- // Returns the size of the total download set
- unsigned long TotalNeeded();
- unsigned long FetchNeeded();
- unsigned long PartialPresent();
- pkgAcquire(pkgAcquireStatus *Log = 0);
+ /** \return the total size in bytes of all the items included in
+ * this download.
+ */
+ unsigned long long TotalNeeded();
+ /** \return the size in bytes of all non-local items included in
+ * this download.
+ */
+ unsigned long long FetchNeeded();
+ /** \return the amount of data to be fetched that is already
+ * present on the filesystem.
+ */
+ unsigned long long PartialPresent();
+ /** \brief Delayed constructor
+ *
+ * \param Progress indicator associated with this download or
+ * \b NULL for none. This object is not owned by the
+ * download process and will not be deleted when the pkgAcquire
+ * object is destroyed. Naturally, it should live for at least as
+ * long as the pkgAcquire object does.
+ * \param Lock defines a lock file that should be acquired to ensure
+ * only one Acquire class is in action at the time or an empty string
+ * if no lock file should be used. If set also all needed directories
+ * will be created.
+ */
+ APT_DEPRECATED bool Setup(pkgAcquireStatus *Progress = NULL, std::string const &Lock = "");
+ void SetLog(pkgAcquireStatus *Progress) { Log = Progress; }
+ /** \brief acquire lock and perform directory setup
+ *
+ * \param Lock defines a lock file that should be acquired to ensure
+ * only one Acquire class is in action at the time or an empty string
+ * if no lock file should be used. If set also all needed directories
+ * will be created and setup.
+ */
+ bool GetLock(std::string const &Lock);
+ /** \brief Construct a new pkgAcquire. */
+ explicit pkgAcquire(pkgAcquireStatus *Log);
+ pkgAcquire();
+ /** \brief Destroy this pkgAcquire object.
+ *
+ * Destroys all queue, method, and item objects associated with
+ * this download.
+ */