// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*-
// Description /*{{{*/
-// $Id: http.cc,v 1.40 1999/11/29 23:20:27 jgg Exp $
+// $Id: http.cc,v 1.54 2002/04/18 05:09:38 jgg Exp $
/* ######################################################################
HTTP Aquire Method - This is the HTTP aquire method for APT.
It uses HTTP/1.1 and many of the fancy options there-in, such as
- pipelining, range, if-range and so on. It accepts on the command line
- a list of url destination pairs and writes to stdout the status of the
- operation as defined in the APT method spec.
- It is based on a doubly buffered select loop. All the requests are
+ pipelining, range, if-range and so on.
+ It is based on a doubly buffered select loop. A groupe of requests are
fed into a single output buffer that is constantly fed out the
socket. This provides ideal pipelining as in many cases all of the
requests will fit into a single packet. The input socket is buffered
- the same way and fed into the fd for the file.
+ the same way and fed into the fd for the file (may be a pipe in future).
This double buffering provides fairly substantial transfer rates,
compared to wget the http method is about 4% faster. Most importantly,
#include <apt-pkg/fileutl.h>
#include <apt-pkg/acquire-method.h>
#include <apt-pkg/error.h>
-#include <apt-pkg/md5.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/hashes.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <iostream>
// Internet stuff
#include <netdb.h>
#include "http.h"
+using namespace std;
string HttpMethod::FailFile;
int HttpMethod::FailFd = -1;
// CircleBuf::CircleBuf - Circular input buffer /*{{{*/
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* */
-CircleBuf::CircleBuf(unsigned long Size) : Size(Size), MD5(0)
+CircleBuf::CircleBuf(unsigned long Size) : Size(Size), Hash(0)
Buf = new unsigned char[Size];
StrPos = 0;
MaxGet = (unsigned int)-1;
OutQueue = string();
- if (MD5 != 0)
+ if (Hash != 0)
- delete MD5;
- MD5 = new MD5Summation;
+ delete Hash;
+ Hash = new Hashes;
unsigned long Sz = LeftRead();
if (OutQueue.length() - StrPos < Sz)
Sz = OutQueue.length() - StrPos;
- memcpy(Buf + (InP%Size),OutQueue.begin() + StrPos,Sz);
+ memcpy(Buf + (InP%Size),OutQueue.c_str() + StrPos,Sz);
// Advance
StrPos += Sz;
return false;
- if (MD5 != 0)
- MD5->Add(Buf + (OutP%Size),Res);
+ if (Hash != 0)
+ Hash->Add(Buf + (OutP%Size),Res);
OutP += Res;
// ServerState::Open - Open a connection to the server /*{{{*/
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* This opens a connection to the server. */
-string LastHost;
-int LastPort = 0;
-struct addrinfo *LastHostAddr = 0;
bool ServerState::Open()
// Use the already open connection if possible.
+ Persistent = true;
// Determine the proxy setting
if (getenv("http_proxy") == 0)
Proxy = getenv("http_proxy");
- // Parse no_proxy, a , seperated list of hosts
+ // Parse no_proxy, a , separated list of domains
if (getenv("no_proxy") != 0)
- const char *Start = getenv("no_proxy");
- for (const char *Cur = Start; true ; Cur++)
- {
- if (*Cur != ',' && *Cur != 0)
- continue;
- if (stringcasecmp(ServerName.Host.begin(),ServerName.Host.end(),
- Start,Cur) == 0)
- {
- Proxy = "";
- break;
- }
- Start = Cur + 1;
- if (*Cur == 0)
- break;
- }
- }
+ if (CheckDomainList(ServerName.Host,getenv("no_proxy")) == true)
+ Proxy = "";
+ }
// Determine what host and port to use based on the proxy settings
int Port = 0;
string Host;
- if (Proxy.empty() == true)
+ if (Proxy.empty() == true || Proxy.Host.empty() == true)
if (ServerName.Port != 0)
Port = ServerName.Port;
string Data;
if (In.WriteTillEl(Data) == false)
+ if (Debug == true)
+ clog << Data;
for (string::const_iterator I = Data.begin(); I < Data.end(); I++)
string::const_iterator J = I;
for (; J != Data.end() && *J != '\n' && *J != '\r';J++);
- if (HeaderLine(string(I,J-I)) == false)
+ if (HeaderLine(string(I,J)) == false)
return 2;
I = J;
+ // 100 Continue is a Nop...
+ if (Result == 100)
+ continue;
+ // Tidy up the connection persistance state.
