+ FileFd partial(QueueBack->DestFile, FileFd::ReadOnly);
+ Hashes wehave(QueueBack->ExpectedHashes);
+ if (QueueBack->ExpectedHashes.FileSize() == partial.FileSize())
+ {
+ if (wehave.AddFD(partial) &&
+ wehave.GetHashStringList() == QueueBack->ExpectedHashes)
+ {
+ FetchResult Res;
+ Res.Filename = QueueBack->DestFile;
+ Res.ResumePoint = QueueBack->ExpectedHashes.FileSize();
+ URIStart(Res);
+ // move item to the start of the queue as URIDone will
+ // always dequeued the first item in the queue
+ if (Queue != QueueBack)
+ {
+ FetchItem *Prev = Queue;
+ for (; Prev->Next != QueueBack; Prev = Prev->Next)
+ /* look for the previous queue item */;
+ Prev->Next = QueueBack->Next;
+ QueueBack->Next = Queue;
+ Queue = QueueBack;
+ QueueBack = Prev->Next;
+ }
+ Res.TakeHashes(wehave);
+ URIDone(Res);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ RemoveFile("Fetch-Partial", QueueBack->DestFile);
+ }