+ va_start(args,Format);
+ if (End <= Buffer)
+ return End;
+ Did = vsnprintf(Buffer,End - Buffer,Format,args);
+ if (Did < 0 || Buffer + Did > End)
+ return End;
+ return Buffer + Did;
+ /*}}}*/
+// StripEpoch - Remove the version "epoch" from a version string /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+string StripEpoch(const string &VerStr)
+ size_t i = VerStr.find(":");
+ if (i == string::npos)
+ return VerStr;
+ return VerStr.substr(i+1);
+// tolower_ascii - tolower() function that ignores the locale /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* This little function is the most called method we have and tries
+ therefore to do the absolut minimum - and is noteable faster than
+ standard tolower/toupper and as a bonus avoids problems with different
+ locales - we only operate on ascii chars anyway. */
+int tolower_ascii(int const c)
+ if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
+ return c + 32;
+ return c;
+ /*}}}*/
+// CheckDomainList - See if Host is in a , seperate list /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* The domain list is a comma seperate list of domains that are suffix
+ matched against the argument */
+bool CheckDomainList(const string &Host,const string &List)
+ string::const_iterator Start = List.begin();
+ for (string::const_iterator Cur = List.begin(); Cur <= List.end(); ++Cur)
+ {
+ if (Cur < List.end() && *Cur != ',')
+ continue;
+ // Match the end of the string..
+ if ((Host.size() >= (unsigned)(Cur - Start)) &&
+ Cur - Start != 0 &&
+ stringcasecmp(Host.end() - (Cur - Start),Host.end(),Start,Cur) == 0)
+ return true;
+ Start = Cur + 1;
+ }
+ return false;
+ /*}}}*/
+// DeEscapeString - unescape (\0XX and \xXX) from a string /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* */
+string DeEscapeString(const string &input)
+ char tmp[3];
+ string::const_iterator it, escape_start;
+ string output, octal, hex;
+ for (it = input.begin(); it != input.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ // just copy non-escape chars
+ if (*it != '\\')
+ {
+ output += *it;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // deal with double escape
+ if (*it == '\\' &&
+ (it + 1 < input.end()) && it[1] == '\\')
+ {
+ // copy
+ output += *it;
+ // advance iterator one step further
+ ++it;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // ensure we have a char to read
+ if (it + 1 == input.end())
+ continue;
+ // read it
+ ++it;
+ switch (*it)
+ {
+ case '0':
+ if (it + 2 <= input.end()) {
+ tmp[0] = it[1];
+ tmp[1] = it[2];
+ tmp[2] = 0;
+ output += (char)strtol(tmp, 0, 8);
+ it += 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ if (it + 2 <= input.end()) {
+ tmp[0] = it[1];
+ tmp[1] = it[2];
+ tmp[2] = 0;
+ output += (char)strtol(tmp, 0, 16);
+ it += 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ // FIXME: raise exception here?
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return output;
+ /*}}}*/