+msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted'
+runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 04 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
+runclient 'user:pass@'
+testsuccess grep 'could not connect to localhost ( due to: Host unreachable (4)' client.output
+msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request tll expired'
+runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 06 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
+runclient 'user:pass@'
+testsuccess grep 'could not connect to localhost ( due to: TTL expired (6)' client.output
+msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request service unreachable'
+runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 06 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
+runclient 'user:pass@' 'vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion'
+testsuccess grep 'could not connect to vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion ( due to: Host unreachable (6)' client.output
+msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted onion'
+runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
+runclient 'user:pass@' 'vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion'
+testsuccess grep 'could not connect to vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion ( due to: general SOCKS server failure (1)' client.output
+msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted subdomain'
+runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
+runclient 'user:pass@' 'ftp.vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion'
+testsuccess grep 'could not connect to ftp.vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion ( due to: general SOCKS server failure (1)' client.output
+msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted too short'
+runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
+runclient 'user:pass@' 'wakviie2ienjx6t.onion'
+testsuccess grep 'could not connect to wakviie2ienjx6t.onion ( due to: Invalid hostname: onion service name must be 16 characters long (1)' client.output
+msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted too long'
+runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
+runclient 'user:pass@' 'vwakviie2ienjx6t2.onion'
+testsuccess grep 'could not connect to vwakviie2ienjx6t2.onion ( due to: Invalid hostname: onion service name must be 16 characters long (1)' client.output
+msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted too short subdomain'
+runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
+runclient 'user:pass@' 'a.akviie2ienjx6t.onion'
+testsuccess grep 'could not connect to a.akviie2ienjx6t.onion ( due to: Invalid hostname: onion service name must be 16 characters long (1)' client.output
+msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted too short subdomains'
+runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
+runclient 'user:pass@' 'a.a.viie2ienjx6t.onion'
+testsuccess grep 'could not connect to a.a.viie2ienjx6t.onion ( due to: Invalid hostname: onion service name must be 16 characters long (1)' client.output