+ if (Encoding == Closes && HaveContent == true)
+ Persistent = false;
return 0;
while (Owner->Go(false,this) == true);
return 1;
string Tag = string(Line,0,Pos);
string Val = string(Line,Pos2);
- if (stringcasecmp(Tag.begin(),Tag.begin()+4,"HTTP") == 0)
+ if (stringcasecmp(Tag.c_str(),Tag.c_str()+4,"HTTP") == 0)
// Evil servers return no version
if (Line[4] == '/')
if (sscanf(Line.c_str(),"HTTP %u %[^\n]",&Result,Code) != 2)
return _error->Error("The http server sent an invalid reply header");
+ /* Check the HTTP response header to get the default persistance
+ state. */
+ if (Major < 1)
+ Persistent = false;
+ else
+ {
+ if (Major == 1 && Minor <= 0)
+ Persistent = false;
+ else
+ Persistent = true;
+ }
return true;
HaveContent = true;
if (stringcasecmp(Val,"chunked") == 0)
- Encoding = Chunked;
+ Encoding = Chunked;
return true;
+ if (stringcasecmp(Tag,"Connection:") == 0)
+ {
+ if (stringcasecmp(Val,"close") == 0)
+ Persistent = false;
+ if (stringcasecmp(Val,"keep-alive") == 0)
+ Persistent = true;
+ return true;
+ }
if (stringcasecmp(Tag,"Last-Modified:") == 0)
if (StrToTime(Val,Date) == false)
if (stat(Itm->DestFile.c_str(),&SBuf) >= 0 && SBuf.st_size > 0)
// In this case we send an if-range query with a range header
- sprintf(Buf,"Range: bytes=%li-\r\nIf-Range: %s\r\n",SBuf.st_size - 1,
+ sprintf(Buf,"Range: bytes=%li-\r\nIf-Range: %s\r\n",(long)SBuf.st_size - 1,
Req += Buf;
Req += string("Proxy-Authorization: Basic ") +
Base64Encode(Proxy.User + ":" + Proxy.Password) + "\r\n";
- Req += "User-Agent: Debian APT-HTTP/1.2\r\n\r\n";
+ if (Uri.User.empty() == false || Uri.Password.empty() == false)
+ Req += string("Authorization: Basic ") +
+ Base64Encode(Uri.User + ":" + Uri.Password) + "\r\n";
+ Req += "User-Agent: Debian APT-HTTP/1.3\r\n\r\n";
if (Debug == true)
cerr << Req << endl;
ToFile == false))
return false;
- fd_set rfds,wfds,efds;
+ fd_set rfds,wfds;
- FD_ZERO(&efds);
- // Add the server
- if (Srv->Out.WriteSpace() == true && Srv->ServerFd != -1)
+ /* Add the server. We only send more requests if the connection will
+ be persisting */
+ if (Srv->Out.WriteSpace() == true && Srv->ServerFd != -1
+ && Srv->Persistent == true)
- if (Srv->In.ReadSpace() == true && Srv->ServerFd != -1)
+ if (Srv->In.ReadSpace() == true && Srv->ServerFd != -1)
// Add the file
// Add stdin
- // Error Set
- if (FileFD != -1)
- FD_SET(FileFD,&efds);
- if (Srv->ServerFd != -1)
- FD_SET(Srv->ServerFd,&efds);
// Figure out the max fd
int MaxFd = FileFD;
if (MaxFd < Srv->ServerFd)
tv.tv_sec = TimeOut;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
int Res = 0;
- if ((Res = select(MaxFd+1,&rfds,&wfds,&efds,&tv)) < 0)
+ if ((Res = select(MaxFd+1,&rfds,&wfds,0,&tv)) < 0)
+ {
+ if (errno == EINTR)
+ return true;
return _error->Errno("select","Select failed");
+ }
if (Res == 0)
return ServerDie(Srv);
- // Some kind of exception (error) on the sockets, die
- if ((FileFD != -1 && FD_ISSET(FileFD,&efds)) ||
- (Srv->ServerFd != -1 && FD_ISSET(Srv->ServerFd,&efds)))
- return _error->Error("Socket Exception");
// Handle server IO
if (Srv->ServerFd != -1 && FD_ISSET(Srv->ServerFd,&rfds))
// Set the start point
- delete Srv->In.MD5;
- Srv->In.MD5 = new MD5Summation;
+ delete Srv->In.Hash;
+ Srv->In.Hash = new Hashes;
- // Fill the MD5 Hash if the file is non-empty (resume)
+ // Fill the Hash if the file is non-empty (resume)
if (Srv->StartPos > 0)
- if (Srv->In.MD5->AddFD(File->Fd(),Srv->StartPos) == false)
+ if (Srv->In.Hash->AddFD(File->Fd(),Srv->StartPos) == false)
_error->Errno("read","Problem hashing file");
return 5;
// Queue the requests
int Depth = -1;
bool Tail = false;
- for (FetchItem *I = Queue; I != 0 && Depth < (signed)PipelineDepth; I = I->Next, Depth++)
+ for (FetchItem *I = Queue; I != 0 && Depth < (signed)PipelineDepth;
+ I = I->Next, Depth++)
+ // If pipelining is disabled, we only queue 1 request
+ if (Server->Pipeline == false && Depth >= 0)
+ break;
// Make sure we stick with the same server
if (Server->Comp(I->Uri) == false)
QueueBack = I->Next;
- }
+ }
return true;
delete Server;
Server = new ServerState(Queue->Uri,this);
+ /* If the server has explicitly said this is the last connection
+ then we pre-emptively shut down the pipeline and tear down
+ the connection. This will speed up HTTP/1.0 servers a tad
+ since we don't have to wait for the close sequence to
+ complete */
+ if (Server->Persistent == false)
+ Server->Close();
// Reset the pipeline
if (Server->ServerFd == -1)
QueueBack = Queue;
_error->Error("Bad header Data");
+ RotateDNS();
+ Server->Pipeline = false;
if (FailCounter >= 2)
Fail("Connection failed",true);
FailCounter = 0;
+ RotateDNS();
// Run the data
bool Result = Server->RunData();
+ /* If the server is sending back sizeless responses then fill in
+ the size now */
+ if (Res.Size == 0)
+ Res.Size = File->Size();
// Close the file, destroy the FD object and timestamp it
FailFd = -1;
delete File;
// Send status to APT
if (Result == true)
- Res.MD5Sum = Server->In.MD5->Result();
+ Res.TakeHashes(*Server->In.Hash);
// Hard internal error, kill the connection and fail
case 5:
+ delete File;
+ File = 0;
+ RotateDNS();
return Mth.Loop();