+ /** \brief add a notice message with errno to the list
+ *
+ * \param Function name of the function generating the error
+ * \param Description format string for the error message
+ *
+ * \return \b false
+ */
+ bool NoticeE(const char *Function,const char *Description,...) APT_PRINTF(3) APT_COLD;
+ /** \brief add a debug message with errno to the list
+ *
+ * \param Function name of the function generating the error
+ * \param Description format string for the error message
+ *
+ * \return \b false
+ */
+ bool DebugE(const char *Function,const char *Description,...) APT_PRINTF(3) APT_COLD;
+ /** \brief adds an errno message with the given type
+ *
+ * \param type of the error message
+ * \param Function which failed
+ * \param Description of the error
+ */
+ bool InsertErrno(MsgType const &type, const char* Function,
+ const char* Description,...) APT_PRINTF(4) APT_COLD;
+ /** \brief adds an errno message with the given type
+ *
+ * args needs to be initialized with va_start and terminated
+ * with va_end by the caller. msgSize is also an out-parameter
+ * in case the msgSize was not enough to store the complete message.
+ *
+ * \param type of the error message
+ * \param Function which failed
+ * \param Description is the format string for args
+ * \param args list from a printf-like function
+ * \param errsv is the errno the error is for
+ * \param msgSize is the size of the char[] used to store message
+ * \return true if the message was added, false if not - the caller
+ * should call this method again in that case
+ */
+ bool InsertErrno(MsgType type, const char* Function,
+ const char* Description, va_list &args,
+ int const errsv, size_t &msgSize) APT_COLD;
+ /** \brief add an fatal error message to the list
+ *
+ * Most of the stuff we consider as "error" is also "fatal" for
+ * the user as the application will not have the expected result,
+ * but a fatal message here means that it gets printed directly
+ * to stderr in addiction to adding it to the list as the error
+ * leads sometimes to crashes and a maybe duplicated message
+ * is better than "Segfault" as the only displayed text
+ *
+ * \param Description Format string for the fatal error message.
+ *
+ * \return \b false
+ */
+ bool Fatal(const char *Description,...) APT_PRINTF(2) APT_COLD;
+ /** \brief add an Error message to the list
+ *
+ * \param Description Format string for the error message.
+ *
+ * \return \b false
+ */
+ bool Error(const char *Description,...) APT_PRINTF(2) APT_COLD;
+ /** \brief add a warning message to the list
+ *
+ * A warning should be considered less severe than an error and
+ * may be ignored by the client.
+ *
+ * \param Description Format string for the message
+ *
+ * \return \b false
+ */
+ bool Warning(const char *Description,...) APT_PRINTF(2) APT_COLD;
+ /** \brief add a notice message to the list
+ *
+ * A notice should be considered less severe than an error or a
+ * warning and can be ignored by the client without further problems
+ * for some times, but he should consider fixing the problem.
+ * This error type can be used for e.g. deprecation warnings of options.
+ *
+ * \param Description Format string for the message
+ *
+ * \return \b false
+ */
+ bool Notice(const char *Description,...) APT_PRINTF(2) APT_COLD;
+ /** \brief add a debug message to the list
+ *
+ * \param Description Format string for the message
+ *
+ * \return \b false
+ */
+ bool Debug(const char *Description,...) APT_PRINTF(2) APT_COLD;
+ /** \brief adds an error message with the given type
+ *
+ * \param type of the error message
+ * \param Description of the error
+ */
+ bool Insert(MsgType const &type, const char* Description,...) APT_PRINTF(3) APT_COLD;
+ /** \brief adds an error message with the given type
+ *
+ * args needs to be initialized with va_start and terminated
+ * with va_end by the caller. msgSize is also an out-parameter
+ * in case the msgSize was not enough to store the complete message.
+ *
+ * \param type of the error message
+ * \param Description is the format string for args
+ * \param args list from a printf-like function
+ * \param msgSize is the size of the char[] used to store message
+ * \return true if the message was added, false if not - the caller
+ * should call this method again in that case
+ */
+ bool Insert(MsgType type, const char* Description,
+ va_list &args, size_t &msgSize) APT_COLD;
+ /** \brief is an error in the list?
+ *
+ * \return \b true if an error is included in the list, \b false otherwise
+ */
+ inline bool PendingError() const APT_PURE {return PendingFlag;};
+ /** \brief is the list empty?
+ *
+ * The default checks if the list is empty or contains only notices,
+ * if you want to check if also no notices happened set the parameter
+ * flag to \b false.
+ *
+ * \param threshold minimim level considered
+ *
+ * \return \b true if an the list is empty, \b false otherwise
+ */
+ bool empty(MsgType const &threshold = WARNING) const APT_PURE;
+ /** \brief returns and removes the first (or last) message in the list
+ *
+ * \param[out] Text message of the first/last item
+ *
+ * \return \b true if the message was an error, \b false otherwise
+ */
+ bool PopMessage(std::string &Text);
+ /** \brief clears the list of messages */
+ void Discard();
+ /** \brief outputs the list of messages to the given stream
+ *
+ * Note that all messages are discarded, also the notices
+ * displayed or not.
+ *
+ * \param[out] out output stream to write the messages in
+ * \param threshold minimim level considered
+ * \param mergeStack
+ */
+ void DumpErrors(std::ostream &out, MsgType const &threshold = WARNING,
+ bool const &mergeStack = true);
+ /** \brief dumps the list of messages to std::cerr
+ *
+ * Note that all messages are discarded, also the notices
+ * displayed or not.
+ *
+ * \param threshold minimum level printed
+ */
+ void inline DumpErrors(MsgType const &threshold) {
+ DumpErrors(std::cerr, threshold);
+ }
+ // mvo: we do this instead of using a default parameter in the
+ // previous declaration to avoid a (subtle) API break for
+ // e.g. sigc++ and mem_fun0
+ /** \brief dumps the messages of type WARNING or higher to std::cerr
+ *
+ * Note that all messages are discarded, displayed or not.
+ *
+ */
+ void inline DumpErrors() {
+ DumpErrors(WARNING);
+ }
+ /** \brief put the current Messages into the stack
+ *
+ * All "old" messages will be pushed into a stack to
+ * them later back, but for now the Message query will be
+ * empty and performs as no messages were present before.
+ *
+ * The stack can be as deep as you want - all stack operations
+ * will only operate on the last element in the stack.
+ */
+ void PushToStack();
+ /** \brief throw away all current messages */
+ void RevertToStack();
+ /** \brief merge current and stack together */
+ void MergeWithStack();
+ /** \brief return the deep of the stack */
+ size_t StackCount() const APT_PURE {
+ return Stacks.size();
+ }
+ GlobalError();
+ /*}}}*/
+private: /*{{{*/
+ struct Item {
+ std::string Text;
+ MsgType Type;
+ Item(char const *Text, MsgType const &Type) :
+ Text(Text), Type(Type) {};
+ friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, Item i) {
+ switch(i.Type) {
+ case FATAL:
+ case ERROR: out << "E"; break;
+ case WARNING: out << "W"; break;
+ case NOTICE: out << "N"; break;
+ case DEBUG: out << "D"; break;
+ }
+ return out << ": " << i.Text;
+ }
+ };
+ std::list<Item> Messages;
+ bool PendingFlag;
+ struct MsgStack {
+ std::list<Item> Messages;
+ bool const PendingFlag;
+ MsgStack(std::list<Item> const &Messages, bool const &Pending) :
+ Messages(Messages), PendingFlag(Pending) {};
+ };
+ std::list<MsgStack> Stacks;
+ /*}}}*/