if (Rel == RelTag)
- ioprintf(c1out, "Selectied version '%s' (%s) for %s\n",
- Ver.c_str(), RelTag.c_str(), Src.c_str());
Last = Parse;
Offset = Parse->Offset();
- break;
+ Version = Ver;
if (VerTag.empty() == false && (VerTag == Ver))
+ if (Version != "" && RelTag != "")
+ ioprintf(c1out, "Selectied version '%s' (%s) for %s\n",
+ Version.c_str(), RelTag.c_str(), Src.c_str());
if (Last != 0 || VerTag.empty() == true)
_error->Error(_("Ignore unavailable version '%s' of package '%s'"), VerTag.c_str(), TmpSrc.c_str());
insertpackage 'unstable' 'foo' 'all' '2.0'
insertsource 'unstable' 'foo' 'all' '2.0'
+# its possible to have multiple src versions in the sources file, do not break
+# in this case (bts #731853)
+insertsource 'stable' 'foo' 'all' '1.5'
insertpackage 'stable' 'foo' 'all' '1.0'
insertsource 'stable' 'foo' 'all' '1.0'
-# this package exists only as source
+# this packages exists only as source
+insertsource 'wheezy' 'foo' 'all' '0.0.1'
insertsource 'wheezy' 'foo' 'all' '0.1'
'file://${APTARCHIVE}/foo_1.0.dsc' foo_1.0.dsc 0 MD5Sum:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
'file://${APTARCHIVE}/foo_1.0.tar.gz' foo_1.0.tar.gz 0 MD5Sum:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" aptget source -q --print-uris foo=1.0
-# select by release with no binary package (Bug#731102)
+# select by release with no binary package (Bug#731102) but ensure to get
+# higest version
testequal "$HEADER
Selectied version '0.1' (wheezy) for foo
Need to get 0 B of source archives.