foreach(source ${NLS_SCRIPTS})
- string(SUBSTRING ${source} 0 1 init_char)
- string(COMPARE EQUAL ${init_char} "/" is_absolute)
- if (${is_absolute})
- set(file "${source}")
- else()
- set(file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${source}")
- endif()
+ path_join(file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${source}")
file(RELATIVE_PATH relfile ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} ${file})
list(APPEND scripts ${relfile})
list(APPEND abs_scripts ${file})
get_target_property(source_dir ${target} SOURCE_DIR)
get_target_property(sources ${target} SOURCES)
foreach(source ${sources})
- string(SUBSTRING ${source} 0 1 init_char)
- string(COMPARE EQUAL ${init_char} "/" is_absolute)
- if (${is_absolute})
- set(file "${source}")
- else()
- set(file "${source_dir}/${source}")
- endif()
+ path_join(file "${source_dir}" "${source}")
file(RELATIVE_PATH relfile ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} ${file})
set(files ${files} ${relfile})
set(abs_files ${abs_files} ${file})
# build a ${domain.pot}-tmp as a byproduct. The msgfmt command than depend
# on the byproduct while their target depends on the output, so that msgfmt
# does not have to be rerun if nothing in the template changed.
+ #
+ # Make sure the .pot-tmp has no line numbers, to avoid useless rebuilding
+ # of .mo files.
add_custom_command (OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${domain}.pot
- COMMAND msgcomm --more-than=0 --sort-by-file
+ COMMAND msgcomm --more-than=0 --omit-header --sort-by-file --add-location=file
- --output=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${domain}.pot
- COMMAND msgcomm --more-than=0 --omit-header --sort-by-file
+ --output=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${domain}.pot-tmp0
+ COMMAND msgcomm --more-than=0 --sort-by-file
- --output=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${domain}.pot-tmp0
+ --output=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${domain}.pot
COMMAND cmake -E copy_if_different
- COMMAND msgmerge -q --update --backup=none ${translation} ${output}
+ COMMAND msgmerge -q --previous --update --backup=none ${translation} ${output}
DEPENDS nls-${master_name}
add_dependencies(update-po update-po-${langcode})