+ typedef APT::VersionSet::const_iterator iterator;
+ using std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator>::insert;
+ inline void insert(pkgCache::VerIterator const &V) { if (V.end() == false) std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator>::insert(V); };
+ inline void insert(VersionSet const &verset) { insert(verset.begin(), verset.end()); };
+ /** \brief specifies which version(s) will be returned if non is given */
+ enum Version {
+ /** All versions */
+ ALL,
+ /** Candidate and installed version */
+ /** Candidate version */
+ /** Installed version */
+ /** Candidate or if non installed version */
+ /** Installed or if non candidate version */
+ /** Newest version */
+ };
+ /** \brief returns all versions specified on the commandline
+ Get all versions from the commandline, uses given default version if
+ non specifically requested and executes regex's if needed on names.
+ \param Cache the packages and versions are in
+ \param cmdline Command line the versions should be extracted from
+ \param helper responsible for error and message handling */
+ static APT::VersionSet FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback, CacheSetHelper &helper);
+ static APT::VersionSet FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback) {
+ CacheSetHelper helper;
+ return APT::VersionSet::FromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline, fallback, helper);
+ }
+ static APT::VersionSet FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline) {
+ return APT::VersionSet::FromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline, CANDINST);
+ }
+ static APT::VersionSet FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pkg,
+ APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback, CacheSetHelper &helper,
+ bool const &onlyFromName = false);
+ static APT::VersionSet FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pkg,
+ APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback) {
+ CacheSetHelper helper;
+ return APT::VersionSet::FromString(Cache, pkg, fallback, helper);
+ }
+ static APT::VersionSet FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pkg) {
+ return APT::VersionSet::FromString(Cache, pkg, CANDINST);
+ }
+ /** \brief returns all versions specified for the package
+ \param Cache the package and versions are in
+ \param P the package in question
+ \param fallback the version(s) you want to get
+ \param helper the helper used for display and error handling */
+ static APT::VersionSet FromPackage(pkgCacheFile &Cache, pkgCache::PkgIterator const &P,
+ VersionSet::Version const &fallback, CacheSetHelper &helper);
+ static APT::VersionSet FromPackage(pkgCacheFile &Cache, pkgCache::PkgIterator const &P,
+ APT::VersionSet::Version const &fallback) {
+ CacheSetHelper helper;
+ return APT::VersionSet::FromPackage(Cache, P, fallback, helper);
+ }
+ static APT::VersionSet FromPackage(pkgCacheFile &Cache, pkgCache::PkgIterator const &P) {
+ return APT::VersionSet::FromPackage(Cache, P, CANDINST);
+ }
+ struct Modifier {
+ enum Position { NONE, PREFIX, POSTFIX };
+ unsigned short ID;
+ const char * const Alias;
+ Position Pos;
+ VersionSet::Version SelectVersion;
+ Modifier (unsigned short const &id, const char * const alias, Position const &pos,
+ VersionSet::Version const &select) : ID(id), Alias(alias), Pos(pos),
+ SelectVersion(select) {};
+ };
+ static std::map<unsigned short, VersionSet> GroupedFromCommandLine(
+ pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ std::list<VersionSet::Modifier> const &mods,
+ unsigned short const &fallback, CacheSetHelper &helper);
+ static std::map<unsigned short, VersionSet> GroupedFromCommandLine(
+ pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ std::list<VersionSet::Modifier> const &mods,
+ unsigned short const &fallback) {
+ CacheSetHelper helper;
+ return APT::VersionSet::GroupedFromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline,
+ mods, fallback, helper);
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
+protected: /*{{{*/
+ /** \brief returns the candidate version of the package
+ \param Cache to be used to query for information
+ \param Pkg we want the candidate version from this package */
+ static pkgCache::VerIterator getCandidateVer(pkgCacheFile &Cache,
+ pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg, CacheSetHelper &helper);
+ /** \brief returns the installed version of the package