- std::clog << ">>> RESPONSE >>>" << std::endl;
+ std::clog << ">>> RESPONSE to " << client << " >>>" << std::endl;
bool Success = true;
for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator h = headers.begin();
Success == true && h != headers.end(); ++h)
return false;
+void * handleClient(void * voidclient) /*{{{*/
+ int client = *((int*)(voidclient));
+ std::clog << "ACCEPT client " << client << std::endl;
+ std::vector<std::string> messages;
+ while (ReadMessages(client, messages))
+ {
+ bool closeConnection = false;
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator m = messages.begin();
+ m != messages.end() && closeConnection == false; ++m) {
+ std::clog << ">>> REQUEST from " << client << " >>>" << std::endl << *m
+ << std::endl << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" << std::endl;
+ std::list<std::string> headers;
+ std::string filename;
+ std::string params;
+ bool sendContent = true;
+ if (parseFirstLine(client, *m, filename, params, sendContent, closeConnection) == false)
+ continue;
+ // special webserver command request
+ if (filename.length() > 1 && filename[0] == '_')
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> parts = VectorizeString(filename, '/');
+ if (parts[0] == "_config")
+ {
+ handleOnTheFlyReconfiguration(client, *m, parts);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // string replacements in the requested filename
+ ::Configuration::Item const *Replaces = _config->Tree("aptwebserver::redirect::replace");
+ if (Replaces != NULL)
+ {
+ std::string redirect = "/" + filename;
+ for (::Configuration::Item *I = Replaces->Child; I != NULL; I = I->Next)
+ redirect = SubstVar(redirect, I->Tag, I->Value);
+ redirect.erase(0,1);
+ if (redirect != filename)
+ {
+ sendRedirect(client, 301, redirect, *m, sendContent);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ ::Configuration::Item const *Overwrite = _config->Tree("aptwebserver::overwrite");
+ if (Overwrite != NULL)
+ {
+ for (::Configuration::Item *I = Overwrite->Child; I != NULL; I = I->Next)
+ {
+ regex_t *pattern = new regex_t;
+ int const res = regcomp(pattern, I->Tag.c_str(), REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE | REG_NOSUB);
+ if (res != 0)
+ {
+ char error[300];
+ regerror(res, pattern, error, sizeof(error));
+ sendError(client, 500, *m, sendContent, error);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (regexec(pattern, filename.c_str(), 0, 0, 0) == 0)
+ {
+ filename = _config->Find("aptwebserver::overwrite::" + I->Tag + "::filename", filename);
+ if (filename[0] == '/')
+ filename.erase(0,1);
+ regfree(pattern);
+ break;
+ }
+ regfree(pattern);
+ }
+ }
+ // deal with the request
+ if (RealFileExists(filename) == true)
+ {
+ FileFd data(filename, FileFd::ReadOnly);
+ std::string condition = LookupTag(*m, "If-Modified-Since", "");
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::support::modified-since", true) == true && condition.empty() == false)
+ {
+ time_t cache;
+ if (RFC1123StrToTime(condition.c_str(), cache) == true &&
+ cache >= data.ModificationTime())
+ {
+ sendHead(client, 304, headers);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::support::range", true) == true)
+ condition = LookupTag(*m, "Range", "");
+ else
+ condition.clear();
+ if (condition.empty() == false && strncmp(condition.c_str(), "bytes=", 6) == 0)
+ {
+ time_t cache;
+ std::string ifrange;
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::support::if-range", true) == true)
+ ifrange = LookupTag(*m, "If-Range", "");
+ bool validrange = (ifrange.empty() == true ||
+ (RFC1123StrToTime(ifrange.c_str(), cache) == true &&
+ cache <= data.ModificationTime()));
+ // FIXME: support multiple byte-ranges (APT clients do not do this)
+ if (condition.find(',') == std::string::npos)
+ {
+ size_t start = 6;
+ unsigned long long filestart = strtoull(condition.c_str() + start, NULL, 10);
+ // FIXME: no support for last-byte-pos being not the end of the file (APT clients do not do this)
+ size_t dash = condition.find('-') + 1;
+ unsigned long long fileend = strtoull(condition.c_str() + dash, NULL, 10);
+ unsigned long long filesize = data.FileSize();
+ if ((fileend == 0 || (fileend == filesize && fileend >= filestart)) &&
