Diff-Only "false";
Tar-Only "false";
Build-Dep-Automatic "true";
+ Show-User-Simulation-Note "true";
// Keep the list of FDs open (normally apt closes all fds when it
// does a ExecFork)
Keep-Fds {};
+ // control parameters for cron jobs by /etc/cron.daily/apt
+ Periodic
+ {
+ BackupArchiveInterval "0";
+ // - Backup after n-days if archive contents changed.(0=disable)
+ BackupLevel "3";
+ // - Backup level.(0=disable), 1 is invalid.
+ // APT::Archives::MaxAge "0"; (old, deprecated)
+ MaxAge "0"; // (new)
+ // - Set maximum allowed age of a cache package file. If a cache
+ // package file is older it is deleted (0=disable)
+ // APT::Archives::MinAge "2"; (old, deprecated)
+ MinAge "2"; // (new)
+ // - Set minimum age of a package file. If a file is younger it
+ // will not be deleted (0=disable). Usefull to prevent races
+ // and to keep backups of the packages for emergency.
+ // APT::Archives::MaxSize "0"; (old, deprecated)
+ MaxSize "0"; // (new)
+ // - Set maximum size of the cache in MB (0=disable). If the cache
+ // is bigger, cached package files are deleted until the size
+ // requirement is met (the biggest packages will be deleted
+ // first).
+ Update-Package-Lists "0";
+ // - Do "apt-get update" automatically every n-days (0=disable)
+ //
+ Download-Upgradeable-Packages "0";
+ // - Do "apt-get upgrade --download-only" every n-days (0=disable)
+ //
+ Unattended-Upgrade "0";
+ // - Run the "unattended-upgrade" security upgrade script
+ // every n-days (0=disabled)
+ // Requires the package "unattended-upgrades" and will write
+ // a log in /var/log/unattended-upgrades
+ //
+ AutocleanInterval "0";
+ // - Do "apt-get autoclean" every n-days (0=disable)
+ Verbose "0";
+ // - Send report mail to root
+ // 0: no report (or null string)
+ // 1: progress report (actually any string)
+ // 2: + command outputs (remove -qq, remove 2>/dev/null, add -d)
+ // 3: + trace on
+ };
// Options for the downloading routines
Max-Age "86400"; // 1 Day age on index files
No-Store "false"; // Prevent the cache from storing archives
Dl-Limit "7"; // 7Kb/sec maximum download rate
+ User-Agent "Debian APT-HTTP/1.3";
- // HTTPS method configuration:
- // - uses the http proxy config
- // - uses the http cache-control values
- // - uses the http Dl-Limit values
- https
+ // HTTPS method configuration: uses the http
+ // - proxy config
+ // - cache-control values
+ // - Dl-Limit, Timout, ... values
+ // if not set explicit for https
+ //
+ // see /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/apt-https-method-example.conf.gz
+ // for more examples
+ https
Verify-Peer "false";
SslCert "/etc/apt/some.pem";
- CaPath "/etc/ssl/certs";
- Verify-Host" "true";
- AllowRedirect "true";
+ CaPath "/etc/ssl/certs";
+ Verify-Host" "true";
+ AllowRedirect "true";
+ Timeout "120";
+ AllowRedirect "true";
+ // Cache Control. Note these do not work with Squid 2.0.2
+ No-Cache "false";
+ Max-Age "86400"; // 1 Day age on index files
+ No-Store "false"; // Prevent the cache from storing archives
+ Dl-Limit "7"; // 7Kb/sec maximum download rate
+ User-Agent "Debian APT-CURL/1.0";
Options {"--ignore-time-conflict";} // not very useful on a normal system
+ CompressionTypes
+ {
+ bz2 "bzip2";
+ lzma "lzma";
+ gz "gzip";
+ Order { "gz"; "lzma"; "bz2"; };
+ };
// Directory layout
// Location of the cache dir
Cache "var/cache/apt/" {
Archives "archives/";
+ // backup directory created by /etc/cron.daily/apt
+ Backup "backup/";
srcpkgcache "srcpkgcache.bin";
pkgcache "pkgcache.bin";
// Config files
Etc "etc/apt/" {
- SourceList "sources.list";
Main "apt.conf";
- Preferences "preferences";
+ Netrc "auth.conf";
Parts "apt.conf.d/";
+ Preferences "preferences";
+ PreferencesParts "preferences.d";
+ SourceList "sources.list";
+ SourceParts "sources.list.d";
+ VendorList "vendors.list";
+ VendorParts "vendors.list.d";
// Locations of binaries
CheckDir "no";
+ // let apt aggressivly use dpkg triggers
+ NoTriggers "true";
+ NoConfigure "true";
+ ConfigurePending "true";
// Probably don't want to use force-downgrade..
Options {"--force-overwrite";"--force-downgrade";}
// Auto re-mounting of a readonly /usr
Pre-Invoke {"mount -o remount,rw /usr";};
Post-Invoke {"mount -o remount,ro /usr";};
+ Chroot-Directory "/";
// Prevents daemons from getting cwd as something mountable (default)
Run-Directory "/";
// Build options for apt-get source --compile
Build-Options "-b -uc";
pkgProblemResolver "false";
+ pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores "false";
pkgDepCache::AutoInstall "false"; // what packages apt install to satify dependencies
+ pkgDepCache::Marker "false";
pkgAcquire "false";
pkgAcquire::Worker "false";
pkgAcquire::Auth "false";
Acquire::gpgv "false"; // Show the gpgv traffic
aptcdrom "false"; // Show found package files
IdentCdrom "false";
+ acquire::netrc "false"; // netrc parser