#include <string>
#include <vector>
-static char const * httpcodeToStr(int const httpcode) /*{{{*/
+static std::string httpcodeToStr(int const httpcode) /*{{{*/
switch (httpcode)
// Informational 1xx
- case 100: return "100 Continue";
- case 101: return "101 Switching Protocols";
+ case 100: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::100", "100 Continue");
+ case 101: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::101", "101 Switching Protocols");
// Successful 2xx
- case 200: return "200 OK";
- case 201: return "201 Created";
- case 202: return "202 Accepted";
- case 203: return "203 Non-Authoritative Information";
- case 204: return "204 No Content";
- case 205: return "205 Reset Content";
- case 206: return "206 Partial Content";
+ case 200: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::200", "200 OK");
+ case 201: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::201", "201 Created");
+ case 202: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::202", "202 Accepted");
+ case 203: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::203", "203 Non-Authoritative Information");
+ case 204: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::204", "204 No Content");
+ case 205: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::205", "205 Reset Content");
+ case 206: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::206", "206 Partial Content");
// Redirections 3xx
- case 300: return "300 Multiple Choices";
- case 301: return "301 Moved Permanently";
- case 302: return "302 Found";
- case 303: return "303 See Other";
- case 304: return "304 Not Modified";
- case 305: return "304 Use Proxy";
- case 307: return "307 Temporary Redirect";
+ case 300: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::300", "300 Multiple Choices");
+ case 301: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::301", "301 Moved Permanently");
+ case 302: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::302", "302 Found");
+ case 303: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::303", "303 See Other");
+ case 304: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::304", "304 Not Modified");
+ case 305: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::305", "305 Use Proxy");
+ case 307: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::307", "307 Temporary Redirect");
// Client errors 4xx
- case 400: return "400 Bad Request";
- case 401: return "401 Unauthorized";
- case 402: return "402 Payment Required";
- case 403: return "403 Forbidden";
- case 404: return "404 Not Found";
- case 405: return "405 Method Not Allowed";
- case 406: return "406 Not Acceptable";
- case 407: return "407 Proxy Authentication Required";
- case 408: return "408 Request Time-out";
- case 409: return "409 Conflict";
- case 410: return "410 Gone";
- case 411: return "411 Length Required";
- case 412: return "412 Precondition Failed";
- case 413: return "413 Request Entity Too Large";
- case 414: return "414 Request-URI Too Large";
- case 415: return "415 Unsupported Media Type";
- case 416: return "416 Requested range not satisfiable";
- case 417: return "417 Expectation Failed";
- case 418: return "418 I'm a teapot";
+ case 400: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::400", "400 Bad Request");
+ case 401: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::401", "401 Unauthorized");
+ case 402: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::402", "402 Payment Required");
+ case 403: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::403", "403 Forbidden");
+ case 404: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::404", "404 Not Found");
+ case 405: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::405", "405 Method Not Allowed");
+ case 406: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::406", "406 Not Acceptable");
+ case 407: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::407", "407 Proxy Authentication Required");
+ case 408: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::408", "408 Request Time-out");
+ case 409: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::409", "409 Conflict");
+ case 410: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::410", "410 Gone");
+ case 411: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::411", "411 Length Required");
