-<!ENTITY apt-product-version "">
-<!-- Codenames for debian releases -->
-<!ENTITY oldstable-codename "lenny">
-<!ENTITY stable-codename "squeeze">
-<!ENTITY testing-codename "wheezy">
+<!ENTITY apt-product-version "">
+<!-- (Code)names for various things used all over the place -->
+<!ENTITY oldstable-codename "squeeze">
+<!ENTITY stable-codename "wheezy">
+<!ENTITY testing-codename "jessie">
+<!ENTITY stable-version "7">
+<!ENTITY ubuntu-codename "trusty">
+<!-- good and bad just refers to matching and not matching a pattern…
+ It is not a remark about the specific perl version.
+ There is no way perl could be clasified "good" (or "bad") in any version… -->
+<!ENTITY good-perl "5.10">
+<!ENTITY bad-perl "5.14">