pkgCache::VerIterator Ver;
for (Ver = Pkg.VersionList(); Ver.end() == false; ++Ver)
- {
- pkgCache::VerFileIterator Vf = Ver.FileList();
- pkgCache::PkgFileIterator F = Vf.File();
- for (F = Vf.File(); F.end() == false; ++F)
- {
- if (F && F.Archive())
- {
- if (strcmp(F.Archive(), "now"))
- return Ver;
- }
- }
- }
+ for (pkgCache::VerFileIterator Vf = Ver.FileList(); Vf.end() == false; ++Vf)
+ for (pkgCache::PkgFileIterator F = Vf.File(); F.end() == false; ++F)
+ if (F->Archive != 0 && strcmp(F.Archive(), "now") == 0)
+ return Ver;
return Ver;
createaptftparchiveconfig() {
local COMPRESSORS="$(cut -d' ' -f 1 ${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir/etc/testcase-compressor.conf | tr '\n' ' ')"
- local ARCHS="$(find pool/ -name '*.deb' | grep -oE '_[a-z0-9-]+\.deb$' | sort | uniq | sed -e '/^_all.deb$/ d' -e 's#^_\([a-z0-9-]*\)\.deb$#\1#' | tr '\n' ' ')"
- if [ -z "$ARCHS" ]; then
- # the pool is empty, so we will operate on faked packages - let us use the configured archs
- ARCHS="$(getarchitectures)"
- fi
+ local ARCHS="$(getarchitectures)"
echo -n 'Dir {
ArchiveDir "' >> ftparchive.conf
echo -n $(readlink -f .) >> ftparchive.conf
aptautotest_apt_update() { aptautotest_aptget_update "$@"; }
+testaptautotestnodpkgwarning() {
+ local TESTCALL="$1"
+ while [ -n "$2" ]; do
+ if [ "$2" = '-s' ]; then return; fi
+ shift
+ done
+ testfailure grep '^dpkg: warning:.*ignor.*' "${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir/tmp-before/${TESTCALL}.output"
+aptautotest_aptget_install() { testaptautotestnodpkgwarning "$@"; }
+aptautotest_aptget_remove() { testaptautotestnodpkgwarning "$@"; }
+aptautotest_aptget_purge() { testaptautotestnodpkgwarning "$@"; }
+aptautotest_apt_install() { testaptautotestnodpkgwarning "$@"; }
+aptautotest_apt_remove() { testaptautotestnodpkgwarning "$@"; }
+aptautotest_apt_purge() { testaptautotestnodpkgwarning "$@"; }
TESTDIR=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
. $TESTDIR/framework
-configarchitecture 'native'
-setupsimplenativepackage 'compiz-core' 'native' '1.0' 'unstable'
-mkdir -p ${BUILDDIR}/debian/compiz-core/etc
-echo 'foo=bar;' > ${BUILDDIR}/compiz.conf
-echo 'compiz.conf /etc/compiz.conf' >> ${BUILDDIR}/debian/install
-buildpackage "$BUILDDIR" 'unstable' 'main' 'native'
-rm -rf "$BUILDDIR"
+configarchitecture 'amd64' 'i386'
+buildcompizpkg() {
+ setupsimplenativepackage "compiz-core-$1" "$2" "$3" "$4"
+ BUILDDIR="incoming/compiz-core-$1-$3"
+ mkdir -p ${BUILDDIR}/debian/compiz-core/etc
+ echo 'foo=bar;' > ${BUILDDIR}/compiz.conf
+ echo 'compiz.conf /etc/compiz.conf' >> ${BUILDDIR}/debian/install
+ buildpackage "$BUILDDIR" "$4" 'main' "$2"
+ rm -rf "$BUILDDIR"
+buildcompizpkg 'native' 'all' '1.0' 'stable'
+buildcompizpkg 'all' 'native' '1.0' 'stable'
+buildcompizpkg 'native' 'native' '2.0' 'unstable'
+buildcompizpkg 'all' 'all' '2.0' 'unstable'
+runtests() {
+ testdpkgnotinstalled compiz-core-$1
+ testsuccess aptget install compiz-core-$1 -t "${2:-unstable}"
+ testdpkginstalled compiz-core-$1
-testdpkgnotinstalled compiz-core
-testsuccess aptget install compiz-core
-testdpkginstalled compiz-core
-testsuccess aptget remove compiz-core -y
-testdpkgnotinstalled compiz-core
-msgtest 'Check that conffiles are still around for' 'compiz-core'
-dpkg -l compiz-core | grep -q '^rc' && msgpass || msgfail
+ testsuccess aptget remove compiz-core-$1 -y
+ testdpkgnotinstalled compiz-core-$1
+ testdpkgstatus 'rc' '1' "compiz-core-$1"
-testequal 'Reading package lists...
+ testequal "Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
The following packages will be REMOVED:
- compiz-core*
+ compiz-core-$1*
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
-Purg compiz-core' aptget purge compiz-core -s
+Purg compiz-core-$1" aptget purge compiz-core-$1 -s
+ testsuccess aptget purge compiz-core-$1 -y
+ testequal "dpkg-query: no packages found matching compiz-core-$1" dpkg -l compiz-core-$1
+msgmsg 'Test in multi arch environment'
+runtests 'native'
+runtests 'all'
+runtests 'native' 'stable'
+runtests 'all' 'stable'
+msgmsg 'Test in single arch environment'
+configarchitecture 'amd64'
+runtests 'native'
+runtests 'all'
+runtests 'native' 'stable'
+runtests 'all' 'stable'