dnl code more portable
dnl You MUST have an environment that has all the POSIX functions and
-dnl some of the more populare bsd/sysv ones (like select). You'll also
+dnl some of the more popular bsd/sysv ones (like select). You'll also
dnl need a C++ compiler that is semi-standard conformant, exceptions are
dnl not used but STL is.
AC_CONFIG_HEADER(include/config.h:buildlib/config.h.in include/apti18n.h:buildlib/apti18n.h.in)
PACKAGE_MAIL="APT Development Team <deity@lists.debian.org>"
-dnl It used to be that the user could select translations and that could get
-dnl passed to the makefiles, but now that can only work if you use special
-dnl gettext approved makefiles, so this feature is unsupported by this.
-ALL_LINGUAS="bg bs ca cs cy da de dz el es eu fi fr gl hu it ja ko ku nb nl nn pl pt_BR pt ro ru sk sl sv th tl uk vi zn_CN zh_TW"
if test x"$USE_NLS" = "xyes"; then