Private temporary directories as created by e.g. libpam-tmpdir are nice,
but they are also very effective in preventing our priviledge dropping
to work as TMPDIR will be set to a directory only root has access to, so
working with it as _apt will fail. We circumvent this by extending our
check for a usable TMPDIR setting by checking access rights.
Closes: 765951
tmpdir = P_tmpdir;
tmpdir = P_tmpdir;
- // check that tmpdir is set and exists
- if (!tmpdir || strlen(tmpdir) == 0 || stat(tmpdir, &st) != 0)
+ if (!tmpdir || strlen(tmpdir) == 0 || // tmpdir is set
+ stat(tmpdir, &st) != 0 || (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == 0 || // exists and is directory
+ access(tmpdir, R_OK | W_OK | X_OK) != 0 // current user has rwx access to directory
+ )
tmpdir = "/tmp";
return string(tmpdir);
tmpdir = "/tmp";
return string(tmpdir);
# gpg needs (in different versions more or less) files to function correctly,
# so we give it its own homedir and generate some valid content for it
# gpg needs (in different versions more or less) files to function correctly,
# so we give it its own homedir and generate some valid content for it
- if [ ! -d "$TMPDIR" ]; then
- unset TMPDIR
+ if [ -n "$TMPDIR" ]; then
+ # tmpdir is a directory and current user has rwx access to it
+ # same tests as in apt-pkg/contrib/ GetTempDir()
+ if [ ! -d "$TMPDIR" ] || [ ! -r "$TMPDIR" ] || [ ! -w "$TMPDIR" ] || [ ! -x "$TMPDIR" ]; then
+ unset TMPDIR
+ fi
GPGHOMEDIR="$(mktemp -d)"
GPGHOMEDIR="$(mktemp -d)"
+ # privilege dropping and testing doesn't work if /tmp isn't world-writeable (as e.g. with libpam-tmpdir)
+ if [ -n "$TMPDIR" ] && [ "$(id -u)" = '0' ] && [ "$(stat --format '%a' "$TMPDIR")" != '1777' ]; then
+ unset TMPDIR
+ fi
addtrap "cd /; rm -rf $TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY;"
msgninfo "Preparing environment for ${CCMD}$(basename $0)${CINFO} in ${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}… "
addtrap "cd /; rm -rf $TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY;"
msgninfo "Preparing environment for ${CCMD}$(basename $0)${CINFO} in ${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}… "
Pin: release a=now
Pin-Value: 1000' > rootdir/etc/apt/good-link.pref
ln -s rootdir/etc/apt/good-link.pref rootdir/etc/apt/preferences
Pin: release a=now
Pin-Value: 1000' > rootdir/etc/apt/good-link.pref
ln -s rootdir/etc/apt/good-link.pref rootdir/etc/apt/preferences
-test -n "$(aptcache policy | grep 1000)" && msgfail || msgpass
+test -n "$(aptcache policy | grep '1000 ')" && msgfail || msgpass
rm rootdir/etc/apt/preferences
msgtest "Broken link instead of a file as preferences ignored"
rm rootdir/etc/apt/preferences
msgtest "Broken link instead of a file as preferences ignored"
setenv("TMPDIR", "/not-there-no-really-not", 1);
EXPECT_EQ("/tmp", GetTempDir());
setenv("TMPDIR", "/not-there-no-really-not", 1);
EXPECT_EQ("/tmp", GetTempDir());
+ // here but not accessible for non-roots
setenv("TMPDIR", "/usr", 1);
setenv("TMPDIR", "/usr", 1);
- EXPECT_EQ("/usr", GetTempDir());
+ EXPECT_EQ("/tmp", GetTempDir());
+ // files are no good for tmpdirs, too
+ setenv("TMPDIR", "/dev/null", 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("/tmp", GetTempDir());
+ setenv("TMPDIR", "/var/tmp", 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("/var/tmp", GetTempDir());
if (old_tmpdir.empty() == false)
if (old_tmpdir.empty() == false)