+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+// DPkgPM::DoStdin - Read stdin and pass to slave pty /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+void pkgDPkgPM::DoStdin(int master)
+ unsigned char input_buf[256] = {0,};
+ ssize_t len = read(0, input_buf, sizeof(input_buf));
+ if (len)
+ write(master, input_buf, len);
+ else
+ stdin_is_dev_null = true;
+ /*}}}*/
+// DPkgPM::DoTerminalPty - Read the terminal pty and write log /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * read the terminal pty and write log
+ */
+void pkgDPkgPM::DoTerminalPty(int master)
+ unsigned char term_buf[1024] = {0,0, };
+ ssize_t len=read(master, term_buf, sizeof(term_buf));
+ if(len == -1 && errno == EIO)
+ {
+ // this happens when the child is about to exit, we
+ // give it time to actually exit, otherwise we run
+ // into a race
+ usleep(500000);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(len <= 0)
+ return;
+ write(1, term_buf, len);
+ if(term_out)
+ fwrite(term_buf, len, sizeof(char), term_out);
+ /*}}}*/
+// DPkgPM::ProcessDpkgStatusBuf /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void pkgDPkgPM::ProcessDpkgStatusLine(int OutStatusFd, char *line)
+ bool const Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting",false);
+ // the status we output
+ ostringstream status;
+ if (Debug == true)
+ std::clog << "got from dpkg '" << line << "'" << std::endl;
+ /* dpkg sends strings like this:
+ 'status: <pkg>: <pkg qstate>'
+ errors look like this:
+ 'status: /var/cache/apt/archives/krecipes_0.8.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb : error : trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/krecipes/krectip.png', which is also in package krecipes-data
+ and conffile-prompt like this
+ 'status: conffile-prompt: conffile : 'current-conffile' 'new-conffile' useredited distedited
+ Newer versions of dpkg sent also:
+ 'processing: install: pkg'
+ 'processing: configure: pkg'
+ 'processing: remove: pkg'
+ 'processing: purge: pkg' - but for apt is it a ignored "unknown" action
+ 'processing: trigproc: trigger'
+ */
+ char* list[5];
+ // dpkg sends multiline error messages sometimes (see
+ // #374195 for a example. we should support this by
+ // either patching dpkg to not send multiline over the
+ // statusfd or by rewriting the code here to deal with
+ // it. for now we just ignore it and not crash
+ TokSplitString(':', line, list, sizeof(list)/sizeof(list[0]));
+ if( list[0] == NULL || list[1] == NULL || list[2] == NULL)
+ {
+ if (Debug == true)
+ std::clog << "ignoring line: not enough ':'" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ const char* const pkg = list[1];
+ const char* action = _strstrip(list[2]);
+ // 'processing' from dpkg looks like
+ // 'processing: action: pkg'
+ if(strncmp(list[0], "processing", strlen("processing")) == 0)
+ {
+ char s[200];
+ const char* const pkg_or_trigger = _strstrip(list[2]);
+ action = _strstrip( list[1]);
+ const std::pair<const char *, const char *> * const iter =
+ std::find_if(PackageProcessingOpsBegin,
+ PackageProcessingOpsEnd,
+ MatchProcessingOp(action));
+ if(iter == PackageProcessingOpsEnd)
+ {
+ if (Debug == true)
+ std::clog << "ignoring unknown action: " << action << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ snprintf(s, sizeof(s), _(iter->second), pkg_or_trigger);
+ status << "pmstatus:" << pkg_or_trigger
+ << ":" << (PackagesDone/float(PackagesTotal)*100.0)
+ << ":" << s
+ << endl;
+ if(OutStatusFd > 0)
+ write(OutStatusFd, status.str().c_str(), status.str().size());
+ if (Debug == true)
+ std::clog << "send: '" << status.str() << "'" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(strncmp(action,"error",strlen("error")) == 0)
+ {
