On travis-ci connect.cc detects a rotation, triggering it store the IP
which is later appended to the error message, which is all nice and
great if we deal with a real server, but in the testcases it just
triggers failures as strings do not match.
Git-Dch: Ignore
if (Queue != 0)
std::cout << "400 URI Failure\nURI: " << Queue->Uri << "\n"
if (Queue != 0)
std::cout << "400 URI Failure\nURI: " << Queue->Uri << "\n"
- << "Message: " << Err << " " << IP << "\n";
+ << "Message: " << Err;
+ if (IP.empty() == false && _config->FindB("Acquire::Failure::ShowIP", true) == true)
+ std::cout << " " << IP;
+ std::cout << "\n";
echo 'quiet::NoStatistic "true";' >> aptconfig.conf
# too distracting for users, but helpful to detect changes
echo 'Acquire::Progress::Ignore::ShowErrorText "true";' >> aptconfig.conf
echo 'quiet::NoStatistic "true";' >> aptconfig.conf
# too distracting for users, but helpful to detect changes
echo 'Acquire::Progress::Ignore::ShowErrorText "true";' >> aptconfig.conf
+ # in testcases, it can appear as if localhost has a rotation setup,
+ # hide this as we can't really deal with it properly
+ echo 'Acquire::Failure::ShowIP "false";' >> aptconfig.conf
echo "Acquire::https::CaInfo \"${TESTDIR}/apt.pem\";" > rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99https
echo "Apt::Cmd::Disable-Script-Warning \"1\";" > rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/apt-binary
echo "Acquire::https::CaInfo \"${TESTDIR}/apt.pem\";" > rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99https
echo "Apt::Cmd::Disable-Script-Warning \"1\";" > rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/apt-binary