set -e
cd "$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))"
-dpkg-checkbuilddeps -d 'libxml2-utils'
if [ -n "${GBP_BUILD_DIR}" ]; then
echo >&2 'REMEMBER: Change to a valid distribution before release'
+ dpkg-checkbuilddeps -d 'libxml2-utils'
+ sed -n '1,/^$/p' doc/apt.8.xml > "$HEADERBLUEPRINT"
+ find doc -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.xml' | while read FILE; do
+ if ! sed -n '1,/^$/p' "$FILE" | cmp "$HEADERBLUEPRINT" - >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo >&2 "WARNING: Manpage $FILE has not the usual header! (see diff below)"
+ sed -n '1,/^$/p' "$FILE" | diff -u "$HEADERBLUEPRINT" - || true
+ fi
+ done
+ sed -n '1,/^$/p' doc/guide.dbk > "$HEADERBLUEPRINT"
+ find doc -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.dbk' | while read FILE; do
+ if ! sed -n '1,/^$/p' "$FILE" | cmp "$HEADERBLUEPRINT" - >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo >&2 "WARNING: Documentation $FILE has not the usual header (see diff below)!"
+ sed -n '1,/^$/p' "$FILE" | diff -u "$HEADERBLUEPRINT" - || true
+ fi
+ done
# check the manpages with each vendor for vendor-specific errors…
find vendor -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | cut -d'/' -f 2 | while read DISTRO; do
ln -sf ../vendor/${DISTRO}/apt-vendor.ent doc
librarysymbolsfromfile "$2"
+elif [ "$1" = 'travis-ci' ]; then
+ apt-get install -q --no-install-recommends $(sed -n -e '/^Build-Depends: /,/^Build-Depends-Indep: / {p}' debian/control | sed -e 's#([^)]*)##g' -e 's#^Build-Depends\(-Indep\)\?: ##' | tr -d ',')
+ apt-get install -q --no-install-recommends $(sed -n 's#^Depends: .*@, \(.*\)$#\1#p' debian/tests/control | tr -d ',')
+elif [ "$1" = 'coverage' ]; then
+ DIR="${2:-./coverage}"
+ git clean -dfX # remove ignored build artefacts for a clean start
+ make CFLAGS+='--coverage' CXXFLAGS+='--coverage'
+ LCOVRC='--rc geninfo_checksum=1 --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1'
+ mkdir "$DIR"
+ lcov --no-external --directory . --capture --initial --output-file "${DIR}/apt.coverage.init" ${LCOVRC}
+ make test || true
+ ./test/integration/run-tests -q || true
+ lcov --no-external --directory . --capture --output-file "${DIR}/" ${LCOVRC}
+ lcov -a "${DIR}/apt.coverage.init" -a "${DIR}/" -o "${DIR}/" ${LCOVRC}
+ cp "${DIR}/" "${DIR}/apt.coverage.fixed"
+ rewritefile() {
+ file="$1"
+ shift
+ name="$(basename "$file")"
+ while [ -n "$1" ]; do
+ if [ -r "$1/$name" ]; then
+ sed -i "s#$file#$1/$name#" "${DIR}/apt.coverage.fixed"
+ break
+ fi
+ shift
+ done
+ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ echo >&2 "Coverage data captured for unknown file $file"
+ fi
+ }
+ grep 'build/include/' "${DIR}/apt.coverage.fixed" | sed "s#^SF:$(pwd)/##" | while read file; do
+ rewritefile "$file" 'apt-pkg' 'apt-pkg/deb' 'apt-pkg/edsp' 'apt-pkg/contrib' \
+ 'apt-inst' 'apt-inst/deb' 'apt-inst/contrib' 'apt-private'
+ done
+ genhtml --output-directory "${DIR}" "${DIR}/apt.coverage.fixed" ${LCOVRC}
echo >&1 "Usage:\t$0 pre-export
\t$0 post-build
-\t$0 library
-If you use »git buildpackage« you can leave this script alone as it will
+If you use »git buildpackage« you can leave these alone as they will
be run at the right places auto-magically. Otherwise you should use
»pre-export« to update po and pot files as well as version numbering.
»post-build« can be used to run some more or less useful checks later on.
-»library« isn't run automatically but can be useful for maintaining the
-(more or less experimental) symbols files we provide"
+\t$0 library
+\t$0 buildlog filename…
+»library« and »buildlog« aren't run automatically but can be useful for
+maintaining the (more or less experimental) symbols files we provide.
+»library« displays the diff between advertised symbols and the once provided
+by the libraries, while »buildlog« extracts this diff from the buildlogs.
+Both will format the diff properly.
+\t$0 travis-ci
+\t$0 coverage [output-dir]
+»travis-ci« is a shortcut to install all build- as well as test-dependencies
+used by .travis.yml.
+»coverage« does a clean build with the right flags for coverage reporting,
+runs all tests and generates a html report in the end.