+ std::clog << "201 URI Done: " << Owner->DescURI() << endl
+ << "ReceivedHash:" << endl;
+ for (HashStringList::const_iterator hs = ReceivedHashes.begin(); hs != ReceivedHashes.end(); ++hs)
+ std::clog << "\t- " << hs->toStr() << std::endl;
+ std::clog << "ExpectedHash:" << endl;
+ for (HashStringList::const_iterator hs = ExpectedHashes.begin(); hs != ExpectedHashes.end(); ++hs)
+ std::clog << "\t- " << hs->toStr() << std::endl;
+ std::clog << endl;
+ }
+ // decide if what we got is what we expected
+ bool consideredOkay = false;
+ if (ExpectedHashes.usable())
+ {
+ if (ReceivedHashes.usable() == false)
+ {
+ /* IMS-Hits can't be checked here as we will have uncompressed file,
+ but the hashes for the compressed file. What we have was good through
+ so all we have to ensure later is that we are not stalled. */
+ consideredOkay = isIMSHit;
+ }
+ else if (ReceivedHashes == ExpectedHashes)
+ consideredOkay = true;
+ else
+ consideredOkay = false;
+ }
+ else if (Owner->HashesRequired() == true)
+ consideredOkay = false;
+ else
+ {
+ consideredOkay = true;
+ // even if the hashes aren't usable to declare something secure
+ // we can at least use them to declare it an integrity failure
+ if (ExpectedHashes.empty() == false && ReceivedHashes != ExpectedHashes && _config->Find("Acquire::ForceHash").empty())
+ consideredOkay = false;
+ }
+ if (consideredOkay == true)
+ consideredOkay = Owner->VerifyDone(Message, Config);
+ else // hashsum mismatch
+ Owner->Status = pkgAcquire::Item::StatAuthError;
+ if (consideredOkay == true)
+ {
+ if (isDoomedItem(Owner) == false)
+ Owner->Done(Message, ReceivedHashes, Config);
+ if (Log != nullptr)
+ {
+ if (isIMSHit)
+ Log->IMSHit(Owner->GetItemDesc());
+ else
+ Log->Done(Owner->GetItemDesc());
+ }
+ }