-/* The complete architecture, consisting of <kernel>-<cpu>. */
-static std::string CompleteArch(std::string const &arch) {
- if (arch.find('-') != std::string::npos) {
- // ensure that only -any- is replaced and not something like company-
- std::string complete = std::string("-").append(arch).append("-");
- complete = SubstVar(complete, "-any-", "-*-");
- complete = complete.substr(1, complete.size()-2);
- return complete;
- }
- else if (arch == "any") return "*-*";
- else return "linux-" + arch;
-PackageArchitectureMatchesSpecification::PackageArchitectureMatchesSpecification(std::string const &pattern, bool const isPattern) :
- literal(pattern), complete(CompleteArch(pattern)), isPattern(isPattern) {
+/* The complete architecture, consisting of <libc>-<kernel>-<cpu>. */
+static std::string CompleteArch(std::string const &arch, bool const isPattern) {
+ auto const found = arch.find('-');
+ if (found != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ // ensure that only -any- is replaced and not something like company-
+ std::string complete = std::string("-").append(arch).append("-");
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ char const * const search = "-any-";
+ auto const search_len = strlen(search) - 2;
+ while((pos = complete.find(search, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
+ complete.replace(pos + 1, search_len, "*");
+ pos += 2;
+ }
+ complete = complete.substr(1, complete.size()-2);
+ if (arch.find('-', found+1) != std::string::npos)
+ // <libc>-<kernel>-<cpu> format
+ return complete;
+ // <kernel>-<cpu> format
+ else if (isPattern)
+ return "*-" + complete;
+ else
+ return "gnu-" + complete;
+ }
+ else if (arch == "any")
+ return "*-*-*";
+ else if (isPattern)
+ return "*-linux-" + arch;
+ else
+ return "gnu-linux-" + arch;
+PackageArchitectureMatchesSpecification::PackageArchitectureMatchesSpecification(std::string const &pattern, bool const pisPattern) :
+ literal(pattern), complete(CompleteArch(pattern, pisPattern)), isPattern(pisPattern) {