-The mirror list is stored on the primary debian web server (www.debian.org)
-and contains a machine readable list of all known debian mirrors. It's
-format and style mirror the Package file.
-This is the proper host name of the site. It should not be a host within
-debian.org and generally cnames should be avoided here.
-These list any commonly used aliases for the site. This field is used to make
-sure that a site is not added twice.
-This field can either be <em>Push-Primary</> or <em>leaf</>.
-<em>Push-Primary</> are authorized top level mirrors of the archive, all
-other mirrors are leaf.
-The Archive field gives the path(s) to the debian archive. [access]
-specifies the access method and may be one of ftp, http, rsync, nfs, or
-smb. For many of the types it is possible to prefix the path with :###
-indicating that an alternate port should be used. Generally paths
-start with a / and end with a /, rsync is an exception in that the
-first directory component is not a path but a label.
-The WWW field gives the path(s) to the debian web site.
-The WWW field gives the path(s) to the debian CD-ROM images
-The Incoming field gives the path(s) to a mirror of the debian incoming
-The nonUS field gives the path(s) to a mirror of the non-US distribution.
-This is the email address of the maintainer of the mirror.
-Location gives the general geographical region the mirror is in.
-The Sponsor field indicates who owns the mirror and a URL to a web page
-describing the organization.
-General free-form text.
+The configuration file (and the associated fragments directory
+/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/) is described in the apt.conf manpage.
+ <!-- }}} -->
+<!-- The trusted.gpg File {{{ -->
+<!-- ===================================================================== -->
+<sect> The trusted.gpg File (/etc/apt/trusted.gpg)