+ status << "pmerror:" << list[1]
+ << ":" << (PackagesDone/float(PackagesTotal)*100.0)
+ << ":" << list[3]
+ << endl;
+ if(OutStatusFd > 0)
+ write(OutStatusFd, status.str().c_str(), status.str().size());
+ if (Debug == true)
+ std::clog << "send: '" << status.str() << "'" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(strncmp(action,"conffile",strlen("conffile")) == 0)
+ {
+ status << "pmconffile:" << list[1]
+ << ":" << (PackagesDone/float(PackagesTotal)*100.0)
+ << ":" << list[3]
+ << endl;
+ if(OutStatusFd > 0)
+ write(OutStatusFd, status.str().c_str(), status.str().size());
+ if (Debug == true)
+ std::clog << "send: '" << status.str() << "'" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ vector<struct DpkgState> const &states = PackageOps[pkg];
+ const char *next_action = NULL;
+ if(PackageOpsDone[pkg] < states.size())
+ next_action = states[PackageOpsDone[pkg]].state;
+ // check if the package moved to the next dpkg state
+ if(next_action && (strcmp(action, next_action) == 0))
+ {
+ // only read the translation if there is actually a next
+ // action
+ const char *translation = _(states[PackageOpsDone[pkg]].str);
+ char s[200];
+ snprintf(s, sizeof(s), translation, pkg);
+ // we moved from one dpkg state to a new one, report that
+ PackageOpsDone[pkg]++;
+ PackagesDone++;
+ // build the status str
+ status << "pmstatus:" << pkg
+ << ":" << (PackagesDone/float(PackagesTotal)*100.0)
+ << ":" << s
+ << endl;
+ if(OutStatusFd > 0)
+ write(OutStatusFd, status.str().c_str(), status.str().size());
+ if (Debug == true)
+ std::clog << "send: '" << status.str() << "'" << endl;
+ }
+ if (Debug == true)
+ std::clog << "(parsed from dpkg) pkg: " << pkg
+ << " action: " << action << endl;
+ /*}}}*/
+// DPkgPM::DoDpkgStatusFd /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void pkgDPkgPM::DoDpkgStatusFd(int statusfd, int OutStatusFd)
+ char *p, *q;
+ int len;
+ len=read(statusfd, &dpkgbuf[dpkgbuf_pos], sizeof(dpkgbuf)-dpkgbuf_pos);
+ dpkgbuf_pos += len;
+ if(len <= 0)
+ return;
+ // process line by line if we have a buffer
+ p = q = dpkgbuf;
+ while((q=(char*)memchr(p, '\n', dpkgbuf+dpkgbuf_pos-p)) != NULL)
+ {
+ *q = 0;
+ ProcessDpkgStatusLine(OutStatusFd, p);
+ p=q+1; // continue with next line
+ }
+ // now move the unprocessed bits (after the final \n that is now a 0x0)
+ // to the start and update dpkgbuf_pos
+ p = (char*)memrchr(dpkgbuf, 0, dpkgbuf_pos);
+ if(p == NULL)
+ return;
+ // we are interessted in the first char *after* 0x0
+ p++;
+ // move the unprocessed tail to the start and update pos
+ memmove(dpkgbuf, p, p-dpkgbuf);
+ dpkgbuf_pos = dpkgbuf+dpkgbuf_pos-p;
+ /*}}}*/
+// DPkgPM::OpenLog /*{{{*/
+bool pkgDPkgPM::OpenLog()
+ string logdir = _config->FindDir("Dir::Log");
+ if(not FileExists(logdir))
+ return _error->Error(_("Directory '%s' missing"), logdir.c_str());
+ string logfile_name = flCombine(logdir,
+ _config->Find("Dir::Log::Terminal"));
+ if (!logfile_name.empty())
+ {
+ term_out = fopen(logfile_name.c_str(),"a");
+ if (term_out == NULL)
+ return _error->WarningE(_("Could not open file '%s'"), logfile_name.c_str());
+ chmod(logfile_name.c_str(), 0600);
+ // output current time
+ char outstr[200];
+ time_t t = time(NULL);
+ struct tm *tmp = localtime(&t);
+ strftime(outstr, sizeof(outstr), "%F %T", tmp);
+ fprintf(term_out, "\nLog started: %s\n", outstr);
+ }
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+// DPkg::CloseLog /*{{{*/
+bool pkgDPkgPM::CloseLog()
+ if(term_out)
+ {
+ char outstr[200];
+ time_t t = time(NULL);
+ struct tm *tmp = localtime(&t);
+ strftime(outstr, sizeof(outstr), "%F %T", tmp);
+ fprintf(term_out, "Log ended: ");
+ fprintf(term_out, "%s", outstr);
+ fprintf(term_out, "\n");
+ fclose(term_out);
+ }
+ term_out = NULL;