- typedef vector<string> StringVector;
- typedef vector<string>::iterator StringVectorIterator;
- map<string, StringVector> Redirected;
- signal(SIGTERM,SigTerm);
- signal(SIGINT,SigTerm);
- Server = 0;
- int FailCounter = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- // We have no commands, wait for some to arrive
- if (Queue == 0)
- {
- if (WaitFd(STDIN_FILENO) == false)
- return 0;
- }
- /* Run messages, we can accept 0 (no message) if we didn't
- do a WaitFd above.. Otherwise the FD is closed. */
- int Result = Run(true);
- if (Result != -1 && (Result != 0 || Queue == 0))
- {
- if(FailReason.empty() == false ||
- _config->FindB("Acquire::http::DependOnSTDIN", true) == true)
- return 100;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- if (Queue == 0)
- continue;
- // Connect to the server
- if (Server == 0 || Server->Comp(Queue->Uri) == false)
- {
- delete Server;
- Server = new ServerState(Queue->Uri,this);
- }
- /* If the server has explicitly said this is the last connection
- then we pre-emptively shut down the pipeline and tear down
- the connection. This will speed up HTTP/1.0 servers a tad
- since we don't have to wait for the close sequence to
- complete */
- if (Server->Persistent == false)
- Server->Close();
- // Reset the pipeline
- if (Server->ServerFd == -1)
- QueueBack = Queue;
- // Connnect to the host
- if (Server->Open() == false)
- {
- Fail(true);
- delete Server;
- Server = 0;
- continue;
- }
- // Fill the pipeline.
- Fetch(0);
- // Fetch the next URL header data from the server.
- switch (Server->RunHeaders())
- {
- case ServerState::RUN_HEADERS_OK:
- break;
- // The header data is bad
- case ServerState::RUN_HEADERS_PARSE_ERROR:
- {
- _error->Error(_("Bad header data"));
- Fail(true);
- RotateDNS();
- continue;
- }
- // The server closed a connection during the header get..
- default:
- case ServerState::RUN_HEADERS_IO_ERROR:
- {
- FailCounter++;
- _error->Discard();
- Server->Close();
- Server->Pipeline = false;
- if (FailCounter >= 2)
- {
- Fail(_("Connection failed"),true);
- FailCounter = 0;
- }
- RotateDNS();
- continue;
- }
- };
- // Decide what to do.
- FetchResult Res;
- Res.Filename = Queue->DestFile;
- switch (DealWithHeaders(Res,Server))
- {
- // Ok, the file is Open
- case FILE_IS_OPEN:
- {
- URIStart(Res);
- // Run the data
- bool Result = Server->RunData();
- /* If the server is sending back sizeless responses then fill in
- the size now */
- if (Res.Size == 0)
- Res.Size = File->Size();
- // Close the file, destroy the FD object and timestamp it
- FailFd = -1;
- delete File;
- File = 0;
- // Timestamp
- struct utimbuf UBuf;
- time(&UBuf.actime);
- UBuf.actime = Server->Date;
- UBuf.modtime = Server->Date;
- utime(Queue->DestFile.c_str(),&UBuf);
- // Send status to APT
- if (Result == true)
- {
- Res.TakeHashes(*Server->In.Hash);
- URIDone(Res);
- }
- else
- {
- if (Server->ServerFd == -1)
- {
- FailCounter++;
- _error->Discard();
- Server->Close();
- if (FailCounter >= 2)
- {
- Fail(_("Connection failed"),true);
- FailCounter = 0;
- }
- QueueBack = Queue;
- }
- else
- Fail(true);
- }
- break;
- }
- // IMS hit
- case IMS_HIT:
- {
- URIDone(Res);
- break;
- }
- // Hard server error, not found or something
- {
- Fail();
- break;
- }
- // Hard internal error, kill the connection and fail
- {
- delete File;
- File = 0;
- Fail();
- RotateDNS();
- Server->Close();
- break;
- }