+#~ msgid "apt"
+#~ msgstr "apt"
+#~ msgid "16 June 1998"
+#~ msgstr "16 June 1998"
+#~ msgid "Debian"
+#~ msgstr "Debian"
+#~ msgid "NAME"
+#~ msgstr "名前"
+#~ msgid "apt - Advanced Package Tool"
+#~ msgstr "apt - 高度パッケージツール"
+#~ msgid "SYNOPSIS"
+#~ msgstr "書式"
+#~ msgid "B<apt>"
+#~ msgstr "B<apt>"
+#~ msgid "DESCRIPTION"
+#~ msgstr "説明"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "APT is a management system for software packages. For normal day to day "
+#~| "package management there are several frontends available, such as "
+#~| "B<aptitude>(8) for the command line or B<synaptic>(8) for the X Window "
+#~| "System. Some options are only implemented in B<apt-get>(8) though."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For normal day to day package management there are several frontends "
+#~ "available, such as B<aptitude>(8) for the command line or "
+#~ "B<synaptic>(8) for the X Window System. Some options are only "
+#~ "implemented in B<apt-get>(8) though."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "APT はソフトウェアパッケージの管理システムです。日々のパッケージ管理のため"
+#~ "に、コマンドライン用の B<aptitude>(8) や、X Window System 用の "
+#~ "B<synaptic>(8) といった、いくつかのフロントエンドが用意されています。いく"
+#~ "つかのオプションは B<apt-get>(8) にしか実装されていません。"
+#~ msgid "SEE ALSO"
+#~ msgstr "関連項目"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "B<apt-cache>(8), B<apt-get>(8), B<apt.conf>(5), B<sources.list>(5), "
+#~| "B<apt_preferences>(5), B<apt-secure>(8)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<apt>(8), B<apt-cache>(8), B<apt-get>(8), B<apt.conf>(5), B<sources."
+#~ "list>(5), B<apt_preferences>(5), B<apt-secure>(8)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<apt-cache>(8), B<apt-get>(8), B<apt.conf>(5), B<sources.list>(5), "
+#~ "B<apt_preferences>(5), B<apt-secure>(8)"
+#~ msgid "DIAGNOSTICS"
+#~ msgstr "診断メッセージ"
+#~ msgid "apt returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on error."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "apt は正常終了時に 0 を返します。エラー時には十進の 100 を返します。"
+#~ msgid "BUGS"
+#~ msgstr "バグ"
+#~ msgid "This manpage isn't even started."
+#~ msgstr "このマニュアルページは、始まってさえいません。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "See E<lt>http://bugs.debian.org/aptE<gt>. If you wish to report a bug in "
+#~ "B<apt>, please see I</usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt> or the "
+#~ "B<reportbug>(1) command."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "E<lt>http://bugs.debian.org/aptE<gt> をご覧ください。B<apt> のバグを報告す"
+#~ "る場合は、I</usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt> や B<reportbug>(1) コ"
+#~ "マンドをご覧ください。"
+#~ msgid "AUTHOR"
+#~ msgstr "著者"
+#~ msgid "apt was written by the APT team E<lt>apt@packages.debian.orgE<gt>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "apt は APT チーム E<lt>apt@packages.debian.orgE<gt> によって書かれました。"