ServerState::RunHeadersResult ServerState::RunHeaders(FileFd * const File,
const std::string &Uri)
- State = Header;
+ Reset(false);
Owner->Status(_("Waiting for headers"));
- Major = 0;
- Minor = 0;
- Result = 0;
- TotalFileSize = 0;
- JunkSize = 0;
- StartPos = 0;
- Encoding = Closes;
- HaveContent = false;
- time(&Date);
string Data;
if (Line.empty() == true)
return true;
- string::size_type Pos = Line.find(' ');
- if (Pos == string::npos || Pos+1 > Line.length())
- {
- // Blah, some servers use "connection:closes", evil.
- Pos = Line.find(':');
- if (Pos == string::npos || Pos + 2 > Line.length())
- return _error->Error(_("Bad header line"));
- Pos++;
- }
- // Parse off any trailing spaces between the : and the next word.
- string::size_type Pos2 = Pos;
- while (Pos2 < Line.length() && isspace_ascii(Line[Pos2]) != 0)
- Pos2++;
- string Tag = string(Line,0,Pos);
- string Val = string(Line,Pos2);
- if (stringcasecmp(Tag.c_str(),Tag.c_str()+4,"HTTP") == 0)
+ if (Line.size() > 4 && stringcasecmp(,, "HTTP") == 0)
// Evil servers return no version
if (Line[4] == '/')
return true;
+ // Blah, some servers use "connection:closes", evil.
+ // and some even send empty header fields…
+ string::size_type Pos = Line.find(':');
+ if (Pos == string::npos)
+ return _error->Error(_("Bad header line"));
+ ++Pos;
+ // Parse off any trailing spaces between the : and the next word.
+ string::size_type Pos2 = Pos;
+ while (Pos2 < Line.length() && isspace_ascii(Line[Pos2]) != 0)
+ Pos2++;
+ string const Tag(Line,0,Pos);
+ string const Val(Line,Pos2);
if (stringcasecmp(Tag,"Content-Length:") == 0)
if (Encoding == Closes)
HaveContent = true;
unsigned long long * DownloadSizePtr = &DownloadSize;
- if (Result == 416)
+ if (Result == 416 || (Result >= 300 && Result < 400))
DownloadSizePtr = &JunkSize;
*DownloadSizePtr = strtoull(Val.c_str(), NULL, 10);
if (stringcasecmp(Tag,"Connection:") == 0)
if (stringcasecmp(Val,"close") == 0)
+ {
Persistent = false;
- if (stringcasecmp(Val,"keep-alive") == 0)
+ Pipeline = false;
+ /* Some servers send error pages (as they are dynamically generated)
+ for simplicity via a connection close instead of e.g. chunked,
+ so assuming an always closing server only if we get a file + close */
+ if (Result >= 200 && Result < 300)
+ PipelineAllowed = false;
+ }
+ else if (stringcasecmp(Val,"keep-alive") == 0)
Persistent = true;
return true;
return true;
+ if (stringcasecmp(Tag, "Accept-Ranges:") == 0)
+ {
+ std::string ranges = ',' + Val + ',';
+ ranges.erase(std::remove(ranges.begin(), ranges.end(), ' '), ranges.end());
+ if (ranges.find(",bytes,") == std::string::npos)
+ RangesAllowed = false;
+ return true;
+ }
return true;
return GetHashes()->AddFD(File, StartPos);
+void ServerState::Reset(bool const Everything) /*{{{*/
+ Major = 0; Minor = 0; Result = 0; Code[0] = '\0';
+ TotalFileSize = 0; JunkSize = 0; StartPos = 0;
+ Encoding = Closes; time(&Date); HaveContent = false;
+ State = Header; MaximumSize = 0;
+ if (Everything)
+ {
+ Persistent = false; Pipeline = false; PipelineAllowed = true;
+ RangesAllowed = true;
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
// ServerMethod::DealWithHeaders - Handle the retrieved header data /*{{{*/
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
RemoveFile("server", Queue->DestFile);
Res.IMSHit = true;
Res.LastModified = Queue->LastModified;
+ Res.Size = 0;
return IMS_HIT;
&& Server->Result != 304 // Not Modified
&& Server->Result != 306)) // (Not part of HTTP/1.1, reserved)
- if (Server->Location.empty() == true);
+ if (Server->Location.empty() == true)
+ ;
else if (Server->Location[0] == '/' && Queue->Uri.empty() == false)
URI Uri = Queue->Uri;
NextURI = DeQuoteString(Server->Location);
URI tmpURI = NextURI;
- if (tmpURI.Access == "http" && Binary == "https+http")
+ if (tmpURI.Access.find('+') != std::string::npos)
- tmpURI.Access = "https+http";
- NextURI = tmpURI;
+ _error->Error("Server tried to trick us into using a specific implementation: %s", tmpURI.Access.c_str());
+ if (Server->HaveContent == true)
+ }
+ URI Uri = Queue->Uri;
+ if (Binary.find('+') != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ auto base = Binary.substr(0, Binary.find('+'));
+ if (base != tmpURI.Access)
+ {
+ tmpURI.Access = base + '+' + tmpURI.Access;
+ if (tmpURI.Access == Binary)
+ {
+ std::string tmpAccess = Uri.Access;
+ std::swap(tmpURI.Access, Uri.Access);
+ NextURI = tmpURI;
+ std::swap(tmpURI.Access, Uri.Access);
+ }
+ else
+ NextURI = tmpURI;
+ }
if (Queue->Uri == NextURI)
- URI Uri = Queue->Uri;
+ Uri.Access = Binary;
// same protocol redirects are okay
