is still going
-#: methods/ methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Connecting to %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not resolve '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Temporary failure resolving '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Something wicked happened resolving '%s:%s' (%i - %s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to connect to %s:%s:"
-msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATOR: %s is the trusted keyring parts directory
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "No keyring installed in %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid ""
-"Internal error: Good signature, but could not determine key fingerprint?!"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "At least one invalid signature was encountered."
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Could not execute 'gpgv' to verify signature (is gpgv installed?)"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Unknown error executing gpgv"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ methods/
-msgid "The following signatures were invalid:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid ""
-"The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not "
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Waiting for headers"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Got a single header line over %u chars"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Bad header line"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ methods/
-msgid "The HTTP server sent an invalid reply header"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "The HTTP server sent an invalid Content-Length header"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "The HTTP server sent an invalid Content-Range header"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "This HTTP server has broken range support"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Unknown date format"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Select failed"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Connection timed out"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Error writing to output file"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Error writing to file"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Error writing to the file"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Error reading from server. Remote end closed connection"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Error reading from server"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ apt-pkg/contrib/
-msgid "Failed to truncate file"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Bad header data"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/ methods/
-msgid "Connection failed"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Internal error"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-msgid "Can't mmap an empty file"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Couldn't duplicate file descriptor %i"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/ apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Couldn't make mmap of %lu bytes"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-msgid "Unable to close mmap"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/ apt-pkg/contrib/
-msgid "Unable to synchronize mmap"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Dynamic MMap ran out of room. Please increase the size of APT::Cache-Limit. "
-"Current value: %lu. (man 5 apt.conf)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Unable to increase the size of the MMap as the limit of %lu bytes is already "
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-msgid ""
-"Unable to increase size of the MMap as automatic growing is disabled by user."
-msgstr ""
-#. d means days, h means hours, min means minutes, s means seconds
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%lid %lih %limin %lis"
-msgstr ""
-#. h means hours, min means minutes, s means seconds
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%lih %limin %lis"
-msgstr ""
-#. min means minutes, s means seconds
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%limin %lis"
-msgstr ""
-#. s means seconds
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%lis"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Selection %s not found"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unrecognized type abbreviation: '%c'"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Opening configuration file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Syntax error %s:%u: Block starts with no name."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Syntax error %s:%u: Malformed tag"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Syntax error %s:%u: Extra junk after value"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Syntax error %s:%u: Directives can only be done at the top level"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Syntax error %s:%u: Too many nested includes"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/ apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Syntax error %s:%u: Included from here"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Syntax error %s:%u: Unsupported directive '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Syntax error %s:%u: clear directive requires an option tree as argument"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Syntax error %s:%u: Extra junk at end of file"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%c%s... Error!"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "%c%s... Done"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Command line option '%c' [from %s] is not known."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/ apt-pkg/contrib/
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Command line option %s is not understood"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Command line option %s is not boolean"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/ apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Option %s requires an argument."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/ apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Option %s: Configuration item specification must have an =<val>."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Option %s requires an integer argument, not '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Option '%s' is too long"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Sense %s is not understood, try true or false."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid operation %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to stat the mount point %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/ apt-pkg/contrib/
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to change to %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-msgid "Failed to stat the cdrom"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Not using locking for read only lock file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not open lock file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Not using locking for nfs mounted lock file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not get lock %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "List of files can't be created as '%s' is not a directory"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Waited for %s but it wasn't there"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Sub-process %s received a segmentation fault."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Sub-process %s received signal %u."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Sub-process %s returned an error code (%u)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Sub-process %s exited unexpectedly"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not open file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not open file descriptor %d"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "read, still have %lu to read but none left"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "write, still have %lu to write but couldn't"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Problem closing the gzip file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Problem closing the file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Problem renaming the file %s to %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Problem unlinking the file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/contrib/
-msgid "Problem syncing the file"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Empty package cache"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "The package cache file is corrupted"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "The package cache file is an incompatible version"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "This APT does not support the versioning system '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "The package cache was built for a different architecture"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Depends"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "PreDepends"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Suggests"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Recommends"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Conflicts"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Replaces"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Obsoletes"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Breaks"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Enhances"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "important"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "required"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "standard"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "optional"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "extra"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-msgid "Building dependency tree"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Candidate versions"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Dependency generation"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-msgid "Reading state information"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to open StateFile %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to write temporary StateFile %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Internal error, group '%s' has no installable pseudo package"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to parse package file %s (1)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to parse package file %s (2)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Malformed line %lu in source list %s ([option] unparseable)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Malformed line %lu in source list %s ([option] too short)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Malformed line %lu in source list %s ([%s] is not an assignment)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Malformed line %lu in source list %s ([%s] has no key)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Malformed line %lu in source list %s ([%s] key %s has no value)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Malformed line %lu in source list %s (URI)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Malformed line %lu in source list %s (dist)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Malformed line %lu in source list %s (URI parse)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Malformed line %lu in source list %s (absolute dist)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Malformed line %lu in source list %s (dist parse)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Opening %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Line %u too long in source list %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Malformed line %u in source list %s (type)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Type '%s' is not known on line %u in source list %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Could not perform immediate configuration on '%s'. Please see man 5 apt.conf "
-"under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (%d)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This installation run will require temporarily removing the essential "
-"package %s due to a Conflicts/Pre-Depends loop. This is often bad, but if "
-"you really want to do it, activate the APT::Force-LoopBreak option."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Could not perform immediate configuration on already unpacked '%s'. Please "
