set -e
-TESTDIR=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
-. $TESTDIR/framework
+TESTDIR="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")")"
+. "$TESTDIR/framework"
configarchitecture "i386"
msgtest "Good link instead of a file as apt.conf ignored"
echo 'Test::APT::Link "good";' > rootdir/etc/apt/good-link.conf
ln -s rootdir/etc/apt/good-link.conf rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf
-test -n "$(aptconfig shell TestLink 'Test::APT::Link')" && msgfail || msgpass
+testempty aptconfig shell TestLink 'Test::APT::Link'
rm rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf
msgtest "Broken link instead of a file as apt.conf ignored"
msgtest "Good link instead of a file as sources.list ignored"
echo 'deb file:///tmp/debian sid main' > rootdir/etc/apt/good-link.list
ln -s rootdir/etc/apt/good-link.list rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list
-test -n "$(aptget update --print-uris)" && msgfail || msgpass
+testempty aptget update --print-uris
rm rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list
msgtest "Broken link instead of a file as sources.list ignored"
ln -s /tmp/doesnt-exist rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list
-test -n "$(aptget update --print-uris)" && msgfail || msgpass
+testempty aptget update --print-uris
rm rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list
Pin: release a=now
Pin-Value: 1000' > rootdir/etc/apt/good-link.pref
ln -s rootdir/etc/apt/good-link.pref rootdir/etc/apt/preferences
-test -n "$(aptcache policy | grep '1000 ')" && msgfail || msgpass
+testsuccess aptcache policy
+testfailure grep '1000 ' rootdir/tmp/testsucess.output
rm rootdir/etc/apt/preferences
msgtest "Broken link instead of a file as preferences ignored"