+ case 412: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::412", "412 Precondition Failed");
+ case 413: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::413", "413 Request Entity Too Large");
+ case 414: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::414", "414 Request-URI Too Large");
+ case 415: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::415", "415 Unsupported Media Type");
+ case 416: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::416", "416 Requested range not satisfiable");
+ case 417: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::417", "417 Expectation Failed");
+ case 418: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::418", "418 I'm a teapot");
// Server error 5xx
- case 500: return "500 Internal Server Error";
- case 501: return "501 Not Implemented";
- case 502: return "502 Bad Gateway";
- case 503: return "503 Service Unavailable";
- case 504: return "504 Gateway Time-out";
- case 505: return "505 HTTP Version not supported";
- }
- return NULL;
+ case 500: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::500", "500 Internal Server Error");
+ case 501: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::501", "501 Not Implemented");
+ case 502: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::502", "502 Bad Gateway");
+ case 503: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::503", "503 Service Unavailable");
+ case 504: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::504", "504 Gateway Time-out");
+ case 505: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::505", "505 HTTP Version not supported");
+ }
+ return "";
static bool chunkedTransferEncoding(std::list<std::string> const &headers) {
contentlength << "Content-Length: " << data.FileSize();
- std::string lastmodified("Last-Modified: ");
- lastmodified.append(TimeRFC1123(data.ModificationTime()));
- headers.push_back(lastmodified);
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::support::last-modified", true) == true)
+ {
+ std::string lastmodified("Last-Modified: ");
+ lastmodified.append(TimeRFC1123(data.ModificationTime(), false));
+ headers.push_back(lastmodified);
+ }
static void addDataHeaders(std::list<std::string> &headers, std::string &data)/*{{{*/
std::string date("Date: ");
- date.append(TimeRFC1123(time(NULL)));
+ date.append(TimeRFC1123(time(NULL), false));
if (chunkedTransferEncoding(headers) == true)
static void sendError(int const client, int const httpcode, std::string const &request,/*{{{*/
bool const content, std::string const &error, std::list<std::string> &headers)
- std::string response("<html><head><title>");
- response.append(httpcodeToStr(httpcode)).append("</title></head>");
+ std::string response("<!doctype html><html><head><title>");
+ response.append(httpcodeToStr(httpcode)).append("</title><meta charset=\"utf-8\" /></head>");
if (httpcode != 200)
response.append("<p><em>Error</em>: ");
std::string const &request, bool content)
std::list<std::string> headers;
- std::string response("<html><head><title>");
- response.append(httpcodeToStr(httpcode)).append("</title></head>");
+ std::string response("<!doctype html><html><head><title>");
+ response.append(httpcodeToStr(httpcode)).append("</title><meta charset=\"utf-8\" /></head>");
response.append("<p>You should be redirected to <em>").append(uri).append("</em></p>");
response.append("This page is a result of the request: <pre>");
if (strncmp(uri.c_str(), "http://", 7) != 0 && strncmp(uri.c_str(), "https://", 8) != 0)
std::string const host = LookupTag(request, "Host");
- if (host.find(":4433") != std::string::npos)
+ unsigned int const httpsport = _config->FindI("aptwebserver::port::https", 4433);
+ std::string hosthttpsport;
+ strprintf(hosthttpsport, ":%u", httpsport);
+ if (host.find(hosthttpsport) != std::string::npos)
- listing << "<html><head><title>Index of " << dir << "</title>"
+ listing << "<!doctype html><html><head><title>Index of " << dir << "</title><meta charset=\"utf-8\" />"
<< "<style type=\"text/css\"><!-- td {padding: 0.02em 0.5em 0.02em 0.5em;}"
<< "tr:nth-child(even){background-color:#dfdfdf;}"
<< "h1, td:nth-child(3){text-align:center;}"
<< "<td><a href=\"" << namelist[i]->d_name << "\">" << namelist[i]->d_name << "</a></td>"
<< "<td>" << SizeToStr(fs.st_size) << "B</td>";
- listing << "<td>" << TimeRFC1123(fs.st_mtime) << "</td></tr>" << std::endl;
