msgfail() { echo "${CFAIL}FAIL${CNORMAL}" >&2; }
# enable / disable Debugging
-msginfo() { true; }
-msgdebug() { true; }
-msgninfo() { true; }
-msgndebug() { true; }
-msgdone() { if [ "$1" = "debug" -o "$1" = "info" ]; then true; else echo "${CDONE}DONE${CNORMAL}" >&2; fi }
+if [ $MSGLEVEL -le 0 ]; then
+ msgdie() { true; }
+if [ $MSGLEVEL -le 1 ]; then
+ msgwarn() { true; }
+ msgnwarn() { true; }
+if [ $MSGLEVEL -le 2 ]; then
+ msgmsg() { true; }
+ msgnmsg() { true; }
+if [ $MSGLEVEL -le 3 ]; then
+ msginfo() { true; }
+ msgninfo() { true; }
+if [ $MSGLEVEL -le 4 ]; then
+ msgdebug() { true; }
+ msgndebug() { true; }
+msgdone() {
+ if [ "$1" = "debug" -a $MSGLEVEL -le 4 ] ||
+ [ "$1" = "info" -a $MSGLEVEL -le 3 ] ||
+ [ "$1" = "msg" -a $MSGLEVEL -le 2 ] ||
+ [ "$1" = "warn" -a $MSGLEVEL -le 1 ] ||
+ [ "$1" = "die" -a $MSGLEVEL -le 0 ]; then
+ true;
+ else
+ echo "${CDONE}DONE${CNORMAL}" >&2;
+ fi
runapt() {
msgdebug "Executing: ${CCMD}$*${CDEBUG} "
-buildflataptarchive() {
- msginfo "Build APT archive for ${CCMD}$0${CINFO}…"
+buildsimplenativepackage() {
+ local NAME="$1"
+ local ARCH="$2"
+ local VERSION="$3"
+ local RELEASE="${4:-unstable}"
+ local DEPENDENCIES="$5"
+ local DESCRIPTION="$6"
+ msgndebug "Build package ${CCMD}${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE}${CDEBUG}… "
+ local BUILDDIR=incoming/${NAME}-${VERSION}
+ mkdir -p ${BUILDDIR}/debian/source
+ cd ${BUILDDIR}
+ echo "* most suckless software product ever" > FEATURES
+ test -e debian/copyright || (echo "Copyleft by Joe Sixpack $(date +%Y)" > debian/copyright)
+ test -e debian/changelog || (echo "$NAME ($VERSION) $RELEASE; urgency=low
+ * Initial release
+ -- Joe Sixpack <> $(date -R)" > debian/changelog)
+ test -e debian/control || (echo "Source: $NAME
+Section: admin
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Joe Sixpack <>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7)
+Standards-Version: 3.9.1
+Package: $NAME
+Architecture: $ARCH" > debian/control)
+ test -z "$DEPENDENCIES" || echo "$DEPENDENCIES" >> debian/control
+ if [ -z "$DESCRIPTION" ]; then
+ echo "Description: an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE}
+ If you find such a package installed on your system,
+ YOU did something horribly wrong! They are autogenerated
+ und used only by testcases for APT and surf no other propose…" >> debian/control
+ else
+ echo "Description: $DESCRIPTION" >> debian/control
+ fi
+ test -e debian/compat || (echo "7" > debian/compat)
+ test -e debian/source/format || (echo "3.0 (native)" > debian/source/format)
+ test -e debian/rules || cp /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny debian/rules
+ dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -a$ARCH > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+ cd - > /dev/null
+ rm -rf $BUILDDIR
+ msgdone "debug"
+buildaptarchive() {
+ msgninfo "Build APT archive for ${CCMD}$0${CINFO} based on "
+ if [ -d incoming ]; then
+ buildaptarchivefromincoming $*
+ else
+ buildaptarchivefromfiles $*
+ fi
+createaptftparchiveconfig() {
+ local ARCHS="$(find pool/ -name '*.deb' | grep -oE '_[a-z0-9-]+\.deb$' | sort | uniq | sed -e '/^_all.deb$/ d' -e 's#^_\([a-z0-9-]*\)\.deb$#\1#' | tr '\n' ' ')"
+ echo -n 'Dir {
+ ArchiveDir "' >> ftparchive.conf
+ echo -n $(readlink -f .) >> ftparchive.conf
+ echo -n '";
+ CacheDir "' >> ftparchive.conf
+ echo -n $(readlink -f ..) >> ftparchive.conf
+ echo -n '";
+TreeDefault {
+ Directory "pool/";
+ SrcDirectory "pool/";
+APT {
+ FTPArchive {
+ Release {
+ Origin "joesixpack";
+ Label "apttestcases";
+ Suite "unstable";
+ Description "repository with dummy packages";
+ Architectures "' >> ftparchive.conf
+ echo -n "$ARCHS" >> ftparchive.conf
+ echo 'source";
+ };
+ };
+};' >> ftparchive.conf
+ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ echo -n 'tree "dists/unstable" {
+ Architectures "' >> ftparchive.conf
+ echo -n "$ARCHS" >> ftparchive.conf
+ echo 'source";
+ Sections "main";
+};' >> ftparchive.conf
+ fi
+buildaptftparchivedirectorystructure() {
+ local ARCHS="$(find pool/ -name '*.deb' | grep -oE '_[a-z0-9-]+\.deb$' | sort | uniq | sed -e '/^_all.deb$/ d' -e 's#^_\([a-z0-9-]*\)\.deb$#\1#')"
+ for arch in $ARCHS; do
+ mkdir -p dists/unstable/main/binary-${arch}
+ done
+ mkdir -p dists/unstable/main/source
+ mkdir -p dists/unstable/main/i18n
+buildaptarchivefromincoming() {
+ msginfo "incoming packages…"
+ cd aptarchive
+ [ -e pool ] || ln -s ../incoming pool
+ [ -e ftparchive.conf ] || createaptftparchiveconfig
+ [ -e dists ] || buildaptftparchivedirectorystructure
+ aptftparchive -qq generate ftparchive.conf
+ for dir in $(find ./dists -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d); do
+ aptftparchive -qq release $dir > $dir/Release
+ sed -i -e '/0 Release$/ d' $dir/Release # remove the self reference
+ done
+ cd - > /dev/null
+ msgdone "info"
+buildaptarchivefromfiles() {
+ msginfo "prebuild files…"
cd aptarchive
- APTARCHIVE=$(readlink -f .)
if [ -f Packages ]; then
msgninfo "\tPackages file… "
cat Packages | gzip > Packages.gz
cat Sources | lzma > Sources.lzma
msgdone "info"
+ aptftparchive -qq release . > Release
+ sed -i -e '/0 Release$/ d' Release # remove the self reference
cd ..
- aptftparchive release . > Release
-setupflataptarchive() {
- buildflataptarchive
- APTARCHIVE=$(readlink -f ./aptarchive)
+setupaptarchive() {
+ buildaptarchive
+ local APTARCHIVE=$(readlink -f ./aptarchive)
if [ -f ${APTARCHIVE}/Packages ]; then
msgninfo "\tadd deb sources.list line… "
echo "deb file://$APTARCHIVE /" > rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-archive-deb.list