+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::support::range", true) == true)
+ condition = LookupTag(*m, "Range", "");
+ else
+ condition.clear();
+ if (condition.empty() == false && strncmp(condition.c_str(), "bytes=", 6) == 0)
+ {
+ time_t cache;
+ std::string ifrange;
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::support::if-range", true) == true)
+ ifrange = LookupTag(*m, "If-Range", "");
+ bool validrange = (ifrange.empty() == true ||
+ (RFC1123StrToTime(ifrange.c_str(), cache) == true &&
+ cache <= data.ModificationTime()));
+ // FIXME: support multiple byte-ranges (APT clients do not do this)
+ if (condition.find(',') == std::string::npos)
+ {
+ size_t start = 6;
+ unsigned long long filestart = strtoull(condition.c_str() + start, NULL, 10);
+ // FIXME: no support for last-byte-pos being not the end of the file (APT clients do not do this)
+ size_t dash = condition.find('-') + 1;
+ unsigned long long fileend = strtoull(condition.c_str() + dash, NULL, 10);
+ unsigned long long filesize = data.FileSize();
+ if ((fileend == 0 || (fileend == filesize && fileend >= filestart)) &&
+ validrange == true)
+ {
+ if (filesize > filestart)
+ {
+ data.Skip(filestart);
+ std::ostringstream contentlength;
+ contentlength << "Content-Length: " << (filesize - filestart);
+ headers.push_back(contentlength.str());
+ std::ostringstream contentrange;
+ contentrange << "Content-Range: bytes " << filestart << "-"
+ << filesize - 1 << "/" << filesize;
+ headers.push_back(contentrange.str());
+ sendHead(client, 206, headers);
+ if (sendContent == true)
+ sendFile(client, data);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ headers.push_back("Content-Length: 0");
+ std::ostringstream contentrange;
+ contentrange << "Content-Range: bytes */" << filesize;
+ headers.push_back(contentrange.str());
+ sendHead(client, 416, headers);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }