#set -e
+# This file understands the following apt configuration variables:
+# "APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists=1"
+# - Do "apt-get update" automatically every n-days (0=disable)
+# "APT::Periodic::Download-Upgradeable-Packages=0",
+# - Do "apt-get upgrade --download-only" every n-days (0=disable)
+# "APT::Periodic::AutocleanInterval"
+# - Do "apt-get autoclean" every n-days (0=disable)
+# "APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade"
+# - Run the "unattended-upgrade" security upgrade script
+# every n-days (0=disabled)
+# Requires the package "unattended-upgrades" and will write
+# a log in /var/log/unattended-upgrades
+# "APT::Archives::MaxAge",
+# - Set maximum allowed age of a cache package file. If a cache
+# package file is older it is deleted (0=disable)
+# "APT::Archives::MaxSize",
+# - Set maximum size of the cache in MB (0=disable). If the cache
+# is bigger, cached package files are deleted until the size
+# requirement is met (the biggest packages will be deleted
+# first).
+# "APT::Archives::MinAge"
+# - Set minimum age of a package file. If a file is younger it
+# will not be deleted (0=disable). Usefull to prevent races
+# and to keep backups of the packages for emergency.
stamp=$(date --date=$(date -r $stamp --iso-8601) +%s)
now=$(date --date=$(date --iso-8601) +%s)
- echo "stamp=$stamp, now=$now, delta=$delta"
+ # intervall is in days,
+ interval=$(($interval*60*60*24))
+ #echo "stampfile: $1"
+ #echo "interval=$interval, now=$now, stamp=$stamp, delta=$delta"
if [ $delta -ge $interval ]; then
return 0
touch $stamp
+# we check here if autoclean was enough sizewise
+ # min-age in days
+ MaxAge=0
+ MinAge=2
+ MaxSize=0
+ CacheDir="var/cache/apt"
+ CacheArchive="archives/"
+ eval $(apt-config shell MaxAge APT::Archives::MaxAge)
+ eval $(apt-config shell MinAge APT::Archives::MinAge)
+ eval $(apt-config shell MaxSize APT::Archives::MaxSize)
+ eval $(apt-config shell Dir Dir)
+ eval $(apt-config shell CacheDir Dir::Cache)
+ eval $(apt-config shell CacheArchive Dir::Cache::archives)
+ # sanity check
+ if [ -z "$CacheDir" -o -z "$CacheArchive" ]; then
+ echo "empty Dir::Cache or Dir::Cache::archives, exiting"
+ exit
+ fi
+ Cache="${Dir%/}/${CacheDir%/}/${CacheArchive%/}/"
+ # check age
+ if [ ! $MaxAge -eq 0 ] && [ ! $MinAge -eq 0 ]; then
+ find $Cache -name "*.deb" \( -mtime +$MaxAge -and -ctime +$MaxAge \) -and -not \( -mtime -$MinAge -or -ctime -$MinAge \) -print0 | xargs -r -0 rm -f
+ elif [ ! $MaxAge -eq 0 ]; then
+ find $Cache -name "*.deb" -ctime +$MaxAge -and -mtime +$MaxAge -print0 | xargs -r -0 rm -f
+ fi
+ # check size
+ if [ ! $MaxSize -eq 0 ]; then
+ # maxSize is in MB
+ MaxSize=$(($MaxSize*1024))
+ #get current time
+ now=$(date --date=$(date --iso-8601) +%s)
+ MinAge=$(($MinAge*24*60*60))
+ # reverse-sort by mtime
+ for file in $(ls -rt $Cache/*.deb 2>/dev/null); do
+ du=$(du -s $Cache)
+ size=${du%%/*}
+ # check if the cache is small enough
+ if [ $size -lt $MaxSize ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ # check for MinAge of the file
+ if [ ! $MinAge -eq 0 ]; then
+ # check both ctime and mtime
+ mtime=$(stat -c %Y $file)
+ ctime=$(stat -c %Z $file)
+ if [ $mtime -gt $ctime ]; then
+ delta=$(($now-$mtime))
+ else
+ delta=$(($now-$ctime))
+ fi
+ #echo "$file ($delta), $MinAge"
+ if [ $delta -le $MinAge ]; then
+ #echo "Skiping $file (delta=$delta)"
+ break
+ fi
+ fi
+ # delete oldest file
+ rm -f $file
+ done
+ fi
+if ! which apt-config >/dev/null; then
+ exit 0
eval $(apt-config shell UpdateInterval APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists DownloadUpgradeableInterval APT::Periodic::Download-Upgradeable-Packages)
-eval $(apt-config shell AutocleanInterval APT::Periodic::Autoclean)
+eval $(apt-config shell AutocleanInterval APT::Periodic::AutocleanInterval)
+eval $(apt-config shell UnattendedUpgradeInterval APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade)
# laptop check, on_ac_power returns:
# 0 (true) System is on mains power
+# check if we can lock the cache and if the cache is clean
+if ! apt-get check -q -q 2>/dev/null; then
+ echo "$0: could not lock the APT cache"
+ exit 1
if check_stamp $UPDATE_STAMP $UpdateInterval; then
if apt-get -qq update 2>/dev/null; then
+ # Could possible test access to '/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket' has well,
+ # but I'm not sure how stable the internal pipe location is defined as
+ # being; so for the moment just 2>/dev/null . --sladen 2007-09-27
if which dbus-send >/dev/null; then
- dbus-send --system / app.apt.dbus.updated boolean:true
+ dbus-send --system / app.apt.dbus.updated boolean:true 2>/dev/null || true
update_stamp $UPDATE_STAMP
+if check_stamp $UPGRADE_STAMP $UnattendedUpgradeInterval; then
+ unattended-upgrade
+ update_stamp $UPGRADE_STAMP
if check_stamp $AUTOCLEAN_STAMP $AutocleanInterval; then
apt-get -qq autoclean
update_stamp $AUTOCLEAN_STAMP
+# check cache size