http() {
+gpg() {
+ # see apt-key for the whole trickery. Setup is done in setupenvironment
+ command gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring \
+ --homedir "${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/gnupghome" \
+ --no-auto-check-trustdb --trust-model always \
+ "$@"
exitwithstatus() {
# error if we about to overflow, but ...
echo "DPKG::options:: \"--log=${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir/var/log/dpkg.log\";" >> aptconfig.conf
echo 'quiet::NoUpdate "true";' >> aptconfig.conf
echo "Acquire::https::CaInfo \"${TESTDIR}/apt.pem\";" > rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99https
- export LC_ALL=C
+ export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
export PATH="${PATH}:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
configcompression '.' 'gz' #'bz2' 'lzma' 'xz'
+ # gpg needs a trustdb to function, but it can't be invalid (not even empty)
+ # see also apt-key where this trickery comes from:
+ mkdir "$TRUSTDBDIR"
+ chmod 700 "$TRUSTDBDIR"
+ # We also don't use a secret keyring, of course, but gpg panics and
+ # implodes if there isn't one available - and writeable for imports
+ local SECRETKEYRING="${TRUSTDBDIR}/secring.gpg"
+ # now create the trustdb with an (empty) dummy keyring
+ # newer gpg versions are fine without it, but play it safe for now
+ gpg --quiet --check-trustdb --secret-keyring $SECRETKEYRING --keyring $SECRETKEYRING >/dev/null 2>&1
msgdone "info"
local VERSION="$3"
local RELEASE="${4:-unstable}"
- local DESCRIPTION="${6:-"Description: an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE}
+ local DESCRIPTION="${6:-"an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE}
If you find such a package installed on your system,
something went horribly wrong! They are autogenerated
und used only by testcases and surf no other propose…"}"
local VERSION="$3"
local RELEASE="${4:-unstable}"
- local DESCRIPTION="${6:-"Description: an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE}
+ local DESCRIPTION="${6:-"an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE}
If you find such a package installed on your system,
something went horribly wrong! They are autogenerated
und used only by testcases and surf no other propose…"}"
| while read SRC; do
echo "pool/${SRC}" >> ${BUILDDIR}/../${RELEASE}.${DISTSECTION}.srclist
# if expr match "${SRC}" '.*\.dsc' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-# gpg --yes --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring ./keys/joesixpack.sec \
+# gpg --yes --secret-keyring ./keys/joesixpack.sec \
# --keyring ./keys/ --default-key 'Joe Sixpack' \
# --clearsign -o "${BUILDDIR}/../${SRC}.sign" "${BUILDDIR}/../$SRC"
# mv "${BUILDDIR}/../${SRC}.sign" "${BUILDDIR}/../$SRC"
local VERSION="$4"
local PRIORITY="${6:-optional}"
- local DESCRIPTION="${7:-"Description: an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE}
+ local DESCRIPTION="${7:-"an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE}
If you find such a package installed on your system,
something went horribly wrong! They are autogenerated
und used only by testcases and surf no other propose…"}"
local PRIORITY="${5:-optional}"
local STATUS="${6:-install ok installed}"
- local DESCRIPTION="${7:-"Description: an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/installed
+ local DESCRIPTION="${7:-"an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/installed
If you find such a package installed on your system,
something went horribly wrong! They are autogenerated
und used only by testcases and surf no other propose…"}"
# can be overridden by testcases for their pleasure
-getcodenamefromsuite() { echo -n "$1"; }
+getcodenamefromsuite() {
+ case "$1" in
+ unstable) echo 'sid';;
+ *) echo -n "$1";;
+ esac
getreleaseversionfromsuite() { true; }
getlabelfromsuite() { true; }
signreleasefiles() {
local SIGNER="${1:-Joe Sixpack}"
- local GPG="gpg --batch --yes --no-default-keyring --trustdb-name rootdir/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg"
+ local GPG="gpg --batch --yes"
msgninfo "\tSign archive with $SIGNER key… "
local REXKEY='keys/rexexpired'
local SECEXPIREBAK="${REXKEY}.sec.bak"
- local LOG='/dev/null'
if test -x ${APTWEBSERVERBINDIR}/aptwebserver; then
cd aptarchive
- aptwebserver -o aptwebserver::fork=1 "$@" >$LOG 2>&1
+ local LOG="$(mktemp)"
+ addtrap "rm $LOG;"
+ if ! aptwebserver -o aptwebserver::fork=1 "$@" >$LOG 2>&1 ; then
+ cat $LOG
+ false
+ fi
local PID="$(cat"
if [ -z "$PID" ]; then
msgdie 'Could not fork aptwebserver successfully'