- if ! command dpkg --assert-multi-arch >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo "DPKG::options:: \"--force-architecture\";" >> aptconfig.conf # Added to test multiarch before dpkg is ready for it…
- fi
- echo 'quiet::NoUpdate "true";' >> aptconfig.conf
- echo 'quiet::NoStatistic "true";' >> aptconfig.conf
- # too distracting for users, but helpful to detect changes
- echo 'Acquire::Progress::Ignore::ShowErrorText "true";' >> aptconfig.conf
- # in testcases, it can appear as if localhost has a rotation setup,
- # hide this as we can't really deal with it properly
- echo 'Acquire::Failure::ShowIP "false";' >> aptconfig.conf
+ {
+ if ! command dpkg --assert-multi-arch >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "DPKG::options:: \"--force-architecture\";" # Added to test multiarch before dpkg is ready for it…
+ fi
+ echo 'quiet "0";'
+ echo 'quiet::NoUpdate "true";'
+ echo 'quiet::NoStatistic "true";'
+ # too distracting for users, but helpful to detect changes
+ echo 'Acquire::Progress::Ignore::ShowErrorText "true";'
+ echo 'Acquire::Progress::Diffpercent "true";'
+ # in testcases, it can appear as if localhost has a rotation setup,
+ # hide this as we can't really deal with it properly
+ echo 'Acquire::Failure::ShowIP "false";'
+ # fakeroot can't fake everything, so disabled in production but good for tests
+ echo 'APT::Sandbox::Verify "true";'
+ } >> aptconfig.conf