+ msgtest 'Check that Sixpack key can be' 'exported'
+ aptkey export 'Sixpack' > aptkey.export
+ aptkey --keyring rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg exportall > aptkey.exportall
+ testsuccess --nomsg cmp aptkey.export aptkey.exportall
+ testsuccess test -s aptkey.export
+ testsuccess test -s aptkey.exportall
+ msgtest 'Execute update again to trigger removal of' 'Rex Expired key'
+ testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --fakeroot update
+ testaptkeys 'pub 2048R/DBAC8DAE 2010-08-18'
+ msgtest "Try to remove a key which exists, but isn't in the" 'forced keyring'
+ testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --fakeroot --keyring rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg del DBAC8DAE
+ testaptkeys 'pub 2048R/DBAC8DAE 2010-08-18'
+ testsuccess aptkey --fakeroot del DBAC8DAE
+ testempty aptkey list
+ msgtest 'Test key removal with' 'lowercase key ID' #keylength somewher between 8byte and short
+ cleanplate
+ cp -a keys/joesixpack.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg
+ testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --fakeroot del d141dbac8dae
+ testempty aptkey list
+ msgtest 'Test key removal with' 'single key in real file'
+ cleanplate
+ cp -a keys/joesixpack.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg
+ testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --fakeroot del DBAC8DAE
+ testempty aptkey list
+ testfailure test -e rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg
+ testsuccess cmp keys/joesixpack.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg~
+ msgtest 'Test key removal with' 'long key ID'
+ cleanplate
+ cp -a keys/joesixpack.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg
+ testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --fakeroot del 5A90D141DBAC8DAE
+ testempty aptkey list
+ testfailure test -e rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg
+ testsuccess cmp keys/joesixpack.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg~
+ msgtest 'Test key removal with' 'fingerprint'
+ cleanplate
+ cp -a keys/joesixpack.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg
+ testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --fakeroot del 34A8E9D18DB320F367E8EAA05A90D141DBAC8DAE
+ testempty aptkey list
+ testfailure test -e rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg
+ testsuccess cmp keys/joesixpack.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg~
+ msgtest 'Test key removal with' 'single key in softlink'
+ cleanplate
+ ln -s $(readlink -f ./keys/joesixpack.pub) rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg
+ testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --fakeroot del DBAC8DAE
+ testempty aptkey list
+ testfailure test -e rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg
+ testsuccess test -L rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg~
+ cleanplate
+ testsuccess aptkey --fakeroot add ./keys/joesixpack.pub
+ testsuccess aptkey --fakeroot add ./keys/marvinparanoid.pub
+ testaptkeys 'pub 2048R/DBAC8DAE 2010-08-18
+pub 2048R/528144E2 2011-01-16'
+ cp -a rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg keys/testcase-multikey.pub # store for reuse
+ msgtest 'Test key removal with' 'multi key in real file'
+ cleanplate
+ cp -a keys/testcase-multikey.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/multikey.gpg
+ testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --fakeroot del DBAC8DAE
+ testaptkeys 'pub 2048R/528144E2 2011-01-16'
+ testsuccess cmp keys/testcase-multikey.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/multikey.gpg~
+ msgtest 'Test key removal with' 'multi key in softlink'
+ cleanplate
+ ln -s $(readlink -f ./keys/testcase-multikey.pub) rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/multikey.gpg
+ testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --fakeroot del DBAC8DAE
+ testaptkeys 'pub 2048R/528144E2 2011-01-16'
+ testsuccess cmp keys/testcase-multikey.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/multikey.gpg~
+ testfailure test -L rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/multikey.gpg
+ testsuccess test -L rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/multikey.gpg~
+ msgtest 'Test key removal with' 'multiple files including key'
+ cleanplate
+ cp -a keys/joesixpack.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg
+ cp -a keys/testcase-multikey.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/multikey.gpg
+ testsuccess --nomsg aptkey --fakeroot del DBAC8DAE
+ testaptkeys 'pub 2048R/528144E2 2011-01-16'
+ testfailure test -e rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg
+ testsuccess cmp keys/joesixpack.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg~
+ testsuccess cmp keys/testcase-multikey.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/multikey.gpg~
+ cleanplate
+ cp -a keys/joesixpack.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg
+ cp -a keys/testcase-multikey.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/multikey.gpg
+ testaptkeys 'pub 2048R/DBAC8DAE 2010-08-18
+pub 2048R/DBAC8DAE 2010-08-18
+pub 2048R/528144E2 2011-01-16'
+ msgtest 'Test merge-back of' 'added keys'
+ testsuccess --nomsg aptkey adv --batch --yes --import keys/rexexpired.pub
+ testaptkeys 'pub 2048R/27CE74F9 2013-07-12 [expired: 2013-07-13]
+pub 2048R/DBAC8DAE 2010-08-18
+pub 2048R/DBAC8DAE 2010-08-18
+pub 2048R/528144E2 2011-01-16'