- Out.Read(Req);
- /*}}}*/
-// HttpMethod::Go - Run a single loop /*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* This runs the select loop over the server FDs, Output file FDs and
- stdin. */
-bool HttpMethod::Go(bool ToFile,ServerState *Srv)
- // Server has closed the connection
- if (Srv->ServerFd == -1 && (Srv->In.WriteSpace() == false ||
- ToFile == false))
- return false;
- fd_set rfds,wfds;
- FD_ZERO(&rfds);
- FD_ZERO(&wfds);
- /* Add the server. We only send more requests if the connection will
- be persisting */
- if (Srv->Out.WriteSpace() == true && Srv->ServerFd != -1
- && Srv->Persistent == true)
- FD_SET(Srv->ServerFd,&wfds);
- if (Srv->In.ReadSpace() == true && Srv->ServerFd != -1)
- FD_SET(Srv->ServerFd,&rfds);
- // Add the file
- int FileFD = -1;
- if (File != 0)
- FileFD = File->Fd();
- if (Srv->In.WriteSpace() == true && ToFile == true && FileFD != -1)
- FD_SET(FileFD,&wfds);
- // Add stdin
- if (_config->FindB("Acquire::http::DependOnSTDIN", true) == true)
- // Figure out the max fd
- int MaxFd = FileFD;
- if (MaxFd < Srv->ServerFd)
- MaxFd = Srv->ServerFd;
- // Select
- struct timeval tv;
- tv.tv_sec = TimeOut;
- tv.tv_usec = 0;
- int Res = 0;
- if ((Res = select(MaxFd+1,&rfds,&wfds,0,&tv)) < 0)
- {
- if (errno == EINTR)
- return true;
- return _error->Errno("select",_("Select failed"));
- }
- if (Res == 0)
- {
- _error->Error(_("Connection timed out"));
- return ServerDie(Srv);
- }
- // Handle server IO
- if (Srv->ServerFd != -1 && FD_ISSET(Srv->ServerFd,&rfds))
- {
- errno = 0;
- if (Srv->In.Read(Srv->ServerFd) == false)
- return ServerDie(Srv);
- }
- if (Srv->ServerFd != -1 && FD_ISSET(Srv->ServerFd,&wfds))
- {
- errno = 0;
- if (Srv->Out.Write(Srv->ServerFd) == false)
- return ServerDie(Srv);
- }
- // Send data to the file
- if (FileFD != -1 && FD_ISSET(FileFD,&wfds))
- {
- if (Srv->In.Write(FileFD) == false)
- return _error->Errno("write",_("Error writing to output file"));
- }
- // Handle commands from APT
- {
- if (Run(true) != -1)
- exit(100);
- }
- return true;
- /*}}}*/
-// HttpMethod::Flush - Dump the buffer into the file /*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* This takes the current input buffer from the Server FD and writes it
- into the file */
-bool HttpMethod::Flush(ServerState *Srv)
- if (File != 0)
- {
- // on GNU/kFreeBSD, apt dies on /dev/null because non-blocking
- // can't be set
- if (File->Name() != "/dev/null")
- SetNonBlock(File->Fd(),false);
- if (Srv->In.WriteSpace() == false)
- return true;
- while (Srv->In.WriteSpace() == true)
- {
- if (Srv->In.Write(File->Fd()) == false)
- return _error->Errno("write",_("Error writing to file"));
- if (Srv->In.IsLimit() == true)
- return true;
- }
- if (Srv->In.IsLimit() == true || Srv->Encoding == ServerState::Closes)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- /*}}}*/
-// HttpMethod::ServerDie - The server has closed the connection. /*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* */
-bool HttpMethod::ServerDie(ServerState *Srv)
- unsigned int LErrno = errno;
- // Dump the buffer to the file
- if (Srv->State == ServerState::Data)
- {
- // on GNU/kFreeBSD, apt dies on /dev/null because non-blocking
- // can't be set
- if (File->Name() != "/dev/null")
- SetNonBlock(File->Fd(),false);
- while (Srv->In.WriteSpace() == true)
- {
- if (Srv->In.Write(File->Fd()) == false)
- return _error->Errno("write",_("Error writing to the file"));
- // Done
- if (Srv->In.IsLimit() == true)
- return true;
- }
- }
- // See if this is because the server finished the data stream
- if (Srv->In.IsLimit() == false && Srv->State != ServerState::Header &&
- Srv->Encoding != ServerState::Closes)
- {
- Srv->Close();
- if (LErrno == 0)
- return _error->Error(_("Error reading from server. Remote end closed connection"));
- errno = LErrno;
- return _error->Errno("read",_("Error reading from server"));
- }
- else
- {
- Srv->In.Limit(-1);
- // Nothing left in the buffer
- if (Srv->In.WriteSpace() == false)
- return false;
- // We may have got multiple responses back in one packet..
