-// Package file
-class pkgCache::PkgFileIterator
- pkgCache *Owner;
- PackageFile *File;
- public:
- // Iteration
- void operator ++(int) {if (File!= Owner->PkgFileP) File = Owner->PkgFileP + File->NextFile;};
- inline void operator ++() {operator ++(0);};
- inline bool end() const {return File == Owner->PkgFileP?true:false;};
- // Comparison
- inline bool operator ==(const PkgFileIterator &B) const {return File == B.File;};
- inline bool operator !=(const PkgFileIterator &B) const {return File != B.File;};
- // Accessors
- inline PackageFile *operator ->() {return File;};
- inline PackageFile const *operator ->() const {return File;};
- inline PackageFile const &operator *() const {return *File;};
- inline operator PackageFile *() {return File == Owner->PkgFileP?0:File;};
- inline operator PackageFile const *() const {return File == Owner->PkgFileP?0:File;};
- inline const char *FileName() const {return File->FileName == 0?0:Owner->StrP + File->FileName;};
- inline const char *Archive() const {return File->Archive == 0?0:Owner->StrP + File->Archive;};
- inline const char *Component() const {return File->Component == 0?0:Owner->StrP + File->Component;};
- inline const char *Version() const {return File->Version == 0?0:Owner->StrP + File->Version;};
- inline const char *Origin() const {return File->Origin == 0?0:Owner->StrP + File->Origin;};
- inline const char *Label() const {return File->Origin == 0?0:Owner->StrP + File->Label;};
- inline const char *Architecture() const {return File->Origin == 0?0:Owner->StrP + File->Architecture;};
- inline unsigned long Index() const {return File - Owner->PkgFileP;};
- bool IsOk();
- // Constructors
- inline PkgFileIterator(pkgCache &Owner) : Owner(&Owner), File(Owner.PkgFileP + Owner.Head().FileList) {};
- inline PkgFileIterator(pkgCache &Owner,PackageFile *Trg) : Owner(&Owner), File(Trg) {};
+ // Iteration
+ inline DescIterator& operator++() {if (S != Owner->DescP) S = Owner->DescP + S->NextDesc; return *this;}
+ inline DescIterator operator++(int) { DescIterator const tmp(*this); operator++(); return tmp; }
+ // Comparison
+ int CompareDesc(const DescIterator &B) const;
+ // Accessors
+ inline const char *LanguageCode() const {return Owner->StrP + S->language_code;}
+ inline const char *md5() const {return Owner->StrP + S->md5sum;}
+ inline DescFileIterator FileList() const;
+ inline DescIterator() : Iterator<Description, DescIterator>() {}
+ inline DescIterator(pkgCache &Owner,Description *Trg = 0) : Iterator<Description, DescIterator>(Owner, Trg) {
+ if (S == 0)
+ S = Owner.DescP;
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
+// Dependency iterator /*{{{*/
+class pkgCache::DepIterator : public Iterator<Dependency, DepIterator> {
+ enum {DepVer, DepRev} Type;
+ DependencyData * S2;
+ public:
+ inline Dependency* OwnerPointer() const {
+ return (Owner != 0) ? Owner->DepP : 0;
+ }
+ // Iteration
+ DepIterator& operator++();
+ inline DepIterator operator++(int) { DepIterator const tmp(*this); operator++(); return tmp; }
+ // Accessors
+ inline const char *TargetVer() const {return S2->Version == 0?0:Owner->StrP + S2->Version;}
+ inline PkgIterator TargetPkg() const {return PkgIterator(*Owner,Owner->PkgP + S2->Package);}
+ inline PkgIterator SmartTargetPkg() const {PkgIterator R(*Owner,0);SmartTargetPkg(R);return R;}
+ inline VerIterator ParentVer() const {return VerIterator(*Owner,Owner->VerP + S->ParentVer);}
+ inline PkgIterator ParentPkg() const {return PkgIterator(*Owner,Owner->PkgP + Owner->VerP[S->ParentVer].ParentPkg);}
+ inline bool Reverse() const {return Type == DepRev;}
+ bool IsCritical() const APT_PURE;
+ bool IsNegative() const APT_PURE;
+ bool IsIgnorable(PrvIterator const &Prv) const APT_PURE;
+ bool IsIgnorable(PkgIterator const &Pkg) const APT_PURE;
+ /* MultiArch can be translated to SingleArch for an resolver and we did so,
+ by adding dependencies to help the resolver understand the problem, but
+ sometimes it is needed to identify these to ignore them… */
+ inline bool IsMultiArchImplicit() const APT_PURE {
+ return (S2->CompareOp & pkgCache::Dep::MultiArchImplicit) == pkgCache::Dep::MultiArchImplicit;
+ }
+ /* This covers additionally negative dependencies, which aren't arch-specific,
