- /* We used a cached address record.. Yes this is against the spec but
- the way we have setup our rotating dns suggests that this is more
- sensible */
- if (LastHost != Host)
- {
- Owner->Status("Connecting to %s",Host.c_str());
- // Lookup the host
- hostent *Addr = gethostbyname(Host.c_str());
- if (Addr == 0)
- return _error->Error("Could not resolve '%s'",Host.c_str());
- LastHost = Host;
- LastHostA = *(in_addr *)(Addr->h_addr_list[0]);
- }
- Owner->Status("Connecting to %s (%s)",Host.c_str(),inet_ntoa(LastHostA));
- // Get a socket
- if ((ServerFd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0)
- return _error->Errno("socket","Could not create a socket");
+ // Connect to the remote server
+ if (Connect(Host,Port,"http",80,ServerFd,TimeOut,Owner) == false)
+ return false;