testsuccess aptkey --fakeroot del DBAC8DAE
testempty aptkey list
- msgtest 'Test key removal with' 'lowercase key ID' #keylength somewher between 8byte and short
+ msgtest 'Test key removal with' 'lowercase key ID' #keylength somewhere between 8byte and short
cp -a keys/joesixpack.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg
testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --fakeroot del d141dbac8dae
msgtest 'Test merge-back of' 'removed duplicate keys'
testsuccess --nomsg aptkey adv --batch --yes --delete-keys DBAC8DAE
testaptkeys 'pub 2048R/528144E2 2011-01-16'
+ cleanplate
+ cp -a keys/joesixpack.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg
+ cp -a keys/testcase-multikey.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/multikey.gpg
+ msgtest 'Test signing a file' 'with a key'
+ echo 'Verify me. This is my signature.' > signature
+ testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --quiet --keyring keys/marvinparanoid.pub --secret-keyring keys/marvinparanoid.sec --readonly \
+ adv --batch --yes --default-key 'Marvin' --armor --detach-sign --sign --output signature.gpg signature
+ msgtest 'Test verify a file' 'with all keys'
+ testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --quiet --readonly verify signature.gpg signature
+ msgtest 'Test verify a file' 'with good keyring'
+ testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --quiet --readonly --keyring keys/testcase-multikey.pub verify signature.gpg signature
+ msgtest 'Test fail verify a file' 'with bad keyring'
+ testfailure --nomsg aptkey --quiet --readonly --keyring keys/joesixpack.pub verify signature.gpg signature
+ msgtest 'Test fail verify a file' 'with non-existing keyring'
+ testfailure --nomsg aptkey --quiet --readonly --keyring keys/does-not-exist.pub verify signature.gpg signature
+ testfailure test -e keys/does-not-exist.pub
+ msgtest 'Test verify a file' 'with good keyid'
+ testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --quiet --readonly --keyid 'Paranoid' verify signature.gpg signature
+ msgtest 'Test fail verify a file' 'with bad keyid'
+ testfailure --nomsg aptkey --quiet --readonly --keyid 'Sixpack' verify signature.gpg signature
+ msgtest 'Test fail verify a file' 'with non-existing keyid'
+ testfailure --nomsg aptkey --quiet --readonly --keyid 'Kalnischkies' verify signature.gpg signature
+ msgtest 'Test verify fails on' 'bad file'
+ echo 'lalalalala' > signature
+ testfailure --nomsg aptkey --quiet --readonly verify signature.gpg signature
setupgpgcommand() {
setupgpgcommand 'gpg2'