// calculate the size of all patches we have to get
- // note that all sizes are uncompressed, while we download compressed files
- unsigned long long patchesSize = 0;
- for (std::vector<DiffInfo>::const_iterator cur = available_patches.begin();
- cur != available_patches.end(); ++cur)
- patchesSize += cur->patch_hashes.FileSize();
- unsigned long long const sizeLimit = ServerSize * _config->FindI("Acquire::PDiffs::SizeLimit", 100);
- if (sizeLimit > 0 && (sizeLimit/100) < patchesSize)
- {
- if (Debug)
- std::clog << "Need " << patchesSize << " bytes (Limit is " << sizeLimit/100
- << ") so fallback to complete download" << std::endl;
- return false;
+ unsigned short const sizeLimitPercent = _config->FindI("Acquire::PDiffs::SizeLimit", 100);
+ if (sizeLimitPercent > 0 && TransactionManager->MetaIndexParser != nullptr)
+ {
+ // compressed case
+ unsigned long long downloadSize = std::accumulate(available_patches.begin(),
+ available_patches.end(), 0llu, [](unsigned long long const T, DiffInfo const &I) {
+ return T + I.download_hashes.FileSize();
+ });
+ if (downloadSize != 0)
+ {
+ unsigned long long downloadSizeIdx = 0;
+ auto const types = VectorizeString(Target.Option(IndexTarget::COMPRESSIONTYPES), ' ');
+ for (auto const &t : types)
+ {
+ std::string MetaKey = Target.MetaKey;
+ if (t != "uncompressed")
+ MetaKey += '.' + t;
+ HashStringList const hsl = GetExpectedHashesFor(MetaKey);
+ if (unlikely(hsl.usable() == false))
+ continue;
+ downloadSizeIdx = hsl.FileSize();
+ break;
+ }
+ unsigned long long const sizeLimit = downloadSizeIdx * sizeLimitPercent;
+ if ((sizeLimit/100) < downloadSize)
+ {
+ if (Debug)
+ std::clog << "Need " << downloadSize << " compressed bytes (Limit is " << (sizeLimit/100) << ", "
+ << "original is " << downloadSizeIdx << ") so fallback to complete download" << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // uncompressed case
+ downloadSize = std::accumulate(available_patches.begin(),
+ available_patches.end(), 0llu, [](unsigned long long const T, DiffInfo const &I) {
+ return T + I.patch_hashes.FileSize();
+ });
+ if (downloadSize != 0)
+ {
+ unsigned long long const downloadSizeIdx = ServerSize;
+ unsigned long long const sizeLimit = downloadSizeIdx * sizeLimitPercent;
+ if ((sizeLimit/100) < downloadSize)
+ {
+ if (Debug)
+ std::clog << "Need " << downloadSize << " uncompressed bytes (Limit is " << (sizeLimit/100) << ", "
+ << "original is " << downloadSizeIdx << ") so fallback to complete download" << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
// we have something, queue the diffs
diff -e "${PKGFILE}" "${PKGFILE}-new" > "${PATCHFILE}" || true
cat "$PATCHFILE" | gzip > "${PATCHFILE}.gz"
+ BIGSIZE="$(stat -c%s "$PATCHFILE")"
+ if ! $DOWNLOADHASH; then
+ fi
echo "SHA1-Current: $(sha1sum "${PKGFILE}-new" | cut -d' ' -f 1) $(stat -c%s "${PKGFILE}-new")
9f4148e06d7faa37062994ff10d0c842d7017513 33053002 2010-08-18-2013.28
$(sha1sum "$PKGFILE" | cut -d' ' -f 1) $(stat -c%s "$PKGFILE") $(basename "$PATCHFILE")
7651fc0ac57cd83d41c63195a9342e2db5650257 19722 2010-08-18-2013.28
- $(sha1sum "$PATCHFILE" | cut -d' ' -f 1) $(stat -c%s "$PATCHFILE")000 $(basename "$PATCHFILE")
+ $(sha1sum "$PATCHFILE" | cut -d' ' -f 1) $BIGSIZE $(basename "$PATCHFILE")
SHA256-Current: $(sha256sum "${PKGFILE}-new" | cut -d' ' -f 1) $(stat -c%s "${PKGFILE}-new")
01ba4719c80b6fe911b091a7c05124b64eeece964e09c058ef8f9805daca546b 33053002 2010-08-18-2013.28
$(sha256sum "$PKGFILE" | cut -d' ' -f 1) $(stat -c%s "$PKGFILE") $(basename "$PATCHFILE")
e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 19722 2010-08-18-2013.28
- $(sha256sum "$PATCHFILE" | cut -d' ' -f 1) $(stat -c%s "$PATCHFILE")000 $(basename "$PATCHFILE")" > "$PATCHINDEX"
+ $(sha256sum "$PATCHFILE" | cut -d' ' -f 1) $BIGSIZE $(basename "$PATCHFILE")" > "$PATCHINDEX"
echo "SHA1-Download:
2365ac0ac57cde3d43c63145e8251a3bd5410213 197 2010-08-18-2013.28.gz