+template<class Container> class VersionContainer : public VersionContainerInterface {/*{{{*/
+/** \class APT::VersionContainer
+ Simple wrapper around a container class like std::set to provide a similar
+ interface to a set of versions as to the complete set of all versions in the
+ pkgCache. */
+ Container _cont;
+public: /*{{{*/
+ typedef Container_const_iterator<VersionContainerInterface, Container, VersionContainer> const_iterator;
+ typedef Container_iterator<VersionContainerInterface, Container, VersionContainer> iterator;
+ typedef Container_const_reverse_iterator<VersionContainerInterface, Container, VersionContainer> const_reverse_iterator;
+ typedef Container_reverse_iterator<VersionContainerInterface, Container, VersionContainer> reverse_iterator;
+ typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename Container::pointer pointer;
+ typedef typename Container::const_pointer const_pointer;
+ typedef typename Container::reference reference;
+ typedef typename Container::const_reference const_reference;
+ typedef typename Container::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef typename Container::size_type size_type;
+ typedef typename Container::allocator_type allocator_type;
+ bool insert(pkgCache::VerIterator const &V) APT_OVERRIDE { if (V.end() == true) return false; _cont.insert(V); return true; }
+ template<class Cont> void insert(VersionContainer<Cont> const &vercont) { _cont.insert((typename Cont::const_iterator)vercont.begin(), (typename Cont::const_iterator)vercont.end()); }
+ void insert(const_iterator begin, const_iterator end) { _cont.insert(begin, end); }
+ bool empty() const APT_OVERRIDE { return _cont.empty(); }
+ void clear() APT_OVERRIDE { return _cont.clear(); }
+ size_t size() const APT_OVERRIDE { return _cont.size(); }
+#if APT_GCC_VERSION >= 0x409
+ iterator erase( const_iterator pos ) { return iterator(_cont.erase(pos._iter)); }
+ iterator erase( const_iterator first, const_iterator last ) { return iterator(_cont.erase(first._iter, last._iter)); }
+ iterator erase( iterator pos ) { return iterator(_cont.erase(pos._iter)); }
+ iterator erase( iterator first, iterator last ) { return iterator(_cont.erase(first._iter, last._iter)); }
+ const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(_cont.begin()); }
+ const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(_cont.end()); }
+ const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator(_cont.rbegin()); }
+ const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return const_reverse_iterator(_cont.rend()); }
+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
+ const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(_cont.cbegin()); }
+ const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(_cont.cend()); }
+ const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator(_cont.crbegin()); }
+ const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return const_reverse_iterator(_cont.crend()); }
+ iterator begin() { return iterator(_cont.begin()); }
+ iterator end() { return iterator(_cont.end()); }
+ reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(_cont.rbegin()); }
+ reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(_cont.rend()); }
+ const_iterator find(pkgCache::VerIterator const &V) const { return const_iterator(_cont.find(V)); }
+ VersionContainer() : VersionContainerInterface() {}
+ template<typename Itr> VersionContainer(Itr first, Itr last) : VersionContainerInterface(), _cont(first, last) {}
+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
+ VersionContainer(std::initializer_list<value_type> list) : VersionContainerInterface(), _cont(list) {}
+ void push_back(value_type&& P) { _cont.emplace_back(std::move(P)); }
+ template<typename... Args> void emplace_back(Args&&... args) { _cont.emplace_back(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
+ void push_back(const value_type& P) { _cont.push_back(P); }
+ /** \brief sort all included versions with given comparer
+ Some containers are sorted by default, some are not and can't be,
+ but a few like std::vector can be sorted if need be, so this can be
+ specialized in later on. The default is that this will fail though.
+ Specifically, already sorted containers like std::set will return
+ false as well as there is no easy way to check that the given comparer
+ would sort in the same way the set is currently sorted
+ \return \b true if the set was sorted, \b false if not. */
+ template<class Compare> bool sort(Compare /*Comp*/) { return false; }
+ /** \brief returns all versions specified on the commandline
+ Get all versions from the commandline, uses given default version if
+ non specifically requested and executes regex's if needed on names.
