When checking if a file is empty, we forget to check that
fstat() actually worked.
" but was forced to ignore it in favor of an external binary – which isn't installed.", compressor.Name.c_str());
bool const Comp = (Mode & FileFd::WriteOnly) == FileFd::WriteOnly;
- if (Comp == false)
+ if (Comp == false && filefd->iFd != -1)
// Handle 'decompression' of empty files
struct stat Buf;
- fstat(filefd->iFd, &Buf);
+ if (fstat(filefd->iFd, &Buf) != 0)
+ return filefd->FileFdErrno("fstat", "Could not stat fd %d for file %s", filefd->iFd, filefd->FileName.c_str());
if (Buf.st_size == 0 && S_ISFIFO(Buf.st_mode) == false)
return true;