return true;
- // check if we are allowed to install the package (if we haven't already)
- if (P.Mode != ModeInstall || P.InstallVer != P.CandidateVer)
- if (IsInstallOk(Pkg,AutoInst,Depth,FromUser) == false)
- return false;
+ // check if we are allowed to install the package
+ if (IsInstallOk(Pkg,AutoInst,Depth,FromUser) == false)
+ return false;
ActionGroup group(*this);
P.iFlags &= ~AutoKept;
if (FromUser == true) // as always: user is always right
return true;
+ // if we have checked before and it was okay, it will still be okay
+ if (PkgState[Pkg->ID].Mode == ModeInstall &&
+ PkgState[Pkg->ID].InstallVer == PkgState[Pkg->ID].CandidateVer)
+ return true;
// ignore packages with none-M-A:same candidates
VerIterator const CandVer = PkgState[Pkg->ID].CandidateVerIter(*this);
if (unlikely(CandVer.end() == true) || CandVer == Pkg.CurrentVer() ||