-vector <IndexTarget *>* debReleaseIndex::ComputeIndexTargets() const {
- vector <IndexTarget *>* IndexTargets = new vector <IndexTarget *>;
- map<string, vector<debSectionEntry const*> >::const_iterator const src = ArchEntries.find("source");
- if (src != ArchEntries.end()) {
- vector<debSectionEntry const*> const SectionEntries = src->second;
- for (vector<debSectionEntry const*>::const_iterator I = SectionEntries.begin();
- I != SectionEntries.end(); ++I) {
- IndexTarget * Target = new IndexTarget();
- Target->ShortDesc = "Sources";
- Target->MetaKey = SourceIndexURISuffix(Target->ShortDesc.c_str(), (*I)->Section);
- Target->URI = SourceIndexURI(Target->ShortDesc.c_str(), (*I)->Section);
- Target->Description = Info (Target->ShortDesc.c_str(), (*I)->Section);
- IndexTargets->push_back (Target);
- }
- }
- // Only source release
- if (IndexTargets->empty() == false && ArchEntries.size() == 1)
- return IndexTargets;
- std::set<std::string> sections;
- for (map<string, vector<debSectionEntry const*> >::const_iterator a = ArchEntries.begin();
- a != ArchEntries.end(); ++a) {
- if (a->first == "source")
- continue;
- for (vector <const debSectionEntry *>::const_iterator I = a->second.begin();
- I != a->second.end(); ++I) {
- IndexTarget * Target = new IndexTarget();
- Target->ShortDesc = "Packages";
- Target->MetaKey = IndexURISuffix(Target->ShortDesc.c_str(), (*I)->Section, a->first);
- Target->URI = IndexURI(Target->ShortDesc.c_str(), (*I)->Section, a->first);
- Target->Description = Info (Target->ShortDesc.c_str(), (*I)->Section, a->first);
- IndexTargets->push_back (Target);
- sections.insert((*I)->Section);
- }
- }
- std::vector<std::string> lang = APT::Configuration::getLanguages(true);
- std::vector<std::string>::iterator lend = std::remove(lang.begin(), lang.end(), "none");
- if (lend != lang.end())
- lang.erase(lend);
- if (lang.empty() == true)
- return IndexTargets;
- // get the Translation-* files, later we will skip download of non-existent if we have an index
- for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator s = sections.begin();
- s != sections.end(); ++s) {
- for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator l = lang.begin();
- l != lang.end(); ++l) {
- IndexTarget * Target = new OptionalIndexTarget();
- Target->ShortDesc = "Translation-" + *l;
- Target->MetaKey = TranslationIndexURISuffix(l->c_str(), *s);
- Target->URI = TranslationIndexURI(l->c_str(), *s);
- Target->Description = Info (Target->ShortDesc.c_str(), *s);
- IndexTargets->push_back(Target);
- }
- }
- return IndexTargets;
+ // if we have a Valid-Until header in the Release file, use it as default
+ if (StrValidUntil.empty() == false)
+ {
+ if(RFC1123StrToTime(StrValidUntil.c_str(), ValidUntil) == false)
+ {
+ if (ErrorText != NULL)
+ strprintf(*ErrorText, _("Invalid 'Valid-Until' entry in Release file %s"), Filename.c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // get the user settings for this archive and use what expires earlier
+ time_t MaxAge = d->ValidUntilMax;
+ if (MaxAge == 0)
+ {
+ MaxAge = _config->FindI("Acquire::Max-ValidTime", 0);
+ if (Label.empty() == false)
+ MaxAge = _config->FindI(("Acquire::Max-ValidTime::" + Label).c_str(), MaxAge);
+ }
+ time_t MinAge = d->ValidUntilMin;
+ if (MinAge == 0)
+ {
+ MinAge = _config->FindI("Acquire::Min-ValidTime", 0);
+ if (Label.empty() == false)
+ MinAge = _config->FindI(("Acquire::Min-ValidTime::" + Label).c_str(), MinAge);
+ }
+ if (MinAge != 0 && ValidUntil != 0) {
+ time_t const min_date = Date + MinAge;
+ if (ValidUntil < min_date)
+ ValidUntil = min_date;
+ }
+ if (MaxAge != 0) {
+ time_t const max_date = Date + MaxAge;
+ if (ValidUntil == 0 || ValidUntil > max_date)
+ ValidUntil = max_date;
+ }
+ }
+ LoadedSuccessfully = TRI_YES;
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+metaIndex * debReleaseIndex::UnloadedClone() const /*{{{*/
+ if (Trusted == TRI_NO)
+ return new debReleaseIndex(URI, Dist, false);
+ else if (Trusted == TRI_YES)
+ return new debReleaseIndex(URI, Dist, true);
+ else
+ return new debReleaseIndex(URI, Dist);