testfileequal() {
+ local MSG='Test for correctness of file'
+ if [ "$1" = '--nomsg' ]; then
+ MSG=''
+ shift
+ fi
local FILE="$1"
- msgtest "Test for correctness of file" "$FILE"
+ if [ -n "$MSG" ]; then
+ msgtest "$MSG" "$FILE"
+ fi
if [ -z "$*" ]; then
echo -n "" | checkdiff - $FILE && msgpass || msgfail
} | sort
-### convinience hacks ###
+### convenience hacks ###
mkdir() {
# creating some directories by hand is a tedious task, so make it look simple
if [ "$*" = '-p rootdir/var/lib/apt/lists' ] || [ "$*" = "${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir/var/lib/apt/lists" ] ||