if (tmpURI.Access == Uri.Access)
// as well as http to https
- else if (Uri.Access == "http" && tmpURI.Access == "https")
+ else if ((Uri.Access == "http" || Uri.Access == "https+http") && tmpURI.Access == "https")
+ else
+ {
+ auto const tmpplus = tmpURI.Access.find('+');
+ if (tmpplus != std::string::npos && tmpURI.Access.substr(tmpplus + 1) == "https")
+ {
+ auto const uriplus = Uri.Access.find('+');
+ if (uriplus == std::string::npos)
+ {
+ if (Uri.Access == tmpURI.Access.substr(0, tmpplus)) // foo -> foo+https
+ }
+ else if (Uri.Access.substr(uriplus + 1) == "http" &&
+ Uri.Access.substr(0, uriplus) == tmpURI.Access.substr(0, tmpplus)) // foo+http -> foo+https
+ }
+ }
+ _error->Error("Redirection from %s to '%s' is forbidden", Uri.Access.c_str(), NextURI.c_str());
/* else pass through for error message */
// the file is completely downloaded, but was not moved
if (Server->HaveContent == true)
- // Send to error page to dev/null
- FileFd DevNull("/dev/null",FileFd::WriteExists);
- Server->RunData(&DevNull);
+ // nuke the sent error page
+ Server->RunDataToDevNull();
+ Server->HaveContent = false;
- Server->HaveContent = false;
Server->StartPos = Server->TotalFileSize;
Server->Result = 200;
failure */
if (Server->Result < 200 || Server->Result >= 300)
- std::string err;
- strprintf(err, "HttpError%u", Server->Result);
- SetFailReason(err);
- _error->Error("%u %s", Server->Result, Server->Code);
+ if (_error->PendingError() == false)
+ {
+ std::string err;
+ strprintf(err, "HttpError%u", Server->Result);
+ SetFailReason(err);
+ _error->Error("%u %s", Server->Result, Server->Code);
+ }
if (Server->HaveContent == true)
// This is some sort of 2xx 'data follows' reply
Res.LastModified = Server->Date;
Res.Size = Server->TotalFileSize;
- // Open the file
- delete File;
- File = new FileFd(Queue->DestFile,FileFd::WriteAny);
- if (_error->PendingError() == true)
- FailFile = Queue->DestFile;
- FailFile.c_str(); // Make sure we don't do a malloc in the signal handler
- FailFd = File->Fd();
- FailTime = Server->Date;
- if (Server->InitHashes(Queue->ExpectedHashes) == false || Server->AddPartialFileToHashes(*File) == false)
- {
- _error->Errno("read",_("Problem hashing file"));
- }
- if (Server->StartPos > 0)
- Res.ResumePoint = Server->StartPos;
- SetNonBlock(File->Fd(),true);
return FILE_IS_OPEN;
if (Result != -1 && (Result != 0 || Queue == 0))
if(FailReason.empty() == false ||
- _config->FindB("Acquire::http::DependOnSTDIN", true) == true)
+ ConfigFindB("DependOnSTDIN", true) == true)
return 100;
return 0;
// Connect to the server
if (Server == 0 || Server->Comp(Queue->Uri) == false)
+ {
Server = CreateServerState(Queue->Uri);
+ setPostfixForMethodNames(::URI(Queue->Uri).Host.c_str());
+ AllowRedirect = ConfigFindB("AllowRedirect", true);
+ PipelineDepth = ConfigFindI("Pipeline-Depth", 10);
+ Debug = DebugEnabled();
+ }
/* If the server has explicitly said this is the last connection
then we pre-emptively shut down the pipeline and tear down
// We need to flush the data, the header is like a 404 w/ error text
+ Server->RunDataToDevNull();
- // Send to content to dev/null
- File = new FileFd("/dev/null",FileFd::WriteExists);
- Server->RunData(File);
- delete File;
- File = 0;
return MaxSizeInQueue;
-ServerMethod::ServerMethod(char const * const Binary, char const * const Ver,unsigned long const Flags) :/*{{{*/
- aptMethod(Binary, Ver, Flags), Server(nullptr), File(NULL), PipelineDepth(10),
+ServerMethod::ServerMethod(std::string &&Binary, char const * const Ver,unsigned long const Flags) :/*{{{*/
+ aptMethod(std::move(Binary), Ver, Flags), Server(nullptr), File(NULL), PipelineDepth(10),
AllowRedirect(false), Debug(false)
+bool ServerMethod::Configuration(std::string Message) /*{{{*/
+ if (aptMethod::Configuration(Message) == false)
+ return false;
+ _config->CndSet("Acquire::tor::Proxy",
+ "socks5h://apt-transport-tor@localhost:9050");
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+bool ServerMethod::AddProxyAuth(URI &Proxy, URI const &Server) const /*{{{*/
+ if (std::find(methodNames.begin(), methodNames.end(), "tor") != methodNames.end() &&
+ Proxy.User == "apt-transport-tor" && Proxy.Password.empty())
+ {
+ std::string pass = Server.Host;
+ pass.erase(std::remove_if(pass.begin(), pass.end(), [](char const c) { return std::isalnum(c) == 0; }), pass.end());
+ if (pass.length() > 255)
+ Proxy.Password = pass.substr(0, 255);
+ else
+ Proxy.Password = std::move(pass);
+ }
+ // FIXME: should we support auth.conf for proxies?
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/