+ listing << "<td>" << TimeRFC1123(fs.st_mtime, true) << "</td></tr>" << std::endl;
listing << "</table></body></html>" << std::endl;
// Proxies require absolute uris, so this is a simple proxy-fake option
std::string const absolute = _config->Find("aptwebserver::request::absolute", "uri,path");
- if (strncmp(host.c_str(), filename.c_str(), host.length()) == 0)
+ if (strncmp(host.c_str(), filename.c_str(), host.length()) == 0 && APT::String::Startswith(filename, "/_config/") == false)
if (absolute.find("uri") == std::string::npos)
sendError(client, 400, request, sendContent, "Request is absoluteURI, but configured to not accept that", headers);
return false;
// strip the host from the request to make it an absolute path
filename.erase(0, host.length());
+ std::string const authConf = _config->Find("aptwebserver::proxy-authorization", "");
+ std::string auth = LookupTag(request, "Proxy-Authorization", "");
+ if (authConf.empty() != auth.empty())
+ {
+ if (auth.empty())
+ sendError(client, 407, request, sendContent, "Proxy requires authentication", headers);
+ else
+ sendError(client, 407, request, sendContent, "Client wants to authenticate to proxy, but proxy doesn't need it", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (authConf.empty() == false)
+ {
+ char const * const basic = "Basic ";
+ if (strncmp(auth.c_str(), basic, strlen(basic)) == 0)
+ {
+ auth.erase(0, strlen(basic));
+ if (auth != authConf)
+ {
+ sendError(client, 407, request, sendContent, "Proxy-Authentication doesn't match", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::list<std::string> headers;
+ headers.push_back("Proxy-Authenticate: Basic");
+ sendError(client, 407, request, sendContent, "Unsupported Proxy-Authentication Scheme", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
- else if (absolute.find("path") == std::string::npos)
+ else if (absolute.find("path") == std::string::npos && APT::String::Startswith(filename, "/_config/") == false)
sendError(client, 400, request, sendContent, "Request is absolutePath, but configured to not accept that", headers);
return false;
+ if (APT::String::Startswith(filename, "/_config/") == false)
+ {
+ std::string const authConf = _config->Find("aptwebserver::authorization", "");
+ std::string auth = LookupTag(request, "Authorization", "");
+ if (authConf.empty() != auth.empty())
+ {
+ if (auth.empty())
+ sendError(client, 401, request, sendContent, "Server requires authentication", headers);
+ else
+ sendError(client, 401, request, sendContent, "Client wants to authenticate to server, but server doesn't need it", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (authConf.empty() == false)
+ {
+ char const * const basic = "Basic ";
+ if (strncmp(auth.c_str(), basic, strlen(basic)) == 0)
+ {
+ auth.erase(0, strlen(basic));
+ if (auth != authConf)
+ {
+ sendError(client, 401, request, sendContent, "Authentication doesn't match", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ headers.push_back("WWW-Authenticate: Basic");
+ sendError(client, 401, request, sendContent, "Unsupported Authentication Scheme", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
size_t paramspos = filename.find('?');
if (paramspos != std::string::npos)
std::vector<std::string> parts, std::list<std::string> &headers)
size_t const pcount = parts.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pcount; ++i)
+ parts[i] = DeQuoteString(parts[i]);
if (pcount == 4 && parts[1] == "set")
_config->Set(parts[2], parts[3]);
int client = *((int*)(voidclient));
std::clog << "ACCEPT client " << client << std::endl;
- std::vector<std::string> messages;
bool closeConnection = false;
- std::list<std::string> headers;
- while (closeConnection == false && ReadMessages(client, messages))
+ while (closeConnection == false)
- // if we announced a closing, do the close
- if (std::find(headers.begin(), headers.end(), std::string("Connection: close")) != headers.end())
+ std::vector<std::string> messages;
+ if (ReadMessages(client, messages) == false)
- headers.clear();
+ std::list<std::string> headers;
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator m = messages.begin();
m != messages.end() && closeConnection == false; ++m) {
+ // if we announced a closing in previous response, do the close now
+ if (std::find(headers.begin(), headers.end(), std::string("Connection: close")) != headers.end())