-"see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Index file type '%s' is not supported"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The package %s needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid ""
-"Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by "
-"held packages."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-msgid ""
-"Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones "
-"used instead."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "List directory %spartial is missing."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Archives directory %spartial is missing."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to lock directory %s"
-msgstr ""
-#. only show the ETA if it makes sense
-#. two days
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Retrieving file %li of %li (%s remaining)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Retrieving file %li of %li"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "The method driver %s could not be found."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Method %s did not start correctly"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Please insert the disc labeled: '%s' in the drive '%s' and press enter."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Packaging system '%s' is not supported"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Unable to determine a suitable packaging system type"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to stat %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "The list of sources could not be read."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid record in the preferences file %s, no Package header"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Did not understand pin type %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "No priority (or zero) specified for pin"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Cache has an incompatible versioning system"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error occurred while processing %s (NewPackage)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error occurred while processing %s (UsePackage1)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error occurred while processing %s (NewFileDesc1)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error occurred while processing %s (UsePackage2)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error occurred while processing %s (NewFileVer1)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error occurred while processing %s (NewVersion%d)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error occurred while processing %s (UsePackage3)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error occurred while processing %s (NewFileDesc2)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Wow, you exceeded the number of package names this APT is capable of."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Wow, you exceeded the number of versions this APT is capable of."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Wow, you exceeded the number of descriptions this APT is capable of."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Wow, you exceeded the number of dependencies this APT is capable of."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error occurred while processing %s (FindPkg)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error occurred while processing %s (CollectFileProvides)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Package %s %s was not found while processing file dependencies"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Couldn't stat source package list %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Collecting File Provides"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-msgid "IO Error saving source cache"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "rename failed, %s (%s -> %s)."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "MD5Sum mismatch"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Hash Sum mismatch"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "There is no public key available for the following key IDs:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATOR: The first %s is the URL of the bad Release file, the second is
-#. the time since then the file is invalid - formated in the same way as in
-#. the download progress display (e.g. 7d 3h 42min 1s)
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Release file expired, ignoring %s (invalid since %s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Conflicting distribution: %s (expected %s but got %s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not "
-"updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: %s: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "GPG error: %s: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"I wasn't able to locate a file for the %s package. This might mean you need "
-"to manually fix this package. (due to missing arch)"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"I wasn't able to locate a file for the %s package. This might mean you need "
-"to manually fix this package."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The package index files are corrupted. No Filename: field for package %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Size mismatch"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to parse Release file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "No sections in Release file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "No Hash entry in Release file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid 'Valid-Until' entry in Release file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid 'Date' entry in Release file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Vendor block %s contains no fingerprint"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Using CD-ROM mount point %s\n"
-"Mounting CD-ROM\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-msgid "Identifying.. "
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Stored label: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-msgid "Unmounting CD-ROM...\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Using CD-ROM mount point %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Unmounting CD-ROM\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Waiting for disc...\n"
-msgstr ""
-#. Mount the new CDROM
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Mounting CD-ROM...\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Scanning disc for index files..\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Found %zu package indexes, %zu source indexes, %zu translation indexes and "
-"%zu signatures\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid ""
-"Unable to locate any package files, perhaps this is not a Debian Disc or the "
-"wrong architecture?"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Found label '%s'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "That is not a valid name, try again.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This disc is called: \n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Copying package lists..."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Writing new source list\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-msgid "Source list entries for this disc are:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Wrote %i records.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Wrote %i records with %i missing files.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Wrote %i records with %i mismatched files\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Wrote %i records with %i missing files and %i mismatched files\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Skipping nonexistent file %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Can't find authentication record for: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Hash mismatch for: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Release '%s' for '%s' was not found"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Version '%s' for '%s' was not found"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Couldn't find task '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Couldn't find any package by regex '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Can't select versions from package '%s' as it is purely virtual"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/ apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Can't select installed nor candidate version from package '%s' as it has "
-"neither of them"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Can't select newest version from package '%s' as it is purely virtual"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Can't select candidate version from package %s as it has no candidate"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Can't select installed version from package %s as it is not installed"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Installing %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/ apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Configuring %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/ apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Removing %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Completely removing %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Noting disappearance of %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Running post-installation trigger %s"
-msgstr ""
-#. FIXME: use a better string after freeze
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Directory '%s' missing"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/ apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not open file '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Preparing %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unpacking %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Preparing to configure %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Installed %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Preparing for removal of %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Removed %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Preparing to completely remove %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Completely removed %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-msgid "Can not write log, openpty() failed (/dev/pts not mounted?)\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-msgid "Running dpkg"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-msgid "No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already"
-msgstr ""
-#. check if its not a follow up error
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-msgid "dependency problems - leaving unconfigured"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-msgid ""
-"No apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup "
-"error from a previous failure."
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-msgid ""
-"No apport report written because the error message indicates a disk full "
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-msgid ""
-"No apport report written because the error message indicates a out of memory "
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-msgid ""
-"No apport report written because the error message indicates a dpkg I/O error"
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Unable to lock the administration directory (%s), is another process using "
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to lock the administration directory (%s), are you root?"
-msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATORS: the %s contains the recovery command, usually
-#. dpkg --configure -a
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run '%s' to correct the problem. "
-msgstr ""
-#: apt-pkg/deb/
-msgid "Not locked"
-msgstr ""
-#. FIXME: fallback to a default mirror here instead
-#. and provide a config option to define that default
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "No mirror file '%s' found "
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid "[Mirror: %s]"
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Could not patch %s with mmap and with file operation usage - the patch seems "
-"to be corrupt."
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Could not patch %s with mmap (but no mmap specific fail) - the patch seems "
-"to be corrupt."
-msgstr ""
-#: methods/
-msgid "Connection closed prematurely"
-msgstr ""