struct MethodConfig;
struct ItemDesc;
friend class Item;
+ friend class pkgAcqMetaBase;
friend class Queue;
typedef std::vector<Item *>::iterator ItemIterator;
virtual ~pkgAcquire();
+ private:
+ APT_HIDDEN void Initialize();
/** \brief Represents a single download source from which an item
CurQ = CurQ->Next;
- virtual ~UriIterator() {};
+ virtual ~UriIterator();
/** \brief Information about the properties of a single acquire method. {{{*/
- /* \brief Destructor, empty currently */
- virtual ~MethodConfig() {};
+ virtual ~MethodConfig();
/** \brief A monitor object for downloads controlled by the pkgAcquire class. {{{
/** \brief Initialize all counters to 0 and the time to the current time. */
- virtual ~pkgAcquireStatus() {};
+ virtual ~pkgAcquireStatus();
/** @} */