+ {
+ closeConnection = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ headers.clear();
std::clog << ">>> REQUEST from " << client << " >>>" << std::endl << *m
<< std::endl << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" << std::endl;
std::string filename;
if (redirect != filename)
- sendRedirect(client, 301, redirect, *m, sendContent);
+ sendRedirect(client, _config->FindI("aptwebserver::redirect::httpcode", 301), redirect, *m, sendContent);
// deal with the request
+ unsigned int const httpsport = _config->FindI("aptwebserver::port::https", 4433);
+ std::string hosthttpsport;
+ strprintf(hosthttpsport, ":%u", httpsport);
if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::support::http", true) == false &&
- LookupTag(*m, "Host").find(":4433") == std::string::npos)
+ LookupTag(*m, "Host").find(hosthttpsport) == std::string::npos)
sendError(client, 400, *m, sendContent, "HTTP disabled, all requests must be HTTPS", headers);
if (filesize > filestart)
- std::ostringstream contentlength;
- contentlength << "Content-Length: " << (filesize - filestart);
- headers.push_back(contentlength.str());
+ // make sure to send content-range before conent-length
+ // as regression test for LP: #1445239
std::ostringstream contentrange;
contentrange << "Content-Range: bytes " << filestart << "-"
<< filesize - 1 << "/" << filesize;
+ std::ostringstream contentlength;
+ contentlength << "Content-Length: " << (filesize - filestart);
+ headers.push_back(contentlength.str());
sendHead(client, 206, headers);
if (sendContent == true)
sendFile(client, headers, data);
- std::ostringstream contentrange;
- contentrange << "Content-Range: bytes */" << filesize;
- headers.push_back(contentrange.str());
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::support::content-range", true) == true)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream contentrange;
+ contentrange << "Content-Range: bytes */" << filesize;
+ headers.push_back(contentrange.str());
+ }
sendError(client, 416, *m, sendContent, "", headers);
- break;
+ continue;
sendError(client, 404, *m, sendContent, "", headers);
+ // if we announced a closing in the last response, do the close now
+ if (std::find(headers.begin(), headers.end(), std::string("Connection: close")) != headers.end())
+ closeConnection = true;
+ if (_error->PendingError() == true)
+ break;
- messages.clear();
+ _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr);
std::clog << "CLOSE client " << client << std::endl;
return NULL;
CommandLine::Args Args[] = {
{0, "port", "aptwebserver::port", CommandLine::HasArg},
{0, "request-absolute", "aptwebserver::request::absolute", CommandLine::HasArg},
+ {0, "authorization", "aptwebserver::authorization", CommandLine::HasArg},
+ {0, "proxy-authorization", "aptwebserver::proxy-authorization", CommandLine::HasArg},
return 1;
- int const port = _config->FindI("aptwebserver::port", 8080);
+ int port = _config->FindI("aptwebserver::port", 8080);
// ensure that we accept all connections: v4 or v6
int const iponly = 0;
return 2;
+ if (port == 0)
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_in6 addr;
+ socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(sockaddr_in6);
+ if (getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, &addrlen) != 0)
+ _error->Errno("getsockname", "Could not get chosen port number");
+ else
+ port = ntohs(addr.sin6_port);
+ }
+ std::string const portfilename = _config->Find("aptwebserver::portfile", "");
+ if (portfilename.empty() == false)
+ {
+ FileFd portfile(portfilename, FileFd::WriteOnly | FileFd::Create | FileFd::Empty);
+ std::string portcontent;
+ strprintf(portcontent, "%d", port);
+ portfile.Write(portcontent.c_str(), portcontent.size());
+ portfile.Sync();
+ }
+ _config->Set("aptwebserver::port::http", port);
FileFd pidfile;
if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::fork", false) == true)
std::string pidcontent;
strprintf(pidcontent, "%d", child);
pidfile.Write(pidcontent.c_str(), pidcontent.size());
+ pidfile.Sync();
if (_error->PendingError() == true)
std::clog << "Serving ANY file on port: " << port << std::endl;
- int const slaves = _config->FindB("aptwebserver::slaves", SOMAXCONN);
+ int const slaves = _config->FindI("aptwebserver::slaves", SOMAXCONN);
+ std::cerr << "SLAVES: " << slaves << std::endl;
listen(sock, slaves);