+ but change architecture nonetheless as a Conflicts: foo does applies for all archs */
+ bool IsImplicit() const APT_PURE;
+ bool IsSatisfied(VerIterator const &Ver) const APT_PURE;
+ bool IsSatisfied(PrvIterator const &Prv) const APT_PURE;
+ void GlobOr(DepIterator &Start,DepIterator &End);
+ Version **AllTargets() const;
+ bool SmartTargetPkg(PkgIterator &Result) const;
+ inline const char *CompType() const {return Owner->CompType(S2->CompareOp);}
+ inline const char *DepType() const {return Owner->DepType(S2->Type);}
+ // overrides because we are special
+ struct DependencyProxy
+ {
+ map_stringitem_t &Version;
+ map_pointer_t &Package;
+ map_id_t &ID;
+ unsigned char &Type;
+ unsigned char &CompareOp;
+ map_pointer_t &ParentVer;
+ map_pointer_t &DependencyData;
+ map_pointer_t &NextRevDepends;
+ map_pointer_t &NextDepends;
+ map_pointer_t &NextData;
+ DependencyProxy const * operator->() const { return this; }
+ DependencyProxy * operator->() { return this; }
+ };
+ inline DependencyProxy operator->() const {return (DependencyProxy) { S2->Version, S2->Package, S->ID, S2->Type, S2->CompareOp, S->ParentVer, S->DependencyData, S->NextRevDepends, S->NextDepends, S2->NextData };}
+ inline DependencyProxy operator->() {return (DependencyProxy) { S2->Version, S2->Package, S->ID, S2->Type, S2->CompareOp, S->ParentVer, S->DependencyData, S->NextRevDepends, S->NextDepends, S2->NextData };}
+ void ReMap(void const * const oldMap, void const * const newMap)
+ {
+ Iterator<Dependency, DepIterator>::ReMap(oldMap, newMap);
+ if (Owner == 0 || S == 0 || S2 == 0)
+ return;
+ S2 += (DependencyData const * const)(newMap) - (DependencyData const * const)(oldMap);
+ }
+ //Nice printable representation
+ friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& out, DepIterator D);
+ inline DepIterator(pkgCache &Owner, Dependency *Trg, Version* = 0) :
+ Iterator<Dependency, DepIterator>(Owner, Trg), Type(DepVer), S2(Trg == 0 ? Owner.DepDataP : (Owner.DepDataP + Trg->DependencyData)) {
+ if (S == 0)
+ S = Owner.DepP;
+ }
+ inline DepIterator(pkgCache &Owner, Dependency *Trg, Package*) :
+ Iterator<Dependency, DepIterator>(Owner, Trg), Type(DepRev), S2(Trg == 0 ? Owner.DepDataP : (Owner.DepDataP + Trg->DependencyData)) {
+ if (S == 0)
+ S = Owner.DepP;
+ }
+ inline DepIterator() : Iterator<Dependency, DepIterator>(), Type(DepVer), S2(0) {}
+ /*}}}*/
+// Provides iterator /*{{{*/
+class pkgCache::PrvIterator : public Iterator<Provides, PrvIterator> {
+ enum {PrvVer, PrvPkg} Type;
+ public:
+ inline Provides* OwnerPointer() const {
+ return (Owner != 0) ? Owner->ProvideP : 0;
+ }
+ // Iteration
+ inline PrvIterator& operator ++() {if (S != Owner->ProvideP) S = Owner->ProvideP +
+ (Type == PrvVer?S->NextPkgProv:S->NextProvides); return *this;}
+ inline PrvIterator operator++(int) { PrvIterator const tmp(*this); operator++(); return tmp; }
+ // Accessors
+ inline const char *Name() const {return ParentPkg().Name();}
+ inline const char *ProvideVersion() const {return S->ProvideVersion == 0?0:Owner->StrP + S->ProvideVersion;}
+ inline PkgIterator ParentPkg() const {return PkgIterator(*Owner,Owner->PkgP + S->ParentPkg);}
+ inline VerIterator OwnerVer() const {return VerIterator(*Owner,Owner->VerP + S->Version);}
+ inline PkgIterator OwnerPkg() const {return PkgIterator(*Owner,Owner->PkgP + Owner->VerP[S->Version].ParentPkg);}
+ /* MultiArch can be translated to SingleArch for an resolver and we did so,
+ by adding provides to help the resolver understand the problem, but
+ sometimes it is needed to identify these to ignore them… */
+ bool IsMultiArchImplicit() const APT_PURE
+ { return (S->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::MultiArchImplicit) == pkgCache::Flag::MultiArchImplicit; }
+ inline PrvIterator() : Iterator<Provides, PrvIterator>(), Type(PrvVer) {}
+ inline PrvIterator(pkgCache &Owner, Provides *Trg, Version*) :
+ Iterator<Provides, PrvIterator>(Owner, Trg), Type(PrvVer) {
+ if (S == 0)
+ S = Owner.ProvideP;
+ }
+ inline PrvIterator(pkgCache &Owner, Provides *Trg, Package*) :
+ Iterator<Provides, PrvIterator>(Owner, Trg), Type(PrvPkg) {
+ if (S == 0)
+ S = Owner.ProvideP;
+ }