+ \param Cache the packages and versions are in
+ \param cmdline Command line the versions should be extracted from
+ \param fallback version specification
+ \param helper responsible for error and message handling */
+ static VersionContainer FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ CacheSetHelper::VerSelector const fallback, CacheSetHelper &helper) {
+ VersionContainer vercon;
+ VersionContainerInterface::FromCommandLine(&vercon, Cache, cmdline, fallback, helper);
+ return vercon;
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ CacheSetHelper::VerSelector const fallback) {
+ CacheSetHelper helper;
+ return FromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline, fallback, helper);
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline) {
+ return FromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline, CacheSetHelper::CANDINST);
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string const &pkg,
+ CacheSetHelper::VerSelector const fallback, CacheSetHelper &helper,
+ bool const /*onlyFromName = false*/) {
+ VersionContainer vercon;
+ VersionContainerInterface::FromString(&vercon, Cache, pkg, fallback, helper);
+ return vercon;
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pkg,
+ CacheSetHelper::VerSelector const fallback) {
+ CacheSetHelper helper;
+ return FromString(Cache, pkg, fallback, helper);
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pkg) {
+ return FromString(Cache, pkg, CacheSetHelper::CANDINST);
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ Version const &fallback, CacheSetHelper &helper) {
+ VersionContainer vercon;
+ VersionContainerInterface::FromCommandLine(&vercon, Cache, cmdline, (CacheSetHelper::VerSelector)fallback, helper);
+ return vercon;
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromCommandLine(pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ Version const &fallback) {
+ CacheSetHelper helper;
+ return FromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline, (CacheSetHelper::VerSelector)fallback, helper);
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string const &pkg,
+ Version const &fallback, CacheSetHelper &helper,
+ bool const /*onlyFromName = false*/) {
+ VersionContainer vercon;
+ VersionContainerInterface::FromString(&vercon, Cache, pkg, (CacheSetHelper::VerSelector)fallback, helper);
+ return vercon;
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromString(pkgCacheFile &Cache, std::string pkg,
+ Version const &fallback) {
+ CacheSetHelper helper;
+ return FromString(Cache, pkg, (CacheSetHelper::VerSelector)fallback, helper);
+ }
+ /** \brief returns all versions specified for the package
+ \param Cache the package and versions are in
+ \param P the package in question
+ \param fallback the version(s) you want to get
+ \param helper the helper used for display and error handling */
+ static VersionContainer FromPackage(pkgCacheFile &Cache, pkgCache::PkgIterator const &P,
+ CacheSetHelper::VerSelector const fallback, CacheSetHelper &helper) {
+ VersionContainer vercon;
+ VersionContainerInterface::FromPackage(&vercon, Cache, P, fallback, helper);
+ return vercon;
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromPackage(pkgCacheFile &Cache, pkgCache::PkgIterator const &P,
+ CacheSetHelper::VerSelector const fallback) {
+ CacheSetHelper helper;
+ return FromPackage(Cache, P, fallback, helper);
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromPackage(pkgCacheFile &Cache, pkgCache::PkgIterator const &P,
+ Version const &fallback, CacheSetHelper &helper) {
+ VersionContainer vercon;
+ VersionContainerInterface::FromPackage(&vercon, Cache, P, (CacheSetHelper::VerSelector)fallback, helper);
+ return vercon;
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromPackage(pkgCacheFile &Cache, pkgCache::PkgIterator const &P,
+ Version const &fallback) {
+ CacheSetHelper helper;
+ return FromPackage(Cache, P, (CacheSetHelper::VerSelector)fallback, helper);
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromPackage(pkgCacheFile &Cache, pkgCache::PkgIterator const &P) {
+ return FromPackage(Cache, P, CacheSetHelper::CANDIDATE);
+ }
+ static std::map<unsigned short, VersionContainer> GroupedFromCommandLine(
+ pkgCacheFile &Cache,
+ const char **cmdline,
+ std::list<Modifier> const &mods,
+ unsigned short const fallback,
+ CacheSetHelper &helper) {
+ std::map<unsigned short, VersionContainer> versets;
+ for (const char **I = cmdline; *I != 0; ++I) {
+ unsigned short modID = fallback;
+ VersionContainer verset;
+ VersionContainerInterface::FromModifierCommandLine(modID, &verset, Cache, *I, mods, helper);
+ versets[modID].insert(verset);
+ }
+ return versets;
+ }
+ static std::map<unsigned short, VersionContainer> GroupedFromCommandLine(
+ pkgCacheFile &Cache, const char **cmdline,
+ std::list<Modifier> const &mods,
+ unsigned short const fallback) {
+ CacheSetHelper helper;
+ return GroupedFromCommandLine(Cache, cmdline,
+ mods, fallback, helper);
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromDependency(pkgCacheFile &Cache, pkgCache::DepIterator const &D,
+ CacheSetHelper::VerSelector const selector, CacheSetHelper &helper) {
+ VersionContainer vercon;
+ VersionContainerInterface::FromDependency(&vercon, Cache, D, selector, helper);
+ return vercon;
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromDependency(pkgCacheFile &Cache, pkgCache::DepIterator const &D,
+ CacheSetHelper::VerSelector const selector) {
+ CacheSetHelper helper;
+ return FromDependency(Cache, D, selector, helper);
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromDependency(pkgCacheFile &Cache, pkgCache::DepIterator const &D,
+ Version const &selector, CacheSetHelper &helper) {
+ VersionContainer vercon;
+ VersionContainerInterface::FromDependency(&vercon, Cache, D, (CacheSetHelper::VerSelector)selector, helper);
