+ /** If \b true, debugging output will be sent to std::clog. */
+ bool Debug;
+ /** \brief The raw text values of messages received from the
+ * worker, in sequence.
+ */
+ std::vector<std::string> MessageQueue;
+ /** \brief Buffers pending writes to the subprocess.
+ *
+ * \todo Wouldn't a std::dequeue be more appropriate?
+ */
+ std::string OutQueue;
+ /** \brief Common code for the constructor.
+ *
+ * Initializes NextQueue and NextAcquire to NULL; Process, InFd,
+ * and OutFd to -1, OutReady and InReady to \b false, and Debug
+ * from _config.
+ */
+ void Construct();
+ /** \brief Retrieve any available messages from the subprocess.
+ *
+ * The messages are retrieved as in \link strutl.h ReadMessages()\endlink, and
+ * #MethodFailure() is invoked if an error occurs; in particular,
+ * if the pipe to the subprocess dies unexpectedly while a message
+ * is being read.
+ *
+ * \return \b true if the messages were successfully read, \b
+ * false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool ReadMessages();
+ /** \brief Parse and dispatch pending messages.
+ *
+ * This dispatches the message in a manner appropriate for its
+ * type.
+ *
+ * \todo Several message types lack separate handlers.
+ *
+ * \sa Capabilities(), SendConfiguration(), MediaChange()
+ */
+ bool RunMessages();
+ /** \brief Read and dispatch any pending messages from the
+ * subprocess.
+ *
+ * \return \b false if the subprocess died unexpectedly while a
+ * message was being transmitted.
+ */
+ bool InFdReady();
+ /** \brief Send any pending commands to the subprocess.
+ *
+ * This method will fail if there is no pending output.
+ *
+ * \return \b true if all commands were succeeded, \b false if an
+ * error occurred (in which case MethodFailure() will be invoked).
+ */
+ bool OutFdReady();
+ /** \brief Handle a 100 Capabilities response from the subprocess.
+ *
+ * \param Message the raw text of the message from the subprocess.
+ *
+ * The message will be parsed and its contents used to fill
+ * #Config. If #Config is NULL, this routine is a NOP.
+ *
+ * \return \b true.
+ */
+ bool Capabilities(std::string Message);
+ /** \brief Send a 601 Configuration message (containing the APT
+ * configuration) to the subprocess.
+ *
+ * The APT configuration will be send to the subprocess in a
+ * message of the following form:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * 601 Configuration
+ * Config-Item: Fully-Qualified-Item=Val
+ * Config-Item: Fully-Qualified-Item=Val
+ * ...
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * \return \b true if the command was successfully sent, \b false
+ * otherwise.
+ */
+ bool SendConfiguration();
+ /** \brief Handle a 403 Media Change message.
+ *
+ * \param Message the raw text of the message; the Media field
+ * indicates what type of media should be changed, and the Drive
+ * field indicates where the media is located.
+ *
+ * Invokes pkgAcquireStatus::MediaChange(Media, Drive) to ask the
+ * user to swap disks; informs the subprocess of the result (via
+ * 603 Media Changed, with the Failed field set to \b true if the
+ * user cancelled the media change).
+ */
+ bool MediaChange(std::string Message);
+ /** \brief Invoked when the worked process dies unexpectedly.
+ *
+ * Waits for the subprocess to terminate and generates an error if
+ * it terminated abnormally, then closes and blanks out all file
+ * descriptors. Discards all pending messages from the
+ * subprocess.
+ *
+ * \return \b false.
+ */
+ bool MethodFailure();
+ /** \brief Invoked when a fetch job is completed, either
+ * successfully or unsuccessfully.
+ *
+ * Resets the status information for the worker process.
+ */
+ void ItemDone();