- Srv->Close();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- /*}}}*/
-// HttpMethod::DealWithHeaders - Handle the retrieved header data /*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* We look at the header data we got back from the server and decide what
- to do. Returns DealWithHeadersResult (see http.h for details).
- */
-HttpMethod::DealWithHeaders(FetchResult &Res,ServerState *Srv)
- // Not Modified
- if (Srv->Result == 304)
- {
- unlink(Queue->DestFile.c_str());
- Res.IMSHit = true;
- Res.LastModified = Queue->LastModified;
- return IMS_HIT;
- }
- /* Redirect
- *
- * Note that it is only OK for us to treat all redirection the same
- * because we *always* use GET, not other HTTP methods. There are
- * three redirection codes for which it is not appropriate that we
- * redirect. Pass on those codes so the error handling kicks in.
- */
- if (AllowRedirect
- && (Srv->Result > 300 && Srv->Result < 400)
- && (Srv->Result != 300 // Multiple Choices
- && Srv->Result != 304 // Not Modified
- && Srv->Result != 306)) // (Not part of HTTP/1.1, reserved)
- {
- if (Srv->Location.empty() == true);
- else if (Srv->Location[0] == '/' && Queue->Uri.empty() == false)
- {
- URI Uri = Queue->Uri;
- if (Uri.Host.empty() == false)
- NextURI = URI::SiteOnly(Uri);
- else
- NextURI.clear();
- NextURI.append(DeQuoteString(Srv->Location));
- }
- else
- {
- NextURI = DeQuoteString(Srv->Location);
- URI tmpURI = NextURI;
- // Do not allow a redirection to switch protocol
- if (tmpURI.Access == "http")
- }
- /* else pass through for error message */
- }
- /* We have a reply we dont handle. This should indicate a perm server
- failure */
- if (Srv->Result < 200 || Srv->Result >= 300)
- {
- char err[255];
- snprintf(err,sizeof(err)-1,"HttpError%i",Srv->Result);
- SetFailReason(err);
- _error->Error("%u %s",Srv->Result,Srv->Code);
- if (Srv->HaveContent == true)
- }
- // This is some sort of 2xx 'data follows' reply
- Res.LastModified = Srv->Date;
- Res.Size = Srv->Size;
- // Open the file
- delete File;
- File = new FileFd(Queue->DestFile,FileFd::WriteAny);
- if (_error->PendingError() == true)
- FailFile = Queue->DestFile;
- FailFile.c_str(); // Make sure we dont do a malloc in the signal handler
- FailFd = File->Fd();
- FailTime = Srv->Date;
- delete Srv->In.Hash;
- Srv->In.Hash = new Hashes;
- // Set the expected size and read file for the hashes
- if (Srv->StartPos >= 0)
- {
- Res.ResumePoint = Srv->StartPos;
- File->Truncate(Srv->StartPos);
- if (Srv->In.Hash->AddFD(*File,Srv->StartPos) == false)
- {
- _error->Errno("read",_("Problem hashing file"));
- }
- }
- SetNonBlock(File->Fd(),true);
- return FILE_IS_OPEN;
- /*}}}*/
-// HttpMethod::SigTerm - Handle a fatal signal /*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* This closes and timestamps the open file. This is neccessary to get
- resume behavoir on user abort */
-void HttpMethod::SigTerm(int)
- if (FailFd == -1)
- _exit(100);
- close(FailFd);
- // Timestamp
- struct utimbuf UBuf;
- UBuf.actime = FailTime;
- UBuf.modtime = FailTime;
- utime(FailFile.c_str(),&UBuf);
- _exit(100);