-bool SplitClearSignedFile(std::string const &InFile, int const ContentFile,
- std::vector<std::string> * const ContentHeader, int const SignatureFile);
-/** \brief recombines message and signature to an inline signature
- *
- * Reverses the splitting down by #SplitClearSignedFile by writing
- * a well-formed clear-signed message without unsigned messages,
- * additional signed messages or just trailing whitespaces
- *
- * @param OutFile will be clear-signed file
- * @param ContentFile is the Fd the message will be read from
- * @param ContentHeader is a list of all required Amored Headers for the message
- * @param SignatureFile is the Fd all signatures will be read from
- */
-bool RecombineToClearSignedFile(std::string const &OutFile, int const ContentFile,
- std::vector<std::string> const &ContentHeader, int const SignatureFile);
+bool SplitClearSignedFile(std::string const &InFile, FileFd * const ContentFile,
+ std::vector<std::string> * const ContentHeader, FileFd * const SignatureFile);