+ validrange == true)
+ {
+ if (filesize > filestart)
+ {
+ data.Skip(filestart);
+ std::ostringstream contentlength;
+ contentlength << "Content-Length: " << (filesize - filestart);
+ headers.push_back(contentlength.str());
+ std::ostringstream contentrange;
+ contentrange << "Content-Range: bytes " << filestart << "-"
+ << filesize - 1 << "/" << filesize;
+ headers.push_back(contentrange.str());
+ sendHead(client, 206, headers);
+ if (sendContent == true)
+ sendFile(client, data);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ headers.push_back("Content-Length: 0");
+ std::ostringstream contentrange;
+ contentrange << "Content-Range: bytes */" << filesize;
+ headers.push_back(contentrange.str());
+ sendHead(client, 416, headers);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ addFileHeaders(headers, data);
+ sendHead(client, 200, headers);
+ if (sendContent == true)
+ sendFile(client, data);
+ }
+ else if (DirectoryExists(filename) == true)
+ {
+ if (filename[filename.length()-1] == '/')
+ sendDirectoryListing(client, filename, *m, sendContent);
+ else
+ sendRedirect(client, 301, filename.append("/"), *m, sendContent);
+ }
+ else
+ sendError(client, 404, *m, sendContent);
+ }
+ _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr);
+ messages.clear();
+ if (closeConnection == true)
+ break;
+ }
+ close(client);
+ std::clog << "CLOSE client " << client << std::endl;
+ return NULL;
+ /*}}}*/
int main(int const argc, const char * argv[])
CommandLine::Args Args[] = {
// create socket, bind and listen to it {{{
// ignore SIGPIPE, this can happen on write() if the socket closes connection
+ // we don't care for our slaves, so ignore their death
+ signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);
int sock = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if(sock < 0)
std::clog << "Serving ANY file on port: " << port << std::endl;
- listen(sock, 1);
+ int const slaves = _config->FindB("aptwebserver::slaves", SOMAXCONN);
+ listen(sock, slaves);
_config->CndSet("aptwebserver::response-header::Server", "APT webserver");
_config->CndSet("aptwebserver::response-header::Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
_config->CndSet("aptwebserver::directoryindex", "index.html");
- std::vector<std::string> messages;
- int client;
- while ((client = accept(sock, NULL, NULL)) != -1)
- {
- std::clog << "ACCEPT client " << client
- << " on socket " << sock << std::endl;
+ std::list<int> accepted_clients;
- while (ReadMessages(client, messages))
+ while (true)
+ {
+ int client = accept(sock, NULL, NULL);
+ if (client == -1)
- bool closeConnection = false;
- for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator m = messages.begin();
- m != messages.end() && closeConnection == false; ++m) {
- std::clog << ">>> REQUEST >>>>" << std::endl << *m
- << std::endl << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" << std::endl;
- std::list<std::string> headers;
- std::string filename;
- bool sendContent = true;
- if (parseFirstLine(client, *m, filename, sendContent, closeConnection) == false)
- continue;
- // special webserver command request
- if (filename.length() > 1 && filename[0] == '_')
- {
- std::vector<std::string> parts = VectorizeString(filename, '/');
- if (parts[0] == "_config")
- {
- handleOnTheFlyReconfiguration(client, *m, parts);
- continue;
- }
- }
- // string replacements in the requested filename
- ::Configuration::Item const *Replaces = _config->Tree("aptwebserver::redirect::replace");
- if (Replaces != NULL)
- {
- std::string redirect = "/" + filename;
- for (::Configuration::Item *I = Replaces->Child; I != NULL; I = I->Next)
- redirect = SubstVar(redirect, I->Tag, I->Value);
- redirect.erase(0,1);
- if (redirect != filename)
- {
- sendRedirect(client, 301, redirect, *m, sendContent);
- continue;
- }
- }
- ::Configuration::Item const *Overwrite = _config->Tree("aptwebserver::overwrite");
- if (Overwrite != NULL)
- {
- for (::Configuration::Item *I = Overwrite->Child; I != NULL; I = I->Next)
- {
- regex_t *pattern = new regex_t;
- int const res = regcomp(pattern, I->Tag.c_str(), REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE | REG_NOSUB);