+ return vercon;
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromDependency(pkgCacheFile &Cache, pkgCache::DepIterator const &D,
+ Version const &selector) {
+ CacheSetHelper helper;
+ return FromDependency(Cache, D, (CacheSetHelper::VerSelector)selector, helper);
+ }
+ static VersionContainer FromDependency(pkgCacheFile &Cache, pkgCache::DepIterator const &D) {
+ return FromDependency(Cache, D, CacheSetHelper::CANDIDATE);
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
+}; /*}}}*/
+// various specialisations for VersionContainer /*{{{*/
+template<> template<class Cont> void VersionContainer<std::list<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::insert(VersionContainer<Cont> const &vercont) {
+ for (typename VersionContainer<Cont>::const_iterator v = vercont.begin(); v != vercont.end(); ++v)
+ _cont.push_back(*v);
+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
+template<> template<class Cont> void VersionContainer<std::forward_list<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::insert(VersionContainer<Cont> const &vercont) {
+ for (typename VersionContainer<Cont>::const_iterator v = vercont.begin(); v != vercont.end(); ++v)
+ _cont.push_front(*v);
+template<> template<class Cont> void VersionContainer<std::deque<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::insert(VersionContainer<Cont> const &vercont) {
+ for (typename VersionContainer<Cont>::const_iterator v = vercont.begin(); v != vercont.end(); ++v)
+ _cont.push_back(*v);
+template<> template<class Cont> void VersionContainer<std::vector<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::insert(VersionContainer<Cont> const &vercont) {
+ for (typename VersionContainer<Cont>::const_iterator v = vercont.begin(); v != vercont.end(); ++v)
+ _cont.push_back(*v);
+// these are 'inline' as otherwise the linker has problems with seeing these untemplated
+// specializations again and again - but we need to see them, so that library users can use them
+template<> inline bool VersionContainer<std::list<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::insert(pkgCache::VerIterator const &V) {
+ if (V.end() == true)
+ return false;
+ _cont.push_back(V);
+ return true;
+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
+template<> inline bool VersionContainer<std::forward_list<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::insert(pkgCache::VerIterator const &V) {
+ if (V.end() == true)
+ return false;
+ _cont.push_front(V);
+ return true;
+template<> inline bool VersionContainer<std::deque<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::insert(pkgCache::VerIterator const &V) {
+ if (V.end() == true)
+ return false;
+ _cont.push_back(V);
+ return true;
+template<> inline bool VersionContainer<std::vector<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::insert(pkgCache::VerIterator const &V) {
+ if (V.end() == true)
+ return false;
+ _cont.push_back(V);
+ return true;
+template<> inline void VersionContainer<std::list<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::insert(const_iterator begin, const_iterator end) {
+ for (const_iterator v = begin; v != end; ++v)
+ _cont.push_back(*v);
+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
+template<> inline void VersionContainer<std::forward_list<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::insert(const_iterator begin, const_iterator end) {
+ for (const_iterator v = begin; v != end; ++v)
+ _cont.push_front(*v);
+template<> inline void VersionContainer<std::deque<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::insert(const_iterator begin, const_iterator end) {
+ for (const_iterator v = begin; v != end; ++v)
+ _cont.push_back(*v);
+template<> inline void VersionContainer<std::vector<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::insert(const_iterator begin, const_iterator end) {
+ for (const_iterator v = begin; v != end; ++v)
+ _cont.push_back(*v);
+#if APT_GCC_VERSION < 0x409
+template<> inline VersionContainer<std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::iterator VersionContainer<std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::erase(iterator i) {
+ _cont.erase(i._iter);
+ return end();
+template<> inline VersionContainer<std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::iterator VersionContainer<std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
+ _cont.erase(first, last);
+ return end();
+template<> template<class Compare> inline bool VersionContainer<std::vector<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::sort(Compare Comp) {
+ std::sort(_cont.begin(), _cont.end(), Comp);
+ return true;
+template<> template<class Compare> inline bool VersionContainer<std::list<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::sort(Compare Comp) {
+ _cont.sort(Comp);
+ return true;
+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
+template<> template<class Compare> inline bool VersionContainer<std::forward_list<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::sort(Compare Comp) {
+ _cont.sort(Comp);
+ return true;
+template<> template<class Compare> inline bool VersionContainer<std::deque<pkgCache::VerIterator> >::sort(Compare Comp) {
+ std::sort(_cont.begin(), _cont.end(), Comp);
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+typedef VersionContainer<std::set<pkgCache::VerIterator> > VersionSet;
+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
+typedef VersionContainer<std::unordered_set<pkgCache::VerIterator> > VersionUnorderedSet;
+typedef VersionContainer<std::forward_list<pkgCache::VerIterator> > VersionForwardList;
+typedef VersionContainer<std::list<pkgCache::VerIterator> > VersionList;
+typedef VersionContainer<std::deque<pkgCache::VerIterator> > VersionDeque;
+typedef VersionContainer<std::vector<pkgCache::VerIterator> > VersionVector;