+ std::ostringstream os;
+ // add the special compressiontype byhash first if supported
+ std::string const useByHashConf = Target->Option(IndexTarget::BY_HASH);
+ bool useByHash = false;
+ if(useByHashConf == "force")
+ useByHash = true;
+ else
+ useByHash = StringToBool(useByHashConf) == true && metaBaseSupportsByHash;
+ if (useByHash == true)
+ os << "by-hash ";
+ std::copy(types.begin(), types.end()-1, std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(os, " "));
+ os << *types.rbegin();
+ Target->Options["COMPRESSIONTYPES"] = os.str();
+ }
+ else
+ Target->Options["COMPRESSIONTYPES"].clear();
+ std::string filename = GetFinalFileNameFromURI(Target->URI);
+ if (RealFileExists(filename) == false)
+ {
+ if (Target->KeepCompressed)
+ {
+ filename = GetKeepCompressedFileName(filename, *Target);
+ if (RealFileExists(filename) == false)
+ filename.clear();
+ }
+ else
+ filename.clear();
+ }
+ if (filename.empty() == false)
+ {
+ // if the Release file is a hit and we have an index it must be the current one
+ if (TransactionManager->IMSHit == true)
+ ;
+ else if (TransactionManager->LastMetaIndexParser != NULL)