+ // Get a pointer to start of Description field
+ const unsigned char *DescP = (unsigned char*)strstr((char*)Buffer, "Description:");
+ // Write all but Description
+ if (fwrite(Buffer,1,DescP - Buffer,stdout) < (size_t)(DescP - Buffer))
+ {
+ delete [] Buffer;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Show the right description
+ pkgRecords Recs(*GCache);
+ pkgCache::DescIterator Desc = V.TranslatedDescription();
+ pkgRecords::Parser &P = Recs.Lookup(Desc.FileList());
+ cout << "Description" << ( (strcmp(Desc.LanguageCode(),"") != 0) ? "-" : "" ) << Desc.LanguageCode() << ": " << P.LongDesc();
+ // Find the first field after the description (if there is any)
+ for(DescP++;DescP != &Buffer[V.FileList()->Size];DescP++)
+ {
+ if(*DescP == '\n' && *(DescP+1) != ' ')
+ {
+ // write the rest of the buffer
+ const unsigned char *end=&Buffer[V.FileList()->Size];
+ if (fwrite(DescP,1,end-DescP,stdout) < (size_t)(end-DescP))
+ {
+ delete [] Buffer;
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // write a final newline (after the description)
+ cout<<endl;