- select_ret = select(max(master, _dpkgin)+1, &rfds, NULL, &rfds, &tv);
- if (select_ret < 0)
- std::cerr << "Error in select()" << std::endl;
- else if (select_ret == 0)
- continue;
- DoStdin(master);
- DoTerminalPty(master, term_out);
- //DoDpkgStatusFd();
- int len = read(_dpkgin, buf, 1);
- // nothing to read from dpkg , wait a bit for more
- if(len <= 0)
- {
- usleep(1000);
- continue;
- }
- // sanity check (should never happen)
- if(strlen(line) >= sizeof(line)-10)
- {
- _error->Error("got a overlong line from dpkg: '%s'",line);
- line[0]=0;
- }
- // append to line, check if we got a complete line
- strcat(line, buf);
- if(buf[0] != '\n')
- continue;
- if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting",false) == true)
- std::clog << "got from dpkg '" << line << "'" << std::endl;
- // the status we output
- ostringstream status;
- /* dpkg sends strings like this:
- 'status: <pkg>: <pkg qstate>'
- errors look like this:
- 'status: /var/cache/apt/archives/krecipes_0.8.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb : error : trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/krecipes/krectip.png', which is also in package krecipes-data
- and conffile-prompt like this
- 'status: conffile-prompt: conffile : 'current-conffile' 'new-conffile' useredited distedited
- */
- char* list[5];
- // dpkg sends multiline error messages sometimes (see
- // #374195 for a example. we should support this by
- // either patching dpkg to not send multiline over the
- // statusfd or by rewriting the code here to deal with
- // it. for now we just ignore it and not crash
- TokSplitString(':', line, list, sizeof(list)/sizeof(list[0]));
- char *pkg = list[1];
- char *action = _strstrip(list[2]);
- if( pkg == NULL || action == NULL)
- {
- if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting",false) == true)
- std::clog << "ignoring line: not enough ':'" << std::endl;
- // reset the line buffer
- line[0]=0;
- continue;
- }
- if(strncmp(action,"error",strlen("error")) == 0)
- {
- status << "pmerror:" << list[1]
- << ":" << (Done/float(Total)*100.0)
- << ":" << list[3]
- << endl;
- if(OutStatusFd > 0)
- write(OutStatusFd, status.str().c_str(), status.str().size());
- line[0]=0;
- if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting",false) == true)
- std::clog << "send: '" << status.str() << "'" << endl;
- continue;
- }
- if(strncmp(action,"conffile",strlen("conffile")) == 0)
- {
- status << "pmconffile:" << list[1]
- << ":" << (Done/float(Total)*100.0)
- << ":" << list[3]
- << endl;
- if(OutStatusFd > 0)
- write(OutStatusFd, status.str().c_str(), status.str().size());
- line[0]=0;
- if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting",false) == true)
- std::clog << "send: '" << status.str() << "'" << endl;
- continue;
- }
- vector<struct DpkgState> &states = PackageOps[pkg];
- const char *next_action = NULL;
- if(PackageOpsDone[pkg] < states.size())
- next_action = states[PackageOpsDone[pkg]].state;
- // check if the package moved to the next dpkg state
- if(next_action && (strcmp(action, next_action) == 0))
- {
- // only read the translation if there is actually a next
- // action
- const char *translation = _(states[PackageOpsDone[pkg]].str);
- char s[200];
- snprintf(s, sizeof(s), translation, pkg);
- // we moved from one dpkg state to a new one, report that
- PackageOpsDone[pkg]++;
- Done++;
- // build the status str
- status << "pmstatus:" << pkg
- << ":" << (Done/float(Total)*100.0)
- << ":" << s
- << endl;
- if(OutStatusFd > 0)
- write(OutStatusFd, status.str().c_str(), status.str().size());
- if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting",false) == true)
- std::clog << "send: '" << status.str() << "'" << endl;
- }
- if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting",false) == true)
- std::clog << "(parsed from dpkg) pkg: " << pkg
- << " action: " << action << endl;
- // reset the line buffer
- line[0]=0;