Building dependency tree..."
# pick :amd64
-testequal "$HEADER
+testsuccessequal "$HEADER
Need to get 0 B of source archives.
'file://${APTARCHIVE}/foo_1.0.dsc' foo_1.0.dsc 0 MD5Sum:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
'file://${APTARCHIVE}/foo_1.0.tar.gz' foo_1.0.tar.gz 0 MD5Sum:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" aptget source -q --print-uris foo:amd64
# pick :i386
-testequal "$HEADER
+testsuccessequal "$HEADER
Need to get 0 B of source archives.
'file://${APTARCHIVE}/foo_2.0.dsc' foo_2.0.dsc 0 MD5Sum:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
'file://${APTARCHIVE}/foo_2.0.tar.gz' foo_2.0.tar.gz 0 MD5Sum:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" aptget source -q --print-uris foo:i386
# pick :i386 by release
-testequal "$HEADER
+testsuccessequal "$HEADER
Selected version '0.1' (oldstable) for foo
Need to get 0 B of source archives.
'file://${APTARCHIVE}/foo_0.1.dsc' foo_0.1.dsc 0 MD5Sum:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
'file://${APTARCHIVE}/foo_0.1.tar.gz' foo_0.1.tar.gz 0 MD5Sum:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" aptget source -q --print-uris foo:i386/oldstable
# pick :i386 by version
-testequal "$HEADER
+testsuccessequal "$HEADER
Need to get 0 B of source archives.
'file://${APTARCHIVE}/foo_1.0.dsc' foo_1.0.dsc 0 MD5Sum:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
'file://${APTARCHIVE}/foo_1.0.tar.gz' foo_1.0.tar.gz 0 MD5Sum:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" aptget source -q --print-uris foo:i386=1.0
# error on unknown arch
-testequal "$HEADER
+testfailureequal "$HEADER
E: Can not find a package for architecture 'not-a-available-arch'
E: Unable to find a source package for foo:not-a-available-arch" aptget source -q --print-uris foo:not-a-available-arch
# error on unavailable version for arch
-testequal "$HEADER
-E: Can not find a package 'foo:amd64' with version '2.0' and release ''
+testfailureequal "$HEADER
+E: Can not find a package 'foo:amd64' with version '2.0'
E: Unable to find a source package for foo:amd64=2.0" aptget source -q --print-uris foo:amd64=2.0
-# error on unavailable release for arch
-testequal "$HEADER
-E: Can not find a package 'foo:amd64' with version '' and release 'oldstable'
+# error on unavailable release for arch
+testfailureequal "$HEADER
+E: Can not find a package 'foo:amd64' with release 'oldstable'
E: Unable to find a source package for foo:amd64/oldstable" aptget source -q --print-uris foo:amd64/oldstable