- if (res != 0)
- {
- char error[300];
- regerror(res, pattern, error, sizeof(error));
- sendError(client, 500, *m, sendContent, error);
- continue;
- }
- if (regexec(pattern, filename.c_str(), 0, 0, 0) == 0)
- {
- filename = _config->Find("aptwebserver::overwrite::" + I->Tag + "::filename", filename);
- if (filename[0] == '/')
- filename.erase(0,1);
- regfree(pattern);
- break;
- }
- regfree(pattern);
- }
- }
- // deal with the request
- if (RealFileExists(filename) == true)
- {
- FileFd data(filename, FileFd::ReadOnly);
- std::string condition = LookupTag(*m, "If-Modified-Since", "");
- if (condition.empty() == false)
- {
- time_t cache;
- if (RFC1123StrToTime(condition.c_str(), cache) == true &&
- cache >= data.ModificationTime())
- {
- sendHead(client, 304, headers);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::support::range", true) == true)
- condition = LookupTag(*m, "Range", "");
- else
- condition.clear();
- if (condition.empty() == false && strncmp(condition.c_str(), "bytes=", 6) == 0)
- {
- time_t cache;
- std::string ifrange;
- if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::support::if-range", true) == true)
- ifrange = LookupTag(*m, "If-Range", "");
- bool validrange = (ifrange.empty() == true ||
- (RFC1123StrToTime(ifrange.c_str(), cache) == true &&
- cache <= data.ModificationTime()));
- // FIXME: support multiple byte-ranges (APT clients do not do this)
- if (condition.find(',') == std::string::npos)
- {
- size_t start = 6;
- unsigned long long filestart = strtoull(condition.c_str() + start, NULL, 10);
- // FIXME: no support for last-byte-pos being not the end of the file (APT clients do not do this)
- size_t dash = condition.find('-') + 1;
- unsigned long long fileend = strtoull(condition.c_str() + dash, NULL, 10);
- unsigned long long filesize = data.FileSize();
- if ((fileend == 0 || (fileend == filesize && fileend >= filestart)) &&
- validrange == true)
- {
- if (filesize > filestart)
- {
- data.Skip(filestart);
- std::ostringstream contentlength;
- contentlength << "Content-Length: " << (filesize - filestart);
- headers.push_back(contentlength.str());
- std::ostringstream contentrange;
- contentrange << "Content-Range: bytes " << filestart << "-"
- << filesize - 1 << "/" << filesize;
- headers.push_back(contentrange.str());
- sendHead(client, 206, headers);
- if (sendContent == true)
- sendFile(client, data);
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- headers.push_back("Content-Length: 0");
- std::ostringstream contentrange;
- contentrange << "Content-Range: bytes */" << filesize;
- headers.push_back(contentrange.str());
- sendHead(client, 416, headers);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ if (errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ _error->Errno("accept", "Couldn't accept client on socket %d", sock);
+ _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr);
+ return 6;
+ }
- addFileHeaders(headers, data);
- sendHead(client, 200, headers);
- if (sendContent == true)
- sendFile(client, data);
- }
- else if (DirectoryExists(filename) == true)
- {
- if (filename[filename.length()-1] == '/')
- sendDirectoryListing(client, filename, *m, sendContent);
- else
- sendRedirect(client, 301, filename.append("/"), *m, sendContent);
- }
- else
- sendError(client, 404, *m, sendContent);
- }
+ pthread_attr_t attr;
+ if (pthread_attr_init(&attr) != 0 || pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED) != 0)
+ {
+ _error->Errno("pthread_attr", "Couldn't set detach attribute for a fresh thread to handle client %d on socket %d", client, sock);
- messages.clear();
- if (closeConnection == true)
- break;
+ close(client);
+ continue;
- std::clog << "CLOSE client " << client
- << " on socket " << sock << std::endl;
- close(client);
+ pthread_t tid;
+ // thats rather dirty, but we need to store the client socket somewhere safe
+ accepted_clients.push_front(client);
+ if (pthread_create(&tid, &attr, &handleClient, &(*accepted_clients.begin())) != 0)
+ {
+ _error->Errno("pthread_create", "Couldn't create a fresh thread to handle client %d on socket %d", client, sock);
+ _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr);
+ close(client);
+ continue;
+ }